{ "dbVersion": 120, "appVersion": "1.8.0-alpha", "steps": [ { "step": "Alter the Log Table - Part 1", "action": "ALTER TABLE `log` DROP `scheduleID`,DROP `layoutID`,DROP `mediaID`,DROP `RequestUri`,DROP `RemoteAddr`,DROP `UserAgent`;" }, { "step": "Alter the Log Table - Part 2", "action": "ALTER TABLE `log` CHANGE `type` `type` VARCHAR( 254 ) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NOT NULL;" }, { "step": "Alter the Log Table - Part 3", "action": "ALTER TABLE `log` ADD `channel` VARCHAR( 5 ) NOT NULL AFTER `logdate`, ADD `runNo` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL AFTER `logid`;" }, { "step": "Alter the Module Table", "action": "ALTER TABLE `module` ADD `viewPath` VARCHAR( 254 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '../modules', ADD `class` VARCHAR( 254 ) NOT NULL;" }, { "step": "Add Permissions Table", "action": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `permission` (`permissionId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`entityId` int(11) NOT NULL,`groupId` int(11) NOT NULL,`objectId` int(11) NOT NULL,`view` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,`edit` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,`delete` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`permissionId`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1;" }, { "step": "Add Permission Entity Table", "action": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `permissionentity` (`entityId` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,`entity` varchar(50) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`entityId`),UNIQUE KEY `entity` (`entity`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=10 ;" }, { "step": "Populate Permission Entities", "action": "INSERT INTO `permissionentity` (`entityId`, `entity`) VALUES(5, 'Xibo\\\\Entity\\\\Campaign'),(9, 'Xibo\\\\Entity\\\\DataSet'),(3, 'Xibo\\\\Entity\\\\DisplayGroup'),(4, 'Xibo\\\\Entity\\\\Media'),(1, 'Xibo\\\\Entity\\\\Page'),(8, 'Xibo\\\\Entity\\\\Playlist'),(7, 'Xibo\\\\Entity\\\\Region'),(6, 'Xibo\\\\Entity\\\\Widget');" }, { "step": "Convert Page Permissions", "action": "INSERT INTO `permission` (`groupId`, `entityId`, `objectId`, `view`, `edit`, `delete`) SELECT groupId, 1, pageId, 1, 0, 0 FROM `lkpagegroup`;" }, { "step": "Remove Page Permissions table", "action": "DROP TABLE `lkpagegroup`;" }, { "step": "Remove Menu Permissions table", "action": "DROP TABLE `lkmenuitemgroup`;" }, { "step": "Convert Campaign/Layout Permissions", "action": "INSERT INTO `permission` (`groupId`, `entityId`, `objectId`, `view`, `edit`, `delete`) SELECT groupId, 5, campaignId, view, edit, del FROM `lkcampaigngroup`;" }, { "step": "Remove old Campaign/Layout Permissions table", "action": "DROP TABLE `lkcampaigngroup`;" }, { "step": "Convert Media Permissions", "action": "INSERT INTO `permission` (`groupId`, `entityId`, `objectId`, `view`, `edit`, `delete`) SELECT groupId, 4, mediaId, view, edit, del FROM `lkmediagroup`;" }, { "step": "Remove old Media Permissions table", "action": "DROP TABLE `lkmediagroup`;" }, { "step": "Convert DataSet Permissions", "action": "INSERT INTO `permission` (`groupId`, `entityId`, `objectId`, `view`, `edit`, `delete`) SELECT groupId, 9, dataSetId, view, edit, del FROM `lkdatasetgroup`;" }, { "step": "Remove old DataSet Permissions table", "action": "DROP TABLE `lkdatasetgroup`;" }, { "step": "Convert Display Group Permissions", "action": "INSERT INTO `permission` (`groupId`, `entityId`, `objectId`, `view`, `edit`, `delete`) SELECT groupId, 3, displayGroupId, view, edit, del FROM `lkdisplaygroupgroup`;" }, { "step": "Remove old Display Group Permissions table", "action": "DROP TABLE `lkdisplaygroupgroup`;" }, { "step": "Alter page table - part 1", "action": "ALTER TABLE `pages` DROP FOREIGN KEY `pages_ibfk_1` ;" }, { "step": "Alter page table - part 2", "action": "ALTER TABLE `pages` DROP `pagegroupID`;" }, { "step": "Alter page table - part 3", "action": "ALTER TABLE `pages` ADD `title` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL, ADD `asHome` TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT '0';" }, { "step": "Add New Pages", "action": "INSERT INTO `pages` (`pageID`, `name`, `title`) VALUES (NULL, 'region', ''), (NULL, 'playlist', ''), (NULL, 'maintenance', '');" }, { "step": "Link Region Page", "action": "INSERT INTO `permission` (`groupId`, `entityId`, `objectId`, `view`, `edit`, `delete`) SELECT `groupId`, 1, (SELECT pageId FROM `pages` WHERE `name` = 'region'), `view`, `edit`, `delete` FROM `permission` WHERE `objectId` = (SELECT pageId FROM `pages` WHERE `name` = 'layout') AND `entityId` = 1;" }, { "step": "Link Playlist Page", "action": "INSERT INTO `permission` (`groupId`, `entityId`, `objectId`, `view`, `edit`, `delete`) SELECT `groupId`, 1, (SELECT pageId FROM `pages` WHERE `name` = 'playlist'), `view`, `edit`, `delete` FROM `permission` WHERE `objectId` = (SELECT pageId FROM `pages` WHERE `name` = 'layout') AND `entityId` = 1;" }, { "step": "Set Page Names", "action": "UPDATE `pages` SET title = CONCAT(UCASE(LEFT(name, 1)), SUBSTRING(name, 2)), asHome = 1;" }, { "step": "Change audit log page name", "action": "UPDATE `pages` SET `name` = 'audit' WHERE `name` = 'auditlog';" }, { "step": "Set Page Home Flag", "action": "UPDATE `pages` SET asHome = 0 WHERE `name` IN ('update','admin','manual','help','clock','preview','region','playlist','maintenance');" }, { "step": "Remove menu and menu items", "action": "DROP TABLE `menuitem`, `menu`, `pagegroup`;" }, { "step": "Rename the Library page", "action": "UPDATE `pages` SET `name` = 'library', `title` = 'Library' WHERE `pages`.`name` = 'content';" }, { "step": "Rename the Applications page", "action": "UPDATE `pages` SET `name` = 'applications', `title` = 'Applications' WHERE `pages`.`name` = 'oauth';" }, { "step": "Rename the Media Dashboard page", "action": "UPDATE `pages` SET `title` = 'Media Dashboard' WHERE `pages`.`name` = 'mediamanager';" }, { "step": "Rename the Status Dashboard page", "action": "UPDATE `pages` SET `title` = 'Status Dashboard' WHERE `pages`.`name` = 'statusdashboard';" }, { "step": "Rename the Display Profile page", "action": "UPDATE `pages` SET `title` = 'Display Profiles' WHERE `pages`.`name` = 'displayprofile';" }, { "step": "Rename the Display Group page", "action": "UPDATE `pages` SET `title` = 'Display Groups' WHERE `pages`.`name` = 'displaygroup';" }, { "step": "Rename the Home page", "action": "UPDATE `pages` SET `title` = 'Home' WHERE `pages`.`name` = 'index';" }, { "step": "Rename the Audit Trail page", "action": "UPDATE `pages` SET `title` = 'Audit Trail' WHERE `pages`.`name` = 'auditlog';" }, { "step": "Add new attributes to the Layout Structure", "action": "ALTER TABLE `layout` ADD `width` DECIMAL NOT NULL ,ADD `height` DECIMAL NOT NULL ,ADD `backgroundColor` VARCHAR( 25 ) NULL ,ADD `backgroundzIndex` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1',ADD `schemaVersion` TINYINT NOT NULL;" }, { "step": "Set all Users Home page - Part 1", "action": "UPDATE `user` SET homepage = IFNULL((SELECT pageId FROM `pages` WHERE pages.name = `user`.homepage LIMIT 1), 1);" }, { "step": "Update Users Home page - Part 2", "action": "ALTER TABLE `user` CHANGE `homepage` `homePageId` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'The users homepage';" }, { "step": "Remove the Counter Module", "action": "DELETE FROM module