setCommonDependencies($state, $store, $timeSeriesStore, $log, $config, $date, $sanitizer); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function setFactories($container) { $this->displayFactory = $container->get('displayFactory'); $this->mediaFactory = $container->get('mediaFactory'); $this->layoutFactory = $container->get('layoutFactory'); $this->savedReportFactory = $container->get('savedReportFactory'); $this->userFactory = $container->get('userFactory'); $this->displayGroupFactory = $container->get('displayGroupFactory'); $this->reportService = $container->get('reportService'); return $this; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getReportChartScript($results) { $labels = str_replace('"', "'", $results['chartData']['labels']); $countData = str_replace('"', "'", $results['chartData']['countData']); $durationData = str_replace('"', "'", $results['chartData']['durationData']); return "{type:'bar',data:{labels:".$labels.", datasets:[{label:'Total duration',yAxisID:'Duration',data:".$durationData."},{ label: 'Total count', yAxisID:'Count',borderColor: 'rgb(240,93,41, 0.8)', data: ".$countData.", type:'line', fill: 'false'}]}, options: { scales: { yAxes: [{ id: 'Duration', type: 'linear', position: 'left', display: true, scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: 'Duration(s)' }, ticks: { beginAtZero:true } }, { id: 'Count', type: 'linear', position: 'right', display: true, scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: 'Count' }, ticks: { beginAtZero:true } }] }, maintainAspectRatio: true, }}"; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getReportEmailTemplate() { return 'distribution-email-template.twig'; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getReportForm() { return [ 'template' => 'distribution-report-form', 'data' => [ 'fromDate' => $this->getDate()->getLocalDate(time() - (86400 * 35)), 'fromDateOneDay' => $this->getDate()->getLocalDate(time() - 86400), 'toDate' => $this->getDate()->getLocalDate(), 'availableReports' => $this->reportService->listReports() ] ]; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getReportScheduleFormData() { $type = $this->getSanitizer()->getParam('type', ''); if ($type == 'layout') { $selectedId = $this->getSanitizer()->getParam('layoutId', null); $title = __('Add Report Schedule for '). $type. ' - '. $this->layoutFactory->getById($selectedId)->layout; } else if ($type == 'media') { $selectedId = $this->getSanitizer()->getParam('mediaId', null); $title = __('Add Report Schedule for '). $type. ' - '. $this->mediaFactory->getById($selectedId)->name; } else if ($type == 'event') { $selectedId = 0; // we only need eventTag $eventTag = $this->getSanitizer()->getParam('eventTag', null); $title = __('Add Report Schedule for '). $type. ' - '. $eventTag; } $data = []; $data['formTitle'] = $title; $data['hiddenFields'] = json_encode([ 'type' => $type, 'selectedId' => (int) $selectedId, 'eventTag' => isset($eventTag) ? $eventTag : null ]); $data['reportName'] = 'distributionReport'; return [ 'template' => 'distribution-schedule-form-add', 'data' => $data ]; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function setReportScheduleFormData() { $filter = $this->getSanitizer()->getString('filter'); $groupByFilter = $this->getSanitizer()->getString('groupByFilter'); $displayId = $this->getSanitizer()->getString('displayId'); $hiddenFields = json_decode($this->getSanitizer()->getParam('hiddenFields', null), true); $type = $hiddenFields['type']; $selectedId = $hiddenFields['selectedId']; $eventTag = $hiddenFields['eventTag']; $filterCriteria['displayId'] = $displayId; $filterCriteria['type'] = $type; if ($type == 'layout') { $filterCriteria['layoutId'] = $selectedId; } else if ($type == 'media') { $filterCriteria['mediaId'] = $selectedId; } else if ($type == 'event') { $filterCriteria['eventTag'] = $eventTag; } $filterCriteria['filter'] = $filter; $schedule = ''; if ($filter == 'daily') { $schedule = ReportSchedule::$SCHEDULE_DAILY; $filterCriteria['reportFilter'] = 'yesterday'; $filterCriteria['groupByFilter'] = $groupByFilter; } else if ($filter == 'weekly') { $schedule = ReportSchedule::$SCHEDULE_WEEKLY; $filterCriteria['reportFilter'] = 'lastweek'; $filterCriteria['groupByFilter'] = $groupByFilter; } else if ($filter == 'monthly') { $schedule = ReportSchedule::$SCHEDULE_MONTHLY; $filterCriteria['reportFilter'] = 'lastmonth'; $filterCriteria['groupByFilter'] = $groupByFilter; } else if ($filter == 'yearly') { $schedule = ReportSchedule::$SCHEDULE_YEARLY; $filterCriteria['reportFilter'] = 'lastyear'; $filterCriteria['groupByFilter'] = $groupByFilter; } $filterCriteria['sendEmail'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox('sendEmail'); $filterCriteria['nonusers'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getString('nonusers'); // Return return [ 'filterCriteria' => json_encode($filterCriteria), 'schedule' => $schedule ]; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function generateSavedReportName($filterCriteria) { if ($filterCriteria['type'] == 'layout') { try { $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($filterCriteria['layoutId']); } catch (NotFoundException $error) { // Get the campaign ID $campaignId = $this->layoutFactory->getCampaignIdFromLayoutHistory($filterCriteria['layoutId']); $layoutId = $this->layoutFactory->getLatestLayoutIdFromLayoutHistory($campaignId); $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getById($layoutId); } $saveAs = __(ucfirst($filterCriteria['filter']). ' report for') . ' Layout '. $layout->layout; } else if ($filterCriteria['type'] == 'media') { try { $media = $this->mediaFactory->getById($filterCriteria['mediaId']); $saveAs = __(ucfirst($filterCriteria['filter']). ' report for') . ' Media '. $media->name; } catch (NotFoundException $error) { $saveAs = 'Media ' . __('Not Found'); } } else if ($filterCriteria['type'] == 'event') { $saveAs = __(ucfirst($filterCriteria['filter']). ' report for') . ' Event '. $filterCriteria['eventTag']; } else { $saveAs = __(ucfirst($filterCriteria['filter']). ' report for') . ' Type '. $filterCriteria['type']; } if (!empty($filterCriteria['displayId'])) { // Get display try{ $displayName = $this->displayFactory->getById($filterCriteria['displayId'])->display; $saveAs .= ' (Display: '. $displayName . ')'; } catch (NotFoundException $error){ $saveAs .= ' (DisplayId: ' . __('Not Found') . ' )'; } } return $saveAs; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getSavedReportResults($json, $savedReport) { // Return data to build chart return [ 'template' => 'distribution-report-preview', 'chartData' => [ 'savedReport' => $savedReport, 'generatedOn' => $this->dateService->parse($savedReport->generatedOn, 'U')->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'periodStart' => isset($json['periodStart']) ? $json['periodStart'] : '', 'periodEnd' => isset($json['periodEnd']) ? $json['periodEnd'] : '', 'labels' => json_encode($json['labels']), 'countData' => json_encode($json['countData']), 'durationData' => json_encode($json['durationData']), 'backgroundColor' => json_encode($json['backgroundColor']), 'borderColor' => json_encode($json['borderColor']), ] ]; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getResults($filterCriteria) { $this->getLog()->debug('Filter