/** * Xibo - Digital Signage - http://www.xibo.org.uk * Copyright (C) 2009-2017 Spring Signage Ltd * * This file is part of Xibo. * * Xibo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * Xibo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Xibo. If not, see
. */ jQuery.fn.extend({ xiboTextRender: function(options, items) { // Default options var defaults = { "fx": "none", "duration": "50", "durationIsPerItem": false, "numItems": 0, "takeItemsFrom": "start", "itemsPerPage": 0, "speed": "2", "previewWidth": 0, "previewHeight": 0, "scaleOverride": 0, "randomiseItems": 0, "marqueeInlineSelector": ".item, .item p" }; options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); // Calculate the dimensions of this item based on the preview/original dimensions var width = height = 0; if (options.previewWidth === 0 || options.previewHeight === 0) { width = options.originalWidth; height = options.originalHeight; } else { width = options.previewWidth; height = options.previewHeight; } if (options.scaleOverride !== 0) { width = width / options.scaleOverride; height = height / options.scaleOverride; } var paddingBottom = paddingRight = 0; if (options.widgetDesignWidth > 0 && options.widgetDesignHeight > 0) { if(options.itemsPerPage > 0){ if($(window).width() > $(window).height()){ //Landscape or square size plus padding options.widgetDesignWidth = (options.itemsPerPage * options.widgetDesignWidth) + (options.widgetDesignPadding * (options.itemsPerPage - 1)); options.widgetDesignHeight = options.widgetDesignHeight; width = options.widgetDesignWidth; height = options.widgetDesignHeight; paddingRight = options.widgetDesignPadding; } else { //Portrait size plus padding options.widgetDesignHeight = (options.itemsPerPage * options.widgetDesignHeight) + (options.widgetDesignPadding * (options.itemsPerPage - 1)); options.widgetDesignWidth = options.widgetDesignWidth; width = options.widgetDesignWidth; height = options.widgetDesignHeight; paddingBottom = options.widgetDesignPadding; } } } // For each matched element this.each(function() { //console.log("[Xibo] Selected: " + this.tagName.toLowerCase()); //console.log("[Xibo] Options: " + JSON.stringify(options)); // 1st Objective - filter the items array we have been given // settings involved: // items, // numItems (ticker number of items from the start/end), // takeItemsFrom (ticker sort or reverse sort the array) // randomiseItems (randomise the items) if (options.randomiseItems === 1) { // Sort the items in a random order (considering the entire list) // Durstenfeld shuffle // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle#The_modern_algorithm // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2450954/how-to-randomize-shuffle-a-javascript-array for (var i = items.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { var j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); var temp = items[i]; items[i] = items[j]; items[j] = temp; } } if (options.takeItemsFrom === "end") { //console.log("[Xibo] Reversing items"); items.reverse(); } // Make sure the num items is not greater than the actual number of items //console.log("[Xibo] Module requested " + options.numItems + " there are " + items.length + " in the array of items"); if (options.numItems > items.length || options.numItems === 0) options.numItems = items.length; // Get a new array with only the first N elements items = items.slice(0, options.numItems); // Reverse the items again (so they are in the correct order) if (options.takeItemsFrom === "end") { //console.log("[Xibo] Reversing items"); items.reverse(); } // 2nd objective - put the items on the page // settings involved: // fx (if we are single we might need to configure some pages for this) // itemsPerPage (tells us how many items to put on per page) //console.log("[Xibo] Putting " + options.numItems + " Items on the page"); // Store the number of items (we might change this to number of pages) var numberOfItems = options.numItems; // How many pages to we need? var numberOfPages = (options.itemsPerPage > 0) ? Math.ceil(options.numItems / options.itemsPerPage) : options.numItems; var itemsThisPage = 1; //console.log("[Xibo] We need to have " + numberOfPages + " pages"); var appendTo = this; // Loop around each of the items we have been given and append them to this element (in a div) for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { // We don't add any pages for marquee / none transitions. if (options.fx != "none" && options.fx != "marqueeLeft" && options.fx != "marqueeRight" && options.fx != "marqueeUp" && options.fx != "marqueeDown") { // If we need to set pages, have we switched over to a new page? if (options.itemsPerPage > 1 && (itemsThisPage >= options.itemsPerPage || i === 0)) { // Append a new page to the body appendTo = $("
