options['controller']; /* @var \Xibo\Controller\Library $controller */ // Handle form data, e.g. $_REQUEST['description'][$index] // Link the file to the module $fileName = $file->name; $filePath = $controller->getConfig()->GetSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . 'temp/' . $fileName; $controller->getLog()->debug('Upload complete for name: ' . $fileName . '. Index is %s.', $index); // Upload and Save try { // Check Library if ($this->options['libraryQuotaFull']) throw new LibraryFullException(sprintf(__('Your library is full. Library Limit: %s K'), $this->options['libraryLimit'])); // Check for a user quota $controller->getUser()->isQuotaFullByUser(); // Get some parameters if ($index === null) { if (isset($_REQUEST['name'])) $name = $_REQUEST['name']; else $name = $fileName; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['name'][$index])) $name = $_REQUEST['name'][$index]; else $name = $fileName; } // Guess the type $module = $controller->getModuleFactory()->getByExtension(strtolower(substr(strrchr($fileName, '.'), 1))); $module = $controller->getModuleFactory()->create($module->type); $controller->getLog()->debug('Module Type = %s, Name = ', $module->getModuleType(), $module->getModuleName()); // Do we need to run any pre-processing on the file? $module->preProcessFile($filePath); // Old Media Id or not? if ($this->options['oldMediaId'] != 0) { $updateInLayouts = ($this->options['updateInLayouts'] == 1); $deleteOldRevisions = ($this->options['deleteOldRevisions'] == 1); $controller->getLog()->debug('Replacing old with new - updateInLayouts = %d, deleteOldRevisions = %d', $updateInLayouts, $deleteOldRevisions); // Load old media $oldMedia = $controller->getMediaFactory()->getById($this->options['oldMediaId']); // Check permissions if (!$controller->getUser()->checkEditable($oldMedia)) throw new AccessDeniedException(__('Access denied replacing old media')); // Check to see if we are changing the media type if ($oldMedia->mediaType != $module->getModuleType() && $this->options['allowMediaTypeChange'] == 0) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('You cannot replace this media with an item of a different type')); // Set the old record to edited $oldMedia->isEdited = 1; $oldMedia->save(['validate' => false]); // The media name might be empty here, because the user isn't forced to select it $name = ($name == '') ? $oldMedia->name : $name; // Add the Media // the userId is either the existing user (if we are changing media type) or the currently logged in user otherwise. $media = $controller->getMediaFactory()->create( $name, $fileName, $module->getModuleType(), (($this->options['allowMediaTypeChange'] == 1) ? $oldMedia->getOwnerId() : $this->options['userId']) ); // Set the duration $media->duration = $module->determineDuration($filePath); // Pre-process $module->preProcess($media, $filePath); // Save $media->save(['oldMedia' => $oldMedia]); // Post process $module->postProcess($media); $controller->getLog()->debug('Copying permissions to new media'); foreach ($controller->getPermissionFactory()->getAllByObjectId($controller->getUser(), get_class($oldMedia), $oldMedia->mediaId) as $permission) { /* @var Permission $permission */ $permission = clone $permission; $permission->objectId = $media->mediaId; $permission->save(); } // Do we want to replace this in all layouts? if ($updateInLayouts) { $controller->getLog()->debug('Replace in all Layouts selected. Getting associated widgets'); if ($module->getModuleType() == 'audio') { // Replace any widg } foreach ($controller->getWidgetFactory()->getByMediaId($oldMedia->mediaId) as $widget) { /* @var Widget $widget */ if (!$controller->getUser()->checkEditable($widget)) { // Widget that we cannot update, this means we can't delete the original mediaId when it comes time to do so. $deleteOldRevisions = false; $controller->getLog()->info('Media used on Widget that we cannot edit. Delete Old Revisions has been disabled.'); } // If we are replacing an audio media item, we should check to see if the widget we've found has any // audio items assigned. if ($module->getModuleType() == 'audio' && in_array($oldMedia->mediaId, $widget->getAudioIds())) { $controller->getLog()->debug('Found audio on widget that needs updating. widgetId = ' . $widget->getId() . '. Linking ' . $media->mediaId); $widget->unassignAudioById($oldMedia->mediaId); $widget->assignAudioById($media->mediaId); $widget->save(); } else if (count($widget->getPrimaryMedia()) > 0 && $widget->getPrimaryMediaId() == $oldMedia->mediaId) { // We're only interested in primary media at this point (no audio) // Check whether this widget is of the same type as our incoming media item if ($widget->type != $module->getModuleType()) { // Are we supposed to switch, or should we prevent? if ($this->options['allowMediaTypeChange'] == 1) { $widget->type = $module->getModuleType(); } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('You cannot replace this media with an item of a different type')); } } $controller->getLog()->debug('Found widget that needs updating. ID = %d. Linking %d', $widget->getId(), $media->mediaId); $widget->unassignMedia($oldMedia->mediaId); $widget->assignMedia($media->mediaId); $widget->save(); } } // Update any background images if ($media->mediaType == 'image') { $controller->getLog()->debug('Updating layouts with the old media %d as the background image.', $oldMedia->mediaId); // Get all Layouts with this as the background image foreach ($controller->getLayoutFactory()->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'backgroundImageId' => $oldMedia->mediaId]) as $layout) { /* @var Layout $layout */ if (!