setCommonDependencies($store, $log); $this->sanitizer = $sanitizer; $this->config = $config; $this->pool = $pool; $this->dataSetFactory = $dataSetFactory; $this->dataSetColumnFactory = $dataSetColumnFactory; $this->permissionFactory = $permissionFactory; $this->displayFactory = $displayFactory; $this->date = $date; } /** * Clone */ public function __clone() { $this->dataSetId = null; $this->columns = array_map(function ($object) { return clone $object; }, $this->columns); } /** * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->dataSetId; } /** * @return int */ public function getOwnerId() { return $this->userId; } /** * Get the Count of Records in the last getData() * @return int */ public function countLast() { return $this->countLast; } /** * Get Column * @param int[Optional] $dataSetColumnId * @return DataSetColumn[]|DataSetColumn * @throws NotFoundException when the heading is provided and the column cannot be found */ public function getColumn($dataSetColumnId = 0) { $this->load(); if ($dataSetColumnId != 0) { foreach ($this->columns as $column) { /* @var DataSetColumn $column */ if ($column->dataSetColumnId == $dataSetColumnId) return $column; } throw new NotFoundException(sprintf(__('Column %s not found'), $dataSetColumnId)); } else { return $this->columns; } } /** * Get Column * @param string $dataSetColumn * @return DataSetColumn[]|DataSetColumn * @throws NotFoundException when the heading is provided and the column cannot be found */ public function getColumnByName($dataSetColumn) { $this->load(); foreach ($this->columns as $column) { /* @var DataSetColumn $column */ if ($column->heading == $dataSetColumn) return $column; } throw new NotFoundException(sprintf(__('Column %s not found'), $dataSetColumn)); } /** * @param string[] $columns Column Names to select * @return array */ public function getUniqueColumnValues($columns) { $this->load(); $select = ''; foreach ($columns as $heading) { // Check this exists $found = false; foreach ($this->columns as $column) { if ($column->heading == $heading) { // Formula column? if ($column->dataSetColumnTypeId == 2) { $select .= str_replace($this->blackList, '', htmlspecialchars_decode($column->formula, ENT_QUOTES)) . ' AS `' . $column->heading . '`,'; } else { $select .= '`' . $column->heading . '`,'; } $found = true; break; } } if (!$found) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('Unknown Column ' . $heading)); } $select = rtrim($select, ','); // $select is safe return $this->getStore()->select('SELECT DISTINCT ' . $select . ' FROM `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '`', []); } /** * Get DataSet Data * @param array $filterBy * @param array $options * @return array * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getData($filterBy = [], $options = []) { $this->touchLastAccessed(); $start = $this->sanitizer->getInt('start', 0, $filterBy); $size = $this->sanitizer->getInt('size', 0, $filterBy); $filter = $this->sanitizer->getParam('filter', $filterBy); $ordering = $this->sanitizer->getString('order', $filterBy); $displayId = $this->sanitizer->getInt('displayId', 0, $filterBy); $options = array_merge([ 'includeFormulaColumns' => true, 'requireTotal' => true ], $options); // Params $params = []; // Sanitize the filter options provided // Get the Latitude and Longitude ( might be used in a formula ) if ($displayId == 0) { $displayGeoLocation = "GEOMFROMTEXT('POINT(" . $this->config->GetSetting('DEFAULT_LAT') . " " . $this->config->GetSetting('DEFAULT_LONG') . ")')"; } else { $displayGeoLocation = '(SELECT GeoLocation FROM `display` WHERE DisplayID = :displayId)'; $params['displayId'] = $displayId; } // Build a SQL statement, based on the columns for this dataset $this->load(); $select = 'SELECT * FROM ( '; $body = 'SELECT id'; // Keep track of the columns we are allowed to order by $allowedOrderCols = ['id']; // Are there any client side formulas $clientSideFormula = []; // Select (columns) foreach ($this->getColumn() as $column) { /* @var DataSetColumn $column */ $allowedOrderCols[] = $column->heading; if ($column->dataSetColumnTypeId == 2 && !$options['includeFormulaColumns']) continue; // Formula column? if ($column->dataSetColumnTypeId == 2) { // Is this a client side column? if (substr($column->formula, 0, 1) === '$') { $clientSideFormula[] = $column; continue; } $formula = str_replace($this->blackList, '', htmlspecialchars_decode($column->formula, ENT_QUOTES)); $formula = str_replace('[DisplayId]', $displayId, $formula); $heading = str_replace('[DisplayGeoLocation]', $displayGeoLocation, $formula) . ' AS `' . $column->heading . '`'; } else { $heading = '`' . $column->heading . '`'; } $body .