. */ namespace Xibo\Factory; use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface; use Xibo\Entity\DataSet; use Xibo\Entity\DataSetColumn; use Xibo\Entity\Layout; use Xibo\Entity\User; use Xibo\Entity\Widget; use Xibo\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Exception\NotFoundException; use Xibo\Exception\XiboException; use Xibo\Service\ConfigServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\DateServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\LogServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\SanitizerServiceInterface; use Xibo\Storage\StorageServiceInterface; /** * Class LayoutFactory * @package Xibo\Factory */ class LayoutFactory extends BaseFactory { /** * @var ConfigServiceInterface */ private $config; /** * @var DateServiceInterface */ private $date; /** @var EventDispatcherInterface */ private $dispatcher; /** * @var PermissionFactory */ private $permissionFactory; /** * @var RegionFactory */ private $regionFactory; /** * @var TagFactory */ private $tagFactory; /** * @var CampaignFactory */ private $campaignFactory; /** * @var MediaFactory */ private $mediaFactory; /** * @var ModuleFactory */ private $moduleFactory; /** * @var ResolutionFactory */ private $resolutionFactory; /** * @var WidgetFactory */ private $widgetFactory; /** * @var WidgetOptionFactory */ private $widgetOptionFactory; /** @var WidgetAudioFactory */ private $widgetAudioFactory; /** @var PlaylistFactory */ private $playlistFactory; /** * Construct a factory * @param StorageServiceInterface $store * @param LogServiceInterface $log * @param SanitizerServiceInterface $sanitizerService * @param User $user * @param UserFactory $userFactory * @param ConfigServiceInterface $config * @param DateServiceInterface $date * @param EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher * @param PermissionFactory $permissionFactory * @param RegionFactory $regionFactory * @param TagFactory $tagFactory * @param CampaignFactory $campaignFactory * @param MediaFactory $mediaFactory * @param ModuleFactory $moduleFactory * @param ResolutionFactory $resolutionFactory * @param WidgetFactory $widgetFactory * @param WidgetOptionFactory $widgetOptionFactory * @param PlaylistFactory $playlistFactory * @param WidgetAudioFactory $widgetAudioFactory */ public function __construct($store, $log, $sanitizerService, $user, $userFactory, $config, $date, $dispatcher, $permissionFactory, $regionFactory, $tagFactory, $campaignFactory, $mediaFactory, $moduleFactory, $resolutionFactory, $widgetFactory, $widgetOptionFactory, $playlistFactory, $widgetAudioFactory) { $this->setCommonDependencies($store, $log, $sanitizerService); $this->setAclDependencies($user, $userFactory); $this->config = $config; $this->date = $date; $this->dispatcher = $dispatcher; $this->permissionFactory = $permissionFactory; $this->regionFactory = $regionFactory; $this->tagFactory = $tagFactory; $this->campaignFactory = $campaignFactory; $this->mediaFactory = $mediaFactory; $this->moduleFactory = $moduleFactory; $this->resolutionFactory = $resolutionFactory; $this->widgetFactory = $widgetFactory; $this->widgetOptionFactory = $widgetOptionFactory; $this->playlistFactory = $playlistFactory; $this->widgetAudioFactory = $widgetAudioFactory; } /** * Create an empty layout * @return Layout */ public function createEmpty() { return new Layout( $this->getStore(), $this->getLog(), $this->config, $this->date, $this->dispatcher, $this->permissionFactory, $this->regionFactory, $this->tagFactory, $this->campaignFactory, $this, $this->mediaFactory, $this->moduleFactory ); } /** * Create Layout from Resolution * @param int $resolutionId * @param int $ownerId * @param string $name * @param string $description * @param string $tags * @return Layout */ public function createFromResolution($resolutionId, $ownerId, $name, $description, $tags) { $resolution = $this->resolutionFactory->getById($resolutionId); // Create a new Layout $layout = $this->createEmpty(); $layout->width = $resolution->width; $layout->height = $resolution->height; // Set the properties $layout->layout = $name; $layout->description = $description; $layout->backgroundzIndex = 0; $layout->backgroundColor = '#000'; // Set the owner $layout->setOwner($ownerId); // Create some tags $layout->tags = $this->tagFactory->tagsFromString($tags); // Add a blank, full screen region $layout->regions[] = $this->regionFactory->create($ownerId, $name . '-1', $layout->width, $layout->height, 0, 0); return $layout; } /** * Create Layout from Template * @param int $layoutId * @param int $ownerId * @param string $name * @param string $description * @param string $tags * @return