. */ define('XIBO', true); define('PROJECT_ROOT', realpath(__DIR__ . '/..')); error_reporting(0); ini_set('display_errors', 0); require PROJECT_ROOT . '/vendor/autoload.php'; if (!file_exists(PROJECT_ROOT . '/web/settings.php')) { die('Not configured'); } // We create a Slim Object ONLY for logging // Create a logger $uidProcessor = new \Monolog\Processor\UidProcessor(7); $logger = new \Xibo\Helper\AccessibleMonologWriter(array( 'name' => 'XMDS', 'handlers' => [new \Xibo\Helper\DatabaseLogHandler()], 'processors' => [$uidProcessor] )); // Slim Application $app = new \Slim\Slim(array( 'debug' => false, 'log.writer' => $logger )); $app->setName('api'); $app->startTime = microtime(true); // Load the config $app->configService = \Xibo\Service\ConfigService::Load(PROJECT_ROOT . '/web/settings.php'); // Set storage \Xibo\Middleware\Storage::setStorage($app->container); // Set state \Xibo\Middleware\State::setState($app); // Set XMR \Xibo\Middleware\Xmr::setXmr($app, false); $app->configService->setDependencies($app->store, '/'); $app->configService->loadTheme(); // Register Middleware Dispatchers // Handle additional Middleware if (isset($app->configService->middleware) && is_array($app->configService->middleware)) { foreach ($app->configService->middleware as $object) { if (method_exists($object, 'registerDispatcher')) { $object::registerDispatcher($app); } } } // Always have a version defined $version = $app->sanitizerService->getInt('v', 3, $_REQUEST); // Version Request? if (isset($_GET['what'])) die(\Xibo\Helper\Environment::$XMDS_VERSION); // Is the WSDL being requested. if (isset($_GET['wsdl']) || isset($_GET['WSDL'])) { $wsdl = new \Xibo\Xmds\Wsdl(PROJECT_ROOT . '/lib/Xmds/service_v' . $version . '.wsdl', $version); $wsdl->output(); exit; } // We need a View for rendering GetResource Templates // Twig templates $twig = new \Slim\Views\Twig(); $twig->parserOptions = array( 'debug' => true, 'cache' => PROJECT_ROOT . '/cache' ); $twig->parserExtensions = array( new \Slim\Views\TwigExtension(), new \Xibo\Twig\TransExtension(), new \Xibo\Twig\UrlDecodeTwigExtension() ); // Configure a user $app->user = $app->userFactory->getSystemUser(); // Configure the template folder $twig->twigTemplateDirs = array_merge($app->moduleFactory->getViewPaths(), [PROJECT_ROOT . '/views']); $app->view($twig); // Check to see if we have a file attribute set (for HTTP file downloads) if (isset($_GET['file'])) { // Check send file mode is enabled $sendFileMode = $app->configService->getSetting('SENDFILE_MODE'); if ($sendFileMode == 'Off') { $app->logService->notice('HTTP GetFile request received but SendFile Mode is Off. Issuing 404'); header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); exit; } // Check nonce, output appropriate headers, log bandwidth and stop. try { /** @var \Xibo\Entity\RequiredFile $file */ if (!isset($_REQUEST['displayId']) || !isset($_REQUEST['type']) || !isset($_REQUEST['itemId'])) { throw new \Xibo\Exception\NotFoundException('Missing params'); } $displayId = intval($_REQUEST['displayId']); $itemId = intval($_REQUEST['itemId']); // Get the player nonce from the cache /** @var \Stash\Item $nonce */ $nonce = $app->pool->getItem('/display/nonce/' . $displayId); if ($nonce->isMiss()) throw new \Xibo\Exception\NotFoundException('No nonce cache'); // Check the nonce against the nonce we received if ($nonce->get() != $_REQUEST['file']) throw new \Xibo\Exception\NotFoundException('Nonce mismatch'); switch ($_REQUEST['type']) { case 'L': $file = $app->requiredFileFactory->getByDisplayAndLayout($displayId, $itemId); break; case 'M': $file = $app->requiredFileFactory->getByDisplayAndMedia($displayId, $itemId); break; default: throw new \Xibo\Exception\NotFoundException('Unknown type'); } // Bandwidth // --------- // We don't check bandwidth allowances on DELETE. if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'DELETE') { // Check that we've not used all of our bandwidth already (if we have an allowance) if ($app->bandwidthFactory->isBandwidthExceeded($app->configService->GetSetting('MONTHLY_XMDS_TRANSFER_LIMIT_KB'))) { throw new \Xibo\Exception\InstanceSuspendedException('Bandwidth Exceeded'); } // Check the display specific limit next. $display = $app->displayFactory->getById($displayId); $usage = 0; if ($app->bandwidthFactory->isBandwidthExceeded($display->bandwidthLimit, $usage, $displayId)) { throw new \Xibo\Exception\InstanceSuspendedException('Bandwidth Exceeded'); } } // Only log bandwidth under certain conditions // also controls whether the nonce is updated $logBandwidth = false; // Are we a DELETE request or otherwise? if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'HEAD') { // Supply a header only, pointing to the original file name header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $file->path . '"'); } else if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'DELETE') { // Log bandwidth for the file being requested $app->logService->info('Delete request for ' . $file->path); // Log bandwidth here if we are a CDN $logBandwidth = ($app->configService->getSetting('CDN_URL') != ''); } else { // Log bandwidth here if we are NOT a CDN $logBandwidth = ($app->configService->getSetting('CDN_URL') == ''); // Most likely a Get Request // Issue magic packet $app->logService->info('HTTP GetFile request redirecting to ' . $app->configService->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . $file->path); // Send via Apache X-Sendfile header? if ($sendFileMode == 'Apache') { header('X-Sendfile: ' . $app->configService->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . $file->path); } // Send via Nginx X-Accel-Redirect? else if ($sendFileMode == 'Nginx') { header('X-Accel-Redirect: /download/' . $file->path); } else { header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); } } // Log bandwidth if ($logBandwidth) { // Add the size to the bytes we have already requested. $file->bytesRequested = $file->bytesRequested + $file->size; $file->save(); $app->bandwidthFactory->createAndSave(4, $file->displayId, $file->size); } } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($e instanceof \Xibo\Exception\NotFoundException || $e instanceof \Xibo\Exception\FormExpiredException) { $app->logService->notice('HTTP GetFile request received but unable to find XMDS Nonce. Issuing 404. ' . $e->getMessage()); // 404 header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found'); } else if ($e instanceof \Xibo\Exception\InstanceSuspendedException) { $app->logService->debug('Bandwidth exceeded'); header('HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden'); } else { $app->logService->error('Unknown Error: ' . $e->getMessage()); $app->logService->debug($e->getTraceAsString()); // Issue a 500 header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error'); } } exit; } // Town down all logging $app->getLog()->setLevel(\Xibo\Service\LogService::resolveLogLevel('error')); try { $wsdl = PROJECT_ROOT . '/lib/Xmds/service_v' . $version . '.wsdl'; if (!file_exists($wsdl)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Your client is not the correct version to communicate with this CMS.')); // Create a log processor $logProcessor = new \Xibo\Xmds\LogProcessor($app->getLog(), $uidProcessor->getUid()); $app->logWriter->addProcessor($logProcessor); // Create a SoapServer $soap = new SoapServer($wsdl); //$soap = new SoapServer($wsdl, array('cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE)); $soap->setClass('\Xibo\Xmds\Soap' . $version, $logProcessor, $app->pool, $app->store, $app->timeSeriesStore, $app->logService, $app->dateService, $app->sanitizerService, $app->configService, $app->requiredFileFactory, $app->moduleFactory, $app->layoutFactory, $app->dataSetFactory, $app->displayFactory, $app->userGroupFactory, $app->bandwidthFactory, $app->mediaFactory, $app->widgetFactory, $app->regionFactory, $app->notificationFactory, $app->displayEventFactory, $app->scheduleFactory, $app->dayPartFactory, $app->playerVersionFactory ); $soap->handle(); // Finish any XMR work that has been logged during the request \Xibo\Middleware\Xmr::finish($app); // Get the stats for this connection $stats = $app->store->stats(); $stats['length'] = microtime(true) - $app->startTime; $app->logService->info('PDO stats: %s.', json_encode($stats, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); if ($app->store->getConnection()->inTransaction()) $app->store->getConnection()->commit(); } catch (Exception $e) { $app->logService->error($e->getMessage()); if ($app->store->getConnection()->inTransaction()) $app->store->getConnection()->rollBack(); header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error'); header('Content-Type: text/plain'); die (__('There has been an unknown error with XMDS, it has been logged. Please contact your administrator.')); }