/** * Xibo - Digital Signage - http://www.xibo.org.uk * Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Spring Signage Ltd * * This file is part of Xibo. * * Xibo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * Xibo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Xibo. If not, see
. * */ var layout; var lockPosition; var hideControls; var lowDesignerScale; var $region; var regionHoverInterval; var regionHoverIntervalReset = false; $(document).ready(function(){ // Set the height of the grid to be something sensible for the current screen resolution var jumpList = $("#layoutJumpList"); if (jumpList.length > 0) { jumpList.select2({ ajax: { url: jumpList.data().url, dataType: "json", data: function (params) { console.log(params.term); var query = { layout: params.term, start: 0, length: 10 }; // Set the start parameter based on the page number if (params.page != null) { query.start = (params.page - 1) * 10; } // Find out what is inside the search box for this list, and save it (so we can replay it when the list // is opened again) if (params.term !== undefined) { localStorage.liveSearchPlaceholder = params.term; } return query; }, processResults: function (data, params) { var results = []; $.each(data.data, function (index, element) { results.push({ "id": element.layoutId, "text": element.layout }); }); var page = params.page || 1; page = (page > 1) ? page - 1 : page; return { results: results, pagination: { more: (page * 10 < data.recordsTotal) } } }, delay: 250 } }); jumpList.on("select2:select", function (e) { // Go to the Layout we've selected. window.location = jumpList.data().designerUrl.replace(":id", e.params.data.id); }).on("select2:opening", function (e) { // Set the search box according to the saved value (if we have one) console.log(localStorage.liveSearchPlaceholder); if (localStorage.liveSearchPlaceholder != null && localStorage.liveSearchPlaceholder !== "") { var $search = jumpList.data("select2").dropdown.$search; $search.val(localStorage.liveSearchPlaceholder); setTimeout(function () { $search.trigger("input"); }, 100); } }); } // Load Layout layout = $("#layout"); // Read in the values of lockPosition and hideControls lockPosition = ($("input[name=lockPosition]").length > 0) ? $("input[name=lockPosition]")[0].checked : false; hideControls = ($("input[name=hideControls]").length > 0) ? $("input[name=hideControls]")[0].checked : false; lowDesignerScale = (layout.attr("designer_scale") < 0.41); if (lowDesignerScale) $("input[name=lockPosition]").attr("disabled", true); // Hover functions for previews/info layout.find(".region") .hover(function() { $region = $(this); //console.log("Hover ON: region " + $region.attr("regionId")); if (regionHoverInterval === null || regionHoverInterval === undefined) { regionHoverIntervalReset = false; regionHoverInterval = setTimeout(function () { //console.log("zIndex adjustment: region " + $region.attr("regionId")); $region.css("zIndex", 900); regionHoverInterval = null; regionHoverIntervalReset = true; }, 500 ); } if (!hideControls) { layout.find(".regionInfo").show(); layout.find(".previewNav").show(); } }, function() { //console.log("Hover OFF: Interval Reset is " + regionHoverIntervalReset); if (regionHoverIntervalReset) { // Reset each region layout.find('.region').each(function () { var $resetRegion = $(this); // Reset to the original z-index $resetRegion.css("zIndex", $resetRegion.attr("zindex")); }); } layout.find(".regionInfo").hide(); layout.find(".previewNav").hide(); }) .draggable({ containment: layout, stop: regionPositionUpdate, drag: updateRegionInfo }) .resizable({ containment: layout, minWidth: 25, minHeight: 25, stop: regionPositionUpdate, resize: updateRegionInfo }); // Initial Drag and Drop configuration configureDragAndDrop(); // Preview $('.regionPreview', layout).each(function(){ new Preview(this); }); // Set an interval if ($("#layout-status").length > 0) { layoutStatus(layout.data('statusUrl')); setInterval("layoutStatus('" + layout.data('statusUrl') + "')", 1000 * 60); // Every minute } // Bind to the switches $(".switch-check-box").bootstrapSwitch().on('switchChange.bootstrapSwitch', function(event, state) { var propertyName = $(this).prop("name"); if (propertyName == "lockPosition") { lockPosition = state; configureDragAndDrop(); } else if (propertyName == "hideControls") { hideControls = state; if (hideControls) { $(".region .regionInfo").hide(); $(".region .previewNav").hide(); } else { $(".region .regionInfo").show(); $(".region .previewNav").show(); } } // Update the user preference updateUserPref([{ option: propertyName, value: state }]); }); // Hide region previews/info setTimeout(function() { $(".region .regionInfo").hide("200"); $(".region .previewNav").hide("200"); }, 500); // Bind to the region options menu $('.RegionOptionsMenuItem').