. */ namespace Xibo\Xmds; define('BLACKLIST_ALL', "All"); define('BLACKLIST_SINGLE', "Single"); use Jenssegers\Date\Date; use Slim\Log; use Stash\Interfaces\PoolInterface; use Stash\Invalidation; use Xibo\Entity\Bandwidth; use Xibo\Entity\Display; use Xibo\Entity\Schedule; use Xibo\Entity\Stat; use Xibo\Entity\Widget; use Xibo\Exception\ControllerNotImplemented; use Xibo\Exception\DeadlockException; use Xibo\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Exception\NotFoundException; use Xibo\Exception\XiboException; use Xibo\Factory\BandwidthFactory; use Xibo\Factory\DataSetFactory; use Xibo\Factory\DayPartFactory; use Xibo\Factory\DisplayEventFactory; use Xibo\Factory\DisplayFactory; use Xibo\Factory\LayoutFactory; use Xibo\Factory\MediaFactory; use Xibo\Factory\ModuleFactory; use Xibo\Factory\NotificationFactory; use Xibo\Factory\PlayerVersionFactory; use Xibo\Factory\RegionFactory; use Xibo\Factory\RequiredFileFactory; use Xibo\Factory\ScheduleFactory; use Xibo\Factory\UserFactory; use Xibo\Factory\UserGroupFactory; use Xibo\Factory\WidgetFactory; use Xibo\Helper\ByteFormatter; use Xibo\Helper\Environment; use Xibo\Helper\Random; use Xibo\Service\ConfigServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\DateServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\LogServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\SanitizerServiceInterface; use Xibo\Storage\StorageServiceInterface; use Xibo\Storage\TimeSeriesStoreInterface; use Xibo\Widget\ModuleWidget; /** * Class Soap * @package Xibo\Xmds */ class Soap { /** * @var Display */ protected $display; /** @var Date */ protected $fromFilter; /** @var Date */ protected $toFilter; /** @var Date */ protected $localFromFilter; /** @var Date */ protected $localToFilter; /** * @var LogProcessor */ protected $logProcessor; /** @var PoolInterface */ private $pool; /** @var StorageServiceInterface */ private $store; /** @var TimeSeriesStoreInterface */ private $timeSeriesStore; /** @var LogServiceInterface */ private $logService; /** @var DateServiceInterface */ private $dateService; /** @var SanitizerServiceInterface */ private $sanitizerService; /** @var ConfigServiceInterface */ private $configService; /** @var RequiredFileFactory */ protected $requiredFileFactory; /** @var ModuleFactory */ protected $moduleFactory; /** @var LayoutFactory */ protected $layoutFactory; /** @var DataSetFactory */ protected $dataSetFactory; /** @var DisplayFactory */ protected $displayFactory; /** @var UserGroupFactory */ protected $userGroupFactory; /** @var BandwidthFactory */ protected $bandwidthFactory; /** @var MediaFactory */ protected $mediaFactory; /** @var WidgetFactory */ protected $widgetFactory; /** @var RegionFactory */ protected $regionFactory; /** @var NotificationFactory */ protected $notificationFactory; /** @var DisplayEventFactory */ protected $displayEventFactory; /** @var ScheduleFactory */ protected $scheduleFactory; /** @var DayPartFactory */ protected $dayPartFactory; /** @var PlayerVersionFactory */ protected $playerVersionFactory; /** * Soap constructor. * @param LogProcessor $logProcessor * @param PoolInterface $pool * @param StorageServiceInterface $store * @param TimeSeriesStoreInterface $timeSeriesStore * @param LogServiceInterface $log * @param DateServiceInterface $date * @param SanitizerServiceInterface $sanitizer * @param ConfigServiceInterface $config * @param RequiredFileFactory $requiredFileFactory * @param ModuleFactory $moduleFactory * @param LayoutFactory $layoutFactory * @param DataSetFactory $dataSetFactory * @param DisplayFactory $displayFactory * @param UserFactory $userGroupFactory * @param BandwidthFactory $bandwidthFactory * @param MediaFactory $mediaFactory * @param WidgetFactory $widgetFactory * @param RegionFactory $regionFactory * @param NotificationFactory $notificationFactory * @param DisplayEventFactory $displayEventFactory * @param ScheduleFactory $scheduleFactory * @param DayPartFactory $dayPartFactory * @param PlayerVersionFactory $playerVersionFactory */ public function __construct($logProcessor, $pool, $store, $timeSeriesStore, $log, $date, $sanitizer, $config, $requiredFileFactory, $moduleFactory, $layoutFactory, $dataSetFactory, $displayFactory, $userGroupFactory, $bandwidthFactory, $mediaFactory, $widgetFactory, $regionFactory, $notificationFactory, $displayEventFactory, $scheduleFactory, $dayPartFactory, $playerVersionFactory) { $this->logProcessor = $logProcessor; $this->pool = $pool; $this->store = $store; $this->timeSeriesStore = $timeSeriesStore; $this->logService = $log; $this->dateService = $date; $this->sanitizerService = $sanitizer; $this->configService = $config; $this->requiredFileFactory = $requiredFileFactory; $this->moduleFactory = $moduleFactory; $this->layoutFactory = $layoutFactory; $this->dataSetFactory = $dataSetFactory; $this->displayFactory = $displayFactory; $this->userGroupFactory = $userGroupFactory; $this->bandwidthFactory = $bandwidthFactory; $this->mediaFactory = $mediaFactory; $this->widgetFactory = $widgetFactory; $this->regionFactory = $regionFactory; $this->notificationFactory = $notificationFactory; $this->displayEventFactory = $displayEventFactory; $this->scheduleFactory = $scheduleFactory; $this->dayPartFactory = $dayPartFactory; $this->playerVersionFactory = $playerVersionFactory; } /** * Get Cache Pool * @return \Stash\Interfaces\PoolInterface */ protected function getPool() { return $this->pool; } /** * Get Store * @return StorageServiceInterface */ protected function getStore() { return $this->store; } /** * Get Time Series Store * @return TimeSeriesStoreInterface */ protected function getTimeSeriesStore() { return $this->timeSeriesStore; } /** * Get Log * @return LogServiceInterface */ protected function getLog() { return $this->logService; } /** * Get Date * @return DateServiceInterface */ protected function getDate() { return $this->dateService; } /** * Get Sanitizer * @return SanitizerServiceInterface */ protected function getSanitizer() { return $this->sanitizerService; } /** * Get Config * @return ConfigServiceInterface */ protected function getConfig() { return $this->configService; } /** * Get Required Files (common) * @param $serverKey * @param $hardwareKey * @param bool $httpDownloads * @return string * @throws \SoapFault */ protected function doRequiredFiles($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $httpDownloads) { $this->logProcessor->setRoute('RequiredFiles'); // Sanitize $serverKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($serverKey); $hardwareKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($hardwareKey); // Check the serverKey matches if ($serverKey != $this->getConfig()->getSetting('SERVER_KEY')) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address'); } $libraryLocation = $this->getConfig()->getSetting("LIBRARY_LOCATION"); // auth this request... if (!$this->authDisplay($hardwareKey)) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'This Display is not authorised.'); } // Now that we authenticated the Display, make sure we are sticking to our bandwidth limit if (!$this->checkBandwidth($this->display->displayId)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "Bandwidth Limit exceeded"); } // Check the cache $cache = $this->getPool()->getItem($this->display->getCacheKey() . '/requiredFiles'); $cache->setInvalidationMethod(Invalidation::OLD); $output = $cache->get(); // Required Files caching operates in lockstep with nonce caching // - required files are cached for 4 hours // - nonces have an expiry of 1 day // - nonces are marked "used" when they get used // - nonce use/expiry is not checked for XMDS served files (getfile, getresource) // - nonce use/expiry is checked for HTTP served files (media, layouts) // - Each time a nonce is used through HTTP, the required files cache is invalidated so that new nonces // are generated for the next request. if ($cache->isHit()) { $this->getLog()->info('Returning required files from Cache for display ' . $this->display->display); // Log Bandwidth $this->logBandwidth($this->display->displayId, Bandwidth::$RF, strlen($output)); return $output; } // We need to regenerate // Lock the cache $cache->lock(120); // Generate a new nonce for this player and store it in the cache. $playerNonce = Random::generateString(32); $playerNonceCache = $this->pool->getItem('/display/nonce/' . $this->display->displayId); $playerNonceCache->set($playerNonce); $playerNonceCache->expiresAfter(86400); $this->pool->saveDeferred($playerNonceCache); // Get all required files for this display. // we will use this to drop items from the requirefile table if they are no longer in required files $rfIds = array_map(function ($element) { return intval($element['rfId']); }, $this->getStore()->select('SELECT rfId FROM `requiredfile` WHERE displayId = :displayId', ['displayId' => $this->display->displayId])); $newRfIds = []; // Build a new RF $requiredFilesXml = new \DOMDocument("1.0"); $fileElements = $requiredFilesXml->createElement("files"); $requiredFilesXml->appendChild($fileElements); // Filter criteria $this->setDateFilters(); // Add the filter dates to the RF xml document $fileElements->setAttribute('generated', $this->getDate()->getLocalDate()); $fileElements->setAttribute('fitlerFrom', $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($this->fromFilter)); $fileElements->setAttribute('fitlerTo', $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($this->toFilter)); // Get a list of all layout ids in the schedule right now // including any layouts that have been associated to our Display Group try { $dbh = $this->getStore()->getConnection(); $SQL = ' SELECT DISTINCT `lklayoutdisplaygroup`.layoutId FROM `lklayoutdisplaygroup` INNER JOIN `lkdgdg` ON `lkdgdg`.parentId = `lklayoutdisplaygroup`.displayGroupId INNER JOIN `lkdisplaydg` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayGroupID = `lkdgdg`.childId INNER JOIN `layout` ON `layout`.layoutID = `lklayoutdisplaygroup`.layoutId WHERE lkdisplaydg.DisplayID = :displayId ORDER BY layoutId '; $params = array( 'displayId' => $this->display->displayId ); if ($this->display->isAuditing()) $this->getLog()->sql($SQL, $params); $sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL); $sth->execute($params); // Our layout list will always include the default layout $layouts = array(); $layouts[] = $this->display->defaultLayoutId; // Build up the other layouts into an array foreach ($sth->fetchAll() as $row) { $layouts[] = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['layoutId']); } // Also look at the schedule foreach ($this->scheduleFactory->getForXmds($this->display->displayId, $this->fromFilter, $this->toFilter) as $row) { $schedule = $this->scheduleFactory->createEmpty()->hydrate($row); // Is this scheduled event a synchronised timezone? // if it is, then we get our events with respect to the timezone of the display $isSyncTimezone = ($schedule->syncTimezone == 1 && !empty($this->display->timeZone)); try { if ($isSyncTimezone) { $scheduleEvents = $schedule->getEvents($this->localFromFilter, $this->localToFilter); } else { $scheduleEvents = $schedule->getEvents($this->fromFilter, $this->toFilter); } } catch (XiboException $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Unable to getEvents for ' . $schedule->eventId); continue; } if (count($scheduleEvents) <= 0) continue; $this->getLog()->debug(count($scheduleEvents) . ' events for eventId ' . $schedule->eventId); $layoutId = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['layoutId']); if ($layoutId != null && ($schedule->eventTypeId == Schedule::$LAYOUT_EVENT || $schedule->eventTypeId == Schedule::$OVERLAY_EVENT || $schedule->eventTypeId == Schedule::$INTERRUPT_EVENT || $schedule->eventTypeId == Schedule::$CAMPAIGN_EVENT)) { $layouts[] = $layoutId; } } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Unable to get a list of layouts. ' . $e->getMessage()); return new \SoapFault('Sender', 'Unable to get a list of layouts'); } // Create a comma separated list to pass into the query which gets file nodes $layoutIdList = implode(',', $layouts); $playerVersionMediaId = $this->display->getSetting('versionMediaId', null, ['displayOverride' => true]); if ($this->display->clientType == 'sssp') { $playerVersionMediaId = null; } try { $dbh = $this->getStore()->getConnection(); // Run a query to get all required files for this display. // Include the following: // DownloadOrder: // 1 - Module System Files and fonts // 2 - Media Linked to Displays // 3 - Media Linked to Widgets in the Scheduled Layouts (linked through Playlists) // 4 - Background Images for all Scheduled Layouts // 5 - Media linked to display profile (linked through PlayerSoftware) $SQL = " SELECT 1 AS DownloadOrder, storedAs AS path, media.mediaID AS id, media.`MD5`, media.FileSize, media.released FROM `media` WHERE media.type = 'font' OR (media.type = 'module' AND media.moduleSystemFile = 1) UNION ALL SELECT 2 AS DownloadOrder, storedAs AS path, media.mediaID AS id, media.`MD5`, media.FileSize, media.released FROM `media` INNER JOIN `lkmediadisplaygroup` ON lkmediadisplaygroup.mediaid = media.MediaID INNER JOIN `lkdgdg` ON `lkdgdg`.parentId = `lkmediadisplaygroup`.displayGroupId INNER JOIN `lkdisplaydg` ON lkdisplaydg.DisplayGroupID = `lkdgdg`.childId WHERE lkdisplaydg.DisplayID = :displayId UNION ALL SELECT 3 AS DownloadOrder, storedAs AS path, media.mediaID AS id, media.`MD5`, media.FileSize, media.released FROM region INNER JOIN playlist ON playlist.regionId = region.regionId INNER JOIN lkplaylistplaylist ON lkplaylistplaylist.parentId = playlist.playlistId INNER JOIN widget ON widget.playlistId = lkplaylistplaylist.childId INNER JOIN lkwidgetmedia ON widget.widgetId = lkwidgetmedia.widgetId INNER JOIN media ON media.mediaId = lkwidgetmedia.mediaId WHERE region.layoutId IN (%s) UNION ALL SELECT 4 AS DownloadOrder, storedAs AS path, media.mediaId AS id, media.`MD5`, media.FileSize, media.released FROM `media` WHERE `media`.mediaID IN ( SELECT backgroundImageId FROM `layout` WHERE layoutId IN (%s) ) "; $params = ['displayId' => $this->display->displayId]; if ($playerVersionMediaId != null) { $SQL .= " UNION ALL SELECT 5 AS DownloadOrder, storedAs AS path, media.mediaId AS id, media.`MD5`, media.fileSize, media.released FROM `media` WHERE `media`.type = 'playersoftware' AND `media`.mediaId = :playerVersionMediaId "; $params['playerVersionMediaId'] = $playerVersionMediaId; } $SQL .= " ORDER BY DownloadOrder "; // Sub layoutId list $SQL = sprintf($SQL, $layoutIdList, $layoutIdList); if ($this->display->isAuditing()) { $this->getLog()->sql($SQL, $params); } $sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL); $sth->execute($params); // Prepare a SQL statement in case we need to update the MD5 and FileSize on media nodes. $mediaSth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE media SET `MD5` = :md5, FileSize = :size WHERE MediaID = :mediaid'); // Keep a list of path names added to RF to prevent duplicates $pathsAdded = array(); foreach ($sth->fetchAll() as $row) { // Media $path = $this->getSanitizer()->string($row['path']); $id = $this->getSanitizer()->string($row['id']); $md5 = $row['MD5']; $fileSize = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['FileSize']); $released = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['released']); // Check we haven't added this before if (in_array($path, $pathsAdded)) continue; // Do we need to calculate a new MD5? // If they are empty calculate them and save them back to the media. if ($md5 == '' || $fileSize == 0) { $md5 = md5_file($libraryLocation . $path); $fileSize = filesize($libraryLocation . $path); // Update the media record with this information $mediaSth->execute(array('md5' => $md5, 'size' => $fileSize, 'mediaid' => $id)); } // Add nonce $mediaNonce = $this->requiredFileFactory->createForMedia($this->display->displayId, $id, $fileSize, $path, $released)->save(); // skip media which has released == 0 or 2 if ($released == 0 || $released == 2) { continue; } $newRfIds[] = $mediaNonce->rfId; // Add the file node $file = $requiredFilesXml->createElement("file"); $file->setAttribute("type", 'media'); $file->setAttribute("id", $id); $file->setAttribute("size", $fileSize); $file->setAttribute("md5", $md5); if ($httpDownloads) { // Serve a link instead (standard HTTP link) $file->setAttribute("path", $this->generateRequiredFileDownloadPath('M', $id, $playerNonce)); $file->setAttribute("saveAs", $path); $file->setAttribute("download", 'http'); } else { $file->setAttribute("download", 'xmds'); $file->setAttribute("path", $path); } $fileElements->appendChild($file); // Add to paths added $pathsAdded[] = $path; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Unable