Layout * @throws NotFoundException */ public function createFromTemplate($layoutId, $ownerId, $name, $description, $tags) { // Load the template $template = $this->loadById($layoutId); $template->load(); // Empty all of the ID's $layout = clone $template; // Overwrite our new properties $layout->layout = $name; $layout->description = $description; // Create some tags (overwriting the old ones) $layout->tags = $this->tagFactory->tagsFromString($tags); // Set the owner $layout->setOwner($ownerId); // Ensure we have Playlists for each region foreach ($layout->regions as $region) { // Set the ownership of this region to the user creating from template $region->setOwner($ownerId, true); if (count($region->playlists) <= 0) { // Create a Playlist for this region $playlist = $this->playlistFactory->create($name, $ownerId); $region->assignPlaylist($playlist); } } // Fresh layout object, entirely new and ready to be saved return $layout; } /** * Load a layout by its ID * @param int $layoutId * @return Layout The Layout * @throws NotFoundException */ public function loadById($layoutId) { // Get the layout $layout = $this->getById($layoutId); // Load the layout $layout->load(); return $layout; } /** * Loads only the layout information * @param int $layoutId * @return Layout * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getById($layoutId) { if ($layoutId == 0) throw new NotFoundException(); $layouts = $this->query(null, array('disableUserCheck' => 1, 'layoutId' => $layoutId, 'excludeTemplates' => -1, 'retired' => -1)); if (count($layouts) <= 0) { throw new NotFoundException(\__('Layout not found')); } // Set our layout return $layouts[0]; } /** * Get by OwnerId * @param int $ownerId * @return array[Layout] * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getByOwnerId($ownerId) { return $this->query(null, array('userId' => $ownerId, 'excludeTemplates' => -1, 'retired' => -1)); } /** * Get by CampaignId * @param int $campaignId * @param bool $permissionsCheck Should we check permissions? * @return Layout[] * @throws NotFoundException */ public function getByCampaignId($campaignId, $permissionsCheck = true) { return $this->query(['displayOrder'], [ 'campaignId' => $campaignId, 'excludeTemplates' => -1, 'retired' => -1, 'disableUserCheck' => $permissionsCheck ? 0 : 1 ]); } /** * Get by Display Group Id * @param int $displayGroupId * @return array[Media] */ public function getByDisplayGroupId($displayGroupId) { return $this->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'displayGroupId' => $displayGroupId]); } /** * Get by Background Image Id * @param int $backgroundImageId * @return array[Media] */ public function getByBackgroundImageId($backgroundImageId) { return $this->query(null, ['disableUserCheck' => 1, 'backgroundImageId' => $backgroundImageId]); } /** * Load a layout by its XLF * @param string $layoutXlf * @param Layout[Optional] $layout * @return Layout */ public function loadByXlf($layoutXlf, $layout = null) { $this->getLog()->debug('Loading Layout by XLF'); // New Layout if ($layout == null) $layout = $this->createEmpty(); // Get a list of modules for us to use $modules = $this->moduleFactory->get(); // Parse the XML and fill in the details for this layout $document = new \DOMDocument(); $document->loadXML($layoutXlf); $layout->schemaVersion = (int)$document->documentElement->getAttribute('schemaVersion'); $layout->width = $document->documentElement->getAttribute('width'); $layout->height = $document->documentElement->getAttribute('height'); $layout->backgroundColor = $document->documentElement->getAttribute('bgcolor'); $layout->backgroundzIndex = (int)$document->documentElement->getAttribute('zindex'); // Xpath to use when getting media $xpath = new \DOMXPath($document); // Populate Region Nodes foreach ($document->getElementsByTagName('region') as $regionNode) { /* @var \DOMElement $regionNode */ $this->getLog()->debug('Found Region'); // Get the ownerId $regionOwnerId = $regionNode->getAttribute('userId'); if ($regionOwnerId == null) $regionOwnerId = $layout->ownerId; // Create the region $region = $this->regionFactory->create( $regionOwnerId, $regionNode->getAttribute('name'), (double)$regionNode->getAttribute('width'), (double)$regionNode->getAttribute('height'), (double)$regionNode->getAttribute('top'), (double)$regionNode->getAttribute('left'), (int)$regionNode->getAttribute('zindex') ); // Use the regionId locally to parse the rest of the XLF $region->tempId = $regionNode->getAttribute('id'); // Set the region name if empty if ($region->name == '') $region->name = count($layout->regions) + 1; // Populate Playlists (XLF doesn't contain any playlists) $playlist = $region->playlists[0]; $playlist->ownerId = $regionOwnerId; // Get all widgets foreach ($xpath->query('//region[@id="' . $region->tempId . '"]/media') as $mediaNode) { /* @var \DOMElement $mediaNode */ $mediaOwnerId = $mediaNode->getAttribute('userId'); if ($mediaOwnerId == null) $mediaOwnerId = $regionOwnerId; $widget = $this->widgetFactory->createEmpty(); $widget->type = $mediaNode->getAttribute('type'); $widget->ownerId = $mediaOwnerId; $widget->duration = $mediaNode->getAttribute('duration'); $widget->useDuration = $mediaNode->getAttribute('useDuration'); $widget->useDuration = ($widget->useDuration == '') ? 