store = $store; $this->log = $log; $this->sanitizerService = $sanitizerService; return $this; } /** * Set Acl Dependencies * @param User $user * @param UserFactory $userFactory * @return $this */ public function setAclDependencies($user, $userFactory) { $this->user = $user; $this->userFactory = $userFactory; return $this; } /** * Get Store * @return StorageServiceInterface */ protected function getStore() { return $this->store; } /** * Get Log * @return LogServiceInterface */ protected function getLog() { return $this->log; } /** * Get Sanitizer * @return SanitizerServiceInterface */ protected function getSanitizer() { return $this->sanitizerService; } /** * Get User * @return User */ public function getUser() { return $this->user; } /** * Get User Factory * @return UserFactory */ public function getUserFactory() { return $this->userFactory; } /** * Count of records returned for the last query. * @return int */ public function countLast() { return $this->_countLast; } /** * View Permission SQL * @param $entity * @param $sql * @param $params * @param $idColumn * @param null $ownerColumn * @param array $filterBy */ public function viewPermissionSql($entity, &$sql, &$params, $idColumn, $ownerColumn = null, $filterBy = []) { $checkUserId = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('userCheckUserId', $filterBy); if ($checkUserId !== null) { $this->getLog()->debug('Checking permissions against a specific user: %d', $checkUserId); $user = $this->getUserFactory()->getById($checkUserId); } else { $user = $this->getUser(); if ($user !== null) $this->getLog()->debug('Checking permissions against the logged in user: ID: %d, Name: %s, UserType: %d', $user->userId, $user->userName, $user->userTypeId); } $permissionSql = ''; // Has the user check been disabled? 0 = no it hasn't $performUserCheck = $this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox('disableUserCheck', 0, $filterBy) == 0; // Check the whether we need to restrict to the DOOH user. // we only do this for entities which have an owner, and only if the user check hasn't been disabled. if ($ownerColumn !== null && $performUserCheck) { if (($user->userTypeId == 1 && $user->showContentFrom == 2) || $user->userTypeId == 4) { // DOOH only $permissionSql .= ' AND ' . $ownerColumn . ' IN (SELECT userId FROM user WHERE userTypeId = 4) '; } else { // Standard only // workaround for a historical issue where the displaygroup.userId field is 0 // Note: this does not get cherry-picked into v3 if ($ownerColumn === '`displaygroup`.userId') { $permissionSql .= ' AND (`displaygroup`.userId = 0 OR `displaygroup`.userId IN (SELECT userId FROM user WHERE userTypeId <> 4)) '; } else { $permissionSql .= ' AND ' . $ownerColumn . ' IN (SELECT userId FROM user WHERE userTypeId <> 4) '; } } } if ($performUserCheck && !$user->isSuperAdmin()) { $permissionSql .= ' AND (' . $idColumn . ' IN ( SELECT `permission`.objectId FROM `permission` INNER JOIN `permissionentity` ON `permissionentity`.entityId = `permission`.entityId INNER JOIN `group` ON `group`.groupId = `permission`.groupId INNER JOIN `lkusergroup` ON `lkusergroup`.groupId = `group`.groupId INNER JOIN `user` ON lkusergroup.UserID = `user`.UserID WHERE `permissionentity`.entity = :permissionEntity AND `user`.userId = :currentUserId AND `permission`.view = 1 UNION ALL SELECT `permission`.objectId FROM `permission` INNER JOIN `permissionentity` ON `permissionentity`.entityId = `permission`.entityId INNER JOIN `group` ON `group`.groupId = `permission`.groupId WHERE `permissionentity`.entity = :permissionEntity AND `group`.isEveryone = 1 AND `permission`.view = 1 ) '; $params['permissionEntity'] = $entity; $params['currentUserId'] = $user->userId; if ($ownerColumn != null) { $permissionSql .= ' OR ' . $ownerColumn . ' = :currentUserId2'; $params['currentUserId2'] = $user->userId; } // Group Admin? if ($user->userTypeId == 2 && $ownerColumn != null) { // OR the group admin and the owner of the media are in the same group $permissionSql .= ' OR ( SELECT COUNT(lkUserGroupId) FROM `lkusergroup` WHERE userId = ' . $ownerColumn . ' AND groupId IN ( SELECT groupId FROM `lkusergroup` WHERE userId = :currentUserId3 ) ) > 0 '; $params['currentUserId3'] = $user->userId; } $permissionSql .