to get a list of required files. ' . $e->getMessage()); $this->getLog()->debug($e->getTraceAsString()); return new \SoapFault('Sender', 'Unable to get a list of files'); } // Get an array of modules to use $modules = $this->moduleFactory->get(); // Reset the paths added array to start again with layouts $pathsAdded = []; // Go through each layout and see if we need to supply any resource nodes. foreach ($layouts as $layoutId) { try { // Check we haven't added this before if (in_array($layoutId, $pathsAdded)) continue; // Load this layout $layout = $this->layoutFactory->loadById($layoutId); $layout->loadPlaylists(); // Make sure its XLF is up to date $path = $layout->xlfToDisk(['notify' => false]); // If the status is *still* 4, then we skip this layout as it cannot build if ($layout->status === ModuleWidget::$STATUS_INVALID) { $this->getLog()->debug('Skipping layoutId ' . $layout->layoutId . ' which wont build'); continue; } // For layouts the MD5 column is the layout xml $fileSize = filesize($path); $md5 = md5_file($path); $fileName = basename($path); // Log if ($this->display->isAuditing()) $this->getLog()->debug('MD5 for layoutid ' . $layoutId . ' is: [' . $md5 . ']'); // Add nonce $layoutNonce = $this->requiredFileFactory->createForLayout($this->display->displayId, $layoutId, $fileSize, $fileName)->save(); $newRfIds[] = $layoutNonce->rfId; // Add the Layout file element $file = $requiredFilesXml->createElement("file"); $file->setAttribute("type", 'layout'); $file->setAttribute("id", $layoutId); $file->setAttribute("size", $fileSize); $file->setAttribute("md5", $md5); // Permissive check for http layouts - always allow unless windows and <= 120 $supportsHttpLayouts = !($this->display->clientType == 'windows' && $this->display->clientCode <= 120); if ($httpDownloads && $supportsHttpLayouts) { // Serve a link instead (standard HTTP link) $file->setAttribute("path", $this->generateRequiredFileDownloadPath('L', $layoutId, $playerNonce)); $file->setAttribute("saveAs", $fileName); $file->setAttribute("download", 'http'); } else { $file->setAttribute("download", 'xmds'); $file->setAttribute("path", $layoutId); } // Get the Layout Modified Date $layoutModifiedDt = $this->getDate()->parse($layout->modifiedDt, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Load the layout XML and work out if we have any ticker / text / dataset media items // Append layout resources before layout so they are downloaded first. // If layouts are set to expire immediately, the new layout will use the old resources if // the layout is downloaded first. foreach ($layout->regions as $region) { $playlist = $region->getPlaylist(); $playlist->setModuleFactory($this->moduleFactory); // Playlists might mean we include a widget more than once per region // if so, we only want to download a single copy of its resource node // if it is included in 2 regions - we most likely want a copy for each $resourcesAdded = []; foreach ($playlist->expandWidgets() as $widget) { /* @var Widget $widget */ if ($widget->type == 'ticker' || $widget->type == 'text' || $widget->type == 'datasetview' || $widget->type == 'webpage' || $widget->type == 'embedded' || $modules[$widget->type]->renderAs == 'html' ) { // If we've already parsed this widget in this region, then don't bother doing it again // we will only generate the same details. if (in_array($widget->widgetId, $resourcesAdded)) { continue; } // We've added this widget already $resourcesAdded[] = $widget->widgetId; // Add nonce $getResourceRf = $this->requiredFileFactory->createForGetResource($this->display->displayId, $widget->widgetId)->save(); $newRfIds[] = $getResourceRf->rfId; // Make me a module from the widget, so I can ask it whether it has an updated last accessed // date or not. $module = $this->moduleFactory->createWithWidget($widget); // Get the widget modified date // we will use the later of this vs the layout modified date as the updated attribute on // required files $widgetModifiedDt = $module->getModifiedDate($this->display->displayId); $cachedDt = $module->getCacheDate($this->display->displayId); // Updated date is the greater of layout/widget modified date $updatedDt = ($layoutModifiedDt->greaterThan($widgetModifiedDt)) ? $layoutModifiedDt : $widgetModifiedDt; // Finally compare against the cached date, and see if that has updated us at all $updatedDt = ($updatedDt->greaterThan($cachedDt)) ? $updatedDt : $cachedDt; // Append this item to required files $resourceFile = $requiredFilesXml->createElement("file"); $resourceFile->setAttribute('type', 'resource'); $resourceFile->setAttribute('id', $widget->widgetId); $resourceFile->setAttribute('layoutid', $layoutId); $resourceFile->setAttribute('regionid', $region->regionId); $resourceFile->setAttribute('mediaid', $widget->widgetId); $resourceFile->setAttribute('updated', $updatedDt->format('U')); $fileElements->appendChild($resourceFile); } } } // Append Layout $fileElements->appendChild($file); // Add to paths added $pathsAdded[] = $layoutId; } catch (XiboException $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Layout not found - ID: ' . $layoutId . ', skipping.'); continue; } } // Add a blacklist node $blackList = $requiredFilesXml->createElement("file"); $blackList->setAttribute("type", "blacklist"); $fileElements->appendChild($blackList); try { $dbh = $this->getStore()->getConnection(); $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT MediaID FROM blacklist WHERE DisplayID = :displayid AND isIgnored = 0'); $sth->execute(array( 'displayid' => $this->display->displayId )); // Add a black list element for each file foreach ($sth->fetchAll() as $row) { $file = $requiredFilesXml->createElement("file"); $file->setAttribute("id", $row['MediaID']); $blackList->appendChild($file); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Unable to get a list of blacklisted files. ' . $e->getMessage()); return new \SoapFault('Sender', 'Unable to get a list of blacklisted files'); } if ($this->display->isAuditing()) { $this->getLog()->debug($requiredFilesXml->saveXML()); } // Return the results of requiredFiles() $requiredFilesXml->formatOutput = true; $output = $requiredFilesXml->saveXML(); // Cache $cache->set($output); // RF cache expires every 4 hours $cache->expiresAfter(3600*4); $this->getPool()->saveDeferred($cache); // Remove any required files that remain in the array of rfIds $rfIds = array_values(array_diff($rfIds, $newRfIds)); if (count($rfIds) > 0) { $this->getLog()->debug('Removing ' . count($rfIds) . ' from requiredfiles'); try { $this->getStore()->updateWithDeadlockLoop('DELETE FROM `requiredfile` WHERE rfId IN (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($rfIds), '?')) . ')', $rfIds); } catch (DeadlockException $deadlockException) { $this->getLog()->error('Deadlock when deleting required files - ignoring and continuing with request'); } } // Set any remaining required files to have 0 bytes requested (as we've generated a new nonce) $this->getStore()->update('UPDATE `requiredfile` SET bytesRequested = 0 WHERE displayId = :displayId', [ 'displayId' => $this->display->displayId ]); // Phone Home? $this->phoneHome(); // Log Bandwidth $this->logBandwidth($this->display->displayId, Bandwidth::$RF, strlen($output)); return $output; } /** * @param $serverKey * @param $hardwareKey * @param array $options * @return mixed * @throws \SoapFault */ protected function doSchedule($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $options = []) { $this->logProcessor->setRoute('Schedule'); $options = array_merge(['dependentsAsNodes' => false, 'includeOverlays' => false], $options); // Sanitize $serverKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($serverKey); $hardwareKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($hardwareKey); // Check the serverKey matches if ($serverKey != $this->getConfig()->getSetting('SERVER_KEY')) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address'); } // auth this request... if (!$this->authDisplay($hardwareKey)) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', "This Display is not authorised."); } // Now that we authenticated the Display, make sure we are sticking to our bandwidth limit if (!