* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Stash; use Stash\Exception\RuntimeException; use Stash\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Stash\Interfaces\DriverInterface; /** * StashUtilities contains static functions used throughout the Stash project, both by core classes and drivers. * * @package Stash * @author Robert Hafner
*/ class Utilities { /** * Various drivers use this to define what kind of encoding to use on objects being cached. It needs to be revamped * a bit. */ public static function encoding($data) { if (is_scalar($data)) { if (is_bool($data)) { return 'bool'; } if (is_numeric($data)) { if (is_numeric($data) && ($data >= 2147483648 || $data < -2147483648)) { return 'serialize'; } else { return 'numeric'; } } if (is_string($data)) { return 'string'; } return 'none'; } return 'serialize'; } /** * Uses the encoding function to define an encoding and uses it on the data. This system is going to be revamped. */ public static function encode($data) { switch (self::encoding($data)) { case 'bool': return $data ? 'true' : 'false'; case 'serialize': return serialize($data); case 'string': case 'none': default: } return $data; } /** * Takes a piece of data encoded with the 'encode' function and returns it's actual value. * */ public static function decode($data, $method) { switch ($method) { case 'bool': // note that true is a string, so this return $data == 'true' ? true : false; case 'serialize': return unserialize($data); case 'string': case 'none': default: } return $data; } /** * Returns the default base directory for the system when one isn't provided by the developer. This is a directory * of last resort and can cause problems if one library is shared by multiple projects. The directory returned * resides in the system's temp folder and is specific to each Stash installation and driver. * * @param DriverInterface $driver * @return string Path for Stash files */ public static function getBaseDirectory(DriverInterface $driver = null) { $tmp = rtrim(sys_get_temp_dir(), '/\\') . '/'; $baseDir = $tmp . 'stash/' . md5(__DIR__) . '/'; if (isset($driver)) { $baseDir .= str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '_', get_class($driver)) . '/'; } if (!is_dir($baseDir)) { mkdir($baseDir, 0770, true); } return $baseDir; } /** * Deletes a directory and all of its contents. * * @param string $file Path to file or directory. * @param bool $cleanParent Whether to prune empty parent directories or not. * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @return bool Returns true on success, false otherwise. */ public static function deleteRecursive($file, $cleanParent = false) { if (!preg_match('/^(?:\/|\\\\|\w:\\\\|\w:\/).*$/', $file)) { throw new RuntimeException('deleteRecursive function requires an absolute path.'); } $badCalls = array('/', '/*', '/.', '/..'); if (in_array($file, $badCalls)) { throw new RuntimeException('deleteRecursive function does not like that call.'); } $filePath = rtrim($file, ' /'); if (is_dir($filePath)) { $currentPerms = fileperms($filePath); $currentOwner = fileowner($filePath); $parentPath = dirname($filePath); $directoryIt = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($filePath); foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($directoryIt, \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST) as $file) { $filename = $file->getPathname(); // Clear out children if this is a directory. if ($file->isDir()) { $dirFiles = scandir($file->getPathname()); if ($dirFiles && count($dirFiles) == 2) { $filename = rtrim($filename, '/.'); if (file_exists($filename)) { rmdir($filename); } } unset($dirFiles); continue; } if (file_exists($filename)) { unlink($filename); } } unset($directoryIt); if (is_dir($filePath)) { rmdir($filePath); } if ($cleanParent && static::checkForEmptyDirectory($parentPath)) { $parentPerms = fileperms($parentPath); $parentOwner = fileowner($parentPath); if ($currentPerms == $parentPerms && $currentOwner == $parentOwner) { $grandParentPath = dirname($parentPath); if ($parentOwner = fileowner($grandParentPath)) { if (is_writable($grandParentPath) && $parentPerms == fileperms($grandParentPath)) { rmdir($parentPath); } } } } return true; } elseif (is_file($filePath)) { return unlink($file); } return false; } public static function normalizeKeys($keys, $hash = 'md5') { $pKey = array(); foreach ($keys as $keyPiece) { $prefix = substr($keyPiece, 0, 1) == '@' ? '@' : ''; $pKeyPiece = $prefix . $hash($keyPiece); $pKey[] = $pKeyPiece; } return $pKey; } /** * Checks to see whether the requisite permissions are available on the specified path. * * @throws Exception\RuntimeException * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException */ public static function checkFileSystemPermissions($path = null, $permissions) { if (!isset($path)) { throw new RuntimeException('Cache path was not set correctly.'); } if (file_exists($path) && !is_dir($path)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Cache path is not a directory.'); } if (!is_dir($path) && !@mkdir($path, $permissions, true)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Failed to create cache path.'); } if (!is_writable($path)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Cache path is not writable.'); } } /** * Checks to see if a directory is empty. * * @param string $path * @return bool */ public static function checkForEmptyDirectory($path) { $empty = true; $dir = opendir($path); while ($file = readdir($dir)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $empty = false; break; } } closedir($dir); return $empty; } }