/* * Xibo - Digital Signage - http://www.xibo.org.uk * Copyright (C) 2014-17 Spring Signage Ltd * * This file is part of Xibo. * * Xibo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * Xibo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Xibo. If not, see
. */ /* Int: Current logging level */ var LOG_LEVEL; /* String: Client Version */ var VERSION = "1.8.3"; /* Int: Counter to ensure unique IDs */ var ID_COUNTER = 0; function dsInit(layoutid, options, layoutPreview) { LOG_LEVEL = 10; /* Hide the info and log divs */ $(".preview-log").css("display", "none"); $(".preview-info").css("display", "none"); $(".preview-end").css("display", "none"); /* Setup a keypress handler for local commands */ document.onkeypress = keyHandler; playLog(0, "info", "Xibo HTML Preview v" + VERSION + " Starting Up", true); var preload = { addedFiles: [], preloader: html5Preloader(), addFiles: function (url) { // Wrapped add files method, checking if the files were added already and save a list if(!this.addedFiles.includes(url)) { this.preloader.addFiles(url); this.addedFiles.push(url); } } }; new Layout(layoutid, options, preload, layoutPreview); } /* Generate a unique ID for region DIVs, media nodes etc */ function nextId() { if (ID_COUNTER > 500) { ID_COUNTER = 0; } ID_COUNTER = ID_COUNTER + 1; return ID_COUNTER; } /* OnScreen Log */ function playLog(logLevel, logClass, logMessage, logToScreen) { if (logLevel <= LOG_LEVEL) { var msg = timestamp() + " " + logClass.toUpperCase() + ": " + logMessage; if (logLevel > 0) { console.log(msg); } if (logToScreen) { //document.getElementById("log").innerHTML = msg; $('.preview-log').html(msg); } } } /* Timestamp Function for Logs */ function timestamp() { var str = ""; var currentTime = new Date(); var day = currentTime.getDate(); var month = currentTime.getMonth() + 1; var year = currentTime.getFullYear(); var hours = currentTime.getHours(); var minutes = currentTime.getMinutes(); var seconds = currentTime.getSeconds(); if (minutes < 10) { minutes = "0" + minutes } if (seconds < 10) { seconds = "0" + seconds } str += day + "/" + month + "/" + year + " "; str += hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds; return str; } /* Function to handle key presses */ function keyHandler(event) { var chCode = ('charCode' in event) ? event.charCode : event.keyCode; var letter = String.fromCharCode(chCode); if (letter == 'l') { var log = $(".preview-log"); if (log.css("display") == 'none') { log.css("display", "block"); } else { log.css("display", "none"); } } /*else if (letter == 'i') { if ($("#info_"+self.id).css("display") == 'none') { sw = $("#screen_"+self.id).width(); sh = $("#screen_"+self.id).height(); x = Math.round((sw - 500) / 2); y = Math.round((sh - 400) / 2); if (x > 0) { $("#info_"+self.id).css("left", x); } if (y > 0) { $("#info_"+self.id).css("top", y); } $("#info_"+self.id).css("display", "block"); } else { $("#info_"+self.id).css("display", "none"); } }*/ } function Layout(id, options, preload, layoutPreview) { /* Layout Object */ /* Parses a layout and when run runs it in containerName */ var self = this; self.id = id; self.parseXlf = function(data) { playLog(10, "debug", "Parsing Layout " + self.id, false); self.containerName = "L" + self.id + "-" + nextId(); // Set max z-index var self.regionMaxZIndex = 0; /* Create a hidden div to show the layout in */ var screen = $('#screen_' + self.id) ; screen.append('
'); if (layoutPreview === false){ screen.append('