= ' )'; //$this->getLog()->debug('Permission SQL = %s', $permissionSql); } // Set out params $sql = $sql . $permissionSql; } /** * @param $variable * @return array */ protected function parseComparisonOperator($variable) { $operator = '='; $allowedOperators = [ 'less-than' => '<', 'greater-than' => '>', 'less-than-equal' => '<=', 'greater-than-equal' => '>=' ]; if (stripos($variable, '|') !== false) { $variable = explode('|', $variable); if (array_key_exists($variable[0], $allowedOperators)) { $operator = $allowedOperators[$variable[0]]; } $variable = $variable[1]; } return [ 'operator' => $operator, 'variable' => $variable ]; } /** * Sets the name filter for all factories to use. * * @param string $tableName Table name * @param string $tableColumn Column with the name * @param array $terms An Array exploded by "," of the search names * @param string $body Current SQL body passed by reference * @param array $params Array of parameters passed by reference * @param bool $useRegex flag to match against a regex pattern */ public function nameFilter($tableName, $tableColumn, $terms, &$body, &$params, $useRegex = false) { $i = 0; $j = 0; $searchNames = []; $tableAndColumn = $tableName . '.' . $tableColumn; // Convert into commas foreach ($terms as $term) { // convert into a space delimited array $names = explode(' ', $term); // filter empty array elements, in an attempt to better handle spaces after `,`. $filteredNames = array_filter($names); foreach ($filteredNames as $searchName) { $i++; if (!isset($filteredNames[0])) { $j = 1; } // store searchName array $searchNames[] = $searchName; // Not like, or like? if (substr($searchName, 0, 1) == '-') { if ($i == 1) { $body .= " AND ( $tableAndColumn NOT RLIKE (:search$i) "; $params['search' . $i] = $useRegex ? ltrim(($searchName), '-') : preg_quote(ltrim(($searchName), '-')); } elseif ( (count($filteredNames) > 1 && $filteredNames[$j] != $searchName) || strpos($searchNames[$i-1], '-') !== false ) { $body .= " AND $tableAndColumn NOT RLIKE (:search$i) "; $params['search' . $i] = $useRegex ? ltrim(($searchName), '-') : preg_quote(ltrim(($searchName), '-')); } else { $body .= " OR $tableAndColumn NOT RLIKE (:search$i) "; $params['search' . $i] = $useRegex ? ltrim(($searchName), '-') : preg_quote(ltrim(($searchName), '-')); } } else { if ($i === 1) { $body .= " AND ( $tableAndColumn RLIKE (:search$i) "; $params['search' . $i] = $useRegex ? $searchName : preg_quote($searchName); } elseif (count($filteredNames) > 1 && $filteredNames[$j] != $searchName) { $body .= " AND $tableAndColumn RLIKE (:search$i) "; $params['search' . $i] = $useRegex ? $searchName : preg_quote($searchName); } else { $body .= " OR $tableAndColumn RLIKE (:search$i) "; $params['search' . $i] = $useRegex ? $searchName : preg_quote($searchName); } } } } $body .= ' ) '; } /** * @param array $tags An array of tags * @param string $operator exactTags passed from factory, determines if the search is LIKE or = * @param string $body Current SQL body passed by reference * @param array $params Array of parameters passed by reference */ public function tagFilter($tags, $operator, &$body, &$params) { $i = 0; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $i++; $tagV = explode('|', $tag); // search tag without value if (!isset($tagV[1])) { if ($i == 1) { $body .= ' WHERE `tag` ' . $operator . ' :tags' . $i; } else { $body .= ' OR `tag` ' . $operator . ' :tags' . $i; } if ($operator === '=') { $params['tags' . $i] = $tag; } else { $params['tags' . $i] = '%' . $tag . '%'; } // search tag only by value } elseif ($tagV[0] == '') { if ($i == 1) { $body .= ' WHERE `value` ' . $operator . ' :value' . $i; } else { $body .= ' OR `value` ' . $operator . ' :value' . $i; } if ($operator === '=') { $params['value' . $i] = $tagV[1]; } else { $params['value' . $i] = '%' . $tagV[1] . '%'; } // search tag by both tag and value } else { if ($i == 1) { $body .= ' WHERE `tag` ' . $operator . ' :tags' . $i . ' AND value ' . $operator . ' :value' . $i; } else { $body .= ' OR `tag` ' . $operator . ' :tags' . $i . ' AND value ' . $operator . ' :value' . $i; } if ($operator === '=') { $params['tags' . $i] = $tagV[0]; $params['value' . $i] = $tagV[1]; } else { $params['tags' . $i] = '%' . $tagV[0] . '%'; $params['value' . $i] = '%' . $tagV[1] . '%'; } } } $body .= ' ) '; } }