. */ namespace Xibo\Controller; use Respect\Validation\Validator as v; use Xibo\Exception\AccessDeniedException; use Xibo\Factory\LayoutFactory; use Xibo\Factory\SettingsFactory; use Xibo\Service\ConfigServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\DateServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\LogServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\SanitizerServiceInterface; /** * Class Settings * @package Xibo\Controller */ class Settings extends Base { /** * @var SettingsFactory */ private $settingsFactory; /** @var LayoutFactory */ private $layoutFactory; /** * Set common dependencies. * @param LogServiceInterface $log * @param SanitizerServiceInterface $sanitizerService * @param \Xibo\Helper\ApplicationState $state * @param \Xibo\Entity\User $user * @param \Xibo\Service\HelpServiceInterface $help * @param DateServiceInterface $date * @param ConfigServiceInterface $config * @param SettingsFactory $settingsFactory * @param LayoutFactory $layoutFactory */ public function __construct($log, $sanitizerService, $state, $user, $help, $date, $config, $settingsFactory, $layoutFactory) { $this->setCommonDependencies($log, $sanitizerService, $state, $user, $help, $date, $config); $this->settingsFactory = $settingsFactory; $this->layoutFactory = $layoutFactory; // Initialise extra validation rules v::with('Xibo\\Validation\\Rules\\'); } /** * */ function displayPage() { // Get all of the settings in an array $settings = $this->settingsFactory->query(null, ['userSee' => 1]); $currentCategory = ''; $categories = array(); $formFields = array(); // Should we hide other themes? $hideThemes = $this->getConfig()->getThemeConfig('hide_others'); // Go through each setting, validate it and add it to the array foreach ($settings as $setting) { $options = []; if ($currentCategory != $setting['cat']) { $currentCategory = $setting['cat']; $categories[] = array('tabId' => $setting['cat'], 'tabName' => ucfirst($setting['cat'])); } // Special handling for the theme selector if (!$hideThemes && $setting['setting'] == 'GLOBAL_THEME_NAME') { // Convert to a drop down containing the theme names that are available $setting['fieldType'] = 'dropdown'; $directory = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator(PROJECT_ROOT . '/web/theme', \FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS); $filter = new \RecursiveCallbackFilterIterator($directory, function($current, $key, $iterator) { if ($current->isDir()) { return true; } return strpos($current->getFilename(), 'config.php') === 0; }); $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($filter); // Add options for all themes installed $options = []; foreach($iterator as $file) { /* @var \SplFileInfo $file */ $this->getLog()->debug('Found %s', $file->getPath()); // Include the config file include $file->getPath() . '/' . $file->getFilename(); $options[] = ['id' => basename($file->getPath()), 'value' => $config['theme_name']]; } } else if ($setting['setting'] == 'ELEVATE_LOG_UNTIL') { // If we are less that the current date, then show as empty if (intval($setting['value']) >= time()) { $setting['value'] = $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($setting['value']); } else if ($setting['userChange'] == 0) { // Set to be now, plus 1 hour $setting['value'] = $this->getDate()->getLocalDate($this->getDate()->parse()->addHour(1)); } else { $setting['value'] = null; } } else if ($setting['setting'] == 'DEFAULT_LAYOUT') { // Show a list of all layouts in the system // convert to a dropdown $setting['fieldType'] = 'dropdown'; foreach ($this->layoutFactory->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1]) as $layout) { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\Layout $layout */ $options[] = ['id' => $layout->layoutId, 'value' => $layout->layout]; } } else { // Are there any options $options = NULL; if (!empty($setting['options'])) { // Change to an id=>value array foreach (explode('|', $setting['options']) as $tempOption) $options[] = array('id' => $tempOption, 'value' => $tempOption); } } // Validate the current setting if ($setting['type'] == 'checkbox' && isset($setting['value'])) $validated = $setting['value']; else if (isset($setting['value'])) $validated = $setting['value']; else $validated = $setting['default']; // Time zone type requires special handling. if ($setting['fieldType'] == 'timezone') { $options = []; foreach ($this->getDate()->timezoneList() as $key => $value) { $options[] = ['id' => $key, 'value' => $value]; } } // Get a list of settings and assign them to the settings field $formFields[] = array( 'name' => $setting['setting'], 'type' => $setting['type'], 'fieldType' => $setting['fieldType'], 'helpText' => str_replace('
', PHP_EOL, (($setting['helptext'] == '') ? '' : __($setting['helptext']))), 'title' => __($setting['title']), 'options' => $options, 'validation' => $setting['validation'], 'value' => $validated, 'enabled' => $setting['userChange'], 'catId' => $setting['cat'], 'cat' => ucfirst($setting['cat']) ); } $data = [ 'categories' => $categories, 'fields' => $formFields ]; // Render the Theme and output $this->getState()->template = 'settings-page'; $this->getState()->setData($data); } /** * Update settings */ public function update() { if (!$this->getUser()->userTypeId == 1) throw new AccessDeniedException(); // Get all of the settings in an array $settings = $this->settingsFactory->query(null, ['userChange' => 1, 'userSee' => 1]); // Handle changes to log level $currentLogLevel = null; $newLogLevel = null; $newElevateUntil = null; // Go through each setting, validate it and add it to the array foreach ($settings as $setting) { // Check to see if we have a setting that matches in the provided POST vars. switch ($setting['type']) { case 'string': $value = $this->getSanitizer()->getString($setting['setting'], $setting['default']); break; case 'int': $value = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt($setting['setting'], $setting['default']); break; case 'double': $value = $this->getSanitizer()->getDouble($setting['setting'], $setting['default']); break; case 'checkbox': $value = $this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox($setting['setting']); break; case 'datetime': $value = $this->getSanitizer()->getDate($setting['setting']); if ($value !== null) $value = $value->format('U'); else $value = ''; break; default: $value = $this->getSanitizer()->getParam($setting['setting'], $setting['default']); } // Check the library location setting if ($setting['setting'] == 'LIBRARY_LOCATION') { // Check for a trailing slash and add it if its not there $value = rtrim($value, '/'); $value = rtrim($value, '\\') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; // Attempt to add the directory specified if (!file_exists($value . 'temp')) // Make the directory with broad permissions recursively (so will add the whole path) mkdir($value . 'temp', 0777, true); if (!is_writable($value . 'temp')) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('The Library Location you have picked is not writeable')); } else if ($setting['setting'] == 'DEFAULT_LAT') { if (!v::latitude()->validate($value)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('The latitude entered is not valid.')); } else if ($setting['setting'] == 'DEFAULT_LONG') { if (!v::longitude()->validate($value)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('The longitude entered is not valid.')); } else if ($setting['setting'] == 'audit') { $currentLogLevel = $setting['value']; $newLogLevel = $value; } else if ($setting['setting'] == 'ELEVATE_LOG_UNTIL') { $newElevateUntil = $value; } $this->getConfig()->ChangeSetting($setting['setting'], $value, false); } // Have we changed log level? If so, were we also provided the elevate until setting? if ($newElevateUntil === null && $currentLogLevel != $newLogLevel) { // We haven't provided an elevate until (meaning it is not visible) $this->getConfig()->ChangeSetting('ELEVATE_LOG_UNTIL', $this->getDate()->parse()->addHour(1)->format('U'), false); } // Return $this->getState()->hydrate([ 'message' => __('Settings Updated') ]); } }