1 : 0; $widget->tempId = $mediaNode->getAttribute('fileId'); $widgetId = $mediaNode->getAttribute('id'); $this->getLog()->debug('Adding Widget to object model. %s', $widget); // Does this module type exist? if (!array_key_exists($widget->type, $modules)) { $this->getLog()->error('Module Type [%s] in imported Layout does not exist. Allowable types: %s', $widget->type, json_encode(array_keys($modules))); continue; } $module = $modules[$widget->type]; /* @var \Xibo\Entity\Module $module */ // // Get all widget options // $xpathQuery = '//region[@id="' . $region->tempId . '"]/media[@id="' . $widgetId . '"]/options'; foreach ($xpath->query($xpathQuery) as $optionsNode) { /* @var \DOMElement $optionsNode */ foreach ($optionsNode->childNodes as $mediaOption) { /* @var \DOMElement $mediaOption */ $widgetOption = $this->widgetOptionFactory->createEmpty(); $widgetOption->type = 'attrib'; $widgetOption->option = $mediaOption->nodeName; $widgetOption->value = $mediaOption->textContent; $widget->widgetOptions[] = $widgetOption; } } $this->getLog()->debug('Added %d options with xPath query: %s', count($widget->widgetOptions), $xpathQuery); // // Get the MediaId associated with this widget (using the URI) // if ($module->regionSpecific == 0) { $this->getLog()->debug('Library Widget, getting mediaId'); if (empty($widget->tempId)) { $this->getLog()->debug('FileId node is empty, setting tempId from uri option. Options: %s', json_encode($widget->widgetOptions)); $mediaId = explode('.', $widget->getOptionValue('uri', '0.*')); $widget->tempId = $mediaId[0]; } $this->getLog()->debug('Assigning mediaId %d', $widget->tempId); $widget->assignMedia($widget->tempId); } // // Get all widget raw content // foreach ($xpath->query('//region[@id="' . $region->tempId . '"]/media[@id="' . $widgetId . '"]/raw') as $rawNode) { /* @var \DOMElement $rawNode */ // Get children foreach ($rawNode->childNodes as $mediaOption) { /* @var \DOMElement $mediaOption */ if ($mediaOption->textContent == null) continue; $widgetOption = $this->widgetOptionFactory->createEmpty(); $widgetOption->type = 'cdata'; $widgetOption->option = $mediaOption->nodeName; $widgetOption->value = $mediaOption->textContent; $widget->widgetOptions[] = $widgetOption; } } // // Audio // foreach ($xpath->query('//region[@id="' . $region->tempId . '"]/media[@id="' . $widgetId . '"]/audio') as $rawNode) { /* @var \DOMElement $rawNode */ // Get children foreach ($rawNode->childNodes as $audioNode) { /* @var \DOMElement $audioNode */ if ($audioNode->textContent == null) continue; $audioMediaId = $audioNode->getAttribute('mediaId'); if (empty($audioMediaId)) { // Try to parse it from the text content $audioMediaId = explode('.', $audioNode->textContent)[0]; } $widgetAudio = $this->widgetAudioFactory->createEmpty(); $widgetAudio->mediaId = $audioMediaId; $widgetAudio->volume = $audioNode->getAttribute('volume'); $widgetAudio->loop = $audioNode->getAttribute('loop'); $widget->assignAudio($widgetAudio); } } // Add the widget to the playlist $playlist->assignWidget($widget); } $region->playlists[] = $playlist; $layout->regions[] = $region; } $this->getLog()->debug('Finished loading layout - there are %d regions.', count($layout->regions)); // Load any existing tags if (!is_array($layout->tags)) $layout->tags = $this->tagFactory->tagsFromString($layout->tags); foreach ($xpath->query('//tags/tag') as $tagNode) { /* @var \DOMElement $tagNode */ if (trim($tagNode->textContent) == '') continue; $layout->tags[] = $this->tagFactory->tagFromString($tagNode->textContent); } // The parsed, finished layout return $layout; } /** * Create Layout from ZIP File * @param string $zipFile * @param string $layoutName * @param int $userId * @param int $template * @param int $replaceExisting * @param int $importTags * @param bool $useExistingDataSets * @param bool $importDataSetData * @param \Xibo\Controller\Library $libraryController * @return Layout * @throws XiboException */ public function createFromZip($zipFile, $layoutName, $userId, $template, $replaceExisting, $importTags, $useExistingDataSets, $importDataSetData, $libraryController) { $this->getLog()->debug('Create Layout from ZIP File: %s, imported name will be %s.', $zipFile, $layoutName); $libraryLocation = $this->config->GetSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . 'temp/'; // Do some pre-checks on the arguments we have been provided if (!file_exists($zipFile)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('File does not exist')); // Open the Zip file $zip = new \ZipArchive(); if (!$zip->open($zipFile)) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('Unable to open ZIP')); // Get the layout details $layoutDetails = json_decode($zip->getFromName('layout.json'), true); // Construct the Layout $layout = $this->loadByXlf($zip->getFromName('layout.xml')); $this->getLog()->debug('Layout Loaded: ' . $layout); // Override the name/description $layout->layout = (($layoutName != '') ? $layoutName : $layoutDetails['layout']); $layout->description = (isset($layoutDetails['description']) ? $layoutDetails['description'] : ''); // Check that the resolution we have in this layout exists, and if not create it. try { if ($layout->schemaVersion < 2) $this->resolutionFactory->getByDesignerDimensions($layout->width, $layout->height); else $this->resolutionFactory->getByDimensions($layout->width, $layout->height); } catch (NotFoundException $notFoundException) { $this->getLog()->info('Import is for an unknown resolution, we will create it with name: ' . $layout->width . ' x ' . $layout->height); $resolution = $this->resolutionFactory->create($layout->width . ' x ' . $layout->height, $layout->width, $layout->height); $resolution->userId = $this->getUser()->userId; $resolution->save(); } // Update region names if (isset($layoutDetails['regions']) && count($layoutDetails['regions']) > 0) { $this->getLog()->debug('Updating region names according to layout.json'); foreach ($layout->regions as $region) { if (array_key_exists($region->tempId, $layoutDetails['regions'])) { $region->name = $layoutDetails['regions'][$region->tempId]; } } } // Remove the tags if necessary if (!$importTags) { $this->getLog()->debug('Removing tags from imported layout'); $layout->tags = []; } // Add the template tag if we are importing a template if ($template) { $layout->tags[] = $this->tagFactory->getByTag('template'); } // Tag as imported $layout->tags[] = $this->tagFactory->tagFromString('imported'); // Set the owner $layout->setOwner($userId, true); // Track if we've added any fonts $fontsAdded = false; $widgets = $layout->getWidgets(); $this->getLog()->debug('Layout has %d widgets', count($widgets)); $this->getLog()->debug('Process mapping.json file.'); // Go through each region and add the media (updating the media ids) $mappings = json_decode($zip->getFromName('mapping.json'), true); foreach ($mappings as $file) { // Import the Media File $intendedMediaName = $file['name']; $temporaryFileName = $libraryLocation . $file['file']; // Get the file from the ZIP $fileStream = $zip->getStream('library/' . $file['file']); if ($fileStream === false) { // Log out the entire ZIP file and all entries. $log = 'Problem getting library/' . $file['file'] . '. Files: '; for ($i = 0; $i < $zip->numFiles; $i++) { $log .= $zip->getNameIndex($i) . ', '; } $this->getLog()->error($log); throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('Empty file in ZIP')); } // Open a file pointer to stream into if (!$temporaryFileStream = fopen($temporaryFileName, 'w')) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Cannot save media file from ZIP file'), 'temp'); // Loop over the file and write into the stream while (!feof($fileStream)) { fwrite($temporaryFileStream, fread($fileStream, 8192)); } fclose($fileStream); fclose($temporaryFileStream); // Check we don't already have one $newMedia = false; $isFont = (isset($file['font']) && $file['font'] == 1); try { $media = $this->mediaFactory->getByName($intendedMediaName); $this->getLog()->debug('Media already exists with name: %s', $intendedMediaName); if ($replaceExisting && !