$this->checkBandwidth($this->display->displayId)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "Bandwidth Limit exceeded"); } // Check the cache $cache = $this->getPool()->getItem($this->display->getCacheKey() . '/schedule'); $cache->setInvalidationMethod(Invalidation::OLD); $output = $cache->get(); if ($cache->isHit()) { $this->getLog()->info('Returning Schedule from Cache for display %s. Options %s.', $this->display->display, json_encode($options)); // Log Bandwidth $this->logBandwidth($this->display->displayId, Bandwidth::$SCHEDULE, strlen($output)); return $output; } // We need to regenerate // Lock the cache $cache->lock(120); // Generate the Schedule XML $scheduleXml = new \DOMDocument("1.0"); $layoutElements = $scheduleXml->createElement("schedule"); $scheduleXml->appendChild($layoutElements); // Filter criteria $this->setDateFilters(); // Add the filter dates to the RF xml document $layoutElements->setAttribute('generated', $this->getDate()->getLocalDate()); $layoutElements->setAttribute('filterFrom', $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($this->fromFilter)); $layoutElements->setAttribute('filterTo', $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($this->toFilter)); try { $dbh = $this->getStore()->getConnection(); // Get all the module dependants $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT StoredAs FROM `media` WHERE media.type = 'font' OR (media.type = 'module' AND media.moduleSystemFile = 1) "); $sth->execute(array()); $rows = $sth->fetchAll(); $moduleDependents = array(); foreach ($rows as $dependent) { $moduleDependents[] = $dependent['StoredAs']; } // Add file nodes to the $fileElements // Firstly get all the scheduled layouts $events = $this->scheduleFactory->getForXmds($this->display->displayId, $this->fromFilter, $this->toFilter, $options); // If our dependents are nodes, then build a list of layouts we can use to query for nodes $layoutDependents = []; // Layouts (pop in the default) $layoutIds = [$this->display->defaultLayoutId]; // Calculate a sync key $syncKey = []; // Preparse events foreach ($events as $event) { if ($event['layoutId'] != null && !in_array($event['layoutId'], $layoutIds)) { $layoutIds[] = $event['layoutId']; } // Are we a sync event? if (intval($event['syncEvent']) == 1) { $syncKey[] = $event['eventId']; } } $syncKey = (count($syncKey) > 0) ? implode('-', $syncKey) : ''; $SQL = ' SELECT DISTINCT `region`.layoutId, `media`.storedAs FROM region INNER JOIN playlist ON playlist.regionId = region.regionId INNER JOIN lkplaylistplaylist ON lkplaylistplaylist.parentId = playlist.playlistId INNER JOIN widget ON widget.playlistId = lkplaylistplaylist.childId INNER JOIN lkwidgetmedia ON widget.widgetId = lkwidgetmedia.widgetId INNER JOIN media ON media.mediaId = lkwidgetmedia.mediaId WHERE region.layoutId IN (' . implode(',', $layoutIds) . ') AND media.type <> \'module\' '; foreach ($this->getStore()->select($SQL, []) as $row) { if (!array_key_exists($row['layoutId'], $layoutDependents)) $layoutDependents[$row['layoutId']] = []; $layoutDependents[$row['layoutId']][] = $row['storedAs']; } $this->getLog()->debug('Resolved dependents for Schedule: %s.', json_encode($layoutDependents, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); $overlayNodes = null; // We must have some results in here by this point foreach ($events as $row) { $schedule = $this->scheduleFactory->createEmpty()->hydrate($row); // Is this scheduled event a synchronised timezone? // if it is, then we get our events with respect to the timezone of the display $isSyncTimezone = ($schedule->syncTimezone == 1 && !empty($this->display->timeZone)); try { if ($isSyncTimezone) { $scheduleEvents = $schedule->getEvents($this->localFromFilter, $this->localToFilter); } else { $scheduleEvents = $schedule->getEvents($this->fromFilter, $this->toFilter); } } catch (XiboException $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Unable to getEvents for ' . $schedule->eventId); continue; } $this->getLog()->debug(count($scheduleEvents) . ' events for eventId ' . $schedule->eventId); foreach ($scheduleEvents as $scheduleEvent) { $eventTypeId = $row['eventTypeId']; $layoutId = $row['layoutId']; $commandCode = $row['code']; // Handle the from/to date of the events we have been returned (they are all returned with respect to // the current CMS timezone) // Does the Display have a timezone? if ($isSyncTimezone) { $fromDt = $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($scheduleEvent->fromDt, null, $this->display->timeZone); $toDt = $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($scheduleEvent->toDt, null, $this->display->timeZone); } else { $fromDt = $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($scheduleEvent->fromDt); $toDt = $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($scheduleEvent->toDt); } $scheduleId = $row['eventId']; $is_priority = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['isPriority']); if ($eventTypeId == Schedule::$LAYOUT_EVENT || $eventTypeId == Schedule::$INTERRUPT_EVENT || $eventTypeId == Schedule::$CAMPAIGN_EVENT) { // Ensure we have a layoutId (we may not if an empty campaign is assigned) // https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo/issues/894 if ($layoutId == 0 || empty($layoutId)) { $this->getLog()->info('Player has empty event scheduled. Display = %s, EventId = %d', $this->display->display, $scheduleId); continue; } // Check the layout status // https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo/issues/743 if (intval($row['status']) > 3) { $this->getLog()->info('Player has invalid layout scheduled. Display = %s, LayoutId = %d', $this->display->display, $layoutId); continue; } // Add a layout node to the schedule $layout = $scheduleXml->createElement("layout"); $layout->setAttribute("file", $layoutId); $layout->setAttribute("fromdt", $fromDt); $layout->setAttribute("todt", $toDt); $layout->setAttribute("scheduleid", $scheduleId); $layout->setAttribute("priority", $is_priority); $layout->setAttribute("syncEvent", $syncKey); $layout->setAttribute("shareOfVoice", $row['shareOfVoice'] ?? 0); $layout->setAttribute("isGeoAware", $row['isGeoAware'] ?? 0); $layout->setAttribute("geoLocation", $row['geoLocation'] ?? null); // Handle dependents if (array_key_exists($layoutId, $layoutDependents)) { if ($options['dependentsAsNodes']) { // Add the dependents to the layout as new nodes $dependentNode = $scheduleXml->createElement("dependents"); foreach ($layoutDependents[$layoutId] as $storedAs) { $fileNode = $scheduleXml->createElement("file", $storedAs); $dependentNode->appendChild($fileNode); } $layout->appendChild($dependentNode); } else { // Add the dependents to the layout as an attribute $layout->setAttribute("dependents", implode(',', $layoutDependents[$layoutId])); } } $layoutElements->appendChild($layout); } else if ($eventTypeId == Schedule::$COMMAND_EVENT) { // Add a command node to the schedule $command = $scheduleXml->createElement("command"); $command->setAttribute("date", $fromDt); $command->setAttribute("scheduleid", $scheduleId); $command->setAttribute('code', $commandCode); $layoutElements->appendChild($command); } else if ($eventTypeId == Schedule::$OVERLAY_EVENT && $options['includeOverlays']) { // Ensure we have a layoutId (we may not if an empty campaign is assigned) // https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo/issues/894 if ($layoutId == 0 || empty($layoutId)) { $this->getLog()->error('Player has empty event scheduled. Display = %s, EventId = %d', $this->display->display, $scheduleId); continue; } // Check the layout status // https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo/issues/743 if (intval($row['status']) > 3) { $this->getLog()->error('Player has invalid layout scheduled. Display = %s, LayoutId = %d', $this->display->display, $layoutId); continue; } if ($overlayNodes == null) { $overlayNodes = $scheduleXml->createElement('overlays'); } $overlay = $scheduleXml->createElement('overlay'); $overlay->setAttribute("file", $layoutId); $overlay->setAttribute("fromdt", $fromDt); $overlay->setAttribute("todt", $toDt); $overlay->setAttribute("scheduleid", $scheduleId); $overlay->setAttribute("priority", $is_priority); $overlay->setAttribute("isGeoAware", $row['isGeoAware'] ?? 