'); } var layout = $("#" + self.containerName); layout.css("display", "none"); layout.css("outline", "red solid thin"); /* Calculate the screen size */ self.sw = screen.width(); self.sh = screen.height(); playLog(7, "debug", "Screen is (" + self.sw + "x" + self.sh + ") pixels"); /* Find the Layout node in the XLF */ self.layoutNode = data; /* Get Layout Size */ self.xw = $(self.layoutNode).filter(":first").attr('width'); self.xh = $(self.layoutNode).filter(":first").attr('height'); self.zIndex = $(self.layoutNode).filter(":first").attr('zindex'); playLog(7, "debug", "Layout is (" + self.xw + "x" + self.xh + ") pixels"); /* Calculate Scale Factor */ self.scaleFactor = Math.min((self.sw/self.xw), (self.sh/self.xh)); self.sWidth = Math.round(self.xw * self.scaleFactor); self.sHeight = Math.round(self.xh * self.scaleFactor); self.offsetX = Math.abs(self.sw - self.sWidth) / 2; self.offsetY = Math.abs(self.sh - self.sHeight) / 2; playLog(7, "debug", "Scale Factor is " + self.scaleFactor); playLog(7, "debug", "Render will be (" + self.sWidth + "x" + self.sHeight + ") pixels"); playLog(7, "debug", "Offset will be (" + self.offsetX + "," + self.offsetY + ") pixels"); /* Scale the Layout Container */ layout.css("width", self.sWidth + "px"); layout.css("height", self.sHeight + "px"); layout.css("position", "absolute"); layout.css("left", self.offsetX + "px"); layout.css("top", self.offsetY + "px"); if (self.zIndex != null) layout.css("z-index", self.zIndex); /* Set the layout background */ self.bgColour = $(self.layoutNode).filter(":first").attr('bgcolor'); self.bgImage = $(self.layoutNode).filter(":first").attr('background'); if (!(self.bgImage == "" || self.bgImage == undefined)) { /* Extract the image ID from the filename */ self.bgId = self.bgImage.substring(0, self.bgImage.indexOf('.')); var tmpUrl = options.layoutBackgroundDownloadUrl.replace(":id", self.id) + '?preview=1'; preload.addFiles(tmpUrl + "&width=" + self.sWidth + "&height=" + self.sHeight + "&dynamic&proportional=0"); layout.css("background", "url('" + tmpUrl + "&width=" + self.sWidth + "&height=" + self.sHeight + "&dynamic&proportional=0')"); layout.css("background-repeat", "no-repeat"); layout.css("background-size", self.sWidth + "px " + self.sHeight + "px"); layout.css("background-position", "0px 0px"); } // Set the background color layout.css("background-color", self.bgColour); $(self.layoutNode).find("region").each(function() { playLog(4, "debug", "Creating region " + $(this).attr('id'), false); self.regionObjects.push(new Region(self, $(this).attr('id'), this, options, preload)); }); playLog(4, "debug", "Layout " + self.id + " has " + self.regionObjects.length + " regions"); self.ready = true; preload.addFiles(options.loaderUrl); if (layoutPreview){ // previewing only one layout in the layout preview page preload.preloader.on('finish', self.run); } else { // previewing a set of layouts in the campaign preview page self.run(); } }; self.run = function() { playLog(4, "debug", "Running Layout ID " + self.id, false); if (self.ready) { $("#" + self.containerName).css("display", "block"); $("#splash_" + self.id).css("display", "none"); for (var i = 0; i < self.regionObjects.length; i++) { playLog(4, "debug", "Running region " + self.regionObjects[i].id, false); self.regionObjects[i].run(); } } else { playLog(4, "error", "Attempted to run Layout ID " + self.id + " before it was ready.", false); } }; self.end = function() { /* Ask the layout to gracefully stop running now */ for (var i = 0; i < self.regionObjects.length; i++) { self.regionObjects[i].end(); } }; self.destroy = function() { /* Forcibly remove the layout and destroy this object Layout Object may not be reused after this */ }; self.regionExpired = function() { /* One of the regions on the layout expired Check if all the regions have expired, and if they did end the layout */ playLog(5, "debug", "A region expired. Checking if all regions have expired.", false); self.allExpired = true; for (var i = 0; i < self.regionObjects.length; i++) { playLog(4, "debug", "Region " + self.regionObjects[i].id + ": " + self.regionObjects[i].complete, false); if (! self.regionObjects[i].complete) { self.allExpired = false; } } if (self.allExpired) { playLog(4, "debug", "All regions