'http://purl.org/rss/1.0/', 'dc' => 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/', 'content' => 'http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/', 'feedburner' => 'http://rssnamespace.org/feedburner/ext/1.0', ); /** * Get the path to the items XML tree. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml Feed xml * @return SimpleXMLElement[] */ public function getItemsTree(SimpleXMLElement $xml) { return XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'rss:item', $this->namespaces) ?: XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'item') ?: $xml->item; } /** * Find the feed url. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml Feed xml * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findFeedUrl(SimpleXMLElement $xml, Feed $feed) { $feed->setFeedUrl(''); } /** * Find the site url. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml Feed xml * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findSiteUrl(SimpleXMLElement $xml, Feed $feed) { $value = XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'rss:channel/rss:link', $this->namespaces) ?: XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'channel/link') ?: $xml->channel->link; $feed->setSiteUrl(XmlParser::getValue($value)); } /** * Find the feed description. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml Feed xml * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findFeedDescription(SimpleXMLElement $xml, Feed $feed) { $description = XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'rss:channel/rss:description', $this->namespaces) ?: XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'channel/description') ?: $xml->channel->description; $feed->setDescription(XmlParser::getValue($description)); } /** * Find the feed logo url. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml Feed xml * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findFeedLogo(SimpleXMLElement $xml, Feed $feed) { $logo = XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'rss:image/rss:url', $this->namespaces) ?: XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'image/url'); $feed->setLogo(XmlParser::getValue($logo)); } /** * Find the feed icon. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml Feed xml * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findFeedIcon(SimpleXMLElement $xml, Feed $feed) { $feed->setIcon(''); } /** * Find the feed title. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml Feed xml * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findFeedTitle(SimpleXMLElement $xml, Feed $feed) { $title = XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'rss:channel/rss:title', $this->namespaces) ?: XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'channel/title') ?: $xml->channel->title; $feed->setTitle(Filter::stripWhiteSpace(XmlParser::getValue($title)) ?: $feed->getSiteUrl()); } /** * Find the feed language. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml Feed xml * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findFeedLanguage(SimpleXMLElement $xml, Feed $feed) { $language = XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'rss:channel/dc:language', $this->namespaces) ?: XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'channel/dc:language', $this->namespaces); $feed->setLanguage(XmlParser::getValue($language)); } /** * Find the feed id. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml Feed xml * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findFeedId(SimpleXMLElement $xml, Feed $feed) { $feed->setId($feed->getFeedUrl() ?: $feed->getSiteUrl()); } /** * Find the feed date. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml Feed xml * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findFeedDate(SimpleXMLElement $xml, Feed $feed) { $date = XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'rss:channel/dc:date', $this->namespaces) ?: XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'channel/dc:date', $this->namespaces); $feed->setDate($this->getDateParser()->getDateTime(XmlParser::getValue($date))); } /** * Find the item published date. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry Feed item * @param Item $item Item object * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findItemPublishedDate(SimpleXMLElement $entry, Item $item, Feed $feed) { $date = XmlParser::getXPathResult($entry, 'dc:date', $this->namespaces); $item->setPublishedDate(!empty($date) ? $this->getDateParser()->getDateTime(XmlParser::getValue($date)) : null); } /** * Find the item updated date. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry Feed item * @param Item $item Item object * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findItemUpdatedDate(SimpleXMLElement $entry, Item $item, Feed $feed) { if ($item->publishedDate === null) { $this->findItemPublishedDate($entry, $item, $feed); } $item->setUpdatedDate($item->getPublishedDate()); // No updated date in RSS 1.0 specifications } /** * Find the item title. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry Feed item * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Item $item Item object */ public function findItemTitle(SimpleXMLElement $entry, Item $item) { $title = XmlParser::getXPathResult($entry, 'rss:title', $this->namespaces) ?: XmlParser::getXPathResult($entry, 'title') ?: $entry->title; $item->setTitle(Filter::stripWhiteSpace(XmlParser::getValue($title)) ?: $item->getUrl()); } /** * Find the item author. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $xml Feed * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry Feed item * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Item $item Item object */ public function findItemAuthor(SimpleXMLElement $xml, SimpleXMLElement $entry, Item $item) { $author = XmlParser::getXPathResult($entry, 'dc:creator', $this->namespaces) ?: XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'rss:channel/dc:creator', $this->namespaces) ?: XmlParser::getXPathResult($xml, 'channel/dc:creator', $this->namespaces); $item->setAuthor(XmlParser::getValue($author)); } /** * Find the item content. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry Feed item * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Item $item Item object */ public function findItemContent(SimpleXMLElement $entry, Item $item) { $content = XmlParser::getXPathResult($entry, 'content:encoded', $this->namespaces); if (XmlParser::getValue($content) === '') { $content = XmlParser::getXPathResult($entry, 'rss:description', $this->namespaces) ?: XmlParser::getXPathResult($entry, 'description') ?: $entry->description; } $item->setContent(XmlParser::getValue($content)); } /** * Find the item URL. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry Feed item * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Item $item Item object */ public function findItemUrl(SimpleXMLElement $entry, Item $item) { $link = XmlParser::getXPathResult($entry, 'feedburner:origLink', $this->namespaces) ?: XmlParser::getXPathResult($entry, 'rss:link', $this->namespaces) ?: XmlParser::getXPathResult($entry, 'link') ?: $entry->link; $item->setUrl(XmlParser::getValue($link)); } /** * Genereate the item id. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry Feed item * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Item $item Item object * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findItemId(SimpleXMLElement $entry, Item $item, Feed $feed) { $item->setId($this->generateId( $item->getTitle(), $item->getUrl(), $item->getContent() )); } /** * Find the item enclosure. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry Feed item * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Item $item Item object * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findItemEnclosure(SimpleXMLElement $entry, Item $item, Feed $feed) { } /** * Find the item language. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry Feed item * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Item $item Item object * @param \PicoFeed\Parser\Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findItemLanguage(SimpleXMLElement $entry, Item $item, Feed $feed) { $language = XmlParser::getXPathResult($entry, 'dc:language', $this->namespaces); $item->setLanguage(XmlParser::getValue($language) ?: $feed->getLanguage()); } /** * Find the item categories. * * @param SimpleXMLElement $entry Feed item * @param Item $item Item object * @param Feed $feed Feed object */ public function findItemCategories(SimpleXMLElement $entry, Item $item, Feed $feed) { $categories = XmlParser::getXPathResult($entry, 'dc:subject', $this->namespaces); $item->setCategoriesFromXml($categories); } }