setCommonDependencies($store, $log); $this->config = $config; $this->pool = $pool; $this->dateService = $date; $this->displayGroupFactory = $displayGroupFactory; $this->dayPartFactory = $dayPartFactory; $this->excludeProperty('lastRecurrenceWatermark'); } public function __clone() { $this->eventId = null; } /** * @param DisplayFactory $displayFactory * @return $this */ public function setDisplayFactory($displayFactory) { $this->displayFactory = $displayFactory; return $this; } /** * @param DateServiceInterface $dateService * @deprecated dateService is set by the factory * @return $this */ public function setDateService($dateService) { $this->dateService = $dateService; return $this; } /** * @return DateServiceInterface * @throws ConfigurationException */ private function getDate() { if ($this->dateService == null) throw new ConfigurationException('Application Error: Date Service is not set on Schedule Entity'); return $this->dateService; } /** * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->eventId; } /** * @return int */ public function getOwnerId() { return $this->userId; } /** * Sets the Owner * @param int $ownerId */ public function setOwner($ownerId) { $this->userId = $ownerId; } /** * Are the provided dates within the schedule look ahead * @return bool * @throws XiboException */ private function inScheduleLookAhead() { if ($this->isAlwaysDayPart()) return true; // From Date and To Date are in UNIX format $currentDate = $this->getDate()->parse(); $rfLookAhead = clone $currentDate; $rfLookAhead->addSeconds(intval($this->config->GetSetting('REQUIRED_FILES_LOOKAHEAD'))); // Dial current date back to the start of the day $currentDate->startOfDay(); // Test dates if ($this->recurrenceType != '') { // A recurring event $this->getLog()->debug('Checking look ahead based on recurrence'); // we should check whether the event from date is before the lookahead (i.e. the event has recurred once) // we should also check whether the recurrence range is still valid (i.e. we've not stopped recurring and we don't recur forever) return ( $this->fromDt <= $rfLookAhead->format('U') && ($this->recurrenceRange == 0 || $this->recurrenceRange > $currentDate->format('U')) ); } else if (!$this->isCustomDayPart() || $this->eventTypeId == self::$COMMAND_EVENT) { // Day parting event (non recurring) or command event // only test the from date. $this->getLog()->debug('Checking look ahead based from date ' . $currentDate->toRssString()); return ($this->fromDt >= $currentDate->format('U') && $this->fromDt <= $rfLookAhead->format('U')); } else { // Compare the event dates $this->getLog()->debug('Checking look ahead based event dates ' . $currentDate->toRssString() . ' / ' . $rfLookAhead->toRssString()); return ($this->fromDt <= $rfLookAhead->format('U') && $this->toDt >= $currentDate->format('U')); } } /** * Load */ public function load() { // If we are already loaded, then don't do it again if ($this->loaded || $this->eventId == null || $this->eventId == 0) return; $this->displayGroups = $this->displayGroupFactory->getByEventId($this->eventId); // We are fully loaded $this->loaded = true; } /** * Assign DisplayGroup * @param DisplayGroup $displayGroup */ public function assignDisplayGroup($displayGroup) { $this->load(); if (!in_array($displayGroup, $this->displayGroups)) $this->displayGroups[] = $displayGroup; } /** * Unassign DisplayGroup * @param DisplayGroup $displayGroup */ public function unassignDisplayGroup($displayGroup) { $this->load(); $this->displayGroups = array_udiff($this->displayGroups, [$displayGroup], function ($a, $b) { /** * @var DisplayGroup $a * @var DisplayGroup $b */ return $a->getId() - $b->getId(); }); } /** * Validate * @throws XiboException */ public function validate() { if (count($this->displayGroups) <= 0) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('No display groups selected'), 'displayGroups'); $this->getLog()->debug('EventTypeId: %d. DayPartId: %d, CampaignId: %d, CommandId: %d', $this->eventTypeId, $this->dayPartId, $this->campaignId, $this->commandId); if ($this->eventTypeId == Schedule::$LAYOUT_EVENT || $this->eventTypeId == Schedule::$OVERLAY_EVENT) { // Validate layout if (!v::intType()->notEmpty()->validate($this->campaignId)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please select a Campaign/Layout for this event.'), 'campaignId'); if ($this->isCustomDayPart()) { // validate the dates if ($this->toDt <= $this->fromDt) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Can not have an end time earlier than your start time'), 'start/end'); } $this->commandId = null; } else if ($this->eventTypeId == Schedule::$COMMAND_EVENT) { // Validate command if (!v::intType()->notEmpty()->validate($this->commandId)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please select a Command for this event.'), 'command'); $this->campaignId = null; $this->toDt = null; } else { // No event type selected throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please select the Event Type'), 'eventTypeId'); } // Make sure we have a sensible recurrence setting if (!$this->isCustomDayPart() && ($this->recurrenceType == 'Minute' || $this->recurrenceType == 'Hour')) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Repeats selection is invalid for Always or Daypart events'), 'recurrencyType'); // Check display order is positive if ($this->displayOrder < 0) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Display Order must be 0 or a positive number'), 'displayOrder'); // Check priority is positive if ($this->isPriority < 0) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Priority must be 0 or a positive number'), 'isPriority'); // Check recurrenceDetail every is positive if ($this->recurrenceDetail < 0) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Repeat every must be a positive number'), 'recurrenceDetail'); } /** * Save * @param array $options * @throws XiboException */ public function save($options = []) { $options = array_merge([ 'validate' => true, 'audit' => true, 'deleteOrphaned' => false, 'notify' => true ], $options); if ($options['validate']) $this->validate(); // Handle "always" day parts if ($this->isAlwaysDayPart()) { $this->fromDt = self::$DATE_MIN; $this->toDt = self::$DATE_MAX; } if ($this->eventId == null || $this->eventId == 0) { $this->add(); $auditMessage = 'Added'; $this->loaded = true; } else { // If this save action means there aren't any display groups assigned // and if we're set to deleteOrphaned, then delete if ($options['deleteOrphaned'] && count($this->displayGroups) <= 0) { $this->delete(); return; } else { $this->edit(); $auditMessage = 'Saved'; } } // Manage display assignments if ($this->loaded) { // Manage assignments $this->manageAssignments(); } // Notify if ($options['notify']) { // Only if the schedule effects the immediate future - i.e. within the RF Look Ahead if ($this->inScheduleLookAhead()) { $this->getLog()->debug('Schedule changing is within the schedule look ahead, will notify ' . count($this->displayGroups) . ' display groups'); foreach ($this->displayGroups as $displayGroup) { /* @var DisplayGroup $displayGroup */ $this->displayFactory->getDisplayNotifyService()->collectNow()->notifyByDisplayGroupId($displayGroup->displayGroupId); } } else { $this->getLog()->debug('Schedule changing is not within the schedule look ahead'); } } if ($options['audit']) $this->audit($this->getId(), $auditMessage); // Drop the cache for this event $this->dropEventCache(); } /** * Delete this Schedule Event */ public function delete() { $this->load(); // Notify display groups $notify = $this->displayGroups; // Delete display group assignments $this->displayGroups = []; $this->unlinkDisplayGroups(); // Delete the event itself $this->getStore()->update('DELETE FROM `schedule` WHERE eventId = :eventId', ['eventId' => $this->eventId]); // Notify // Only if the schedule effects the immediate future - i.e. within the RF Look Ahead if ($this->inScheduleLookAhead() && $this->displayFactory !