= ', ' . $heading; } $body .= ' FROM `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '`) dataset WHERE 1 = 1 '; // Filtering if ($filter != '') { // Support display filtering. $filter = str_replace('[DisplayId]', $displayId, $filter); $filter = str_replace($this->blackList, '', $filter); $body .= ' AND ' . $filter; } // Filter by ID if ( $this->sanitizer->getInt('id', $filterBy) !== null) { $body .= ' AND id = :id '; $params['id'] = $this->sanitizer->getInt('id', $filterBy); } // Ordering $order = ''; if ($ordering != '') { $order = ' ORDER BY '; $ordering = explode(',', $ordering); foreach ($ordering as $orderPair) { // Sanitize the clause $sanitized = str_replace('`', '', str_replace(' ASC', '', str_replace(' DESC', '', $orderPair))); // Check allowable if (!in_array($sanitized, $allowedOrderCols)) { $this->getLog()->info('Disallowed column: ' . $sanitized); continue; } // Substitute if (strripos($orderPair, ' DESC')) { $order .= sprintf(' `%s` DESC,', $sanitized); } else if (strripos($orderPair, ' ASC')) { $order .= sprintf(' `%s` ASC,', $sanitized); } else { $order .= sprintf(' `%s`,', $sanitized); } } $order = trim($order, ','); } else { $order = ' ORDER BY id '; } // Limit $limit = ''; if ($start != 0 || $size != 0) { // Substitute in $limit = sprintf(' LIMIT %d, %d ', $start, $size); } $sql = $select . $body . $order . $limit; $data = $this->getStore()->select($sql, $params); // If there are limits run some SQL to work out the full payload of rows if ($options['requireTotal']) { $results = $this->getStore()->select('SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM (' . $body, $params); $this->countLast = intval($results[0]['total']); } // Are there any client side formulas? if (count($clientSideFormula) > 0) { $renderedData = []; foreach ($data as $item) { foreach ($clientSideFormula as $column) { // Run the formula and add the resulting value to the list $value = null; try { if (substr($column->formula, 0, strlen('$dateFormat(')) === '$dateFormat(') { // Pull out the column name and date format $details = explode(',', str_replace(')', '', str_replace('$dateFormat(', '', $column->formula))); $value = $this->date->parse($item[$details[0]])->format($details[1]); } } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLog()->error('DataSet client side formula error in dataSetId ' . $this->dataSetId . ' with column formula ' . $column->formula); } $item[$column->heading] = $value; } $renderedData[] = $item; } } else { $renderedData = $data; } return $renderedData; } /** * Assign a column * @param DataSetColumn $column */ public function assignColumn($column) { $this->load(); // Set the dataSetId $column->dataSetId = $this->dataSetId; // Set the column order if we need to if ($column->columnOrder == 0) $column->columnOrder = count($this->columns) + 1; $this->columns[] = $column; } /** * Has Data? * @return bool */ public function hasData() { return $this->getStore()->exists('SELECT id FROM `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '` LIMIT 1', []); } /** * Returns a Timestamp for the next Synchronisation process. * @return int Seconds */ public function getNextSyncTime() { return $this->lastSync + $this->refreshRate; } /** * @return bool */ public function isTruncateEnabled() { return $this->clearRate !== 0; } /** * Returns a Timestamp for the next Clearing process. * @return int Seconds */ public function getNextClearTime() { return $this->lastSync + $this->clearRate; } /** * Returns if there is a consolidation field and method present or not. * @return boolean */ public function doConsolidate() { return ($this->summarizeField != null) && ($this->summarizeField != '') && ($this->summarize != null) && ($this->summarize != ''); } /** * Returns the last Part of the Fieldname on which the consolidation should be applied on * @return String */ public function getConsolidationField() { $pos = strrpos($this->summarizeField, '.'); if ($pos !== false) { return substr($this->summarizeField, $pos + 1); } return $this->summarizeField; } /** * Tests if this DataSet contains parameters for getting values on the dependant DataSet * @return boolean */ public function containsDependantFieldsInRequest() { return strpos($this->postData, '{{COL.') !== false || strpos($this->uri, '{{COL.') !