. */ namespace Xibo\XTR; use Carbon\Carbon; use Xibo\Entity\Task; use Xibo\Factory\DisplayFactory; use Xibo\Factory\LayoutFactory; use Xibo\Factory\TaskFactory; use Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException; /** * Class StatsMigrationTask * @package Xibo\XTR */ class StatsMigrationTask implements TaskInterface { use TaskTrait; /** @var TaskFactory */ private $taskFactory; /** @var DisplayFactory */ private $displayFactory; /** @var LayoutFactory */ private $layoutFactory; /** @var bool Does the Archive Table exist? */ private $archiveExist; /** @var array Cache of displayIds found */ private $displays = []; /** @var array Cache of displayIds not found */ private $displaysNotFound = []; /** @var Task The Stats Archive Task */ private $archiveTask; /** @inheritdoc */ public function setFactories($container) { $this->taskFactory = $container->get('taskFactory'); $this->layoutFactory = $container->get('layoutFactory'); $this->displayFactory = $container->get('displayFactory'); return $this; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function run() { $this->migrateStats(); } /** * Migrate Stats * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function migrateStats() { // Config options $options = [ 'killSwitch' => (int)$this->getOption('killSwitch', 0), 'numberOfRecords' => (int)$this->getOption('numberOfRecords', 10000), 'numberOfLoops' => (int)$this->getOption('numberOfLoops', 1000), 'pauseBetweenLoops' => (int)$this->getOption('pauseBetweenLoops', 10), 'optimiseOnComplete' => (int)$this->getOption('optimiseOnComplete', 1), ]; // read configOverride $configOverrideFile = $this->getOption('configOverride', ''); if (!empty($configOverrideFile) && file_exists($configOverrideFile)) { $options = array_merge($options, json_decode(file_get_contents($configOverrideFile), true)); } if ($options['killSwitch'] == 0) { // Stat Archive Task $this->archiveTask = $this->taskFactory->getByClass('\Xibo\XTR\\StatsArchiveTask'); // Check stat_archive table exists $this->archiveExist = $this->store->exists('SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = DATABASE() AND TABLE_NAME = :name', [ 'name' => 'stat_archive' ]); // Get timestore engine $timeSeriesStore = $this->timeSeriesStore->getEngine(); if ($timeSeriesStore == 'mongodb') { // If no records in both the stat and stat_archive then disable the task $statSql = $this->store->getConnection()->prepare('SELECT statId FROM stat LIMIT 1'); $statSql->execute(); $statArchiveSqlCount = 0; if ( $this->archiveExist === true) { /** @noinspection SqlResolve */ $statArchiveSql = $this->store->getConnection()->prepare('SELECT statId FROM stat_archive LIMIT 1'); $statArchiveSql->execute(); $statArchiveSqlCount = $statArchiveSql->rowCount(); } if(($statSql->rowCount() == 0) && ($statArchiveSqlCount == 0)) { $this->runMessage = '## Stat migration to Mongo' . PHP_EOL ; $this->appendRunMessage('- Both stat_archive and stat is empty. '. PHP_EOL); // Disable the task and Enable the StatsArchiver task $this->log->debug('Stats migration task is disabled as stat_archive and stat is empty'); $this->disableTask(); if ($this->archiveTask->isActive == 0) { $this->archiveTask->isActive = 1; $this->archiveTask->save(); $this->store->commitIfNecessary(); $this->appendRunMessage('Enabling Stats Archive Task.'); $this->log->debug('Enabling Stats Archive Task.'); } } else { // if any of the two tables contain any records $this->quitMigrationTaskOrDisableStatArchiveTask(); } $this->moveStatsToMongoDb($options); } // If when the task runs it finds that MongoDB is disabled, // and there isn't a stat_archive table, then it should disable itself and not run again // (work is considered to be done at that point). else { if ($this->archiveExist == true) { $this->runMessage = '## Moving from stat_archive to stat (MySQL)' . PHP_EOL; $this->quitMigrationTaskOrDisableStatArchiveTask(); // Start migration $this->moveStatsFromStatArchiveToStatMysql($options); } else { // Disable the task $this->runMessage = '## Moving from stat_archive to stat (MySQL)' . PHP_EOL ; $this->appendRunMessage('- Table stat_archive does not exist.' . PHP_EOL); $this->log->debug('Table stat_archive does not exist.'); $this->disableTask(); // Enable the StatsArchiver task if ($this->archiveTask->isActive == 0) { $this->archiveTask->isActive = 1; $this->archiveTask->save(); $this->store->commitIfNecessary(); $this->appendRunMessage('Enabling Stats Archive Task.'); $this->log->debug('Enabling Stats Archive Task.'); } } } } } public function moveStatsFromStatArchiveToStatMysql($options) { $fileName = $this->config->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . '.watermark_stat_archive_mysql.txt'; // Get low watermark from file $watermark = $this->getWatermarkFromFile($fileName, 'stat_archive'); $numberOfLoops = 0; while ($watermark > 0) { $count = 0; /** @noinspection SqlResolve */ $stats = $this->store->getConnection()->prepare(' SELECT statId, type, statDate, scheduleId, displayId, layoutId, mediaId, widgetId, start, `end`, tag FROM stat_archive WHERE statId < :watermark ORDER BY statId DESC LIMIT :limit '); $stats->bindParam(':watermark', $watermark, \PDO::PARAM_INT); $stats->bindParam(':limit', $options['numberOfRecords'], \PDO::PARAM_INT); // Run the select $stats->execute(); // Keep count how many stats we've inserted $recordCount = $stats->rowCount(); $count+= $recordCount; // End of records if ($this->checkEndOfRecords($recordCount, $fileName) === true) { $this->appendRunMessage(PHP_EOL. '# End of records.' . PHP_EOL. '- Dropping stat_archive.'); $this->log->debug('End of records in stat_archive (migration to MYSQL). Dropping table.'); // Drop the stat_archive table /** @noinspection SqlResolve */ $this->store->update('DROP TABLE `stat_archive`;', []); $this->appendRunMessage(__('Done.'. PHP_EOL)); // Disable the task $this->disableTask(); // Enable the StatsArchiver task if ($this->archiveTask->isActive == 0) { $this->archiveTask->isActive = 1; $this->archiveTask->save(); $this->store->commitIfNecessary(); $this->appendRunMessage('Enabling Stats Archive Task.'); $this->log->debug('Enabling Stats Archive Task.'); } break; } // Loops limit end - task will need to rerun again to start from the saved watermark if ($this->checkLoopLimits($numberOfLoops, $options['numberOfLoops'], $fileName, $watermark) === true) { break; } $numberOfLoops++; $temp = []; $statIgnoredCount = 0; foreach ($stats->fetchAll() as $stat) { $watermark = $stat['statId']; $columns = 'type, statDate, scheduleId, displayId, campaignId, layoutId, mediaId, widgetId, `start`, `end`, tag, duration, `count`'; $values = ':type, :statDate, :scheduleId, :displayId, :campaignId, :layoutId, :mediaId, :widgetId, :start, :end, :tag, :duration, :count'; // Get campaignId if (($stat['type'] != 'event') && ($stat['layoutId'] != null)) { try { // Search the campaignId in the temp array first to reduce query in layouthistory if (array_key_exists($stat['layoutId'], $temp) ) { $campaignId = $temp[$stat['layoutId']]; } else { $campaignId = $this->layoutFactory->getCampaignIdFromLayoutHistory($stat['layoutId']); $temp[$stat['layoutId']] = $campaignId; } } catch (NotFoundException $error) { $statIgnoredCount+= 1; $count = $count - 1; continue; } } else { $campaignId = 0; } $params = [ 'type' => $stat['type'], 'statDate' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($stat['statDate'])->format('U'), 'scheduleId' => (int) $stat['scheduleId'], 'displayId' => (int) $stat['displayId'], 'campaignId' => $campaignId, 