$isFont) { // Media with this name already exists, but we don't want to use it. $intendedMediaName = 'import_' . $layout . '_' . uniqid(); throw new NotFoundException(); } } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // Create it instead $this->getLog()->debug('Media does not exist in Library, add it. %s', $file['file']); $media = $this->mediaFactory->create($intendedMediaName, $file['file'], $file['type'], $userId, $file['duration']); $media->tags[] = $this->tagFactory->tagFromString('imported'); $media->save(); $newMedia = true; } // Find where this is used and swap for the real mediaId $oldMediaId = $file['mediaid']; $newMediaId = $media->mediaId; if ($file['background'] == 1) { // Set the background image on the new layout $layout->backgroundImageId = $newMediaId; } else if ($isFont) { // Just raise a flag to say that we've added some fonts to the library if ($newMedia) $fontsAdded = true; } else { // Go through all widgets and replace if necessary // Keep the keys the same? Doesn't matter foreach ($widgets as $widget) { /* @var Widget $widget */ $audioIds = $widget->getAudioIds(); $this->getLog()->debug('Checking Widget for the old mediaID [%d] so we can replace it with the new mediaId [%d] and storedAs [%s]. Media assigned to widget %s.', $oldMediaId, $newMediaId, $media->storedAs, json_encode($widget->mediaIds)); if (in_array($oldMediaId, $widget->mediaIds)) { $this->getLog()->debug('Removing %d and replacing with %d', $oldMediaId, $newMediaId); // Are we an audio record? if (in_array($oldMediaId, $audioIds)) { // Swap the mediaId on the audio record foreach ($widget->audio as $widgetAudio) { if ($widgetAudio->mediaId == $oldMediaId) { $widgetAudio->mediaId = $newMediaId; break; } } } else { // Non audio $widget->setOptionValue('uri', 'attrib', $media->storedAs); } // Always manage the assignments // Unassign the old ID $widget->unassignMedia($oldMediaId); // Assign the new ID $widget->assignMedia($newMediaId); } } } } // Handle any datasets provided with the layout $dataSets = $zip->getFromName('dataSet.json'); if ($dataSets !== false) { $dataSets = json_decode($dataSets, true); $this->getLog()->debug('There are ' . count($dataSets) . ' DataSets to import.'); foreach ($dataSets as $item) { // Hydrate a new dataset object with this json object $dataSet = $libraryController->getDataSetFactory()->createEmpty()->hydrate($item); $dataSet->columns = []; $dataSetId = $dataSet->dataSetId; // We must null the ID so that we don't try to load the dataset when we assign columns $dataSet->dataSetId = null; // Hydrate the columns foreach ($item['columns'] as $columnItem) { $this->getLog()->debug('Assigning column: %s', json_encode($columnItem)); $dataSet->assignColumn($libraryController->getDataSetFactory()->getDataSetColumnFactory()->createEmpty()->hydrate($columnItem)); } /** @var DataSet $existingDataSet */ $existingDataSet = null; // Do we want to try and use a dataset that already exists? if ($useExistingDataSets) { // Check to see if we already have a dataset with the same code/name, prefer code. if ($dataSet->code != '') { try { // try and get by code $existingDataSet = $libraryController->getDataSetFactory()->getByCode($dataSet->code); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->getLog()->debug('Existing dataset not found with code %s', $dataSet->code); } } if ($existingDataSet === null) { // try by name try { $existingDataSet = $libraryController->getDataSetFactory()->getByName($dataSet->dataSet); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->getLog()->debug('Existing dataset not found with name %s', $dataSet->code); } } } if ($existingDataSet === null) { $this->getLog()->debug('Matching DataSet not found, will need to add one. useExistingDataSets = %s', $useExistingDataSets); // We want to add the dataset we have as a new dataset. // we will need to make sure we clear the ID's and save it $existingDataSet = clone $dataSet; $existingDataSet->save(); // Do we need to add data if ($importDataSetData) { // Import the data here $this->getLog()->debug('Importing data into new DataSet %d', $existingDataSet->dataSetId); foreach ($item['data'] as $itemData) { if (isset($itemData['id'])) unset($itemData['id']); $existingDataSet->addRow($itemData); } } } else { $this->getLog()->debug('Matching DataSet found, validating the columns'); // Load the existing dataset $existingDataSet->load(); // Validate that the columns are the same if (count($dataSet->columns) != count($existingDataSet->columns)) { $this->getLog()->debug('Columns for Imported DataSet = %s', json_encode($dataSet->columns)); throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(__('DataSets have different number of columns imported = %d, existing = %d'), count($dataSet->columns), count($existingDataSet->columns))); } // Check the column headings $diff = array_udiff($dataSet->columns, $existingDataSet->columns, function ($a, $b) { /** @var DataSetColumn $a */ /** @var DataSetColumn $b */ return $a->heading == $b->heading; }); if (count($diff) > 0) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('DataSets have different column names')); } // Replace instances of this dataSetId with the existing dataSetId, which will either