{% extends "base-install.twig" %} {% import "forms.twig" as forms %} {% block stepContent %}
{% set themeName = theme.getThemeConfig("app_name") %}
{% set message %}{% trans %}{{ themeName }} needs an administrator user account to be the first user account that has access to the CMS. Please enter your chosen details below.{% endtrans %}{% endset %} {{ forms.message(message) }} {% set title %}{% trans "Admin Username" %}{% endset %} {% set helpText %}{% trans "Please enter a user name for the first administrator account." %}{% endset %} {{ forms.input("admin_username", title, "", helpText) }} {% set title %}{% trans "Admin Password" %}{% endset %} {% set helpText %}{% trans "Please enter a password for this user. This user will have full access to the system" %}{% endset %} {{ forms.password("admin_password", title, flash.db_admin_pass, helpText) }} {% set title %}{% trans "Next" %}{% endset %} {{ forms.button(title, "submit") }}
{% endblock %}