'layoutId' => (int) $stat['layoutId'], 'mediaId' => (int) $stat['mediaId'], 'widgetId' => (int) $stat['widgetId'], 'start' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($stat['start'])->format('U'), 'end' => Carbon::createFromTimestamp($stat['end'])->format('U'), 'tag' => $stat['tag'], 'duration' => isset($stat['duration']) ? (int) $stat['duration'] : Carbon::createFromTimestamp($stat['end'])->format('U') - Carbon::createFromTimestamp($stat['start'])->format('U'), 'count' => isset($stat['count']) ? (int) $stat['count'] : 1, ]; // Do the insert $this->store->insert('INSERT INTO `stat` (' . $columns . ') VALUES (' . $values . ')', $params); $this->store->commitIfNecessary(); } if ($statIgnoredCount > 0) { $this->appendRunMessage($statIgnoredCount. ' stat(s) were ignored while migrating'); } // Give SQL time to recover if ($watermark > 0) { $this->appendRunMessage('- '. $count. ' rows migrated.'); $this->log->debug('MYSQL stats migration from stat_archive to stat. '.$count.' rows effected, sleeping.'); sleep($options['pauseBetweenLoops']); } } } public function moveStatsToMongoDb($options) { // Migration from stat table to Mongo $this->migrationStatToMongo($options); // Migration from stat_archive table to Mongo // After migration delete only stat_archive if ($this->archiveExist == true) { $this->migrationStatArchiveToMongo($options); } } function migrationStatToMongo($options) { $this->appendRunMessage('## Moving from stat to Mongo'); $fileName = $this->config->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . '.watermark_stat_mongo.txt'; // Get low watermark from file $watermark = $this->getWatermarkFromFile($fileName, 'stat'); $numberOfLoops = 0; while ($watermark > 0) { $count = 0; $stats = $this->store->getConnection() ->prepare('SELECT * FROM stat WHERE statId < :watermark ORDER BY statId DESC LIMIT :limit'); $stats->bindParam(':watermark', $watermark, \PDO::PARAM_INT); $stats->bindParam(':limit', $options['numberOfRecords'], \PDO::PARAM_INT); // Run the select $stats->execute(); // Keep count how many stats we've inserted $recordCount = $stats->rowCount(); $count+= $recordCount; // End of records if ($this->checkEndOfRecords($recordCount, $fileName) === true) { $this->appendRunMessage(PHP_EOL. '# End of records.' . PHP_EOL. '- Truncating and Optimising stat.'); $this->log->debug('End of records in stat table. Truncate and Optimise.'); // Truncate stat table $this->store->update('TRUNCATE TABLE stat', []); // Optimize stat table if ($options['optimiseOnComplete'] == 1) { $this->store->update('OPTIMIZE TABLE stat', []); } $this->appendRunMessage(__('Done.'. PHP_EOL)); break; } // Loops limit end - task will need to rerun again to start from the saved watermark if ($this->checkLoopLimits($numberOfLoops, $options['numberOfLoops'], $fileName, $watermark) === true) { break; } $numberOfLoops++; $statCount = 0; foreach ($stats->fetchAll() as $stat) { // We get the watermark now because if we skip the records our watermark will never reach 0 $watermark = $stat['statId']; // Get display $display = $this->getDisplay((int) $stat['displayId']); if (empty($display)) { $this->log->error('Display not found. Display Id: '. $stat['displayId']); continue; } $entry = []; $entry['statDate'] = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($stat['statDate']); $entry['type'] = $stat['type']; $entry['fromDt'] = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($stat['start']); $entry['toDt'] = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($stat['end']); $entry['scheduleId'] = (int) $stat['scheduleId']; $entry['mediaId'] = (int) $stat['mediaId']; $entry['layoutId'] = (int) $stat['layoutId']; $entry['display'] = $display; $entry['campaignId'] = (int) $stat['campaignId']; $entry['tag'] = $stat['tag']; $entry['widgetId'] = (int) $stat['widgetId']; $entry['duration'] = (int) $stat['duration']; $entry['count'] = (int) $stat['count']; // Add