== null) { $this->getLog()->debug('Schedule changing is within the schedule look ahead, will notify ' . count($notify) . ' display groups'); foreach ($notify as $displayGroup) { /* @var DisplayGroup $displayGroup */ $this->displayFactory->getDisplayNotifyService()->collectNow()->notifyByDisplayGroupId($displayGroup->displayGroupId); } } else if ($this->displayFactory === null) { $this->getLog()->info('Notify disabled, dependencies not set'); } // Drop the cache for this event $this->dropEventCache(); // Audit $this->audit($this->getId(), 'Deleted', $this->toArray()); } /** * Add */ private function add() { $this->eventId = $this->getStore()->insert(' INSERT INTO `schedule` (eventTypeId, CampaignId, commandId, userID, is_priority, FromDT, ToDT, DisplayOrder, recurrence_type, recurrence_detail, recurrence_range, `recurrenceRepeatsOn`, `dayPartId`, `syncTimezone`) VALUES (:eventTypeId, :campaignId, :commandId, :userId, :isPriority, :fromDt, :toDt, :displayOrder, :recurrenceType, :recurrenceDetail, :recurrenceRange, :recurrenceRepeatsOn, :dayPartId, :syncTimezone) ', [ 'eventTypeId' => $this->eventTypeId, 'campaignId' => $this->campaignId, 'commandId' => $this->commandId, 'userId' => $this->userId, 'isPriority' => $this->isPriority, 'fromDt' => $this->fromDt, 'toDt' => $this->toDt, 'displayOrder' => $this->displayOrder, 'recurrenceType' => $this->recurrenceType, 'recurrenceDetail' => $this->recurrenceDetail, 'recurrenceRange' => $this->recurrenceRange, 'recurrenceRepeatsOn' => $this->recurrenceRepeatsOn, 'dayPartId' => $this->dayPartId, 'syncTimezone' => $this->syncTimezone ]); } /** * Edit */ private function edit() { $this->getStore()->update(' UPDATE `schedule` SET eventTypeId = :eventTypeId, campaignId = :campaignId, commandId = :commandId, is_priority = :isPriority, userId = :userId, fromDt = :fromDt, toDt = :toDt, displayOrder = :displayOrder, recurrence_type = :recurrenceType, recurrence_detail = :recurrenceDetail, recurrence_range = :recurrenceRange, `recurrenceRepeatsOn` = :recurrenceRepeatsOn, `dayPartId` = :dayPartId, `syncTimezone` = :syncTimezone WHERE eventId = :eventId ', [ 'eventTypeId' => $this->eventTypeId, 'campaignId' => $this->campaignId, 'commandId' => $this->commandId, 'userId' => $this->userId, 'isPriority' => $this->isPriority, 'fromDt' => $this->fromDt, 'toDt' => $this->toDt, 'displayOrder' => $this->displayOrder, 'recurrenceType' => $this->recurrenceType, 'recurrenceDetail' => $this->recurrenceDetail, 'recurrenceRange' => $this->recurrenceRange, 'recurrenceRepeatsOn' => $this->recurrenceRepeatsOn, 'dayPartId' => $this->dayPartId, 'syncTimezone' => $this->syncTimezone, 'eventId' => $this->eventId ]); } /** * Get events between the provided dates. * @param Date $fromDt * @param Date $toDt * @return ScheduleEvent[] * @throws XiboException */ public function getEvents($fromDt, $toDt) { // Copy the dates as we are going to be operating on them. $fromDt = $fromDt->copy(); $toDt = $toDt->copy(); if ($this->pool == null) throw new ConfigurationException(__('Cache pool not available')); if ($this->eventId == null) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Unable to generate schedule, unknown event'), 'eventId'); // What if we are requesting a single point in time? if ($fromDt == $toDt) { $this->log->debug('Requesting event for a single point in time: ' . $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($fromDt)); } $events = []; $fromTimeStamp = $fromDt->format('U'); $toTimeStamp = $toDt->format('U'); // Rewind the from date to the start of the month $fromDt->startOfMonth(); if ($fromDt == $toDt) { $this->log->debug('From and To Dates are the same after rewinding 1 month, the date is the 1st of the month, adding a month to toDate.'); $toDt->addMonth(); } // Request month cache while ($fromDt < $toDt) { $this->generateMonth($fromDt); $this->getLog()->debug('Events: ' . json_encode($this->scheduleEvents, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); foreach ($this->scheduleEvents as $scheduleEvent) { if (in_array($scheduleEvent, $events)) continue; if ($scheduleEvent->toDt == null) { if ($scheduleEvent->fromDt >= $fromTimeStamp && $scheduleEvent->toDt < $toTimeStamp) $events[] = $scheduleEvent; } else { if ($scheduleEvent->fromDt <= $toTimeStamp && $scheduleEvent->toDt > $fromTimeStamp) $events[] = $scheduleEvent; } } // Move the month forwards $fromDt->addMonth(); } $this->getLog()->debug('Filtered ' . count($this->scheduleEvents) . ' to ' . count($events)); return $events; } /** * Generate Instances * @param Date $generateFromDt * @throws XiboException */ private function generateMonth($generateFromDt) { $generateFromDt->startOfMonth(); $generateToDt = $generateFromDt->copy()->addMonth(); $this->getLog()->debug('Request for schedule events on eventId ' . $this->eventId . ' from: ' . $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($generateFromDt) . ' to: ' . $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($generateToDt) . ' [eventId:' . $this->eventId . ']' ); // Events scheduled "always" will return one event if ($this->isAlwaysDayPart()) { // Create events with min/max dates $this->addDetail(Schedule::$DATE_MIN, Schedule::$DATE_MAX); return; } // Load the dates into a date object for parsing $start = $this->getDate()->parse($this->fromDt, 'U'); $end = ($this->toDt == null) ? $start->copy() : $this->getDate()->parse($this->toDt, 'U'); // If we are a daypart event, look up the start/end times for the event $this->calculateDayPartTimes($start, $end); // Does the original event fall into this window? if ($start <= $generateToDt && $end > $generateFromDt) { // Add the detail for the main event (this is the event that originally triggered the generation) $this->addDetail($start->format('U'), $end->format('U')); } else { $this->getLog()->debug('Main event is not in the current generation window. [eventId:' . $this->eventId . ']'); } // If we don't have any recurrence, we are done if (empty($this->recurrenceType) || empty($this->recurrenceDetail)) return; // Detect invalid recurrences and quit early if (!$this->isCustomDayPart() && ($this->recurrenceType == 'Minute' || $this->recurrenceType == 'Hour')) return; // Check the cache $item = $this->pool->getItem('schedule/' . $this->eventId . '/' . $generateFromDt->format('Y-m')); if ($item->isHit()) { $this->scheduleEvents = $item->get(); $this->getLog()->debug('Returning from cache! [eventId:' . $this->eventId . ']'); return; } $this->getLog()->debug('Cache miss! [eventId:' . $this->eventId . ']'); // vv anything below here means that the event window requested is not in the cache vv // WE ARE NOT IN THE CACHE // this means we need to always walk the tree from the last watermark // if the last watermark is after the from window, then we need to walk from the beginning // Handle recurrence $lastWatermark = ($this->lastRecurrenceWatermark != 0) ? $this->getDate()->parse($this->lastRecurrenceWatermark, 'U') : $this->getDate()->parse(self::$DATE_MIN, 'U'); $this->getLog()->debug('Recurrence calculation required - last water mark is set to: ' . $lastWatermark->toRssString() . '. Event dates: ' . $start->toRssString() . ' - ' . $end->toRssString() . ' [eventId:' . $this->eventId . ']'); // Set the temp starts // the start date should be the latest of the event start date and the last recurrence date if ($lastWatermark > $start && $lastWatermark < $generateFromDt) { $this->getLog()->debug('The last watermark is later than the event start date and the generate from dt, using the watermark for forward population' . ' [eventId:' . $this->eventId . ']'); // Need to set the toDt based on the original event duration and the watermark start date $eventDuration = $start->diffInSeconds($end, true); /** @var Date $start */ $start = $lastWatermark->copy(); $end = $start->copy()->addSeconds($eventDuration); } // range should be the smallest of the recurrence range and the generate window todt // the start/end date should be the the first recurrence in the current window if ($this->recurrenceRange != 0) { $range = $this->getDate()->parse($this->recurrenceRange, 'U'); // Override the range to be within the period we are looking $range = ($range < $generateToDt) ? $range : $generateToDt->copy(); } else { $range = $generateToDt->copy(); } $this->getLog()->debug('[' . $generateFromDt->toRssString() . ' - ' . $generateToDt->toRssString() . '] Looping from ' . $start->toRssString() . ' to ' . $range->toRssString() . ' [eventId:' . $this->eventId . ']'); // loop until we have added the recurring events for the schedule while ($start < $range) { $this->getLog()->debug('Loop: ' . $start->toRssString() . ' to ' . $range->toRssString() . ' [eventId:' . $this->eventId . ', end: ' . $end->toRssString() . ']'); // add the appropriate time to the start and end switch ($this->recurrenceType) { case 'Minute': $start->minute($start->minute + $this->recurrenceDetail); $end->minute($end->minute + $this->recurrenceDetail); break; case 'Hour': $start->hour($start->hour + $this->recurrenceDetail); $end->hour($end->hour + $this->recurrenceDetail); break; case 'Day': $start->day($start->day + $this->recurrenceDetail); $end->day($end->day + $this->recurrenceDetail); break; case 'Week': // dayOfWeek is 0 for Sunday to 6 for Saturday // daysSelected is 1 for Monday to 7 for Sunday $dayOfWeekLookup = [7,1,2,3,4,5,6]; // recurrenceRepeatsOn will contain an array we can use to determine which days it should repeat // on. Roll forward 7 days, adding each day we hit // if we go over the start of the week, then jump forward by the recurrence range if (!empty($this->recurrenceRepeatsOn)) { // Parse days selected and add the necessary events $daysSelected = explode(',', $this->recurrenceRepeatsOn); // Are we on the start day of this week already? $onStartOfWeek = ($start->copy()->setTime(0,0,0) == $start->copy()->startOfWeek()->setTime(0,0,0)); // What is the end of this week $endOfWeek = $start->copy()->endOfWeek(); $this->getLog()->debug('Days selected: ' . $this->recurrenceRepeatsOn . '. End of week = ' . $endOfWeek . ' start date ' . $start . ' [eventId:' . $this->eventId . ']'); for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) { // Add a day to the start dates // after the first pass, we will already be on the first day of the week if ($i > 1 || !$onStartOfWeek) { $start->day($start->day + 1); $end->day($end->day + 1); } $this->getLog()->debug('End of week = ' . $endOfWeek . ' assessing start date ' . $start . ' [eventId:' . $this->eventId . ']'); // If we go over the recurrence range, stop // if we go over the start of the week, stop if ($start > $range || $start > $endOfWeek) { break; } // Is this day set? if (!in_array($dayOfWeekLookup[$start->dayOfWeek], $daysSelected)) continue; if ($start >= $generateFromDt) { if ($this->eventTypeId == self::$COMMAND_EVENT) { $this->addDetail($start->format('U'), null); } else { // If we are a daypart event, look up the start/end times for the event $this->calculateDayPartTimes($start, $end); $this->addDetail($start->format('U'), $end->format('U')); } } } $this->getLog()->debug('Finished 7 day roll forward, start date is ' . $start . ' [eventId:' . $this->eventId . ']'); // If we haven't passed the end of the week, roll forward if ($start < $endOfWeek) { $start->day($start->day + 1); $end->day($end->day + 1); } // Wind back a week and then add our recurrence detail $start->day($start->day - 7); $end->day($end->day - 7); $this->getLog()->debug('Resetting start date to ' . $start . ' [eventId:' . $this->eventId . ']'); } // Jump forward a week from the original start date (when we entered this loop) $start->day($start->day + ($this->recurrenceDetail * 7)); $end->day($end->day + ($this->recurrenceDetail * 7)); break; case 'Month': $start->month($start->month + $this->recurrenceDetail); $end->month($end->month + $this->recurrenceDetail); break; case 'Year': $start->year($start->year + $this->recurrenceDetail); $end->year($end->year + $this->recurrenceDetail); break; default: throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid recurrence type', 'recurrenceType'); } // after we have added the appropriate amount, are we still valid if ($start > $range) { $this->getLog()->debug('Breaking mid loop because we\'ve exceeded the range. Start: ' . $start->toRssString() . ', range: ' . $range->toRssString() . ' [eventId:' . $this->eventId . ']'); break; } // Push the watermark $lastWatermark = $start->copy(); // Don't add if we are weekly recurrency (handles it's own adding) if ($this->recurrenceType == 'Week' && !empty($this->recurrenceRepeatsOn)) continue; if ($start >= $generateFromDt) { if ($this->eventTypeId == self::$COMMAND_EVENT) $this->addDetail($start->format('U'), null); else { // If we are a daypart event, look up the start/end times for the event $this->calculateDayPartTimes($start, $end); $this->addDetail($start->format('U'), $end->format('U')); } } } $this->getLog()->debug('Our