{ "dbVersion": 134, "appVersion": "1.8.3", "steps": [ { "step": "Add Xibo for webOS display profile", "action": "INSERT INTO displayprofile (name, type, config, isdefault, userId) VALUES ('webOS', 'lg', '{}', 1, 1)" }, { "step": "Add Notification Module", "action": "INSERT INTO module (Module, Name, Enabled, RegionSpecific, Description, ImageUri, SchemaVersion, ValidExtensions, PreviewEnabled, assignable, render_as, settings, viewPath, class, defaultDuration) VALUES ('notificationview', 'Notification', 1, 1, 'Display Notifications from the Notification Centre', 'forms/library.gif', 1, null, 1, 1, 'html', null, '../modules', 'Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\NotificationView', 10);" }, { "step": "Add isDisplayNotification setting to Groups", "action": "ALTER TABLE `group` ADD isDisplayNotification TINYINT DEFAULT 0 NULL;" }, { "step": "Remove MAINTENANCE_ALERTS_FOR_VIEW_USERS setting", "action": "DELETE FROM `setting` WHERE setting = 'MAINTENANCE_ALERTS_FOR_VIEW_USERS';" }, { "step": "Create Tag Display Group Link Table", "action": "create table lktagdisplaygroup (lkTagDisplayGroupId int auto_increment primary key,tagId int not null,displayGroupId int not null, constraint tagId unique (tagId, displayGroupId)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;" }, { "step": "CreatedDt/ModifiedDt for Library Media", "action": "ALTER TABLE media ADD createdDt DATETIME NULL, ADD modifiedDt DATETIME NULL;" }, { "step": "Add IPK to generic file module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET validextensions = CONCAT(validextensions, ',ipk') WHERE module = 'genericfile' LIMIT 1;" }, { "step": "Update the Currencies Module description", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET description = 'A module for showing Currency pairs and exchange rates' WHERE module = 'currencies';" }, { "step": "Update the Stocks Module description", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET description = 'A module for showing Stock quotes' WHERE module = 'stocks';" } ] }