stats in store $this->stats $this->timeSeriesStore->addStat($entry); $statCount++; } // Write stats if ($statCount > 0) { $this->timeSeriesStore->addStatFinalize(); } else { $this->appendRunMessage('No stat to migrate from stat to mongo'); $this->log->debug('No stat to migrate from stat to mongo'); } // Give Mongo time to recover if ($watermark > 0) { $this->appendRunMessage('- '. $count. ' rows migrated.'); $this->log->debug('Mongo stats migration from stat. '.$count.' rows effected, sleeping.'); sleep($options['pauseBetweenLoops']); } } } function migrationStatArchiveToMongo($options) { $this->appendRunMessage(PHP_EOL. '## Moving from stat_archive to Mongo'); $fileName = $this->config->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . '.watermark_stat_archive_mongo.txt'; // Get low watermark from file $watermark = $this->getWatermarkFromFile($fileName, 'stat_archive'); $numberOfLoops = 0; while ($watermark > 0) { $count = 0; /** @noinspection SqlResolve */ $stats = $this->store->getConnection()->prepare(' SELECT statId, type, statDate, scheduleId, displayId, layoutId, mediaId, widgetId, start, `end`, tag FROM stat_archive WHERE statId < :watermark ORDER BY statId DESC LIMIT :limit '); $stats->bindParam(':watermark', $watermark, \PDO::PARAM_INT); $stats->bindParam(':limit', $options['numberOfRecords'], \PDO::PARAM_INT); // Run the select $stats->execute(); // Keep count how many stats we've processed $recordCount = $stats->rowCount(); $count+= $recordCount; // End of records if ($this->checkEndOfRecords($recordCount, $fileName) === true) { $this->appendRunMessage(PHP_EOL. '# End of records.' . PHP_EOL. '- Dropping stat_archive.'); $this->log->debug('End of records in stat_archive (migration to Mongo). Dropping table.'); // Drop the stat_archive table /** @noinspection SqlResolve */ $this->store->update('DROP TABLE `stat_archive`;', []); $this->appendRunMessage(__('Done.'. PHP_EOL)); break; } // Loops limit end - task will need to rerun again to start from the saved watermark if ($this->checkLoopLimits($numberOfLoops, $options['numberOfLoops'], $fileName, $watermark) === true) { break; } $numberOfLoops++; $temp = []; $statIgnoredCount = 0; $statCount = 0; foreach ($stats->fetchAll() as $stat) { // We get the watermark now because if we skip the records our watermark will never reach 0 $watermark = $stat['statId']; // Get display $display = $this->getDisplay((int) $stat['displayId']); if (empty($display)) { $this->log->error('Display not found. Display Id: '. $stat['displayId']); $statIgnoredCount+= 1; continue; } $entry = []; // Get campaignId if (($stat['type'] != 'event') && ($stat['layoutId'] != null)) { try { // Search the campaignId in the temp array first to reduce query in layouthistory if (array_key_exists($stat['layoutId'], $temp) ) { $campaignId = $temp[$stat['layoutId']]; } else { $campaignId = $this->layoutFactory->getCampaignIdFromLayoutHistory($stat['layoutId']); $temp[$stat['layoutId']] = $campaignId; } } catch (NotFoundException $error) { $statIgnoredCount+= 1; continue; } } else { $campaignId = 0; } $statDate = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($stat['statDate']); $start = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($stat['start']); $end = Carbon::createFromTimestamp($stat['end']); $entry['statDate'] = $statDate; $entry['type'] = $stat['type']; $entry['fromDt'] = $start; $entry['toDt'] = $end; $entry['scheduleId'] = (int) $stat['scheduleId']; $entry['display'] = $display; $entry['campaignId'] = (int) $campaignId; $entry['layoutId'] = (int) $stat['layoutId']; $entry['mediaId'] = (int) $stat['mediaId']; $entry['tag'] = $stat['tag']; $entry['widgetId'] = (int) $stat['widgetId']; $entry['duration'] = (int) $end->diffInSeconds($start); $entry['count'] = isset($stat['count']) ? (int) $stat['count'] : 