runMessage = '# ' . __('Regular Maintenance') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $this->displayDownEmailAlerts(); $this->licenceSlotValidation(); $this->wakeOnLan(); $this->buildLayouts(); $this->tidyLibrary(); $this->checkLibraryUsage(); $this->checkOverRequestedFiles(); } /** * Display Down email alerts * - just runs validate displays */ private function displayDownEmailAlerts() { $this->runMessage .= '## ' . __('Email Alerts') . PHP_EOL; $this->app->container->get('\Xibo\Controller\Display')->setApp($this->app)->validateDisplays($this->displayFactory->query()); $this->appendRunMessage(__('Done')); } /** * Licence Slot Validation */ private function licenceSlotValidation() { $maxDisplays = $this->config->GetSetting('MAX_LICENSED_DISPLAYS'); if ($maxDisplays > 0) { $this->runMessage .= '## ' . __('Licence Slot Validation') . PHP_EOL; // Get a list of all displays try { $dbh = $this->store->getConnection(); $sth = $dbh->prepare('SELECT displayId, display FROM `display` WHERE licensed = 1 ORDER BY lastAccessed'); $sth->execute(); $displays = $sth->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if (count($displays) > $maxDisplays) { // :( // We need to un-licence some displays $difference = count($displays) - $maxDisplays; $update = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE `display` SET licensed = 0 WHERE displayId = :displayId'); foreach ($displays as $display) { // If we are down to 0 difference, then stop if ($difference == 0) break; echo sprintf(__('Disabling %s'), $this->sanitizer->string($display['display'])) . '
' . PHP_EOL; $update->execute(['displayId' => $display['displayId']]); $difference--; } } $this->runMessage .= ' - Done' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->log->error($e); } } } /** * Wake on LAN */ private function wakeOnLan() { $this->runMessage = '# ' . __('Wake On LAN') . PHP_EOL; try { // Get a list of all displays which have WOL enabled foreach($this->displayFactory->query(null, ['wakeOnLan' => 1]) as $display) { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Display $display */ // Time to WOL (with respect to today) $timeToWake = strtotime(date('Y-m-d') . ' ' . $display->wakeOnLanTime); $timeNow = time(); // Should the display be awake? if ($timeNow >= $timeToWake) { // Client should be awake, so has this displays WOL time been passed if ($display->lastWakeOnLanCommandSent < $timeToWake) { // Call the Wake On Lan method of the display object if ($display->macAddress == '' || $display->broadCastAddress == '') throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('This display has no mac address recorded against it yet. Make sure the display is running.')); $this->log->notice('About to send WOL packet to ' . $display->broadCastAddress . ' with Mac Address ' . $display->macAddress); try { WakeOnLan::TransmitWakeOnLan($display->macAddress, $display->secureOn, $display->broadCastAddress, $display->cidr, '9', $this->log); $this->runMessage .= ' - ' . $display->display . ' Sent WOL Message. Previous WOL send time: ' . $this->date->getLocalDate($display->lastWakeOnLanCommandSent) . PHP_EOL; $display->lastWakeOnLanCommandSent = time(); $display->save(['validate' => false, 'audit' => true]); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->runMessage .= ' - ' . $display->display . ' Error=' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; } } else { $this->runMessage .= ' - ' . $display->display . ' Display already awake. Previous WOL send time: ' . $this->date->getLocalDate($display->lastWakeOnLanCommandSent) . PHP_EOL; } } else { $this->runMessage .= ' - ' . $display->display . ' Sleeping' . PHP_EOL; } } $this->runMessage .= ' - Done' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } catch (\PDOException $e) { $this->log->error($e->getMessage()); $this->runMessage .= ' - Error' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } } /** * Build layouts */ private function buildLayouts() { $this->runMessage .= '## ' . __('Build Layouts') . PHP_EOL; // Build Layouts foreach ($this->layoutFactory->query(null, ['status' => 3]) as $layout) { /* @var \Xibo\Entity\Layout $layout */ try { $layout->xlfToDisk(['notify' => true]); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->log->error('Maintenance cannot build Layout %d, %s.', $layout->layoutId, $e->getMessage()); } } $this->runMessage .= ' - Done' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } /** * Tidy library */ private function tidyLibrary() { $this->runMessage .= '## ' . __('Tidy Library') . PHP_EOL; // Keep tidy /** @var \Xibo\Controller\Library $libraryController */ $libraryController = $this->app->container->get('\Xibo\Controller\Library'); $libraryController->removeExpiredFiles(); $libraryController->removeTempFiles(); $this->runMessage .= ' - Done' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } /** * Check library usage */ private function checkLibraryUsage() { $libraryLimit = $this->config->GetSetting('LIBRARY_SIZE_LIMIT_KB') * 1024; if ($libraryLimit <= 0) return; $results = $this->store->select('SELECT IFNULL(SUM(FileSize), 0) AS SumSize FROM media', []); $size = $this->sanitizer->int($results[0]['SumSize']); if ($size >= $libraryLimit) { // Create a notification if we don't already have one today for this display. $subject = __('Library allowance exceeded'); $date = $this->date->parse(); if (count($this->notificationFactory->getBySubjectAndDate($subject, $this->date->getLocalDate($date->startOfDay(), 'U'), $this->date->getLocalDate($date->addDay(1)->startOfDay(), 'U'))) <= 0) { $body = __(sprintf('Library allowance of %s exceeded. Used %s', ByteFormatter::format($libraryLimit), ByteFormatter::format($size))); $notification = $this->notificationFactory->createSystemNotification( $subject, $body, $this->date->parse() ); $notification->save(); $this->log->critical($subject); } } } /** * Checks to see if there are any overrequested files. */ private function checkOverRequestedFiles() { $items = $this->store->select(' SELECT display.displayId, display.display, COUNT(*) AS countFiles FROM `requiredfile` INNER JOIN `display` ON display.displayId = requiredfile.displayId WHERE `bytesRequested` > 0 AND `requiredfile`.bytesRequested >= `requiredfile`.`size` * :factor AND `requiredfile`.type <> :excludedType AND display.lastAccessed > :lastAccessed AND `requiredfile`.complete = 0 GROUP BY display.displayId, display.display ', [ 'factor' => 3, 'excludedType' => 'W', 'lastAccessed' => $this->date->parse()->subDay()->format('U') ]); foreach ($items as $item) { // Create a notification if we don't already have one today for this display. $subject = sprintf(__('%s is downloading %d files too many times'), $this->sanitizer->string($item['display']), $this->sanitizer->int($item['countFiles'])); $date = $this->date->parse(); if (count($this->notificationFactory->getBySubjectAndDate($subject, $this->date->getLocalDate($date->startOfDay(), 'U'), $this->date->getLocalDate($date->addDay(1)->startOfDay(), 'U'))) <= 0) { $body = sprintf(__('Please check the bandwidth graphs and display status for %s to investigate the issue.'), $this->sanitizer->string($item['display'])); $notification = $this->notificationFactory->createSystemNotification( $subject, $body, $this->date->parse() ); $display = $this->displayFactory->getById($item['displayId']); // Add in any displayNotificationGroups, with permissions foreach ($this->userGroupFactory->getDisplayNotificationGroups($display->displayGroupId) as $group) { $notification->assignUserGroup($group); } $notification->save(); $this->log->critical($subject); } } } }