WHERE module = 'counter';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Layouts - Ensure Layout XML field is nullable", "action": "ALTER TABLE layout MODIFY xml longtext;" }, { "step": "Add Layout status message column", "action": "ALTER TABLE `layout` ADD `statusMessage` TEXT NULL;" }, { "step": "Upgrade Layouts - Convert existing Layouts", "type": "php", "action": "Xibo\\Upgrade\\LayoutStructureStep" }, { "step": "Upgrade Layouts - Clean up", "action": "DROP TABLE `lklayoutmedia`;" }, { "step": "Upgrade Layouts - Clean up", "action": "ALTER TABLE `layout` DROP `xml`;" }, { "step": "Upgrade API - Part 1", "action": "DROP TABLE `oauth_log`, `oauth_server_nonce`, `oauth_server_token`, `oauth_server_registry`;" }, { "step": "Upgrade API - Part 2", "type": "php", "action": "Xibo\\Upgrade\\OAuthServerInstallStep" }, { "step": "Upgrade API - Drop the File Table", "action": "DROP TABLE `file`;" }, { "step": "Removal all old XMDS nonces", "action": "TRUNCATE TABLE `xmdsnonce`;" }, { "step": "Upgrade XMDS - Part 1", "action": "RENAME TABLE `xmdsnonce` TO `requiredfile`;" }, { "step": "Upgrade XMDS - Part 2", "action": "ALTER TABLE `requiredfile` ADD `requestKey` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL, ADD `bytesRequested` BIGINT NOT NULL, ADD `complete` TINYINT NOT NULL;" }, { "step": "Upgrade XMDS - Part 3", "action": "ALTER TABLE `requiredfile` CHANGE `nonceId` `rfId` BIGINT( 20 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;" }, { "step": "Upgrade XMDS - Part 4", "action": "ALTER TABLE `requiredfile` CHANGE `regionId` `regionId` INT NULL;" }, { "step": "Upgrade XMDS - Part 5", "action": "ALTER TABLE `requiredfile` DROP `fileId`;" }, { "step": "Remove Media Inventory from the Display Table", "action": "ALTER TABLE `display` DROP `MediaInventoryXml`;" }, { "step": "Remove international date format setting", "action": "DELETE FROM `setting` WHERE setting = 'USE_INTL_DATEFORMAT';" }, { "step": "Update audit setting with new levels", "action": "UPDATE `setting` SET options = 'Emergency|Alert|Critical|Error|Warning|Notice|Info|Debug', value = 'Error' WHERE setting = 'audit';" }, { "step": "Update default permission setting options", "action": "UPDATE `setting` SET `options` = 'private|group|public' WHERE `setting`.`setting` IN ('MEDIA_DEFAULT', 'LAYOUT_DEFAULT');" }, { "step": "Add new settings", "action": "INSERT INTO `setting` (`settingid`, `setting`, `value`, `fieldType`, `helptext`, `options`, `cat`, `userChange`, `title`, `validation`, `ordering`, `default`, `userSee`, `type`) VALUES (NULL, 'INSTANCE_SUSPENDED', '0', 'checkbox', 'Is this instance suspended?', NULL, 'general', '0', 'Instance Suspended', '', '120', '0', '0', 'checkbox'),(NULL, 'INHERIT_PARENT_PERMISSIONS', '1', 'checkbox', 'Inherit permissions from Parent when adding a new item?', NULL, 'permissions', '1', 'Inherit permissions', '', '50', '1', '1', 'checkbox');" }, { "step": "Add new DataType for DataSets", "action": "INSERT INTO `datatype` (`DataTypeID`, `DataType`) VALUES ('5', 'Library Image');" }, { "step": "Update existing DataType", "action": "UPDATE `datatype` SET `DataType` = 'External Image' WHERE `datatype`.`DataTypeID` =4 AND `datatype`.