criteria: '. json_encode($filterCriteria, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); $type = strtolower($this->getSanitizer()->getString('type', $filterCriteria)); $layoutId = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('layoutId', $filterCriteria); $mediaId = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('mediaId', $filterCriteria); $eventTag = $this->getSanitizer()->getString('eventTag', $filterCriteria); $displayId = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('displayId', $filterCriteria); $displayGroupId = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('displayGroupId', $filterCriteria); // Get an array of display id this user has access to. $displayIds = []; // Get an array of display id this user has access to. foreach ($this->displayFactory->query() as $display) { $displayIds[] = $display->displayId; } // Set displayIds as [-1] if the user selected a display for which they don't have permission if ($displayId != 0) { if (!in_array($displayId, $displayIds)) { $displayIds = [-1]; } else { $displayIds = [$displayId]; } } if (count($displayIds) <= 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('No displays with View permissions'), 'displays'); } // Get an array of display groups this user has access to $displayGroupIds = []; foreach ($this->displayGroupFactory->query(null, ['isDisplaySpecific' => -1]) as $displayGroup) { $displayGroupIds[] = $displayGroup->displayGroupId; } if (count($displayGroupIds) <= 0) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('No display groups with View permissions'), 'displayGroup'); } // // From and To Date Selection // -------------------------- // Our report has a range filter which determins whether or not the user has to enter their own from / to dates // check the range filter first and set from/to dates accordingly. $reportFilter = $this->getSanitizer()->getString('reportFilter', $filterCriteria); // Use the current date as a helper $now = $this->getDate()->parse(); switch ($reportFilter) { case 'today': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfDay(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addDay(); break; case 'yesterday': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfDay()->subDay(); $toDt = $now->copy()->startOfDay(); break; case 'thisweek': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfWeek(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addWeek(); break; case 'thismonth': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfMonth(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addMonth(); break; case 'thisyear': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfYear(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addYear(); break; case 'lastweek': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfWeek()->subWeek(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addWeek(); break; case 'lastmonth': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfMonth()->subMonth(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addMonth(); break; case 'lastyear': $fromDt = $now->copy()->startOfYear()->subYear(); $toDt = $fromDt->copy()->addYear(); break; case '': default: // Expect dates to be provided. $fromDt = $this->getSanitizer()->getDate('statsFromDt', $this->getDate()->parse()->addDay(-1)); $fromDt->startOfDay(); $toDt = $this->getSanitizer()->getDate('statsToDt', $this->getDate()->parse()); $toDt->addDay()->startOfDay(); // What if the fromdt and todt are exactly the same? // in this case assume an entire day from midnight on the fromdt to