. */ use Phinx\Migration\AbstractMigration; /** * Class CreateLayoutHistoryTableMigration */ class CreateLayoutHistoryTableMigration extends AbstractMigration { /** @inheritdoc */ public function change() { $table = $this->table('layouthistory', ['id' => 'layoutHistoryId']); $table->addColumn('campaignId', 'integer') ->addColumn('layoutId', 'integer') ->addColumn('publishedDate', 'datetime', ['null' => true, 'default' => null]) ->addForeignKey('campaignId', 'campaign', 'campaignId') ->create(); // insert all published layoutIds and their corresponding campaignId in the layouthistory $this->execute('INSERT INTO `layouthistory` (campaignId, layoutId, publishedDate) SELECT T.campaignId, L.layoutId, L.modifiedDt FROM layout L INNER JOIN (SELECT lkc.layoutId, lkc.campaignId FROM `campaign` C INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` lkc ON C.campaignId = lkc.campaignId WHERE isLayoutSpecific = 1) T ON T.layoutId = L.layoutId WHERE L.parentId IS NULL;'); } }