. */ namespace Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Entity; use Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Exception\XiboApiException; class XiboLayout extends XiboEntity { private $url = '/layout'; /** @var int the Layout ID */ public $layoutId; /** @var int the Owner ID */ public $ownerId; /** @var int the Campaign ID */ public $campaignId; /** @var int the Parent ID */ public $parentId; /** @var int Publised Status ID */ public $publishedStatusId; /** @var string Publish Status Message*/ public $publishedStatus; /** @var int A media ID to use as the background image for this Layout. */ public $backgroundImageId; /** @var int Schema version ID */ public $schemaVersion; /** @var string The Layout name */ public $layout; /** @var string The layout description */ public $description; /** @var string A HEX color to use as the background color of this Layout. */ public $backgroundColor; /** @var string Date showing when layout was created */ public $createdDt; /** @var string Date showing when layout was modified */ public $modifiedDt; /** @var int Layout status */ public $status; /** @var int Flag indicating whether the layout is retired */ public $retired; /** @var int The Layer Number to use for the background. */ public $backgroundzIndex; /** @var int Resolution ID for this layout */ public $resolutionId; /** @var int Layout width */ public $width; /** @var int Layout height */ public $height; /** @var int Layout display Order */ public $displayOrder; /** @var int Layout duration */ public $duration; /** @var string Layout status message */ public $statusMessage; /** @var int Flag indicating whether the Layout stat is enabled */ public $enableStat; /** @var array|XiboRegion An Array of Layout regions */ public $regions; /** @var array Array of Layout tags */ public $tags; /** @var int The template ID */ public $templateId; /** @var array Array of permissions to the layout */ public $permissions; /** @var int flag indicating whether to treat the tags filter as an exact match */ public $exactTags; /** @var int User Group ID */ public $ownerUserGroupId; /** @var int Flag indicating whether to make new Copies of all Media Files assigned to the Layout being Copied */ public $copyMediaFiles; /** @var int Flag indicating whether to include widgets in the template */ public $includeWidgets; /** * Get an array of layouts. * * @param array $params can be filtered by: layoutId, layout, userId, retired, tags, exactTags, ownerUserGroupId and embeddable parameter embed=regions, playlists, widgets, tags * @return array|XiboLayout */ public function get(array $params = []) { $this->getLogger()->info('Getting list of layouts '); $entries = []; $hydratedRegions = []; $hydratedWidgets = []; $response = $this->doGet($this->url, $params); if (isset($params['embed'])) $embed = ($params['embed'] != null) ? explode(',', $params['embed']) : []; foreach ($response as $item) { /** @var XiboLayout $layout */ $layout = new XiboLayout($this->getEntityProvider()); $layout->hydrate($item); foreach ($layout->regions as $reg) { /** @var XiboRegion $region */ $region = new XiboRegion($this->getEntityProvider()); $region->hydrate($reg); if (in_array('playlists', $embed) === true) { /** @var XiboPlaylist $playlist */ $playlist = new XiboPlaylist($this->getEntityProvider()); $playlist->hydrate($reg['regionPlaylist']); foreach ($playlist->widgets as $widget) { /** @var XiboWidget $widgetObject */ $widgetObject = new XiboWidget($this->getEntityProvider()); $widgetObject->hydrate($widget); $hydratedWidgets[] = $widgetObject; } $playlist->widgets = $hydratedWidgets; $region->regionPlaylist = $playlist; } // Add to parent object $hydratedRegions[] = $region; } $layout->regions = $hydratedRegions; $entries[] = clone $layout; } return $entries; } /** * Get the layout by its ID. * * @param int $id LayoutId to search for * @param string $embed A comma separated list of related data tp embed such as regions, playlists, widgets, tags, etc * @return XiboLayout * @throws XiboApiException */ public function getById($id, $embed = '') { $this->getLogger()->info('Getting layout ID ' . $id); $hydratedRegions = []; $hydratedWidgets = []; $response = $this->doGet($this->url, [ 'layoutId' => $id, 'retired' => -1, 'embed' => $embed ]); if (count($response) <= 0) throw new XiboApiException('Expecting a single record, found ' . count($response)); /** @var XiboLayout $layout */ $layout = $this->hydrate($response[0]); foreach ($layout->regions as $item) { /** @var XiboRegion $region */ $region = new XiboRegion($this->getEntityProvider()); $region->hydrate($item); if (strpos($embed, 'playlists') !