have expired", false); self.end(); } }; self.regionEnded = function() { /* One of the regions completed it's exit transition Check al the regions have completed exit transitions. If they did, bring on the next layout */ playLog(5, "debug", "A region ended. Checking if all regions have ended.", false); self.allEnded = true; for (var i = 0; i < self.regionObjects.length; i++) { playLog(4, "debug", "Region " + self.regionObjects[i].id + ": " + self.regionObjects[i].ended, false); if (! self.regionObjects[i].ended) { self.allEnded = false; } } if (self.allEnded) { playLog(4, "debug", "All regions have ended", false); self.stopAllMedia(); $("#end_" + self.id).css("display", "block"); //$("#" + self.containerName).remove(); } }; self.stopAllMedia = function() { playLog(3, "debug", "Stop all media!"); for(var i = 0;i < self.regionObjects.length;i++) { var region = self.regionObjects[i]; for(var j = 0;j < region.mediaObjects.length;j++) { var media = region.mediaObjects[j]; media.stop(); } } }; self.ready = false; self.id = id; self.regionObjects = []; self.allExpired = false; playLog(3, "debug", "Loading Layout " + self.id , true); $.ajax({ "type": "GET", "url": options.getXlfUrl, "success": self.parseXlf }); } function Region(parent, id, xml, options, preload) { var self = this; self.layout = parent; self.id = id; self.xml = xml; self.mediaObjects = []; self.currentMedia = -1; self.complete = false; self.containerName = "R-" + self.id + "-" + nextId(); self.ending = false; self.ended = false; self.oneMedia = false; self.oldMedia = undefined; self.curMedia = undefined; self.finished = function() { self.complete = true; self.layout.regionExpired() }; self.exitTransition = function() { /* TODO: Actually implement region exit transitions */ $("#" + self.containerName).css("display", "none"); self.exitTransitionComplete(); }; self.end = function() { self.ending = true; /* The Layout has finished running */ /* Do any region exit transition then clean up */ self.exitTransition(); }; self.exitTransitionComplete = function() { self.ended = true; self.layout.regionEnded(); }; self.transitionNodes = function(oldMedia, newMedia) { /* TODO: Actually support the transition */ if (oldMedia == newMedia) { return; } if (oldMedia) { oldMedia.stop(); } // If the region has finished, don't run/show media if(self.ended) { return; } newMedia.run(); $("#" + newMedia.containerName).css("display", "block"); }; self.nextMedia = function() { /* The current media has finished running */ /* Show the next item */ if (self.ended) { return; } if (self.curMedia) { playLog(8, "debug", "nextMedia -> Old: " + self.curMedia.id); self.oldMedia = self.curMedia; } else { self.oldMedia = undefined; } self.currentMedia = self.currentMedia + 1; if (self.currentMedia >= self.mediaObjects.length) { self.finished(); self.currentMedia = 0; } playLog(8, "debug", "nextMedia -> Next up is media " + (self.currentMedia + 1) + " of " + self.mediaObjects.length); self.curMedia = self.mediaObjects[self.currentMedia]; if (self.curMedia != undefined) playLog(8, "debug", "nextMedia -> New: " + self.curMedia.id); /* Do the transition */ self.transitionNodes(self.oldMedia, self.curMedia); }; self.run = function() { self.nextMedia(); }; self.sWidth = $(xml).attr("width") * self.layout.scaleFactor; self.sHeight = $(xml).attr("height") * self.layout.scaleFactor; self.offsetX = $(xml).attr("left") * self.layout.scaleFactor; self.offsetY = $(xml).attr("top") * self.layout.scaleFactor; self.zIndex = $(xml).attr("zindex"); $("#" + self.layout.containerName).append('
