. */ namespace Xibo\XTR; use Carbon\Carbon; use Xibo\Factory\MediaFactory; class RemoveOldScreenshotsTask implements TaskInterface { use TaskTrait; /** @var MediaFactory */ private $mediaFactory; /** @inheritdoc */ public function setFactories($container) { $this->mediaFactory = $container->get('mediaFactory'); return $this; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function run() { $this->runMessage = '# ' . __('Remove Old Screenshots') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $screenshotLocation = $this->config->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . 'screenshots/'; $screenshotTTL = $this->config->getSetting('DISPLAY_SCREENSHOT_TTL'); $count = 0; if ($screenshotTTL > 0) { foreach (array_diff(scandir($screenshotLocation), ['..', '.']) as $file) { $fileLocation = $screenshotLocation . $file; $lastModified = Carbon::createFromTimestamp(filemtime($fileLocation)); $now = Carbon::now(); $diff = $now->diffInDays($lastModified); if ($diff > $screenshotTTL) { unlink($fileLocation); $count++; $this->log->debug('Removed old Display screenshot:' . $file); } } $this->appendRunMessage(sprintf(__('Removed %d old Display screenshots'), $count)); } else { $this->appendRunMessage(__('Display Screenshot Time to keep set to 0, nothing to remove.')); } } }