. */ namespace Xibo\Helper; use Carbon\Carbon; use Exception; use Xibo\Support\Exception\AccessDeniedException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Support\Sanitizer\SanitizerInterface; /** * Class DataSetUploadHandler * @package Xibo\Helper */ class DataSetUploadHandler extends BlueImpUploadHandler { /** * @param $file * @param $index */ protected function handle_form_data($file, $index) { /* @var \Xibo\Controller\DataSet $controller */ $controller = $this->options['controller']; /* @var SanitizerInterface $sanitizer */ $sanitizer = $this->options['sanitizer']; // Handle form data, e.g. $_REQUEST['description'][$index] $fileName = $file->name; $controller->getLog()->debug('Upload complete for ' . $fileName . '.'); // Upload and Save try { // Authenticate $controller = $this->options['controller']; $dataSet = $controller->getDataSetFactory()->getById($this->options['dataSetId']); if (!$controller->getUser()->checkEditable($dataSet)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } // We are allowed to edit - pull all required parameters from the request object $overwrite = $sanitizer->getCheckbox('overwrite'); $ignoreFirstRow = $sanitizer->getCheckbox('ignorefirstrow'); $controller->getLog()->debug('Options provided - overwrite = %d, ignore first row = %d', $overwrite, $ignoreFirstRow); // Enumerate over the columns in the DataSet and set a row value for each $spreadSheetMapping = []; foreach ($dataSet->getColumn() as $column) { /* @var \Xibo\Entity\DataSetColumn $column */ if ($column->dataSetColumnTypeId == 1) { // Has this column been provided in the mappings? $spreadSheetColumn = 0; if (isset($_REQUEST['csvImport_' . $column->dataSetColumnId])) $spreadSheetColumn = (($index === null) ? $_REQUEST['csvImport_' . $column->dataSetColumnId] : $_REQUEST['csvImport_' . $column->dataSetColumnId][$index]); // If it has been left blank, then skip if ($spreadSheetColumn != 0) $spreadSheetMapping[($spreadSheetColumn - 1)] = $column->heading; } } // Delete the data? if ($overwrite == 1) $dataSet->deleteData(); // Load the file ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', true); $firstRow = true; $i = 0; $handle = fopen($controller->getConfig()->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . 'temp/' . $fileName, 'r'); while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE ) { $i++; $row = []; // The CSV file might have headings, so ignore the first row. if ($firstRow) { $firstRow = false; if ($ignoreFirstRow == 1) continue; } for ($cell = 0; $cell < count($data); $cell++) { // Insert the data into the correct column if (isset($spreadSheetMapping[$cell])) { // Sanitize the data a bit $item = $data[$cell]; if ($item == '') $item = null; $row[$spreadSheetMapping[$cell]] = $item; } } try { $dataSet->addRow($row); } catch (\PDOException $PDOException) { $controller->getLog()->error('Error importing row ' . $i . '. E = ' . $PDOException->getMessage()); $controller->getLog()->debug($PDOException->getTraceAsString()); throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Unable to import row %d', $i), 'row'); } } // Close the file fclose($handle); // Change the auto detect setting back ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', false); // TODO: update list content definitions // Save the dataSet $dataSet->lastDataEdit = Carbon::now()->format('U'); $dataSet->save(['validate' => false, 'saveColumns' => false]); // Tidy up the temporary file @unlink($controller->getConfig()->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . 'temp/' . $fileName); } catch (Exception $e) { $file->error = $e->getMessage(); // Don't commit $controller->getState()->setCommitState(false); } } }