be the existing // dataSet or one we've added above. // Also make sure we replace the columnId's with the columnId's in the new "existing" DataSet. foreach ($widgets as $widget) { /* @var Widget $widget */ if ($widget->type == 'datasetview' || $widget->type == 'ticker') { $widgetDataSetId = $widget->getOptionValue('dataSetId', 0); if ($widgetDataSetId != 0 && $widgetDataSetId == $dataSetId) { // Widget has a dataSet and it matches the one we've just actioned. $widget->setOptionValue('dataSetId', 'attrib', $existingDataSet->dataSetId); // Check for and replace column references. // We are looking in the "columns" option for datasetview // and the "template" option for ticker if ($widget->type == 'datasetview') { // Get the columns option $columns = explode(',', $widget->getOptionValue('columns', '')); $this->getLog()->debug('Looking to replace columns from %s', json_encode($columns)); foreach ($existingDataSet->columns as $column) { foreach ($columns as $index => $col) { if ($col == $column->priorDatasetColumnId) { $columns[$index] = $column->dataSetColumnId; } } } $columns = implode(',', $columns); $widget->setOptionValue('columns', 'attrib', $columns); $this->getLog()->debug('Replaced columns with %s', $columns); } else if ($widget->type == 'ticker') { // Get the template option $template = $widget->getOptionValue('template', ''); $this->getLog()->debug('Looking to replace columns from %s', $template); foreach ($existingDataSet->columns as $column) { // We replace with the |%d] so that we dont experience double replacements $template = str_replace('|' . $column->priorDatasetColumnId . ']', '|' . $column->dataSetColumnId . ']', $template); } $widget->setOptionValue('template', 'raw', $template); $this->getLog()->debug('Replaced columns with %s', $template); } } } } } } $this->getLog()->debug('Finished creating from Zip'); // Finished $zip->close(); if ($fontsAdded) { $this->getLog()->debug('Fonts have been added'); $libraryController->installFonts(); } return $layout; } /** * Query for all Layouts * @param array $sortOrder * @param array $filterBy * @return Layout[] * @throws NotFoundException */ public function query($sortOrder = null, $filterBy = []) { $entries = array(); $params = array(); if ($sortOrder === null) $sortOrder = ['layout']; $select = ""; $select .= "SELECT layout.layoutID, "; $select .= " layout.layout, "; $select .= " layout.description, "; $select .= " layout.duration, "; $select .= " layout.userID, "; $select .= " `user`.UserName AS owner, "; $select .= " campaign.CampaignID, "; $select .= " layout.status, "; $select .= " layout.statusMessage, "; $select .= " layout.width, "; $select .= " layout.height, "; $select .= " layout.retired, "; $select .= " layout.createdDt, "; $select .= " layout.modifiedDt, "; $select .= " (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT tag) FROM tag INNER JOIN lktaglayout ON lktaglayout.tagId = tag.tagId WHERE lktaglayout.layoutId = layout.LayoutID GROUP BY lktaglayout.layoutId) AS tags, "; $select .= " layout.backgroundImageId, "; $select .= " layout.backgroundColor, "; $select .= " layout.backgroundzIndex, "; $select .= " layout.schemaVersion, "; if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('campaignId', $filterBy) !== null) { $select .= ' lkcl.displayOrder, '; } else { $select .= ' NULL as displayOrder, '; } $select .= " (SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT `group`.group) FROM `permission` INNER JOIN `permissionentity` ON `permissionentity`.entityId = permission.entityId INNER JOIN `group` ON `group`.groupId = `permission`.groupId WHERE entity = :permissionEntityForGroup AND objectId = campaign.CampaignID AND view = 1 ) AS groupsWithPermissions "; $params['permissionEntityForGroup'] = 'Xibo\\Entity\\Campaign'; $body = " FROM layout "; $body .= " INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` "; $body .= " ON lkcampaignlayout.LayoutID = layout.LayoutID "; $body .= " INNER JOIN `campaign` "; $body .= " ON lkcampaignlayout.CampaignID = campaign.CampaignID "; $body .= " AND campaign.IsLayoutSpecific = 1"; $body .= " INNER JOIN `user` ON `user`.userId = `campaign`.userId "; if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('campaignId', $filterBy) !== null) { // Join Campaign back onto it again $body .= " INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` lkcl ON lkcl.layoutid = layout.layoutid AND lkcl.CampaignID = :campaignId "; $params['campaignId'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('campaignId', $filterBy); } if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('displayGroupId', $filterBy) !== null) { $body .