getOption('maxAgeDays', 7)); $systemOnly = intval($this->getOption('systemOnly', 1)); $readOnly = intval($this->getOption('readOnly', 0)); $this->runMessage = '# ' . __('Notification Tidy') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; $this->log->info('Deleting notifications older than ' . $maxAgeDays . ' days. System Only: ' . $systemOnly . '. Read Only' . $readOnly ); // Where clause $where = ' WHERE `releaseDt` < :releaseDt '; if ($systemOnly == 1) { $where .= ' AND `isSystem` = 1 '; } // Params for all deletes $params = [ 'releaseDt' => $this->date->parse()->subDays($maxAgeDays)->format('U') ]; // Delete all notifications older than now minus X days $sql = ' DELETE FROM `lknotificationdg` WHERE `notificationId` IN (SELECT DISTINCT `notificationId` FROM `notification` ' . $where . ') '; if ($readOnly == 1) { $sql .= ' AND `notificationId` IN (SELECT `notificationId` FROM `lknotificationuser` WHERE read <> 0) '; } $this->store->update($sql, $params); // Delete notification groups $sql = ' DELETE FROM `lknotificationgroup` WHERE `notificationId` IN (SELECT DISTINCT `notificationId` FROM `notification` ' . $where . ') '; if ($readOnly == 1) { $sql .= ' AND `notificationId` IN (SELECT `notificationId` FROM `lknotificationuser` WHERE read <> 0) '; } $this->store->update($sql, $params); // Delete from notification user $sql = ' DELETE FROM `lknotificationuser` WHERE `notificationId` IN (SELECT DISTINCT `notificationId` FROM `notification` ' . $where . ') '; if ($readOnly == 1) { $sql .= ' AND `read` <> 0 '; } $this->store->update($sql, $params); // Delete from notification $sql = 'DELETE FROM `notification` ' . $where; if ($readOnly == 1) { $sql .= ' AND `notificationId` NOT IN (SELECT `notificationId` FROM `lknotificationuser`) '; } $this->store->update($sql, $params); $this->runMessage .= __('Done') . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL; } }