midnight on the todt (i.e. add a day to the todt) if ($fromDt == $toDt) { $toDt->addDay(); } break; } // Use the group by filter provided // NB: this differs from the Summary Report where we set the group by according to the range selected $groupByFilter = $this->getSanitizer()->getString('groupByFilter', $filterCriteria); // // Get Results! // ------------- $timeSeriesStore = $this->getTimeSeriesStore()->getEngine(); if ($timeSeriesStore == 'mongodb') { $result = $this->getDistributionReportMongoDb($fromDt, $toDt, $groupByFilter, $displayIds, $displayGroupIds, $type, $layoutId, $mediaId, $eventTag); } else { $result = $this->getDistributionReportMySql($fromDt, $toDt, $groupByFilter, $displayIds, $displayGroupIds, $type, $layoutId, $mediaId, $eventTag); } // // Output Results // -------------- $labels = []; $countData = []; $durationData = []; $backgroundColor = []; $borderColor = []; // Format the results for output on a chart if (count($result) > 0) { foreach ($result['result'] as $row) { // Chart labels in xaxis $labels[] = $row['label']; $backgroundColor[] = 'rgb(95, 186, 218, 0.6)'; $borderColor[] = 'rgb(240,93,41, 0.8)'; $count = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['NumberPlays']); $countData[] = ($count == '') ? 0 : $count; $duration = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['Duration']); $durationData[] = ($duration == '') ? 0 : $duration; } } // Return data to build chart return [ 'periodStart' => $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($fromDt), 'periodEnd' => $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($toDt), 'labels' => $labels, 'countData' => $countData, 'durationData' => $durationData, 'backgroundColor' => $backgroundColor, 'borderColor' => $borderColor, ]; } /** * MySQL distribution report * @param \Jenssegers\Date\Date $fromDt The filter range from date * @param \Jenssegers\Date\Date $toDt The filter range to date * @param string $groupByFilter Grouping, byhour, bydayofweek and bydayofmonth * @param $displayIds * @param $displayGroupIds * @param $type * @param $layoutId * @param $mediaId * @param $eventTag * @return array */ private function getDistributionReportMySql($fromDt, $toDt, $groupByFilter, $displayIds, $displayGroupIds, $type, $layoutId, $mediaId, $eventTag) { // Only return something if we have the necessary options selected. if ( (($type == 'media') && ($mediaId != '')) || (($type == 'layout') && ($layoutId != '')) || (($type == 'event') && ($eventTag != '')) ) { // Create periods covering the from/to dates // ----------------------------------------- try { $periods = $this->getTemporaryPeriodsTable($fromDt, $toDt, $groupByFilter); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $invalidArgumentException) { return []; } // Join in stats // ------------- $select = ' SELECT start, end, periodsWithStats.id, periodsWithStats.label, SUM(count) as NumberPlays, CONVERT(SUM(periodsWithStats.actualDiff), SIGNED INTEGER) as Duration FROM ( SELECT *, GREATEST(periods.start, statStart, :fromDt) AS actualStart, LEAST(periods.end, statEnd, :toDt) AS actualEnd, LEAST(stat.duration, LEAST(periods.end, statEnd, :toDt) - GREATEST(periods.start, statStart, :fromDt)) AS actualDiff FROM `' . $periods . '` AS periods LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT layout.Layout, IFNULL(`media`.name, IFNULL(`widgetoption`.value, `widget`.type)) AS Media, stat.mediaId, stat.`start` as statStart, stat.`end` as statEnd, stat.duration, stat.