== false; } /** * Validate * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws DuplicateEntityException */ public function validate() { if (!v::stringType()->notEmpty()->length(null, 50)->validate($this->dataSet)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Name must be between 1 and 50 characters'), 'dataSet'); if ($this->description != null && !v::stringType()->length(null, 254)->validate($this->description)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Description can not be longer than 254 characters'), 'description'); // If we are a remote dataset do some additional checks if ($this->isRemote === 1) { if (!v::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($this->uri)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('A remote DataSet must have a URI.'), 'uri'); } try { $existing = $this->dataSetFactory->getByName($this->dataSet, $this->userId); if ($this->dataSetId == 0 || $this->dataSetId != $existing->dataSetId) throw new DuplicateEntityException(sprintf(__('There is already dataSet called %s. Please choose another name.'), $this->dataSet)); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // This is good } } /** * Load all known information */ public function load() { if ($this->loaded || $this->dataSetId == 0) return; // Load Columns $this->columns = $this->dataSetColumnFactory->getByDataSetId($this->dataSetId); // Load Permissions $this->permissions = $this->permissionFactory->getByObjectId(get_class($this), $this->getId()); $this->loaded = true; } /** * Save this DataSet * @param array $options * @throws InvalidArgumentException * @throws DuplicateEntityException */ public function save($options = []) { $options = array_merge(['validate' => true, 'saveColumns' => true], $options); if ($options['validate']) $this->validate(); if ($this->dataSetId == 0) $this->add(); else $this->edit(); // Columns if ($options['saveColumns']) { foreach ($this->columns as $column) { /* @var \Xibo\Entity\DataSetColumn $column */ $column->dataSetId = $this->dataSetId; $column->save(); } } // We've been touched $this->touchLastAccessed(); // Notify Displays? $this->notify(); } /** * @param int $time * @return $this */ public function saveLastSync($time) { $this->lastSync = $time; $this->getStore()->update('UPDATE `dataset` SET lastSync = :lastSync WHERE dataSetId = :dataSetId', [ 'dataSetId' => $this->dataSetId, 'lastSync' => $this->lastSync ]); return $this; } private function touchLastAccessed() { // Touch this dataSet $dataSetCache = $this->pool->getItem('/dataset/accessed/' . $this->dataSetId); $dataSetCache->set('true'); $dataSetCache->expiresAfter(intval($this->config->GetSetting('REQUIRED_FILES_LOOKAHEAD')) * 1.5); $this->pool->saveDeferred($dataSetCache); } /** * Delete DataSet * @throws ConfigurationException * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function delete() { $this->load(); if ($this->isLookup) throw new ConfigurationException(__('Lookup Tables cannot be deleted')); // TODO: Make sure we're not used as a dependent DataSet // Make sure we're able to delete if ($this->getStore()->exists(' SELECT widgetId FROM `widgetoption` WHERE `widgetoption`.type = \'attrib\' AND `widgetoption`.option = \'dataSetId\' AND `widgetoption`.value = :dataSetId ', ['dataSetId' => $this->dataSetId])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Cannot delete because DataSet is in use on one or more Layouts.', 'dataSetId'); } // Delete Permissions foreach ($this->permissions as $permission) { /* @var Permission $permission */ $permission->deleteAll(); } // Delete Columns foreach ($this->columns as $column) { /* @var \Xibo\Entity\DataSetColumn $column */ $column->delete(); } // Delete the data set $this->getStore()->update('DELETE FROM `dataset` WHERE dataSetId = :dataSetId', ['dataSetId' => $this->dataSetId]); // The last thing we do is drop the dataSet table $this->dropTable(); } /** * Delete all data */ public function deleteData() { // The last thing we do is drop the dataSet table $this->getStore()->isolated('TRUNCATE TABLE `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '`', []); $this->getStore()->isolated('ALTER TABLE `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '` AUTO_INCREMENT = 1', []); } /** * Add */ private function add() { $columns = 'DataSet, Description, UserID, `code`, `isLookup`, `isRemote`'; $values = ':dataSet, :description, :userId, :code, :isLookup, :isRemote'; $params = [ 'dataSet' => $this->dataSet, 'description' => $this->description, 'userId' => $this->userId, 'code' => ($this->code == '') ? null : $this->code, 'isLookup' => $this->isLookup, 'isRemote' => $this->isRemote ]; // Insert the extra columns we expect for a remote DataSet if ($this->isRemote === 1) { $columns .= ', `method`, `uri`, `postData`, `authentication`, `username`, `password`, `refreshRate`, `clearRate`, `runsAfter`, `dataRoot`, `lastSync`, `summarize`, `summarizeField`'; $values .