{ "dbVersion": 122, "appVersion": "1.8.0-alpha3", "steps" : [ { "step": "Convert MyISAM tables to InnoDB", "type": "php", "action": "Xibo\\Upgrade\\MyIsamToInnoDbStep" }, { "step": "Allow system actions to be recorded in the Audit Trail", "action": "ALTER TABLE `auditlog` CHANGE `userId` `userId` INT( 11 ) NULL;" }, { "step": "Flags for DataSets to be used as Lookup Tables for Module Settings", "action": "ALTER TABLE `dataset` ADD `code` VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL , ADD `isLookup` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';" }, { "step": "Add Module Default Duration Column", "action": "ALTER TABLE `module` ADD `defaultDuration` INT NOT NULL;" }, { "step": "Set Module Default Duration", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET defaultDuration = 10;" }, { "step": "Set Image Module Duration", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET defaultDuration = (SELECT MAX(value) FROM `setting` WHERE setting = 'jpg_length') WHERE `module` = 'image';" }, { "step": "Set Flash Module Duration", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET defaultDuration = (SELECT MAX(value) FROM `setting` WHERE setting = 'swf_length') WHERE `module` = 'flash';" }, { "step": "Set PowerPoint Module Duration", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET defaultDuration = (SELECT MAX(value) FROM `setting` WHERE setting = 'ppt_length') WHERE `module` = 'powerpoint';" }, { "step": "Set Video Module Duration", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET defaultDuration = 0 WHERE `module` = 'video';" }, { "step": "Delete old settings durations", "action": "DELETE FROM `setting` WHERE setting IN ('ppt_length', 'jpg_length', 'swf_length');" }, { "step": "Set Calculated Duration on Widget", "action": "UPDATE `widget` SET `calculatedDuration` = `duration`;" }, { "step": "Create user preferences table", "action": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `useroption` (`userId` int(11) NOT NULL,`option` varchar(50) NOT NULL,`value` text NOT NULL,UNIQUE KEY `userId` (`userId`,`option`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;" }, { "step": "Dynamic Display Groups Flag", "action": "ALTER TABLE `displaygroup` ADD `isDynamic` TINYINT( 4 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', ADD `dynamicCriteria` VARCHAR( 2000 ) NULL;" }, { "step": "Remove unnecessary columns from the Sessions Table", "action": "ALTER TABLE `session`DROP `LastPage`,DROP `SecurityToken`;" }, { "step": "Table Structure for Closure Table", "action": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `lkdgdg` (`parentId` int(11) NOT NULL,`childId` int(11) NOT NULL,`depth` int(11) NOT NULL,UNIQUE KEY `parentId` (`parentId`,`childId`,`depth`),UNIQUE KEY `childId` (`childId`,`parentId`,`depth`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;" }, { "step": "Add Closure Links for existing Display Groups", "action": "INSERT INTO `lkdgdg` (parentId, childId, depth) SELECT displayGroupId, displayGroupId, 0 FROM `displaygroup` WHERE `displayGroupID` NOT IN (SELECT `parentId` FROM `lkdgdg` WHERE depth = 0);" }, { "step": "Add Display Group Owner Column", "action": "ALTER TABLE `displaygroup` ADD `userId` INT NOT NULL;" }, { "step": "Default owner to the first super admin", "action": "UPDATE `displaygroup` SET userId = (SELECT userId FROM `user` WHERE usertypeid = 1 LIMIT 1) WHERE userId = 0;" } ] }