== false) { /** @var XiboPlaylist $playlist */ $playlist = new XiboPlaylist($this->getEntityProvider()); $playlist->hydrate($item['regionPlaylist']); foreach ($playlist->widgets as $widget) { /** @var XiboWidget $widgetObject */ $widgetObject = new XiboWidget($this->getEntityProvider()); $widgetObject->hydrate($widget); $hydratedWidgets[] = $widgetObject; } $playlist->widgets = $hydratedWidgets; $region->regionPlaylist = $playlist; } // Add to parent object $hydratedRegions[] = $region; } $layout->regions = $hydratedRegions; return clone $layout; } /** * Create a new layout. * Creates new layout with the specified parameters * * @param string $name Name of the layout * @param string $description Optional description of the layout * @param int $layoutId If layout should be created from the template, provide the layoutId of the template * @param int $resolutionId If template is not provided, provide resolutionId * @param int $enableStat Flag indicating whether the Layout stat is enabled * @return XiboLayout */ public function create($name, $description, $layoutId, $resolutionId, $enableStat = null) { $this->getLogger()->debug('Getting Resource Owner'); $this->userId = $this->getEntityProvider()->getMe()->getId(); $this->name = $name; $this->description = $description; $this->layoutId = $layoutId; $this->resolutionId = $resolutionId; $this->enableStat = $enableStat; $this->getLogger()->info('Creating Layout ' . $this->layout); $response = $this->doPost('/layout', $this->toArray()); $layout = $this->constructLayoutFromResponse($response); return $layout; } /** * Edit an existing Layout. * * @param string $name new name of the layout * @param string $description new description of the layout * @param string $tags comma separated list of tags * @param int $retired flag indicating whether this layout is retired * @param string $backgroundColor A HEX color to use as layout background * @param int $backgroundImageId Media ID to use as a layout background * @param int $backgroundzIndex The layer number to use for the background * @param int $resolutionId new Resolution to use for this layout * @param int $enableStat Flag indicating whether the Layout stat is enabled * @return XiboLayout */ public function edit($name, $description, $tags, $retired, $backgroundColor, $backgroundImageId, $backgroundzIndex, $resolutionId, $enableStat = null) { $this->name = $name; $this->description = $description; $this->tags = $tags; $this->retired = $retired; $this->backgroundColor = $backgroundColor; $this->backgroundImageId = $backgroundImageId; $this->backgroundzIndex = $backgroundzIndex; $this->resolutionId = $resolutionId; $this->enableStat = $enableStat; $this->getLogger()->info('Editing Layout ID ' . $this->layoutId); $response = $this->doPut('/layout/' . $this->layoutId, $this->toArray()); $layout = $this->constructLayoutFromResponse($response); return $layout; } /** * Delete the layout. * * @return bool */ public function delete() { $this->getLogger()->info('Deleting Layout ID ' . $this->layoutId); $this->doDelete('/layout/' . $this->layoutId); return true; } /** * Retire the specified layout. * * @return bool */ public function retire() { $this->getLogger()->info('Retiring layout ID ' . $this->layoutId); $this->doPut('/layout/retire/' . $this->layoutId); return true; } /** * Copy the layout. * * @param string $name Name of the copied layout * @param string $description Description of the copied layout * @param int $copyMediaFiles Flag indicating whether to make copies of all media files assigned to the layout being copied * @return XiboLayout */ public function copy($name, $description, $copyMediaFiles) { $this->name = $name; $this->description = $description; $this->copyMediaFiles = $copyMediaFiles; $this->getLogger()->info('Copy Layout ID ' . $this->layoutId); $response = $this->doPost('/layout/copy/' . $this->layoutId, $this->toArray()); $this->getLogger()->debug('Passing the response to Hydrate'); $layout = $this->constructLayoutFromResponse($response); return $layout; } /** * Create Region. * * @param int $width Width of the region * @param int $height Height of the region * @param int $top Offset from top * @param int $left Offset from left * @return XiboRegion */ public function createRegion($width, $height, $top, $left) { $this->userId = $this->getEntityProvider()->getMe()->getId(); $this->width = $width; $this->height = $height; $this->top = $top; $this->left = $left; $response = $this->doPost('/region/' . $this->layoutId, $this->toArray()); $this->getLogger()->info('Creating Region ' . 