= ', :method, :uri, :postData, :authentication, :username, :password, :refreshRate, :clearRate, :runsAfter, :dataRoot, :lastSync, :summarize, :summarizeField'; $params['method'] = $this->method; $params['uri'] = $this->uri; $params['postData'] = $this->postData; $params['authentication'] = $this->authentication; $params['username'] = $this->username; $params['password'] = $this->password; $params['refreshRate'] = $this->refreshRate; $params['clearRate'] = $this->clearRate; $params['runsAfter'] = $this->runsAfter; $params['dataRoot'] = $this->dataRoot; $params['summarize'] = $this->summarize; $params['summarizeField'] = $this->summarizeField; $params['lastSync'] = 0; } // Do the insert $this->dataSetId = $this->getStore()->insert('INSERT INTO `dataset` (' . $columns . ') VALUES (' . $values . ')', $params); // Create the data table for this dataSet $this->createTable(); } /** * Edit */ private function edit() { $sql = 'DataSet = :dataSet, Description = :description, lastDataEdit = :lastDataEdit, `code` = :code, `isLookup` = :isLookup, `isRemote` = :isRemote '; $params = [ 'dataSetId' => $this->dataSetId, 'dataSet' => $this->dataSet, 'description' => $this->description, 'lastDataEdit' => $this->lastDataEdit, 'code' => $this->code, 'isLookup' => $this->isLookup, 'isRemote' => $this->isRemote, ]; if ($this->isRemote) { $sql .= ', method = :method, uri = :uri, postData = :postData, authentication = :authentication, `username` = :username, `password` = :password, refreshRate = :refreshRate, clearRate = :clearRate, runsAfter = :runsAfter, `dataRoot` = :dataRoot, `summarize` = :summarize, `summarizeField` = :summarizeField '; $params['method'] = $this->method; $params['uri'] = $this->uri; $params['postData'] = $this->postData; $params['authentication'] = $this->authentication; $params['username'] = $this->username; $params['password'] = $this->password; $params['refreshRate'] = $this->refreshRate; $params['clearRate'] = $this->clearRate; $params['runsAfter'] = $this->runsAfter; $params['dataRoot'] = $this->dataRoot; $params['summarize'] = $this->summarize; $params['summarizeField'] = $this->summarizeField; } $this->getStore()->update('UPDATE dataset SET ' . $sql . ' WHERE DataSetID = :dataSetId', $params); } /** * Create the realised table structure for this DataSet */ private function createTable() { // Create the data table for this dataset $this->getStore()->update(' CREATE TABLE `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ', []); } private function dropTable() { $this->getStore()->isolated('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dataset_' . $this->dataSetId, []); } /** * Rebuild the dataSet table * @throws XiboException */ public function rebuild() { $this->load(); // Drop the data table $this->dropTable(); // Add the data table $this->createTable(); foreach ($this->columns as $column) { /* @var \Xibo\Entity\DataSetColumn $column */ $column->dataSetId = $this->dataSetId; $column->save(['rebuilding' => true]); } } /** * Notify displays of this campaign change */ public function notify() { $this->getLog()->debug('DataSet ' . $this->dataSetId . ' wants to notify'); $this->displayFactory->getDisplayNotifyService()->collectNow()->notifyByDataSetId($this->dataSetId); } /** * Add a row * @param array $row * @return int */ public function addRow($row) { $this->getLog()->debug('Adding row ' . var_export($row, true)); // Update the last edit date on this dataSet $this->lastDataEdit = time(); // Build a query to insert $keys = array_keys($row); $keys[] = 'id'; $values = array_values($row); $values[] = NULL; $sql = 'INSERT INTO `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '` (`' . implode('`, `', $keys) . '`) VALUES (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($values), '?')) . ')'; return $this->getStore()->insert($sql, $values); } /** * Edit a row * @param int $rowId * @param array $row */ public function editRow($rowId, $row) { $this->getLog()->debug('Editing row %s', var_export($row, true)); // Update the last edit date on this dataSet $this->lastDataEdit = time(); // Params $params = ['id' => $rowId]; // Generate a SQL statement $sql = 'UPDATE `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '` SET'; $i = 0; foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $i++; $sql .= ' `' . $key . '` = :value' . $i . ','; $params['value' . $i] = $value; } $sql = rtrim($sql, ','); $sql .= ' WHERE `id` = :id '; $this->getStore()->update($sql, $params); } /** * Delete Row * @param $rowId */ public function deleteRow($rowId) { $this->lastDataEdit = time(); $this->getStore()->update('DELETE FROM `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '` WHERE id = :id', [ 'id' => $rowId ]); } }