").addClass("page").appendTo(this); // Reset the row count on this page itemsThisPage = 0; } } // For each item output a DIV $("
") .addClass("item") .html(items[i]).appendTo(appendTo); itemsThisPage++; } // 4th objective - move the items around, start the timer // settings involved: // fx (the way we are moving effects the HTML required) // speed (how fast we need to move) var marquee = false; if (options.fx == "none") { // Do nothing } else if (options.fx != "marqueeLeft" && options.fx != "marqueeRight" && options.fx != "marqueeUp" && options.fx != "marqueeDown") { // Make sure the speed is something sensible options.speed = (options.speed <= 200) ? 1000 : options.speed; // Cycle slides are either page or item var slides = (options.itemsPerPage > 1) ? ".page" : ".item"; // If we only have 1 item, then we are in trouble and need to duplicate it. if ($(slides).length <= 1 && options.type == 'text') { // Change our slide tag to be the paragraphs inside slides = slides + ' p'; // Change the number of items numberOfItems = $(slides).length; } var numberOfSlides = (options.itemsPerPage > 1) ? numberOfPages : numberOfItems; var duration = (options.durationIsPerItem) ? options.duration : options.duration / numberOfSlides; //console.log("[Xibo] initialising the cycle2 plugin with " + numberOfSlides + " slides and selector " + slides + ". Duration per slide is " + duration + " seconds."); // Set the content div to the height of the original window $(this).css("height", height); // Set the width on the cycled slides $(slides, this).css({ width: width, height: height }); var timeout = duration * 1000; if (options.fx !== "noTransition") { timeout = timeout - (options.speed * 0.7); } // Cycle handles this for us $(this).cycle({ fx: (options.fx === "noTransition") ? "none" : options.fx, speed: (options.fx === "noTransition") ? 1 : options.speed, timeout: timeout, slides: "> " + slides }); } else if (options.fx == "marqueeLeft" || options.fx == "marqueeRight") { marquee = true; options.direction = ((options.fx == "marqueeLeft") ? "left" : "right"); // Make sure the speed is something sensible options.speed = (options.speed == 0) ? 1 : options.speed; // Stack the articles up and move them across the screen $(options.marqueeInlineSelector, this).css({ display: "inline", "padding-left": "10px" }); } else if (options.fx == "marqueeUp" || options.fx == "marqueeDown") { // We want a marquee marquee = true; options.direction = ((options.fx == "marqueeUp") ? "up" : "down"); // Make sure the speed is something sensible options.speed = (options.speed == 0) ? 1 : options.speed; } if (marquee) { // Create a DIV to scroll, and put this inside the body var scroller = $("
") .addClass("scroll") .attr({ scrollamount: options.speed, scaleFactor: options.scaleFactor, behaviour: "scroll", direction: options.direction, height: height, width: width }); $(this).wrapInner(scroller); // Set some options on the extra DIV and make it a marquee $(this).find('.scroll').marquee(); // Correct for up / down if (options.fx == "marqueeUp" || options.fx == "marqueeDown") $(this).children().children().css({"white-space": "normal", float: "none"}); } // Add aditional padding to the items if (paddingRight > 0 || paddingBottom > 0) { // Add padding to all item elements $(".item").css("padding", "0px " + paddingRight + "px " + paddingBottom + "px 0px"); // Exclude the last item on the page and the last on the content ( if there is no pages ) $(".page .item:last-child").css("padding", 0); $("#content .item:last-child").css("padding", 0); } }); return $(this); } });