'In Layout ID ' . $this->layoutId); $this->getLogger()->debug('Passing the response to Hydrate'); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Edit Region. * * @param int $regionId Region ID to Edit * @param int $width New width for the region * @param int $height New height for the region * @param int $top new offset from Top * @param int $left new offset from Left * @param int $zIndex The layer of the region * @param int $loop Flag indicating whether this region should loop if there is only one widget in the timeline * @return XiboRegion */ public function editRegion($regionId, $width, $height, $top, $left, $zIndex, $loop) { $this->width = $width; $this->height = $height; $this->top = $top; $this->left = $left; $this->zIndex = $zIndex; $this->loop = $loop; $this->getLogger()->info('Editing Region ID ' . $regionId . 'In Layout ID ' . $this->layoutId); $response = $this->doPut('/region/' . $regionId, $this->toArray()); $this->getLogger()->debug('Passing the response to Hydrate'); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Delete Region. * * @param int $regionId Region ID to delete * @return bool */ public function deleteRegion($regionId) { $this->getLogger()->info('Deleting Region ID ' . $regionId . 'In Layout ID ' . $this->layoutId); $this->doDelete('/region/' . $regionId); return true; } /** * Position regions. * * Changes region positions with specified values * @param array $regionId array of regionIds to reposition * @param array $width array of width values for the regions * @param array $height array of height values for the regions * @param array $top array of top offset values for the regions * @param array $left array of left offset values for the regions * @return XiboLayout */ public function positionAll($regionId = [], $width = [], $height = [], $top = [], $left = []) { $this->width = $width; $this->height = $height; $this->top = $top; $this->left = $left; for ($i=0; $i < count($regionId); $i++) { $regionJson = json_encode([ [ 'regionid' => $regionId[$i], 'width' => $width[$i], 'height' => $height[$i], 'top' => $top[$i], 'left' => $left[$i] ] ]); $this->getLogger()->debug('Positioning Region ID ' . $regionId[$i] . ' new dimensions are width ' . $width[$i] . ' height ' . $height[$i] . ' top ' . $top[$i] . ' left ' . $left[$i]); $response = $this->doPut('/region/position/all/' . $this->layoutId, [ 'regions' => $regionJson ]); } $this->getLogger()->info('Positioning Regions in Layout ID ' . $this->layoutId); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Get a list of templates. * * @param array $params * @return array|XiboLayout */ public function getTemplate(array $params = []) { $this->getLogger()->info('Getting list of templates '); $entries = []; $response = $this->doGet('/template', $params); foreach ($response as $item) { $entries[] = clone $this->hydrate($item); } return $entries; } /** * Get the template by ID * * @param int $id template ID * @return XiboLayout * @throws XiboApiException */ public function getByTemplateId($id) { $this->getLogger()->info('Getting template ID ' . $this->templateId); $response = $this->doGet('/template', [ 'templateId' => $id ]); if (count($response) <= 0) throw new XiboApiException('Expecting a single record, found ' . count($response)); $this->getLogger()->debug('Passing the response to Hydrate'); return $this->hydrate($response[0]); } /** * Create Template from provided layout ID. * * @param int $layoutId The layout ID to create a template from * @param int $includeWidgets Flag indicating whether to include widgets in the template * @param string $name name of the template * @param string $tags comma separeted list of tags for the template * @param string $description description of the template * @return XiboLayout */ public function