`count` FROM stat LEFT OUTER JOIN layout ON layout.layoutID = stat.layoutID LEFT OUTER JOIN `widget` ON `widget`.widgetId = stat.widgetId LEFT OUTER JOIN `widgetoption` ON `widgetoption`.widgetId = `widget`.widgetId AND `widgetoption`.type = \'attrib\' AND `widgetoption`.option = \'name\' LEFT OUTER JOIN `media` ON `media`.mediaId = `stat`.mediaId WHERE stat.type <> \'displaydown\' AND stat.start < :toDt AND stat.end >= :fromDt '; $params = [ 'fromDt' => $fromDt->format('U'), 'toDt' => $toDt->format('U') ]; // Displays if (count($displayIds) > 0) { $select .= ' AND stat.displayID IN (' . implode(',', $displayIds) . ') '; } // Type filter if (($type == 'layout') && ($layoutId != '')) { // Filter by Layout $select .= ' AND `stat`.type = \'layout\' AND `stat`.campaignId = (SELECT campaignId FROM layouthistory WHERE layoutId = :layoutId) '; $params['layoutId'] = $layoutId; } elseif (($type == 'media') && ($mediaId != '')) { // Filter by Media $select .= ' AND `stat`.type = \'media\' AND IFNULL(`media`.mediaId, 0) <> 0 AND `stat`.mediaId = :mediaId '; $params['mediaId'] = $mediaId; } elseif (($type == 'event') && ($eventTag != '')) { // Filter by Event $select .= ' AND `stat`.type = \'event\' AND `stat`.tag = :tag '; $params['tag'] = $eventTag; } $select .= ' ) stat ON statStart < periods.`end` AND statEnd > periods.`start` '; // Periods and Stats tables are joined, we should only have periods we're interested in, but it // wont hurt to restrict them $select .= ' WHERE periods.`start` >= :fromDt AND periods.`end` <= :toDt '; // Close out our containing view and group things together $select .= ' ) periodsWithStats GROUP BY periodsWithStats.id, periodsWithStats.label ORDER BY periodsWithStats.id '; return [ 'result' => $this->getStore()->select($select, $params), 'periodStart' => $fromDt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'periodEnd' => $toDt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ]; } else { return []; } } private function getDistributionReportMongoDb($fromDt, $toDt, $groupByFilter, $displayIds, $displayGroupIds, $type, $layoutId, $mediaId, $eventTag) { if ( (($type == 'media') && ($mediaId != '')) || (($type == 'layout') && ($layoutId != '')) || (($type == 'event') && ($eventTag != '')) ) { // Get the timezone $timezone = $this->getDate()->parse()->getTimezone()->getName(); $filterRangeStart = new UTCDateTime($fromDt->format('U') * 1000); $filterRangeEnd = new UTCDateTime($toDt->format('U') * 1000); $diffInDays = $toDt->diffInDays($fromDt); if ($groupByFilter == 'byhour') { $hour = 1; $input = range(0, 24 * $diffInDays - 1); // subtract 1 as we start from 0 $id = '$hour'; } elseif ($groupByFilter == 'bydayofweek') { $hour = 24; $input = range(0, $diffInDays - 1); $id = '$isoDayOfWeek'; } elseif ($groupByFilter == 'bydayofmonth') { $hour = 24; $input = range(0, $diffInDays - 1); $id = '$dayOfMonth'; } else { $this->getLog()->error('Unknown Grouping Selected ' . $groupByFilter); throw new InvalidArgumentException('Unknown Grouping ' . $groupByFilter, 'groupByFilter'); } // Dateparts for period generation $dateFromParts['month'] = $fromDt->month; $dateFromParts['year'] = $fromDt->year; $dateFromParts['day'] = $fromDt->day; $dateFromParts['hour'] = 0; // PERIODS QUERY $cursorPeriodQuery = [ [ '$addFields' => [ 'period_start' => [ '$dateFromParts' => [ 'year' => $dateFromParts['year'], 'month' => $dateFromParts['month'], 'day' => $dateFromParts['day'], 'hour' => $dateFromParts['hour'], 'timezone' => $timezone, ] ] ] ], [ '$project' => [ 'periods' => [ '$map' => [ 'input' => $input, 'as' => 'number', 'in' => [ 'start' => [ '$add' => [ '$period_start', [ '$multiply' => [ $hour * 3600000, '$$number' ] ] ] ], 'end' => [ '$add' => [ [ '$add' => [ '$period_start', [ '$multiply' => [ $hour * 