0); $overlay->setAttribute("geoLocation", $row['geoLocation'] ?? null); // Add to the overlays node list $overlayNodes->appendChild($overlay); } } } // Add the overlay nodes if we had any if ($overlayNodes != null) { $layoutElements->appendChild($overlayNodes); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Error getting the schedule. ' . $e->getMessage()); return new \SoapFault('Sender', 'Unable to get the schedule'); } // Are we interleaving the default? if ($this->display->incSchedule == 1) { // Add as a node at the end of the schedule. $layout = $scheduleXml->createElement("layout"); $layout->setAttribute("file", $this->display->defaultLayoutId); $layout->setAttribute("fromdt", '2000-01-01 00:00:00'); $layout->setAttribute("todt", '2030-01-19 00:00:00'); $layout->setAttribute("scheduleid", 0); $layout->setAttribute("priority", 0); if ($options['dependentsAsNodes'] && array_key_exists($this->display->defaultLayoutId, $layoutDependents)) { $dependentNode = $scheduleXml->createElement("dependents"); foreach ($layoutDependents[$this->display->defaultLayoutId] as $storedAs) { $fileNode = $scheduleXml->createElement("file", $storedAs); $dependentNode->appendChild($fileNode); } $layout->appendChild($dependentNode); } $layoutElements->appendChild($layout); } // Add on the default layout node $default = $scheduleXml->createElement("default"); $default->setAttribute("file", $this->display->defaultLayoutId); if ($options['dependentsAsNodes'] && array_key_exists($this->display->defaultLayoutId, $layoutDependents)) { $dependentNode = $scheduleXml->createElement("dependents"); foreach ($layoutDependents[$this->display->defaultLayoutId] as $storedAs) { $fileNode = $scheduleXml->createElement("file", $storedAs); $dependentNode->appendChild($fileNode); } $default->appendChild($dependentNode); } $layoutElements->appendChild($default); // Add on a list of global dependants $globalDependents = $scheduleXml->createElement("dependants"); foreach ($moduleDependents as $dep) { $dependent = $scheduleXml->createElement("file", $dep); $globalDependents->appendChild($dependent); } $layoutElements->appendChild($globalDependents); // Format the output $scheduleXml->formatOutput = true; if ($this->display->isAuditing()) $this->getLog()->debug($scheduleXml->saveXML()); $output = $scheduleXml->saveXML(); // Cache $cache->set($output); $cache->expiresAt($this->toFilter); $this->getPool()->saveDeferred($cache); // Log Bandwidth $this->logBandwidth($this->display->displayId, Bandwidth::$SCHEDULE, strlen($output)); return $output; } /** * @param $serverKey * @param $hardwareKey * @param $mediaId * @param $type * @param $reason * @return bool|\SoapFault * @throws \SoapFault */ protected function doBlackList($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $mediaId, $type, $reason) { $this->logProcessor->setRoute('BlackList'); // Sanitize $serverKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($serverKey); $hardwareKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($hardwareKey); $mediaId = $this->getSanitizer()->string($mediaId); $type = $this->getSanitizer()->string($type); $reason = $this->getSanitizer()->string($reason); // Check the serverKey matches if ($serverKey != $this->getConfig()->getSetting('SERVER_KEY')) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address'); } // Authenticate this request... if (!$this->authDisplay($hardwareKey)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "This Display is not authorised.", $hardwareKey); } // Now that we authenticated the Display, make sure we are sticking to our bandwidth limit if (!$this->checkBandwidth($this->display->displayId)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "Bandwidth Limit exceeded"); } if ($this->display->isAuditing()) $this->getLog()->debug('Blacklisting ' . $mediaId . ' for ' . $reason); try { $dbh = $this->getStore()->getConnection(); // Check to see if this media / display is already blacklisted (and not ignored) $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT BlackListID FROM blacklist WHERE MediaID = :mediaid AND isIgnored = 0 AND DisplayID = :displayid'); $sth->execute(array( 'mediaid' => $mediaId, 'displayid' => $this->display->displayId )); $results = $sth->fetchAll(); if (count($results) == 0) { $insertSth = $dbh->prepare(' INSERT INTO blacklist (MediaID, DisplayID, ReportingDisplayID, Reason) VALUES (:mediaid, :displayid, :reportingdisplayid, :reason) '); // Insert the black list record if ($type == BLACKLIST_SINGLE) { $insertSth->execute(array( 'mediaid' => $mediaId, 'displayid' => $this->display->displayId, 'reportingdisplayid' => $this->display->displayId, 'reason' => $reason )); } else { $displaySth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT displayID FROM `display`'); $displaySth->execute(); foreach ($displaySth->fetchAll() as $row) { $insertSth->execute(array( 'mediaid' => $mediaId, 'displayid' => $row['displayID'], 'reportingdisplayid' => $this->display->displayId, 'reason' => $reason )); } } } else { if ($this->display->isAuditing()) $this->getLog()->debug($mediaId . ' already black listed'); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Unable to query for Blacklist records. ' . $e->getMessage()); return new \SoapFault('Sender', "Unable to query for BlackList records."); } $this->logBandwidth($this->display->displayId, Bandwidth::$BLACKLIST, strlen($reason)); return true; } /** * @param $serverKey * @param $hardwareKey * @param $logXml * @return bool * @throws \SoapFault */ protected function doSubmitLog($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $logXml) { $this->logProcessor->setRoute('SubmitLog'); // Sanitize $serverKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($serverKey); $hardwareKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($hardwareKey); // Check the serverKey matches if ($serverKey != $this->getConfig()->getSetting('SERVER_KEY')) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address'); } // Auth this request... if (!$this->authDisplay($hardwareKey)) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'This Display is not authorised.'); } // Now that we authenticated the Display, make sure we are sticking to our bandwidth limit if (!$this->checkBandwidth($this->display->displayId)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "Bandwidth Limit exceeded"); } // Load the XML into a DOMDocument $document = new \DOMDocument("1.0"); if (!$document->loadXML($logXml)) { $this->getLog()->error('Malformed XML from Player, this will be discarded. The Raw XML String provided is: ' . $logXml); $this->getLog()->debug('XML log: ' . $logXml); return true; } // Current log level $logLevel = $this->logProcessor->getLevel(); $discardedLogs = 0; // Get the display timezone to use when adjusting log dates. $defaultTimeZone = $this->getConfig()->getSetting('defaultTimezone'); // Store processed logs in an array $logs = []; foreach ($document->documentElement->childNodes as $node) { /* @var \DOMElement $node */ // Make sure we don't consider any text nodes if ($node->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) continue; // Zero out the common vars $scheduleId = ""; $layoutId = ""; $mediaId = ""; $method = ''; $thread = ''; $type = ''; // This will be a bunch of trace nodes $message = $node->textContent; // Each element should have a category and a date $date = $node->getAttribute('date'); $cat = strtolower($node->getAttribute('category')); if ($date == '' || $cat == '') { $this->getLog()->error('Log submitted without a date or category attribute'); continue; } // Does this meet the current log level? if ($cat == 'error') { $recordLogLevel = Log::ERROR; $levelName = 'ERROR'; } else if ($cat == 'audit' || $cat == 'trace') { $recordLogLevel = Log::DEBUG; $levelName = 'DEBUG'; } else if ($cat == 'debug') { $recordLogLevel = Log::INFO; $levelName = 'INFO'; } else { $recordLogLevel = Log::NOTICE; $levelName = 'NOTICE'; } if ($recordLogLevel > $logLevel) { $discardedLogs++; continue; } // Adjust the date according to the display timezone try { $date = ($this->display->timeZone != null) ? Date::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date, $this->display->timeZone)->tz($defaultTimeZone) : Date::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $date); $date = $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($date); } catch (\Exception $e) { // Protect against the date format being inreadable $this->getLog()->debug('Date format unreadable on log message: ' . $date); // Use now instead $date = $this->getDate()->getLocalDate(); } // Get the date and the message (all log types have these) foreach ($node->childNodes as $nodeElements) { if ($nodeElements->nodeName == 'scheduleID') { $scheduleId = $nodeElements->textContent; } else if ($nodeElements->nodeName == 'layoutID') { $layoutId = $nodeElements->textContent; } else if ($nodeElements->nodeName == 'mediaID') { $mediaId = $nodeElements->textContent; } else if ($nodeElements->nodeName == 'type') { $type = $nodeElements->textContent; } else if ($nodeElements->nodeName == 'method') { $method = $nodeElements->textContent; } else if ($nodeElements->nodeName == 'message') { $message = $nodeElements->textContent; } else if ($nodeElements->nodeName == 'thread') { if ($nodeElements->textContent != '') $thread = '[' . $nodeElements->textContent . '] '; } } // If the message is still empty, take the entire node content if ($message == '') $message = $node->textContent; // Add the IDs to the message if ($scheduleId != '') $message .