'); /* Scale the Layout Container */ $("#" + self.containerName).css("width", self.sWidth + "px"); $("#" + self.containerName).css("height", self.sHeight + "px"); $("#" + self.containerName).css("position", "absolute"); $("#" + self.containerName).css("left", self.offsetX + "px"); $("#" + self.containerName).css("top", self.offsetY + "px"); if (self.zIndex != null) { $("#" + self.containerName).css("z-index", self.zIndex); // Set new layout max z-index value if(parseInt(self.zIndex) > self.layout.regionMaxZIndex) { self.layout.regionMaxZIndex = parseInt(self.zIndex); } } playLog(4, "debug", "Created region " + self.id, false); playLog(7, "debug", "Render will be (" + self.sWidth + "x" + self.sHeight + ") pixels"); playLog(7, "debug", "Offset will be (" + self.offsetX + "," + self.offsetY + ") pixels"); $(self.xml).find("media").each(function() { playLog(5, "debug", "Creating media " + $(this).attr('id'), false); self.mediaObjects.push(new media(self, $(this).attr('id'), this, options, preload)); }); // If the regions does not have any media change its background to transparent red if ($(self.xml).find("media").length == 0) { $self = $("#" + self.containerName); messageSize = (self.sWidth > self.sHeight ) ? self.sHeight : self.sWidth; $self.css("background-color", 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.25)'); $self.append('
'); $message = $("#empty_" + self.containerName); $message.append('
'); $message.append('
' + emptyRegionMessage + '
'); } playLog(4, "debug", "Region " + self.id + " has " + self.mediaObjects.length + " media items"); } function media(parent, id, xml, options, preload) { var self = this; self.region = parent; self.xml = xml; self.id = id; self.containerName = "M-" + self.id + "-" + nextId(); self.iframeName = self.containerName + "-iframe"; self.mediaType = $(self.xml).attr('type'); self.render = $(self.xml).attr('render'); self.attachedAudio = false; if (self.render == undefined) self.render = "module"; self.run = function() { if(self.iframe != undefined) { $("#" + self.containerName).empty().append(self.iframe); } playLog(5, "debug", "Running media " + self.id + " for " + self.duration + " seconds"); if (self.mediaType == "video") { $("#" + self.containerName + "-vid").get(0).play(); } if(self.mediaType == "audio") { $("#" + self.containerName + "-aud").get(0).play(); } if(self.attachedAudio) { $("#" + self.containerName + "-attached-aud").get(0).play(); } if (self.duration == 0) { if (self.mediaType == "video") { $("#" + self.containerName + "-vid").bind('ended', self.region.nextMedia); $("#" + self.containerName + "-vid").bind('error', self.region.nextMedia); $("#" + self.containerName + "-vid").bind('click', self.region.nextMedia); } else if(self.mediaType == "audio") { $("#" + self.containerName + "-aud").bind('ended', self.region.nextMedia); $("#" + self.containerName + "-aud").bind('error', self.region.nextMedia); $("#" + self.containerName + "-aud").bind('click', self.region.nextMedia); } else { self.duration = 3; setTimeout(self.region.nextMedia, self.duration * 1000); } } else { setTimeout(self.region.nextMedia, self.duration * 1000); } }; self.stop = function() { playLog(5, "debug", "Stop media " + self.id); // Hide container $("#" + self.containerName).css("display", "none"); // Stop video if(self.mediaType == "video") { $("#" + self.containerName + "-vid").get(0).pause(); $("#" + self.containerName + "-vid").get(0).currentTime = 0; } // Stop audio if(self.mediaType == "audio") { $("#" + self.containerName + "-aud").get(0).pause(); $("#" + self.containerName + "-aud").get(0).currentTime = 0; } // Stop attached audio if(self.attachedAudio) { $("#" + self.containerName + "-attached-aud").get(0).pause(); $("#" + self.containerName + "-attached-aud").get(0).currentTime = 0; } }; /* Build Media Options */ self.duration = $(self.xml).attr('duration'); self.lkid = $(self.xml).attr('lkid'); self.options = []; $(self.xml).find('options').children().each(function() { playLog(9, "debug", "Option " + this.nodeName.toLowerCase() + " -> " + $(this).text(), false); self.options[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()] = $(this).text(); }); // Show in fullscreen? if(self.options.showfullscreen === "1") { // Set dimensions as the layout ones self.divWidth = self.region.layout.sWidth; self.divHeight = self.region.layout.sHeight; } else { // Set dimensions as the region ones self.divWidth = self.region.sWidth; self.divHeight = self.region.sHeight; } $("#" + self.region.containerName).append('