3600000, '$$number' ] ] ] ] , $hour * 3600000 ] ], ] ] ] ] ], // periods needs to be unwind to merge next [ '$unwind' => '$periods' ], // replace the root to eliminate _id and get only periods [ '$replaceRoot' => [ 'newRoot' => '$periods' ] ], [ '$project' => [ 'start' => 1, 'end' => 1, 'id' => [ $id => [ 'date' => '$start', 'timezone'=> $timezone ] ], ] ], [ '$group' => [ '_id' => [ 'id' => '$id' ], 'start' => ['$first' => '$start'], 'end' => ['$first' => '$end'], 'id' => ['$first' => '$id'], ] ], [ '$match' => [ 'start' => [ '$lt' => $filterRangeEnd ], 'end' => [ '$gt' => $filterRangeStart ] ] ], [ '$sort' => ['id' => 1] ] ]; // Periods result $periods = $this->getTimeSeriesStore()->executeQuery(['collection' => $this->periodTable, 'query' => $cursorPeriodQuery]); // We extend the stat start and stat end so that we can push required periods for them if ( ($groupByFilter == 'bydayofweek') || ($groupByFilter == 'bydayofmonth') ) { $datePartStart = [ '$dateFromParts' => [ 'year' => [ '$year' => '$start' ], 'month' => [ '$month' => '$start' ], 'day' => [ '$dayOfMonth' => '$start' ], ] ]; $datePartEnd = [ '$dateFromParts' => [ 'year' => [ '$year' => '$end' ], 'month' => [ '$month' => '$end' ], 'day' => [ '$dayOfMonth' => '$end' ], ] ]; } else { // by hour $datePartStart = [ '$dateFromParts' => [ 'year' => [ '$year' => '$start' ], 'month' => [ '$month' => '$start' ], 'day' => [ '$dayOfMonth' => '$start' ], 'hour' => [ '$hour' => '$start' ], ] ]; $datePartEnd = [ '$dateFromParts' => [ 'year' => [ '$year' => '$end' ], 'month' => [ '$month' => '$end' ], 'day' => [ '$dayOfMonth' => '$end' ], 'hour' => [ '$hour' => '$end' ], ] ]; } $match = [ '$match' => [ 'start' => [ '$lt' => $filterRangeEnd ], 'end' => [ '$gt' => $filterRangeStart ], 'type' => $type, 'displayId' => [ '$in' => $displayIds ] ] ]; // Type filter if (($type == 'layout') && ($layoutId != '')) { // Get the campaign ID $campaignId = $this->layoutFactory->getCampaignIdFromLayoutHistory($layoutId); $match['$match']['campaignId'] = $campaignId; } elseif (($type == 'media') && ($mediaId != '')) { $match['$match']['mediaId'] = $mediaId; } elseif (($type == 'event') && ($eventTag != '')) { $match['$match']['eventName'] = $eventTag; } // STAT AGGREGATION QUERY $statQuery = [ $match, [ '$project' => [ 'count' => 1, 'duration' => 1, 'start' => [ '$dateFromParts' => [ 'year' => [ '$year' => [ 'date' => '$start', 'timezone' => $timezone, ] ], 'month' => [ '$month' => [ 'date' => '$start', 'timezone' => $timezone, ] ], 'day' => [ '$dayOfMonth' => [ 'date' => '$start', 'timezone' => $timezone, ] ], 'hour' => [ '$hour' => [ 'date' => '$start', 'timezone' => $timezone, ] ], 'minute' => [ '$minute' => [ 'date' => '$start', 'timezone' => $timezone, ] ], 'second' => [ '$second' => [ 'date' => '$start', 'timezone' => $timezone, ] ], ] ], 'end' => [ '$dateFromParts' => [ 'year' => [ '$year' => [ 'date' => '$end', 'timezone' => $timezone, ] ], 'month' => [ '$month' => [ 'date' => '$end', 'timezone' => $timezone, ] ], 'day' => [ '$dayOfMonth' => [ 'date' => '$end', 'timezone' => $timezone, ] ], 'hour' => [ '$hour' => [ 'date' => '$end', 'timezone' => $timezone, ] ], 'minute' => [ '$minute' => [ 'date' => '$end', 'timezone' => $timezone, ] ], 'second' => [ '$second' => [ 'date' => '$end', 'timezone' => $timezone, ] ], ] ] ] ], [ '$addFields' => [ 'period_start_backward' => $datePartStart, 'period_end_forward' => [ '$add' => [ $datePartEnd, $hour * 3600000 ] ] ] ], [ '$project' => [ 'start' => 1, 'end' => 1, 'count' => 1, 'duration' => 1, 'period_start_backward' => 1, 'period_end_forward' => 1, 'range' => [ '$range' => [ 0, [ '$ceil' => [ '$divide' => [ [ '$subtract' => [ '$period_end_forward', '$period_start_backward' ] ], $hour * 3600000 ] ] ] ] ], 'period_start' => [ '$dateFromParts' => [ 'year' => [ '$year' => '$period_start_backward' ], 'month' => [ '$month' => '$period_start_backward' ], 'day' => [ '$dayOfMonth' => '$period_start_backward' ], 'hour' => [ '$hour' => '$period_start_backward' ], ] ] ] ], [ '$project' => [ 'start' => 1, 'end' => 1, 'count' => 1, 'duration' => 1, 'periods' => [ '$map' => [ 'input' => '$range', 'as' => 'number', 'in' => [ 'start' => [ '$add' => [ '$period_start', [ '$multiply' => [ $hour * 3600000, '$$number' ] ] ] ], 'end' => [ '$add' => [ [ '$add' => [ '$period_start', [ '$multiply' => [ $hour * 3600000, '$$number' ] ] ] ] , $hour * 3600000 ] ], ] ] ] ] ], [ '$unwind' => '$periods' ], [ '$match' => [ 'periods.start' => ['$lt' => $filterRangeEnd ], 'periods.end' => ['$gt' => $filterRangeStart ], ] ], [ '$project' => [ 'start' => 1, 'end' => 1, 'count' => 1, 'duration' => 1, 'period_start' => '$periods.start', 'period_end' => '$periods.end', 'id' => [ $id => [ 'date' => '$periods.start', 'timezone'=> 'UTC' ] ], 'actualStart' => [ '$max' => ['$start', '$periods.start', $filterRangeStart] ], 'actualEnd' => [ '$min' => ['$end', '$periods.end', $filterRangeEnd] ], 'actualDiff' => [ '$min' => [ '$duration', [ '$divide' => [ [ '$subtract' => [ ['$min' => ['$end', '$periods.end', $filterRangeEnd]], ['$max' => ['$start', '$periods.start', $filterRangeStart]] ] ], 1000 ] ] ] ], ] ], [ '$match' => [ '$expr' => [ '$lt' => ['$actualStart' , '$actualEnd' ], ] ] ], [ '$group' => [ '_id' => [ 'id' => '$id' ], 'period_start' => ['$first' => '$period_start'], 'period_end' => ['$first' => '$period_end'], 'NumberPlays' => ['$sum' => '$count'], 'Duration' => ['$sum' => '$actualDiff'], 'start' => ['$first' => '$start'], 'end' => ['$first' => '$end'], 'id' => ['$first' => '$id'], ] ], [ '$project' => [ 'start' => '$start', 'end' => '$end', 'period_start' => 1, 'period_end' => 1, 'NumberPlays' => 1, 'Duration' => 1, 'id' => 1, ] ], [ '$sort' => ['id' => 1] ] ]; // Stats result $results = $this->getTimeSeriesStore()->executeQuery(['collection' => $this->table, 'query' => $statQuery]); // Run period loop and map the stat result for each period $resultArray = []; $day = [ 1 => 'Mon', 2 => 'Tues', 3 => 'Wed', 4 => 'Thu', 5 => 'Fri', 6 => 'Sat', 7 => 'Sun']; foreach ($periods as $key => $period) { $id = $period['id']; if($groupByFilter == 'byhour'){ $label = $this->getDate()->parse($period['start']->toDateTime()->format('U'), 'U')->format('g:i A'); } elseif ($groupByFilter == 'bydayofweek') { $label = $day[$id]; } elseif ($groupByFilter == 'bydayofmonth') { $label = $this->getDate()->parse($period['start']->toDateTime()->format('U'), 'U')->format('d'); } $matched = false; foreach ($results as $k => $result) { if( $result['id'] == $period['id'] ) { $NumberPlays = $result['NumberPlays']; $Duration = $result['Duration']; $matched = true; break; } } $resultArray[$key]['id'] = $id; $resultArray[$key]['label'] = $label; if($matched == true) { $resultArray[$key]['NumberPlays'] = $NumberPlays; $resultArray[$key]['Duration'] = $Duration; } else { $resultArray[$key]['NumberPlays'] = 0; $resultArray[$key]['Duration'] = 0; } } $this->getLog()->debug('Period start: ' . $fromDt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' Period end: ' . $toDt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')); return [ 'result' => $resultArray, 'periodStart' => $fromDt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'periodEnd' => $toDt->format('Y-m-d H:i:s') ]; } else { return []; } } }