= ' scheduleId: ' . $scheduleId; if ($layoutId != '') $message .= ' layoutId: '. $layoutId; if ($mediaId != '') $message .= ' mediaId: ' . $mediaId; // Trim the page if it is over 50 characters. $page = $thread . $method . $type; if (strlen($page) >= 50) $page = substr($page, 0, 49); $logs[] = [ $this->logProcessor->getUid(), $date, 'PLAYER', $levelName, $page, 'POST', $message, 0, $this->display->displayId ]; } if (count($logs) > 0) { // Insert $sql = 'INSERT INTO log (runNo, logdate, channel, type, page, function, message, userid, displayid) VALUES '; $placeHolders = '(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; $sql = $sql . implode(', ', array_fill(1, count($logs), $placeHolders)); // Flatten the array $data = []; foreach ($logs as $log) { foreach ($log as $field) { $data[] = $field; } } // Insert $this->getStore()->isolated($sql, $data); } else { $this->getLog()->info('0 logs resolved from log package'); } if ($discardedLogs > 0) $this->getLog()->info('Discarded ' . $discardedLogs . ' logs. Consider adjusting your display profile log level. Resolved level is ' . $logLevel); $this->logBandwidth($this->display->displayId, Bandwidth::$SUBMITLOG, strlen($logXml)); return true; } /** * @param $serverKey * @param $hardwareKey * @param $statXml * @return bool * @throws \SoapFault */ protected function doSubmitStats($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $statXml) { $this->logProcessor->setRoute('SubmitStats'); // Sanitize $serverKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($serverKey); $hardwareKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($hardwareKey); // Check the serverKey matches if ($serverKey != $this->getConfig()->getSetting('SERVER_KEY')) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address'); } // Auth this request... if (!$this->authDisplay($hardwareKey)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "This Display is not authorised."); } // Now that we authenticated the Display, make sure we are sticking to our bandwidth limit if (!$this->checkBandwidth($this->display->displayId)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "Bandwidth Limit exceeded"); } if ($this->display->isAuditing()) { $this->getLog()->debug('Received XML. ' . $statXml); } if ($statXml == "") { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "Stat XML is empty."); } // Store an array of parsed stat data for insert $now = $this->getDate()->parse(); // Get the display timezone to use when adjusting log dates. $defaultTimeZone = $this->getConfig()->getSetting('defaultTimezone'); // Count stats processed from XML $statCount = 0; // Load the XML into a DOMDocument $document = new \DOMDocument("1.0"); $document->loadXML($statXml); $layoutIdsNotFound = []; $widgetIdsNotFound = []; foreach ($document->documentElement->childNodes as $node) { /* @var \DOMElement $node */ // Make sure we don't consider any text nodes if ($node->nodeType == XML_TEXT_NODE) continue; // Each element should have these attributes $fromdt = $node->getAttribute('fromdt'); $todt = $node->getAttribute('todt'); $type = $node->getAttribute('type'); $duration = $node->getAttribute('duration'); $count = $node->getAttribute('count'); $engagements = []; foreach ($node->childNodes as $nodeElements) { /* @var \DOMElement $nodeElements */ if ($nodeElements->nodeName == 'engagements') { $i = 0; foreach ($nodeElements->childNodes as $child) { /* @var \DOMElement $child */ if ($child->nodeName == 'engagement') { $engagements[$i]['tag'] = $child->getAttribute('tag'); $engagements[$i]['duration'] = (int) $child->getAttribute('duration'); $engagements[$i]['count'] = (int) $child->getAttribute('count'); $i++; } } } } if ($fromdt == '' || $todt == '' || $type == '') { $this->getLog()->info('Stat submitted without the fromdt, todt or type attributes.'); continue; } // if fromdt and to dt are same then ignore them if ($fromdt == $todt) { $this->getLog()->debug('Ignoring a Stat record because the fromDt (' . $fromdt. ') and toDt (' . $todt. ') are the same'); continue; } $scheduleId = $node->getAttribute('scheduleid'); if (empty($scheduleId)) { $scheduleId = 0; } $layoutId = $node->getAttribute('layoutid'); if ($type != 'event') { // Handle the splash screen if ($layoutId == 'splash') { // only logging this message one time if (!in_array($layoutId, $layoutIdsNotFound)) { $layoutIdsNotFound[] = $layoutId; $this->getLog()->info('Splash Screen Statistic Ignored'); } continue; } } // Slightly confusing behaviour here to support old players without introducting a different call in // xmds v=5. // MediaId is actually the widgetId (since 1.8) and the mediaId is looked up by this service $widgetId = $node->getAttribute('mediaid'); $mediaId = null; // Ignore old "background" stat records. if ($widgetId === 'background') { $this->getLog()->info('Ignoring old "background" stat record.'); continue; } // The mediaId (really widgetId) might well be null if ($widgetId == 'null' || $widgetId == '') { $widgetId = 0; } else { // Try to get details for this widget try { if (in_array($widgetId, $widgetIdsNotFound)) { continue; } $mediaId = $this->widgetFactory->getWidgetForStat($widgetId); // If the mediaId is empty, then we can assume we're a stat for a region specific widget if ($mediaId === null) { $type = 'widget'; } } catch (NotFoundException $notFoundException) { // Widget isn't found // we can only log this and move on // only logging this message one time if (!in_array($widgetId, $widgetIdsNotFound)) { $widgetIdsNotFound[] = $widgetId; $this->getLog()->error('Stat for a widgetId that doesnt exist: ' . $widgetId); } continue; } } $tag = $node->getAttribute('tag'); if ($tag == 'null') $tag = null; if ($fromdt > $todt) { $this->getLog()->debug('From date is greater than to date: ' . $fromdt . ', toDt: ' . $todt); continue; } // Adjust the date according to the display timezone // stats are returned in the local date/time of the Player // the CMS will have been configured with that Player's timezone, so we can convert accordingly. try { // From date $fromdt = ($this->display->timeZone != null) ? Date::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $fromdt, $this->display->timeZone)->tz($defaultTimeZone) : Date::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $fromdt); // To date $todt = ($this->display->timeZone != null) ? Date::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $todt, $this->display->timeZone)->tz($defaultTimeZone) : Date::createFromFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s', $todt); // Do we need to set the duration of this record (we will do for older individually collected stats) if ($duration == '') { $duration = $todt->diffInSeconds($fromdt); // If the duration is enormous, then we have an eroneous message from the player if ($duration > (86400 * 365)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Dates are too far apart', 'duration'); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { // Protect against the date format being unreadable $this->getLog()->error('Stat with a from or to date that cannot be understood. fromDt: ' . $fromdt . ', toDt: ' . $todt . '. E = ' . $e->getMessage()); continue; } // Important - stats will now send display entity instead of displayId $stats = [ 'type' => $type, 'statDate' => $now, 'fromDt' => $fromdt, 'toDt' => $todt, 'scheduleId' => $scheduleId, 'display' => $this->display, 'layoutId' => (int) $layoutId, 'mediaId' => $mediaId, 'tag' => $tag, 'widgetId' => (int) $widgetId, 'duration' => (int) $duration, 'count' => ($count != '') ? (int) $count : 1, 'engagements' => (count($engagements) > 0) ? $engagements : [], ]; $this->getTimeSeriesStore()->addStat($stats); $statCount++; } /*Insert stats*/ if ($statCount > 0) { $this->getTimeSeriesStore()->addStatFinalize(); } else { $this->getLog()->info('0 stats resolved from data package'); } $this->logBandwidth($this->display->displayId, Bandwidth::$SUBMITSTATS, strlen($statXml)); return true; } /** * @param $serverKey * @param $hardwareKey * @param $inventory * @return bool * @throws \SoapFault */ protected function doMediaInventory($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $inventory) { $this->logProcessor->setRoute('MediaInventory'); // Sanitize $serverKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($serverKey); $hardwareKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($hardwareKey); // Check the serverKey matches if ($serverKey != $this->getConfig()->getSetting('SERVER_KEY')) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address'); } // Auth this request... if (!