last recurrence watermark is: ' . $lastWatermark->toRssString() . '[eventId:' . $this->eventId . ']'); // Update our schedule with the new last watermark $lastWatermarkTimeStamp = $lastWatermark->format('U'); if ($lastWatermarkTimeStamp != $this->lastRecurrenceWatermark) { $this->lastRecurrenceWatermark = $lastWatermarkTimeStamp; $this->getStore()->update('UPDATE `schedule` SET lastRecurrenceWatermark = :lastRecurrenceWatermark WHERE eventId = :eventId', [ 'eventId' => $this->eventId, 'lastRecurrenceWatermark' => $this->lastRecurrenceWatermark ]); } // Update the cache $item->set($this->scheduleEvents); $item->expiresAt(Date::now()->addMonths(2)); $this->pool->saveDeferred($item); return; } /** * Drop the event cache * @param $key */ private function dropEventCache($key = null) { $compKey = 'schedule/' . $this->eventId; if ($key !== null) $compKey .= '/' . $key; $this->pool->deleteItem($compKey); } /** * Calculate the DayPart times * @param Date $start * @param Date $end * @throws XiboException */ private function calculateDayPartTimes($start, $end) { $dayOfWeekLookup = ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']; if (!$this->isAlwaysDayPart() && !$this->isCustomDayPart()) { // End is always based on Start $end->setTimestamp($start->format('U')); $dayPart = $this->dayPartFactory->getById($this->dayPartId); $this->getLog()->debug('Start and end time for dayPart is ' . $dayPart->startTime . ' - ' . $dayPart->endTime); // What day of the week does this start date represent? // dayOfWeek is 0 for Sunday to 6 for Saturday $found = false; foreach ($dayPart->exceptions as $exception) { // Is there an exception for this day of the week? if ($exception['day'] == $dayOfWeekLookup[$start->dayOfWeek]) { $start->setTimeFromTimeString($exception['start']); $end->setTimeFromTimeString($exception['end']); if ($start > $end) $end->addDay(); $this->getLog()->debug('Found exception Start and end time for dayPart exception is ' . $exception['start'] . ' - ' . $exception['end']); $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) { // Set the time section of our dates based on the daypart date $start->setTimeFromTimeString($dayPart->startTime); $end->setTimeFromTimeString($dayPart->endTime); if ($start > $end) { $this->getLog()->debug('Start is ahead of end - adding a day to the end date'); $end->addDay(); } } } } /** * Add Detail * @param int $fromDt * @param int $toDt */ private function addDetail($fromDt, $toDt) { $this->scheduleEvents[] = new ScheduleEvent($fromDt, $toDt); } /** * Manage the assignments */ private function manageAssignments() { $this->linkDisplayGroups(); $this->unlinkDisplayGroups(); } /** * Link Layout */ private function linkDisplayGroups() { // TODO: Make this more efficient by storing the prepared SQL statement $sql = 'INSERT INTO `lkscheduledisplaygroup` (eventId, displayGroupId) VALUES (:eventId, :displayGroupId) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE displayGroupId = displayGroupId'; $i = 0; foreach ($this->displayGroups as $displayGroup) { $i++; $this->getStore()->insert($sql, array( 'eventId' => $this->eventId, 'displayGroupId' => $displayGroup->displayGroupId )); } } /** * Unlink Layout */ private function unlinkDisplayGroups() { // Unlink any layouts that are NOT in the collection $params = ['eventId' => $this->eventId]; $sql = 'DELETE FROM `lkscheduledisplaygroup` WHERE eventId = :eventId AND displayGroupId NOT IN (0'; $i = 0; foreach ($this->displayGroups as $displayGroup) { $i++; $sql .= ',:displayGroupId' . $i; $params['displayGroupId' . $i] = $displayGroup->displayGroupId; } $sql .= ')'; $this->getStore()->update($sql, $params); } /** * Is this event an always daypart event * @return bool * @throws \Xibo\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function isAlwaysDayPart() { $dayPart = $this->dayPartFactory->getById($this->dayPartId); return $dayPart->isAlways === 1; } /** * Is this event a custom daypart event * @return bool * @throws \Xibo\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function isCustomDayPart() { $dayPart = $this->dayPartFactory->getById($this->dayPartId); return $dayPart->isCustom === 1; } }