'5.8.0', 'laravel/cashier' => '9.0.1', 'illuminate/support' => '5.8.0', 'laravel/dusk' => '5.0.0', ); protected static $otherLibraries = array( 'spatie/laravel-analytics' => '3.6.4', 'jenssegers/date' => '3.5.0', ); /** * @param \UpdateHelper\UpdateHelper $helper */ public function check(UpdateHelper $helper) { $helper->write(array( 'Carbon 1 is deprecated, see how to migrate to Carbon 2.', 'https://carbon.nesbot.com/docs/#api-carbon-2', )); if (static::SUGGEST_ON_UPDATE || static::ASK_ON_UPDATE || $helper->getIo()->isVerbose()) { $laravelUpdate = array(); foreach (static::$laravelLibraries as $name => $version) { if ($helper->hasAsDependency($name) && $helper->isDependencyLesserThan($name, $version)) { $laravelUpdate[$name] = $version; } } if (count($laravelUpdate)) { $output = array( ' Please consider upgrading your Laravel dependencies to be compatible with Carbon 2:', ); foreach ($laravelUpdate as $name => $version) { $output[] = " - $name at least to version $version"; } $output[] = ''; $output[] = " If you can't update Laravel, check https://carbon.nesbot.com/ to see how to"; $output[] = ' install Carbon 2 using alias version and our adapter kylekatarnls/laravel-carbon-2'; $output[] = ''; $helper->write($output); } foreach (static::$otherLibraries as $name => $version) { if ($helper->hasAsDependency($name) && $helper->isDependencyLesserThan($name, $version)) { $helper->write(" Please consider upgrading $name at least to $version to be compatible with Carbon 2.\n"); } } if (static::ASK_ON_UPDATE) { static::askForUpgrade($helper); return; } } $path = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, array('.', 'vendor', 'bin', 'upgrade-carbon')); if (!file_exists($path)) { $path = realpath(__DIR__.'/../../bin/upgrade-carbon'); } $helper->write( ' You can run '.escapeshellarg($path). ' to get help in updating carbon and other frameworks and libraries that depend on it.' ); } private static function getUpgradeQuestion($upgrades) { $message = "Do you want us to try the following upgrade:\n"; foreach ($upgrades as $name => $version) { $message .= " - $name: $version\n"; } return $message.'[Y/N] '; } public static function askForUpgrade(UpdateHelper $helper, $upgradeIfNotInteractive = false) { $upgrades = array( 'nesbot/carbon' => '^2.0.0', ); foreach (array(static::$laravelLibraries, static::$otherLibraries) as $libraries) { foreach ($libraries as $name => $version) { if ($helper->hasAsDependency($name) && $helper->isDependencyLesserThan($name, $version)) { $upgrades[$name] = "^$version"; } } } $shouldUpgrade = $helper->isInteractive() ? $helper->getIo()->askConfirmation(static::getUpgradeQuestion($upgrades)) : $upgradeIfNotInteractive; if ($shouldUpgrade) { $helper->setDependencyVersions($upgrades)->update(); } } public static function upgrade(ScriptEvent $event = null) { if (!$event) { $composer = new Composer(); $baseDir = __DIR__.'/../..'; if (file_exists("$baseDir/autoload.php")) { $baseDir .= '/..'; } $composer->setConfig(new Config(true, $baseDir)); $event = new ScriptEvent( 'upgrade-carbon', $composer, new ConsoleIO(new StringInput(''), new ConsoleOutput(), new HelperSet(array( new QuestionHelper(), ))) ); } static::askForUpgrade(new UpdateHelper($event), true); } }