1; // Add stats in store $this->stats $this->timeSeriesStore->addStat($entry); $statCount++; } if ($statIgnoredCount > 0) { $this->appendRunMessage($statIgnoredCount. ' stat(s) were ignored while migrating'); } // Write stats if ($statCount > 0) { $this->timeSeriesStore->addStatFinalize(); } else { $this->appendRunMessage('No stat to migrate from stat archive to mongo'); $this->log->debug('No stat to migrate from stat archive to mongo'); } // Give Mongo time to recover if ($watermark > 0) { if($statCount > 0 ) { $this->appendRunMessage('- '. $count. ' rows processed. ' . $statCount. ' rows migrated'); $this->log->debug('Mongo stats migration from stat_archive. '.$count.' rows effected, sleeping.'); } sleep($options['pauseBetweenLoops']); } } } // Get low watermark from file function getWatermarkFromFile($fileName, $tableName) { if (file_exists($fileName)) { $file = fopen($fileName, 'r'); $line = fgets($file); fclose($file); $watermark = (int) $line; } else { // Save mysql low watermark in file if .watermark.txt file is not found /** @noinspection SqlResolve */ $statId = $this->store->select('SELECT MAX(statId) as statId FROM '.$tableName, []); $watermark = (int) $statId[0]['statId']; $out = fopen($fileName, 'w'); fwrite($out, $watermark); fclose($out); } // We need to increase it $watermark+= 1; $this->appendRunMessage('- Initial watermark is '.$watermark); return $watermark; } // Check if end of records function checkEndOfRecords($recordCount, $fileName) { if($recordCount == 0) { // No records in stat, save watermark in file $watermark = -1; $out = fopen($fileName, 'w'); fwrite($out, $watermark); fclose($out); return true; } return false; } // Check loop limits function checkLoopLimits($numberOfLoops, $optionsNumberOfLoops, $fileName, $watermark) { if($numberOfLoops == $optionsNumberOfLoops) { // Save watermark in file $watermark = $watermark - 1; $this->log->debug(' Loop reached limit. Watermark is now '.$watermark); $out = fopen($fileName, 'w'); fwrite($out, $watermark); fclose($out); return true; } return false; } // Disable the task function disableTask() { $this->appendRunMessage('# Disabling task.'); $this->log->debug('Disabling task.'); $this->getTask()->isActive = 0; $this->getTask()->save(); $this->appendRunMessage(__('Done.'. PHP_EOL)); return; } // Disable the task function quitMigrationTaskOrDisableStatArchiveTask() { // Quit the migration task if stat archive task is running if ($this->archiveTask->status == Task::$STATUS_RUNNING) { $this->appendRunMessage('Quitting the stat migration task as stat archive task is running'); $this->log->debug('Quitting the stat migration task as stat archive task is running.'); return; } // Mark the Stats Archiver as disabled if it is active if ($this->archiveTask->isActive == 1) { $this->archiveTask->isActive = 0; $this->archiveTask->save(); $this->store->commitIfNecessary(); $this->appendRunMessage('Disabling Stats Archive Task.'); $this->log->debug('Disabling Stats Archive Task.'); } return; } // Cahce/Get display function getDisplay($displayId) { // Get display if in memory if (array_key_exists($displayId, $this->displays)) { $display = $this->displays[$displayId]; } else if (array_key_exists($displayId, $this->displaysNotFound)) { // Display not found return false; } else { try { $display = $this->displayFactory->getById($displayId); // Cache display $this->displays[$displayId] = $display; } catch (NotFoundException $error) { // Cache display not found $this->displaysNotFound[$displayId] = $displayId; return false; } } return $display; } }