. */ namespace Xibo\Helper; use Phinx\Console\PhinxApplication; use Phinx\Wrapper\TextWrapper; /** * Class Environment * @package Xibo\Helper */ class Environment { public static $WEBSITE_VERSION_NAME = '2.3.7'; public static $XMDS_VERSION = '5'; public static $XLF_VERSION = 3; public static $VERSION_REQUIRED = '7.0.8'; public static $VERSION_UNSUPPORTED = '8.0'; /** @var null cache migration status for the whole request */ private static $_migration_status = null; /** * Is there a migration pending? * @return bool */ public static function migrationPending() { return (self::getMigrationStatus() != 0); } /** * Get Migration Status * @return int */ private static function getMigrationStatus() { if (self::$_migration_status === null) { // Use a Phinx text wrapper to work out what the current status is // make sure this does not output anything to our output buffer ob_start(); $phinx = new TextWrapper(new PhinxApplication(), ['configuration' => PROJECT_ROOT . '/phinx.php']); $phinx->getStatus(); self::$_migration_status = $phinx->getExitCode(); ob_end_clean(); } return self::$_migration_status; } /** * Check FileSystem Permissions * @return bool */ public static function checkSettingsFileSystemPermissions() { $settingsPath = PROJECT_ROOT . '/web/settings.php'; return (file_exists($settingsPath)) ? is_writable($settingsPath) : is_writable(PROJECT_ROOT . '/web'); } /** * Check FileSystem Permissions * @return bool */ public static function checkCacheFileSystemPermissions() { return is_writable(PROJECT_ROOT . '/cache'); } /** * Check PHP version is within the preset parameters * @return bool */ public static function checkPHP() { return (version_compare(phpversion(), self::$VERSION_REQUIRED) != -1) && (version_compare(phpversion(), self::$VERSION_UNSUPPORTED) != 1); } /** * Check PHP has the PDO module installed (with MySQL driver) */ public static function checkPDO() { return extension_loaded("pdo_mysql"); } /** * Check PHP has the GetText module installed * @return bool */ public static function checkGettext() { return extension_loaded("gettext"); } /** * Check PHP has JSON module installed * @return bool */ public static function checkJson() { return extension_loaded("json"); } /** * * Check PHP has SOAP module installed * @return bool */ public static function checkSoap() { return extension_loaded("soap"); } /** * Check PHP has GD module installed * @return bool */ public static function checkGd() { return extension_loaded("gd"); } /** * Check PHP has the DOM XML functionality installed * @return bool */ public static function checkDomXml() { return extension_loaded("dom"); } /** * Check PHP has the DOM functionality installed * @return bool */ public static function checkDom() { return class_exists("DOMDocument"); } /** * Check PHP has session functionality installed * @return bool */ public static function checkSession() { return extension_loaded("session"); } /** * Check PHP has PCRE functionality installed * @return bool */ public static function checkPCRE() { return extension_loaded("pcre"); } /** * Check PHP has FileInfo functionality installed * @return bool */ public static function checkFileInfo() { return extension_loaded("fileinfo"); } public static function checkZip() { return extension_loaded('zip'); } public static function checkIntlDateFormat() { return class_exists('IntlDateFormatter'); } /** * Check to see if curl is installed */ public static function checkCurlInstalled() { return function_exists('curl_version'); } /** * Check PHP is setup for large file uploads * @return bool */ public static function checkPHPUploads() { # Consider 0 - 128M warning / < 120 seconds # Variables to check: # post_max_size # upload_max_filesize # max_execution_time $minSize = ByteFormatter::toBytes('128M'); if (ByteFormatter::toBytes(ini_get('post_max_size')) < $minSize) return false; if (ByteFormatter::toBytes(ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) < $minSize) return false; if (ini_get('max_execution_time') < 120) return false; // All passed return true; } /** * @inheritdoc */ public static function checkZmq() { return class_exists('ZMQSocket'); } public static function getMaxUploadSize() { return ini_get('upload_max_filesize'); } /** * Check open ssl is available * @return bool */ public static function checkOpenSsl() { return extension_loaded('openssl'); } /** * @inheritdoc * https://stackoverflow.com/a/45767760 */ public static function getMemoryLimitBytes() { return intval(str_replace(array('G', 'M', 'K'), array('000000000', '000000', '000'), ini_get('memory_limit'))); } /** * @return bool */ public static function checkTimezoneIdentifiers() { return function_exists('timezone_identifiers_list'); } /** * @return bool */ public static function checkAllowUrlFopen() { return ini_get('allow_url_fopen'); } /** * @return bool */ public static function checkSimpleXml() { return extension_loaded('simplexml'); } /** * @param $url * @return bool */ public static function checkUrl($url) { return (stripos($url, '/web/') === false); } /** * Is the CMS in DEV mode? * @return bool */ public static function isDevMode() { return (isset($_SERVER['CMS_DEV_MODE']) && $_SERVER['CMS_DEV_MODE'] === 'true'); } /** * Is debugging forced ON for this request? * @return bool */ public static function isForceDebugging() { return (isset($_SERVER['CMS_FORCE_DEBUG']) && $_SERVER['CMS_FORCE_DEBUG'] === 'true'); } }