'); /* Scale the Content Container */ var media = $("#" + self.containerName); media.css("display", "none"); media.css("width", self.divWidth + "px"); media.css("height", self.divHeight + "px"); media.css("position", "absolute"); media.css("background-size", "contain"); media.css("background-repeat", "no-repeat"); media.css("background-position", "center"); // If fullscreen, set position offset to origin ( negative of the region offset ) and set z-index over other elements if(self.options.showfullscreen === "1") { media.css("left", -self.region.offsetX + "px"); media.css("top", -self.region.offsetY + "px"); media.css("z-index", self.region.layout.regionMaxZIndex + 1); } var tmpUrl = options.getResourceUrl.replace(":regionId", self.region.id).replace(":id", self.id) + '?preview=true&raw=true&scale_override=' + self.region.layout.scaleFactor; if (self.render == "html" || self.mediaType == "ticker") { self.iframe = $('
'); /* Check if the ticker duration is based on the number of items in the feed */ if(self.options['durationisperitem'] == '1' || self.options['durationisperpage'] == '1') { var regex = new RegExp(""); jQuery.ajax({ url: tmpUrl + '&width=' + self.divWidth + '&height=' + self.divHeight, success: function(html) { var res = regex.exec(html); if (res != null) { /* The ticker is duration per item, so multiply the duration by the number of items from the feed */ self.duration = parseInt(self.duration) * parseInt(res[1]); } }, async:false }); } } else if (self.mediaType == "image") { preload.addFiles(tmpUrl); media.css("background-image", "url('" + tmpUrl + "')"); if (self.options['scaletype'] == 'stretch') media.css("background-size", "cover"); else { // Center scale type, do we have align or valign? var align = (self.options['align'] == "") ? "center" : self.options['align']; var valign = (self.options['valign'] == "" || self.options['valign'] == "middle") ? "center" : self.options['valign']; media.css("background-position", align + " " + valign); } } else if (self.mediaType == "text" || self.mediaType == "datasetview" || self.mediaType == "webpage" || self.mediaType == "embedded") { self.iframe = $('
'); } else if (self.mediaType == "video") { preload.addFiles(tmpUrl); self.iframe = $('
Unsupported Video
'); // Stretch video? if(self.options['scaletype'] == 'stretch') { self.iframe.css("object-fit", "fill"); } } else if(self.mediaType == "audio") { preload.addFiles(tmpUrl); media.append('
Unsupported Audio
'); } else if (self.mediaType == "flash") { var embedCode = '
'; embedCode = embedCode + '
'; preload.addFiles(tmpUrl); self.iframe = $(embedCode); } else { media.css("outline", "red solid thin"); } // Attached audio if($(self.xml).find('audio').length > 0) { var $audioObj = $(self.xml).find('audio'); var $audioUri = $audioObj.find('uri'); var mediaId = $audioUri.attr('mediaid'); // Get media url and preload var tmpUrl2 = options.libraryDownloadUrl.replace(":id", mediaId); //preload.getFile(tmpUrl2); if(preload.preloader.filesLoadedMap[tmpUrl2] != undefined) { preload.addFiles(tmpUrl2); } // Set volume if defined if($audioUri.attr('volume') != undefined) { var volume = $audioUri.attr('volume') / 100; $audioObj.get(0).volume = volume; } // Loop $audioObj.prop('loop', $audioUri.get(0).getAttribute('loop') == "1"); $audioObj.attr('id', self.containerName + '-attached-aud'); //$audioUri.remove(); $audioObj.append('
Unsupported Audio'); media.append($audioObj); self.attachedAudio = true; } playLog(5, "debug", "Created media " + self.id) }