$this->authDisplay($hardwareKey)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', 'This Display is not authorised.'); } // Now that we authenticated the Display, make sure we are sticking to our bandwidth limit if (!$this->checkBandwidth($this->display->displayId)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "Bandwidth Limit exceeded"); } if ($this->display->isAuditing()) { $this->getLog()->debug($inventory); } // Check that the $inventory contains something if ($inventory == '') { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', 'Inventory Cannot be Empty'); } // Load the XML into a DOMDocument $document = new \DOMDocument("1.0"); $document->loadXML($inventory); // Assume we are complete (but we are getting some) $mediaInventoryComplete = 1; $xpath = new \DOMXPath($document); $fileNodes = $xpath->query("//file"); foreach ($fileNodes as $node) { /* @var \DOMElement $node */ // What type of file? try { $requiredFile = null; switch ($node->getAttribute('type')) { case 'media': $requiredFile = $this->requiredFileFactory->getByDisplayAndMedia($this->display->displayId, $node->getAttribute('id')); break; case 'layout': $requiredFile = $this->requiredFileFactory->getByDisplayAndLayout($this->display->displayId, $node->getAttribute('id')); break; case 'resource': $requiredFile = $this->requiredFileFactory->getByDisplayAndWidget($this->display->displayId, $node->getAttribute('id')); break; default: $this->getLog()->debug('Skipping unknown node in media inventory: %s - %s.', $node->getAttribute('type'), $node->getAttribute('id')); continue; } // File complete? $complete = $node->getAttribute('complete'); $requiredFile->complete = $complete; $requiredFile->save(); // If this item is a 0 then set not complete if ($complete == 0) $mediaInventoryComplete = 2; } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Unable to find file in media inventory: ' . $node->getAttribute('type') . '. ' . $node->getAttribute('id')); } } $this->display->mediaInventoryStatus = $mediaInventoryComplete; // Only call save if this property has actually changed. if ($this->display->hasPropertyChanged('mediaInventoryStatus')) { $this->getLog()->debug('Media Inventory status changed to ' . $this->display->mediaInventoryStatus); // If we are complete, then drop the player nonce cache if ($this->display->mediaInventoryStatus == 1) { $this->getLog()->debug('Media Inventory tells us that all downloads are complete, clearing the nonce for this display'); $this->pool->deleteItem('/display/nonce/' . $this->display->displayId); } $this->display->saveMediaInventoryStatus(); } $this->logBandwidth($this->display->displayId, Bandwidth::$MEDIAINVENTORY, strlen($inventory)); return true; } /** * @param $serverKey * @param $hardwareKey * @param $layoutId * @param $regionId * @param $mediaId * @return mixed * @throws \SoapFault */ protected function doGetResource($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $layoutId, $regionId, $mediaId) { $this->logProcessor->setRoute('GetResource'); // Sanitize $serverKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($serverKey); $hardwareKey = $this->getSanitizer()->string($hardwareKey); $layoutId = $this->getSanitizer()->int($layoutId); $regionId = $this->getSanitizer()->string($regionId); $mediaId = $this->getSanitizer()->string($mediaId); // Check the serverKey matches if ($serverKey != $this->getConfig()->getSetting('SERVER_KEY')) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address'); } // Auth this request... if (!$this->authDisplay($hardwareKey)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "This Display is not authorised."); } // Now that we authenticated the Display, make sure we are sticking to our bandwidth limit if (!$this->checkBandwidth($this->display->displayId)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "Bandwidth Limit exceeded"); } // The MediaId is actually the widgetId try { $requiredFile = $this->requiredFileFactory->getByDisplayAndWidget($this->display->displayId, $mediaId); $module = $this->moduleFactory->createWithWidget($this->widgetFactory->loadByWidgetId($mediaId), $this->regionFactory->getById($regionId)); $resource = $module->getResourceOrCache($this->display->displayId); $requiredFile->bytesRequested = $requiredFile->bytesRequested + strlen($resource); $requiredFile->save(); if ($resource == '') throw new ControllerNotImplemented(); } catch (NotFoundException $notEx) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', 'Requested an invalid file.'); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Unknown error during getResource. E = ' . $e->getMessage()); $this->getLog()->debug($e->getTraceAsString()); throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', 'Unable to get the media resource'); } // Log Bandwidth $this->logBandwidth($this->display->displayId, Bandwidth::$GETRESOURCE, strlen($resource)); return $resource; } /** * PHONE_HOME if required */ protected function phoneHome() { if ($this->getConfig()->getSetting('PHONE_HOME') == 1) { // Find out when we last PHONED_HOME :D // If it's been > 28 days since last PHONE_HOME then if ($this->getConfig()->getSetting('PHONE_HOME_DATE') < (time() - (60 * 60 * 24 * 28))) { try { $dbh = $this->getStore()->getConnection(); // Retrieve number of displays $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) AS Cnt FROM `display` WHERE `licensed` = 1'); $sth->execute(); $PHONE_HOME_CLIENTS = $sth->fetchColumn(); // Retrieve version number $PHONE_HOME_VERSION = Environment::$WEBSITE_VERSION_NAME; $PHONE_HOME_URL = $this->getConfig()->getSetting('PHONE_HOME_URL') . "?id=" . urlencode($this->getConfig()->getSetting('PHONE_HOME_KEY')) . "&version=" . urlencode($PHONE_HOME_VERSION) . "&numClients=" . urlencode($PHONE_HOME_CLIENTS); if ($this->display->isAuditing()) $this->getLog()->notice("audit", "PHONE_HOME_URL " . $PHONE_HOME_URL, "xmds", "RequiredFiles"); // Set PHONE_HOME_TIME to NOW. $sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE `setting` SET `value` = :time WHERE `setting`.`setting` = :setting LIMIT 1'); $sth->execute(array( 'time' => time(), 'setting' => 'PHONE_HOME_DATE' )); @file_get_contents($PHONE_HOME_URL); if ($this->display->isAuditing()) $this->getLog()->notice("audit", "PHONE_HOME [OUT]", "xmds", "RequiredFiles"); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLog()->error($e->getMessage()); return false; } } } } /** * Authenticates the display * @param string $hardwareKey * @return bool */ protected function authDisplay($hardwareKey) { try { $this->display = $this->displayFactory->getByLicence($hardwareKey); if ($this->display->licensed != 1) return false; // Configure our log processor $this->logProcessor->setDisplay($this->display->displayId, ($this->display->isAuditing())); return true; } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->getLog()->error($e->getMessage()); return false; } } /** * Alert Display Up * @throws \phpmailerException * @throws NotFoundException */ protected function alertDisplayUp() { $maintenanceEnabled = $this->getConfig()->getSetting('MAINTENANCE_ENABLED'); if ($this->display->loggedIn == 0) { $this->getLog()->info('Display %s was down, now its up.', $this->display->display); // Log display up $this->displayEventFactory->createEmpty()->displayUp($this->display->displayId); $dayPartId = $this->display->getSetting('dayPartId', null,['displayOverride' => true]); $operatingHours = true; if ($dayPartId !