setCommonDependencies($store, $log); } /** * @param DisplayProfileFactory $displayProfileFactory */ public function setChildObjectDependencies($displayProfileFactory) { $this->displayProfileFactory = $displayProfileFactory; } /** * Get Id * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->commandId; } /** * Get OwnerId * @return int */ public function getOwnerId() { return $this->userId; } /** * Validate * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function validate() { if (!v::stringType()->notEmpty()->length(1, 254)->validate($this->command)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please enter a command name between 1 and 254 characters'), 'command'); if (!v::alpha()->NoWhitespace()->notEmpty()->length(1, 50)->validate($this->code)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please enter a code between 1 and 50 characters containing only alpha characters and no spaces'), 'code'); if (!v::stringType()->notEmpty()->length(1, 1000)->validate($this->description)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please enter a description between 1 and 1000 characters'), 'description'); } /** * Load * @throws NotFoundException */ public function load() { if ($this->loaded || $this->commandId == null) return; $this->displayProfiles = $this->displayProfileFactory->getByCommandId($this->commandId); } /** * Save * @param array $options * * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function save($options = []) { $options = array_merge($options, ['validate' => true]); if ($options['validate']) $this->validate(); if ($this->commandId == null) $this->add(); else $this->edit(); } /** * Delete */ public function delete() { if (!$this->loaded) $this->load(); // Remove from any display profiles foreach ($this->displayProfiles as $profile) { /* @var \Xibo\Entity\DisplayProfile $profile */ $profile->unassignCommand($this); $profile->save(['validate' => false]); } $this->getStore()->update('DELETE FROM `command` WHERE `commandId` = :commandId', ['commandId' => $this->commandId]); } private function add() { $this->commandId = $this->getStore()->insert('INSERT INTO `command` (`command`, `code`, `description`, `userId`) VALUES (:command, :code, :description, :userId)', [ 'command' => $this->command, 'code' => $this->code, 'description' => $this->description, 'userId' => $this->userId ]); } private function edit() { $this->getStore()->update(' UPDATE `command` SET `command` = :command, `code` = :code, `description` = :description, `userId` = :userId WHERE `commandId` = :commandId ', [ 'command' => $this->command, 'code' => $this->code, 'description' => $this->description, 'userId' => $this->userId, 'commandId' => $this->commandId ]); } }