= ' INNER JOIN `lklayoutdisplaygroup` ON lklayoutdisplaygroup.layoutId = `layout`.layoutId AND lklayoutdisplaygroup.displayGroupId = :displayGroupId '; $params['displayGroupId'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('displayGroupId', $filterBy); } $body .= " WHERE 1 = 1 "; // Logged in user view permissions $this->viewPermissionSql('Xibo\Entity\Campaign', $body, $params, 'campaign.campaignId', 'layout.userId', $filterBy); // Layout Like if ($this->getSanitizer()->getString('layout', $filterBy) != '') { // convert into a space delimited array $names = explode(' ', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('layout', $filterBy)); $i = 0; foreach($names as $searchName) { $i++; // Ignore if the word is empty if($searchName == '') continue; // Not like, or like? if (substr($searchName, 0, 1) == '-') { $body.= " AND layout.layout NOT LIKE (:search$i) "; $params['search' . $i] = '%' . ltrim($searchName) . '%'; } else { $body.= " AND layout.layout LIKE (:search$i) "; $params['search' . $i] = '%' . $searchName . '%'; } } } if ($this->getSanitizer()->getString('layoutExact', $filterBy) != '') { $body.= " AND layout.layout = :exact "; $params['exact'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getString('layoutExact', $filterBy); } // Layout if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('layoutId', 0, $filterBy) != 0) { $body .= " AND layout.layoutId = :layoutId "; $params['layoutId'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('layoutId', 0, $filterBy); } // Layout Status if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('status', $filterBy) !== null) { $body .= " AND layout.status = :status "; $params['status'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('status', $filterBy); } // Background Image if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('backgroundImageId', $filterBy) !== null) { $body .= " AND layout.backgroundImageId = :backgroundImageId "; $params['backgroundImageId'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('backgroundImageId', 0, $filterBy); } // Not Layout if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('notLayoutId', 0, $filterBy) != 0) { $body .= " AND layout.layoutId <> :notLayoutId "; $params['notLayoutId'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('notLayoutId', 0, $filterBy); } // Owner filter if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('userId', 0, $filterBy) != 0) { $body .= " AND layout.userid = :userId "; $params['userId'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('userId', 0, $filterBy); } // User Group filter if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('ownerUserGroupId', 0, $filterBy) != 0) { $body .= ' AND layout.userid IN (SELECT DISTINCT userId FROM `lkusergroup` WHERE groupId = :ownerUserGroupId) '; $params['ownerUserGroupId'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('ownerUserGroupId', 0, $filterBy); } // Retired options (default to 0 - provide -1 to return all if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('retired', 0, $filterBy) != -1) { $body .= " AND layout.retired = :retired "; $params['retired'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('retired', 0, $filterBy); } if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('ownerCampaignId', $filterBy) !== null) { // Join Campaign back onto it again $body .= " AND `campaign`.campaignId = :ownerCampaignId "; $params['ownerCampaignId'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('ownerCampaignId', 0, $filterBy); } // Tags if ($this->getSanitizer()->getString('tags', $filterBy) != '') { $tagFilter = $this->getSanitizer()->getString('tags', $filterBy); if (trim($tagFilter) === '--no-tag') { $body .= ' AND `layout`.layoutID NOT IN ( SELECT `lktaglayout`.layoutId FROM `tag` INNER JOIN `lktaglayout` ON `lktaglayout`.tagId = `tag`.tagId ) '; } else { $operator = $this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox('exactTags') == 1 ? '=' : 'LIKE'; $body .= " AND layout.layoutID IN ( SELECT lktaglayout.layoutId FROM tag INNER JOIN lktaglayout ON lktaglayout.tagId = tag.tagId "; $i = 0; foreach (explode(',', $tagFilter) as $tag) { $i++; if ($i == 1) $body .= ' WHERE `tag` ' . $operator . ' :tags' . $i; else $body .= ' OR `tag` ' . $operator . ' :tags' . $i; if ($operator === '=') $params['tags' . $i] = $tag; else $params['tags' . $i] = '%' . $tag . '%'; } $body .= " ) "; } } // Exclude templates by default if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('excludeTemplates', 1, $filterBy) != -1) { if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('excludeTemplates', 1, $filterBy) == 1) { $body .