determineTokens($data); $data['code'] = implode('', $data['tokens']); $data['hasThis'] = (strpos($data['code'], '$this') !== false); } private function determineTokens(array &$data) { $potential = $this->determinePotentialTokens($data['reflection']); $braceLevel = $index = $step = $insideUse = 0; $data['tokens'] = $data['context'] = []; foreach ($potential as $token) { $token = new Token($token); switch ($step) { // Handle tokens before the function declaration. case 0: if ($token->is(T_FUNCTION)) { $data['tokens'][] = $token; $step++; } break; // Handle tokens inside the function signature. case 1: $data['tokens'][] = $token; if ($insideUse) { if ($token->is(T_VARIABLE)) { $varName = trim($token, '$ '); $data['context'][$varName] = null; } elseif ($token->is('&')) { $data['hasRefs'] = true; } } elseif ($token->is(T_USE)) { $insideUse++; } if ($token->is('{')) { $step++; $braceLevel++; } break; // Handle tokens inside the function body. case 2: $data['tokens'][] = $token; if ($token->is('{')) { $braceLevel++; } elseif ($token->is('}')) { $braceLevel--; if ($braceLevel === 0) { $step++; } } break; // Handle tokens after the function declaration. case 3: if ($token->is(T_FUNCTION)) { throw new ClosureAnalysisException('Multiple closures ' . 'were declared on the same line of code. Could not ' . 'determine which closure was the intended target.' ); } break; } } } private function determinePotentialTokens(\ReflectionFunction $reflection) { // Load the file containing the code for the function. $fileName = $reflection->getFileName(); if (!is_readable($fileName)) { throw new ClosureAnalysisException( "Cannot read the file containing the closure: \"{$fileName}\"." ); } $code = ''; $file = new \SplFileObject($fileName); $file->seek($reflection->getStartLine() - 1); while ($file->key() < $reflection->getEndLine()) { $code .= $file->current(); $file->next(); } $code = trim($code); if (strpos($code, 'getStaticVariables(); // Construct the context by combining the variable names and values. foreach ($data['context'] as $name => &$value) { if (isset($values[$name])) { $value = $values[$name]; } } } }