`DataType` = 'Image' LIMIT 1 ;" }, { "step": "Convert existing DataSets", "type": "php", "action": "Xibo\\Upgrade\\DataSetConvertStep" }, { "step": "Remove Layout/DataSet Link Table", "action": "DROP TABLE `lkdatasetlayout`;" }, { "step": "De-dupe any Media/Display Group Assignments", "action": "CREATE TABLE `temp_lkmediadisplaygroup` AS SELECT `mediaid` ,`displaygroupid` FROM `lkmediadisplaygroup` WHERE 1 GROUP BY `mediaid` ,`displaygroupid`; DROP TABLE `lkmediadisplaygroup`; RENAME TABLE `temp_lkmediadisplaygroup` TO `lkmediadisplaygroup`;" }, { "step": "Add Unique Key to Media/Display Group Assignments", "action": "ALTER TABLE `lkmediadisplaygroup` ADD UNIQUE (`mediaid` ,`displaygroupid`);" }, { "step": "Add Unique Key to Campaign/Layout assignments", "action": "ALTER TABLE `lkcampaignlayout` ADD UNIQUE (`CampaignID` ,`LayoutID` ,`DisplayOrder`);" }, { "step": "Upgrade Schedule - Part 1", "action": "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `lkscheduledisplaygroup` (`eventId` int(11) NOT NULL,`displayGroupId` int(11) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (`eventId`,`displayGroupId`)) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;" }, { "step": "Upgrade Schedule - Part 2", "action": "ALTER TABLE `schedule_detail` DROP FOREIGN KEY `schedule_detail_ibfk_8` ;" }, { "step": "Upgrade Schedule - Part 3", "action": "ALTER TABLE `schedule_detail` DROP `DisplayGroupID`;" }, { "step": "Upgrade Schedule - Part 4", "type": "php", "action": "Xibo\\Upgrade\\ScheduleConvertStep" }, { "step": "Upgrade Schedule - Part 5", "action": "ALTER TABLE `schedule` DROP `DisplayGroupIDs`;" }, { "step": "Upgrade Image Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\Image' WHERE module = 'Image';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Video Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\Video' WHERE module = 'Video';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Flash Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\Flash' WHERE module = 'Flash';" }, { "step": "Upgrade PowerPoint Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\PowerPoint' WHERE module = 'PowerPoint';" }, { "step": "Upgrade WebPage Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\WebPage' WHERE module = 'Webpage';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Ticker Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\Ticker' WHERE module = 'Ticker';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Text Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\Text' WHERE module = 'Text';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Embedded Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\Embedded' WHERE module = 'Embedded';" }, { "step": "Upgrade DataSet View Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\DataSetView' WHERE module = 'datasetview';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Shell Command Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\ShellCommand' WHERE module = 'shellcommand';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Local Video Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\LocalVideo' WHERE module = 'localvideo';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Generic File Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\GenericFile' WHERE module = 'genericfile';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Clock Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\Clock' WHERE module = 'Clock';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Font Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\Font' WHERE module = 'Font';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Twitter Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\Twitter' WHERE module = 'Twitter';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Forecast Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\ForecastIo' WHERE module = 'forecastio';" }, { "step": "Upgrade Finance Module", "action": "UPDATE `module` SET `class` = '\\\\Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\Finance' WHERE module = 'Finance';" }, { "step": "Set db version so that changes to Users are activated", "action": "UPDATE `version` SET `DBVersion` = 120;" } ] }