createTemplate($layoutId, $includeWidgets, $name, $tags, $description) { $this->userId = $this->getEntityProvider()->getMe()->getId(); $this->layoutId = $layoutId; $this->includeWidgets = $includeWidgets; $this->name = $name; $this->tags = $tags; $this->description = $description; $this->getLogger()->info('Creating Template ' . $name . ' from layout ID ' . $layoutId); $response = $this->doPost('/template/' . $layoutId, $this->toArray()); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Add tag. * Adds specified tag to the specified layout * * @param string $tag name of the tag to add * @return XiboLayout */ public function addTag($tag) { $this->tag = $tag; $this->getLogger()->info('Adding tag: ' . $tag . ' to layout ID ' . $this->layoutId); $response = $this->doPost('/layout/' . $this->layoutId . '/tag', [ 'tag' => [$tag] ]); $tags = $this->hydrate($response); foreach ($response['tags'] as $item) { $tag = new XiboLayout($this->getEntityProvider()); $tag->hydrate($item); $tags->tags[] = $tag; } return $this; } /** * Remove tag. * Removes specified tag from the specified layout * @param string $tag name of the taf to remove * @return XiboLayout */ public function removeTag($tag) { $this->tag = $tag; $this->getLogger()->info('Removing tag: ' . $tag . ' from layout ID ' . $this->layoutId); $this->doPost('/layout/' . $this->layoutId . '/untag', [ 'tag' => [$tag] ]); return $this; } /** * Get Layout status. * * @param int layoutId The ID of the layout to get the status * @return XiboLayout * @throws XiboApiException */ public function getStatus() { $this->getLogger()->info('Getting status for layout ID ' . $this->layoutId); $response = $this->doGet('/layout/status/' . $this->layoutId); if (count($response) <= 0) throw new XiboApiException('Expecting a single record, found ' . count($response)); $this->getLogger()->debug('Passing the response to Hydrate'); return $this->hydrate($response); } /** * Checkout a layout * @param int layoutId The ID of the layout to checkout * @return XiboLayout */ public function checkout($layoutId) { $this->getLogger()->info('Checking out layout ID ' . $layoutId); $response = $this->doPut('/layout/checkout/' . $layoutId); $layout = $this->constructLayoutFromResponse($response); $this->getLogger()->info('LayoutId is now: ' . $layout->layoutId); return $layout; } /** * Publish a layout * @param int layoutId The ID of the layout to checkout * @return XiboLayout */ public function publish($layoutId) { $this->getLogger()->info('Publishing layout ID ' . $layoutId); $response = $this->doPut('/layout/publish/' . $layoutId); $layout = $this->constructLayoutFromResponse($response); $this->getLogger()->debug('LayoutId is now: ' . $layout->layoutId); return $layout; } /** * Discard a layouts draft * @param int layoutId The ID of the layout to checkout * @return XiboLayout */ public function discard($layoutId) { $this->getLogger()->info('Discarding draft of layout ID ' . $layoutId); $response = $this->doPut('/layout/discard/' . $layoutId); $layout = $this->constructLayoutFromResponse($response); $this->getLogger()->debug('LayoutId is now: ' . $layout->layoutId); return $layout; } /** * @param $response * @return \Xibo\OAuth2\Client\Entity\XiboEntity|XiboLayout */ private function constructLayoutFromResponse($response) { $hydratedRegions = []; $hydratedWidgets = []; /** @var XiboLayout $layout */ $layout = new XiboLayout($this->getEntityProvider()); $layout = $layout->hydrate($response); $this->getLogger()->debug('Constructing Layout from Response: ' . $layout->layoutId); if (isset($response['regions'])) { foreach ($response['regions'] as $item) { /** @var XiboRegion $region */ $region = new XiboRegion($this->getEntityProvider()); $region->hydrate($item); /** @var XiboPlaylist $playlist */ $playlist = new XiboPlaylist($this->getEntityProvider()); $playlist->hydrate($item['regionPlaylist']); foreach ($playlist->widgets as $widget) { /** @var XiboWidget $widgetObject */ $widgetObject = new XiboWidget($this->getEntityProvider()); $widgetObject->hydrate($widget); $hydratedWidgets[] = $widgetObject; } $playlist->widgets = $hydratedWidgets; $region->regionPlaylist = $playlist; $hydratedRegions[] = $region; } $layout->regions = $hydratedRegions; } else { $this->getLogger()->debug('No regions returned with Layout object'); } return $layout; } }