hasTable('version')) { // We do have a version table, so we're an upgrade from anything 1.7.0 onward. $row = $this->fetchRow('SELECT * FROM `version`'); $dbVersion = $row['DBVersion']; // Are we on the relevent step for this upgrade? if ($dbVersion < $STEP) { // Perform the upgrade $schedule = $this->table('schedule'); $schedule->changeColumn('is_priority', 'integer') ->save(); $this->execute(' INSERT INTO module (Module, Name, Enabled, RegionSpecific, Description, ImageUri, SchemaVersion, ValidExtensions, PreviewEnabled, assignable, render_as, settings, viewPath, class, defaultDuration) VALUES (\'audio\', \'Audio\', 1, 0, \'Audio - support varies depending on the client hardware\', \'forms/video.gif\', 1, \'mp3,wav\', 1, 1, null, null, \'../modules\', \'Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\Audio\', 0), (\'pdf\', \'PDF\', 1, 0, \'PDF document viewer\', \'forms/pdf.gif\', 1, \'pdf\', 1, 1, \'html\', null, \'../modules\', \'Xibo\\\\Widget\\\\Pdf\', 60); '); $linkWidgetAudio = $this->table('lkwidgetaudio', ['id' => false, 'primary_key' => ['widgetId', 'mediaId']]); $linkWidgetAudio->addColumn('widgetId', 'integer') ->addColumn('mediaId', 'integer') ->addColumn('volume', 'integer', ['limit' => \Phinx\Db\Adapter\MysqlAdapter::INT_TINY]) ->addColumn('loop', 'integer', ['limit' => \Phinx\Db\Adapter\MysqlAdapter::INT_TINY]) ->save(); $oauthClientScopes = $this->table('oauth_client_scopes'); $oauthClientScopes ->addColumn('clientId', 'string', ['limit' => 254]) ->addColumn('scopeId', 'string', ['limit' => 254]) ->addIndex(['clientId', 'scopeId'], ['unique' => true]) ->save(); // Bulk insert doesn't appear to handle non auto-index primary keys?! $this->execute(' INSERT INTO `oauth_scopes` (id, description) VALUES (\'all\', \'All access\'), (\'mcaas\', \'Media Conversion as a Service\') '); $oauthRouteScopes = $this->table('oauth_scope_routes'); $oauthRouteScopes ->addColumn('scopeId', 'string', ['limit' => 254]) ->addColumn('route', 'string', ['limit' => 1000]) ->addColumn('method', 'string', ['limit' => 8]) ->insert([ ['scopeId' => 'mcaas', 'route' => '/', 'method' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 'mcaas', 'route' => '/library/download/:id(/:type)', 'method' => 'GET'], ['scopeId' => 'mcaas', 'route' => '/library/mcaas/:id', 'method' => 'POST'], ]) ->save(); $module = $this->table('module'); $module->addColumn('installName', 'string', ['limit' => 254, 'null' => true]) ->save(); $this->execute('ALTER TABLE display CHANGE isAuditing auditingUntil int NOT NULL DEFAULT \'0\' COMMENT \'Is this display auditing\';'); $this->execute('INSERT INTO setting (setting, value, fieldType, helptext, options, cat, userChange, title, validation, ordering, `default`, userSee, type) VALUES (\'ELEVATE_LOG_UNTIL\', \'1463396415\', \'datetime\', \'Elevate the log level until this date.\', null, \'troubleshooting\', 1, \'Elevate Log Until\', \' \', 25, \'\', 1, \'datetime\');'); // Bump our version $this->execute('UPDATE `version` SET DBVersion = ' . $STEP); } } } }