$controller->getUser()->checkEditable($layout)) { // Widget that we cannot update, this means we can't delete the original mediaId when it comes time to do so. $deleteOldRevisions = false; $controller->getLog()->info('Media used on Widget that we cannot edit. Delete Old Revisions has been disabled.'); } $controller->getLog()->debug('Found layout that needs updating. ID = %d. Setting background image id to %d', $layout->layoutId, $media->mediaId); $layout->backgroundImageId = $media->mediaId; $layout->save(); } } } else if ($this->options['widgetId'] != 0) { $controller->getLog()->debug('Swapping a specific widget only.'); // swap this one $widget = $controller->getWidgetFactory()->getById($this->options['widgetId']); if (!$controller->getUser()->checkEditable($widget)) throw new AccessDeniedException(); $widget->unassignMedia($oldMedia->mediaId); $widget->assignMedia($media->mediaId); $widget->save(); } // We either want to Link the old record to this one, or delete it if ($updateInLayouts && $deleteOldRevisions) { $controller->getLog()->debug('Delete old revisions of ' . $oldMedia->mediaId); // Check we have permission to delete this media if (!$controller->getUser()->checkDeleteable($oldMedia)) throw new AccessDeniedException(); try { // Join the prior revision up with the new media. $priorMedia = $controller->getMediaFactory()->getParentById($oldMedia->mediaId); $controller->getLog()->debug('Prior media found, joining ' . $priorMedia->mediaId . ' with ' . $media->mediaId); $priorMedia->parentId = $media->mediaId; $priorMedia->save(['validate' => false]); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // Nothing to do then $controller->getLog()->debug('No prior media found'); } $oldMedia->setChildObjectDependencies($controller->getLayoutFactory(), $controller->getWidgetFactory(), $controller->getDisplayGroupFactory(), $controller->getDisplayFactory(), $controller->getScheduleFactory()); $oldMedia->delete(); } else { $oldMedia->parentId = $media->mediaId; $oldMedia->save(['validate' => false]); } } else { // The media name might be empty here, because the user isn't forced to select it $name = ($name == '') ? $fileName : $name; // Add the Media $media = $controller->getMediaFactory()->create($name, $fileName, $module->getModuleType(), $this->options['userId']); // Set the duration $media->duration = $module->determineDuration($filePath); // Pre-process $module->preProcess($media, $filePath); // Save $media->save(); // Post process $module->postProcess($media); // Permissions foreach ($controller->getPermissionFactory()->createForNewEntity($controller->getUser(), get_class($media), $media->getId(), $controller->getConfig()->GetSetting('MEDIA_DEFAULT'), $controller->getUserGroupFactory()) as $permission) { /* @var Permission $permission */ $permission->save(); } } // Configure the return values according to the media item we've added $file->name = $name; $file->mediaId = $media->mediaId; $file->storedas = $media->storedAs; $file->duration = $media->duration; $file->retired = $media->retired; $file->fileSize = $media->fileSize; $file->md5 = $media->md5; // Test to ensure the final file size is the same as the file size we're expecting if ($file->fileSize != $file->size) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Sorry this is a corrupted upload, the file size doesn\'t match what we\'re expecting.'), 'size'); // Fonts, then install if ($module->getModuleType() == 'font') { $controller->installFonts(); } // Are we assigning to a Playlist? if ($this->options['playlistId'] != 0 && $this->options['widgetId'] == 0) { $controller->getLog()->debug('Assigning uploaded media to playlistId ' . $this->options['playlistId']); // Get the Playlist $playlist = $controller->getPlaylistFactory()->getById($this->options['playlistId']); $playlist->setChildObjectDependencies($controller->getRegionFactory()); // Create a Widget and add it to our region $widget = $controller->getWidgetFactory()->create($this->options['userId'], $playlist->playlistId, $module->getModuleType(), $media->duration); // Assign the widget to the module $module->setWidget($widget); // Set default options (this sets options on the widget) $module->setDefaultWidgetOptions(); // Assign media $widget->assignMedia($media->mediaId); // Assign the new widget to the playlist $playlist->assignWidget($widget); // Save the playlist $playlist->save(); // Handle permissions // https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo/issues/1274 if ($controller->getConfig()->GetSetting('INHERIT_PARENT_PERMISSIONS') == 1) { // Apply permissions from the Parent foreach ($playlist->permissions as $permission) { /* @var Permission $permission */ $permission = $controller->getPermissionFactory()->create($permission->groupId, get_class($widget), $widget->getId(), $permission->view, $permission->edit, $permission->delete); $permission->save(); } } else { foreach ($controller->getPermissionFactory()->createForNewEntity($controller->getUser(), get_class($widget), $widget->getId(), $controller->getConfig()->GetSetting('LAYOUT_DEFAULT'), $controller->getUserGroupFactory()) as $permission) { /* @var Permission $permission */ $permission->save(); } } } } catch (Exception $e) { $controller->getLog()->error('Error uploading media: %s', $e->getMessage()); $controller->getLog()->debug($e->getTraceAsString()); // Unlink the temporary file @unlink($filePath); $file->error = $e->getMessage(); $controller->getApp()->commit = false; } } }