= " AND layout.layoutID NOT IN (SELECT layoutId FROM lktaglayout WHERE tagId = 1) "; } else { $body .= " AND layout.layoutID IN (SELECT layoutId FROM lktaglayout WHERE tagId = 1) "; } } // Show All, Used or UnUsed if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('filterLayoutStatusId', 1, $filterBy) != 1) { if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('filterLayoutStatusId', $filterBy) == 2) { // Only show used layouts $body .= ' AND (' . ' campaign.CampaignID IN (SELECT DISTINCT schedule.CampaignID FROM schedule) ' . ' OR layout.layoutID IN (SELECT DISTINCT defaultlayoutid FROM display) ' . ' ) '; } else { // Only show unused layouts $body .= ' AND campaign.CampaignID NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT schedule.CampaignID FROM schedule) ' . ' AND layout.layoutID NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT defaultlayoutid FROM display) '; } } // MediaID if ($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('mediaId', 0, $filterBy) != 0) { $body .= ' AND layout.layoutId IN ( SELECT DISTINCT `region`.layoutId FROM `lkwidgetmedia` INNER JOIN `widget` ON `widget`.widgetId = `lkwidgetmedia`.widgetId INNER JOIN `lkregionplaylist` ON `lkregionplaylist`.playlistId = `widget`.playlistId INNER JOIN `region` ON `region`.regionId = `lkregionplaylist`.regionId WHERE `lkwidgetmedia`.mediaId = :mediaId ) '; $params['mediaId'] = $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('mediaId', 0, $filterBy); } // Media Like if ($this->getSanitizer()->getString('mediaLike', $filterBy) !== null) { $body .= ' AND layout.layoutId IN ( SELECT DISTINCT `region`.layoutId FROM `lkwidgetmedia` INNER JOIN `widget` ON `widget`.widgetId = `lkwidgetmedia`.widgetId INNER JOIN `lkregionplaylist` ON `lkregionplaylist`.playlistId = `widget`.playlistId INNER JOIN `region` ON `region`.regionId = `lkregionplaylist`.regionId INNER JOIN `media` ON `lkwidgetmedia`.mediaId = `media`.mediaId WHERE `media`.name LIKE :mediaLike ) '; $params['mediaLike'] = '%' . $this->getSanitizer()->getString('mediaLike', $filterBy) . '%'; } // Sorting? $order = ''; if (is_array($sortOrder)) $order .= 'ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $sortOrder); $limit = ''; // Paging if ($filterBy !== null && $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('start', $filterBy) !== null && $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('length', $filterBy) !== null) { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . intval($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('start', $filterBy), 0) . ', ' . $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('length', 10, $filterBy); } // The final statements $sql = $select . $body . $order . $limit; foreach ($this->getStore()->select($sql, $params) as $row) { $layout = $this->createEmpty(); // Validate each param and add it to the array. $layout->layoutId = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['layoutID']); $layout->schemaVersion = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['schemaVersion']); $layout->layout = $this->getSanitizer()->string($row['layout']); $layout->description = $this->getSanitizer()->string($row['description']); $layout->duration = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['duration']); $layout->tags = $this->getSanitizer()->string($row['tags']); $layout->backgroundColor = $this->getSanitizer()->string($row['backgroundColor']); $layout->owner = $this->getSanitizer()->string($row['owner']); $layout->ownerId = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['userID']); $layout->campaignId = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['CampaignID']); $layout->retired = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['retired']); $layout->status = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['status']); $layout->backgroundImageId = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['backgroundImageId']); $layout->backgroundzIndex = $this->getSanitizer()->int($row['backgroundzIndex']); $layout->width = $this->getSanitizer()->double($row['width']); $layout->height = $this->getSanitizer()->double($row['height']); $layout->createdDt = $row['createdDt']; $layout->modifiedDt = $row['modifiedDt']; $layout->displayOrder = $row['displayOrder']; $layout->statusMessage = $row['statusMessage']; $layout->groupsWithPermissions = $row['groupsWithPermissions']; $layout->setOriginals(); $entries[] = $layout; } // Paging if ($limit != '' && count($entries) > 0) { unset($params['permissionEntityForGroup']); $results = $this->getStore()->select('SELECT COUNT(*) AS total ' . $body, $params); $this->_countLast = intval($results[0]['total']); } return $entries; } }