{% trans "The steps involved in this upgrade have been listed below, clicking the start button will run through the steps one by one." %}
{% trans "Please read through the release notes before you begin as they contain important information about this new release." %}
{% trans "If you encounter an error, please contact support providing a screenshot of this page, making sure you include the step that experienced the error." %}
{% trans "Step #" %} |
{% trans "Version" %} |
{% trans "Step" %} |
{% trans "Requested On" %} |
{% trans "Complete?" %} |
{% trans "Run On" %} |
{% set priorComplete = true %}
{% for item in steps %}
{% if not priorComplete or item.complete %}
{{ item.stepId }}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{{ item.appVersion }} |
{{ item.step }} |
{{ item.requestDate|date }} |
{% if item.lastTryDate %}{{ item.lastTryDate|date }}{% endif %} |
{% set priorComplete = item.complete %}
{% endfor %}