== null) { try { $dayPart = $this->dayPartFactory->getById($dayPartId); $startTimeArray = explode(':', $dayPart->startTime); $startTime = Date::now()->setTime(intval($startTimeArray[0]), intval($startTimeArray[1])); $endTimeArray = explode(':', $dayPart->endTime); $endTime = Date::now()->setTime(intval($endTimeArray[0]), intval($endTimeArray[1])); $now = Date::now(); // exceptions foreach ($dayPart->exceptions as $exception) { // check if we are on exception day and if so override the startTime and endTime accordingly if ($exception['day'] == Date::now()->format('D')) { $exceptionsStartTime = explode(':', $exception['start']); $startTime = Date::now()->setTime(intval($exceptionsStartTime[0]), intval($exceptionsStartTime[1])); $exceptionsEndTime = explode(':', $exception['end']); $endTime = Date::now()->setTime(intval($exceptionsEndTime[0]), intval($exceptionsEndTime[1])); } } // check if we are inside the operating hours for this display - we use that flag to decide if we need to create a notification and send an email. if (($now >= $startTime && $now <= $endTime)) { $operatingHours = true; } else { $operatingHours = false; } } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->getLog()->debug('Unknown dayPartId set on Display Profile for displayId ' . $this->display->displayId); } } // Do we need to email? if ($this->display->emailAlert == 1 && ($maintenanceEnabled == 'On' || $maintenanceEnabled == 'Protected') && $this->getConfig()->getSetting('MAINTENANCE_EMAIL_ALERTS') == 1) { // for displays without dayPartId set, this is always true, otherwise we check if we are inside the operating hours set for this display if ($operatingHours) { $subject = sprintf(__("Recovery for Display %s"), $this->display->display); $body = sprintf(__("Display ID %d is now back online %s"), $this->display->displayId, $this->getDate()->parse()); // Create a notification assigned to system wide user groups try { $notification = $this->notificationFactory->createSystemNotification($subject, $body, $this->getDate()->parse()); // Add in any displayNotificationGroups, with permissions foreach ($this->userGroupFactory->getDisplayNotificationGroups($this->display->displayGroupId) as $group) { $notification->assignUserGroup($group); } $notification->save(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Unable to send email alert for display %s with subject %s and body %s', $this->display->display, $subject, $body); } } else { $this->getLog()->info('Not sending recovery email for Display - ' . $this->display->display . ' we are outside of its operating hours'); } } else { $this->getLog()->debug(sprintf('No email required. Email Alert: %d, Enabled: %s, Email Enabled: %s.', $this->display->emailAlert, $maintenanceEnabled, $this->getConfig()->getSetting('MAINTENANCE_EMAIL_ALERTS'))); } } } /** * Get the Client IP Address * @return string */ protected function getIp() { $clientIp = ''; $keys = array('X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', 'CLIENT_IP', 'REMOTE_ADDR'); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($_SERVER[$key])) { $clientIp = $_SERVER[$key]; break; } } return $clientIp; } /** * Check we haven't exceeded the bandwidth limits * - Note, display logging doesn't work in here, this is CMS level logging * * @param int $displayId The Display ID * @return bool true if the check passes, false if it fails * @throws NotFoundException */ protected function checkBandwidth($displayId) { // Uncomment to enable auditing. //$this->logProcessor->setDisplay(0, true); $this->display = $this->displayFactory->getById($displayId); $xmdsLimit = $this->getConfig()->getSetting('MONTHLY_XMDS_TRANSFER_LIMIT_KB'); $displayBandwidthLimit = $this->display->bandwidthLimit; try { $bandwidthUsage = 0; if ($this->bandwidthFactory->isBandwidthExceeded($xmdsLimit, $bandwidthUsage)) { // Bandwidth Exceeded // Create a notification if we don't already have one today for this display. $subject = __('Bandwidth allowance exceeded'); $date = $this->dateService->parse(); if (count($this->notificationFactory->getBySubjectAndDate($subject, $this->dateService->getLocalDate($date->startOfDay(), 'U'), $this->dateService->getLocalDate($date->addDay(1)->startOfDay(), 'U'))) <= 0) { $body = __(sprintf('Bandwidth allowance of %s exceeded. Used %s', ByteFormatter::format($xmdsLimit * 1024), ByteFormatter::format($bandwidthUsage))); $notification = $this->notificationFactory->createSystemNotification( $subject, $body, $this->dateService->parse() ); $notification->save(); $this->getLog()->critical($subject); } return false; } elseif ($this->bandwidthFactory->isBandwidthExceeded($displayBandwidthLimit, $bandwidthUsage, $displayId)) { // Bandwidth Exceeded // Create a notification if we don't already have one today for this display. $subject = __(sprintf('Display ID %d exceeded the bandwidth limit', $this->display->displayId)); $date = $this->dateService->parse(); if (count($this->notificationFactory->getBySubjectAndDate($subject, $this->dateService->getLocalDate($date->startOfDay(), 'U'), $this->dateService->getLocalDate($date->addDay(1)->startOfDay(), 'U'))) <= 0) { $body = __(sprintf('Display bandwidth limit %s exceeded. Used %s for Display Id %d', ByteFormatter::format($displayBandwidthLimit * 1024), ByteFormatter::format($bandwidthUsage), $this->display->displayId)); $notification = $this->notificationFactory->createSystemNotification( $subject, $body, $this->dateService->parse() ); $notification->save(); $this->getLog()->critical($subject); } return false; } else { // Bandwidth not exceeded. return true; } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLog()->error($e->getMessage()); return false; } } /** * Log Bandwidth Usage * @param int $displayId * @param string $type * @param int $sizeInBytes */ protected function logBandwidth($displayId, $type, $sizeInBytes) { $this->bandwidthFactory->createAndSave($type, $displayId, $sizeInBytes); } /** * Generate a file download path for HTTP downloads, taking into account the precence of a CDN. * @param $type * @param $itemId * @param $nonce * @return string */ protected function generateRequiredFileDownloadPath($type, $itemId, $nonce) { $saveAsPath = Wsdl::getRoot() . '?file=' . $nonce . '&displayId=' . $this->display->displayId . '&type=' . $type . '&itemId=' . $itemId; // CDN? $cdnUrl = $this->configService->getSetting('CDN_URL'); if ($cdnUrl != '') { // Serve a link to the CDN return 'http' . ( ( (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on') || (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO']) == 'https') ) ? 's' : '') . '://' . $cdnUrl . urlencode($saveAsPath); } else { // Serve a HTTP link to XMDS return $saveAsPath; } } /** * Set Date Filters */ protected function setDateFilters() { // Hour to hour time bands for the query // Rf lookahead is the number of seconds ahead we should consider. // it may well be less than 1 hour, and if so we cannot do hour to hour time bands, we need to do // now, forwards. // Start with now: $fromFilter = $this->getDate()->parse(); // If this Display is in a different timezone, then we need to set that here for these filter criteria if (!empty($this->display->timeZone)) { $fromFilter->setTimezone($this->display->timeZone); } $rfLookAhead = $this->getSanitizer()->int($this->getConfig()->getSetting('REQUIRED_FILES_LOOKAHEAD')); if ($rfLookAhead >= 3600) { // Go from the top of this hour $fromFilter ->minute(0) ->second(0); } // If we're set to look ahead, then do so - otherwise grab only a 1 hour slice if ($this->getConfig()->getSetting('SCHEDULE_LOOKAHEAD') == 1) { $toFilter = $fromFilter->copy()->addSeconds($rfLookAhead); } else { $toFilter = $fromFilter->copy()->addHour(); } // Make sure our filters are expressed in CMS time, so that when we run the query we don't lose the timezone $this->localFromFilter = $fromFilter; $this->localToFilter = $toFilter; $this->fromFilter = $this->getDate()->parse($fromFilter->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->toFilter = $this->getDate()->parse($toFilter->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $this->getLog()->debug(sprintf('FromDT = %s [%d]. ToDt = %s [%d]', $fromFilter->toRssString(), $fromFilter->format('U'), $toFilter->toRssString(), $toFilter->format('U'))); } }