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); // If any regions have been moved, then save them. if (!$("#layout-save-all").hasClass("disabled")) { SystemMessage(translation.savePositionsFirst, true); return; } var data = { layoutid: $(this).closest('.region').attr("layoutid"), regionid: $(this).closest('.region').attr("regionid"), scale: $(this).closest('.region').attr("tip_scale"), zoom: $(this).closest('.layout').attr("zoom") }; var url = $(this).prop("href"); XiboFormRender($(this), data); }); // Bind to the save/revert buttons $("#layout-save-all").on("click", function () { // Save positions for all layouts / regions savePositions(); return false; }); $("#layout-revert").on("click", function () { // Reload location.reload(); return false; }); // Bind to the save size button $("#saveDesignerSize").on("click", function () { // Update the user preference updateUserPref([{ option: "defaultDesignerZoom", value: $(this).data().designerSize }]); }); // Hook up toggle $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip(); }); function configureDragAndDrop() { // Do we want to bind? if (lockPosition || lowDesignerScale) { layout.find(".region").draggable("disable").resizable("disable"); } else { layout.find(".region").draggable("enable").resizable("enable"); } } /** * Update Region Information with Latest Width/Position * @param {[type]} e [description] * @param {[type]} ui [description] * @return {[type]} [description] */ function updateRegionInfo(e, ui) { var pos = $(this).position(); var scale = ($(this).closest('.layout').attr("version") == 1) ? (1 / $(this).attr("tip_scale")) : $(this).attr("designer_scale"); $('.region-tip', this).html(Math.round($(this).width() / scale, 0) + " x " + Math.round($(this).height() / scale, 0) + " (" + Math.round(pos.left / scale, 0) + "," + Math.round(pos.top / scale, 0) + ")"); } /** * Update preview for region position changes * @param e * @param ui */ function regionPositionUpdate(e, ui) { // Update the Preview for the new sizing var preview = Preview.instances[$(this).attr("regionid")]; preview.SetSequence(preview.seq); // Expose a new button to save the positions $("#layout-save-all").removeClass("disabled"); $("#layout-revert").removeClass("disabled"); } function savePositions() { // Update all layouts layout.each(function(){ $("#layout-save-all").addClass("disabled"); $("#layout-revert").addClass("disabled"); // Store the Layout ID var url = $(this).data().positionAllUrl; // Build an array of var regions = new Array(); $(this).find(".region").each(function(){ var designer_scale = $(this).attr("designer_scale"); var position = $(this).position(); var region = { width: $(this).width() / designer_scale, height: $(this).height() / designer_scale, top: position.top / designer_scale, left: position.left / designer_scale, regionid: $(this).attr("regionid") }; // Update the region width / height attributes $(this).attr("width", region.width).attr("height", region.height); // Add to the array regions.push(region); }); $.ajax({ type: "put", url: url, cache: false, dataType: "json", data: {regions : JSON.stringify(regions) }, success: XiboSubmitResponse }); }); } /** * Sets the layout to full screen */ function setFullScreenLayout(width, height) { $('#width', '.XiboForm').val(width); $('#height', '.XiboForm').val(height); $('#top', '.XiboForm').val('0'); $('#left', '.XiboForm').val('0'); } function refreshPreview(regionId) { if (regionId === undefined || regionId === null || regionId === "") { console.log('No preview to refresh'); return; } // Refresh the preview var preview = Preview.instances[regionId]; if (preview === undefined) { console.log('No preview to refresh'); return; } preview.SetSequence(preview.seq); // Clear the layout status $("#layout-status").removeClass("alert-success alert-danger").addClass("alert-info").html("
" + translations.statusPending); } var loadTimeLineCallback = function(dialog) { // Make this a big modal dialog.addClass("modal-big"); dialog.on("hidden.bs.modal", function () { refreshPreview($("#layout").data("currentRegionId")); }); // Each time we open, we want to set a "current region id" in the designer $("#layout").data("currentRegionId", $('#timelineControl').attr('regionid')); // Bind to hover event on the media list $("li.timelineMediaListItem").hover(function() { var position = $(this).position(); // Change the hidden div's content $("div#timelinePreview") .html($("div.timelineMediaPreview", this).html()) .css({ "margin-top": position.top + $('#timelineControl').closest('.modal-body').scrollTop() }) .show(); $hoverPreview = $("#timelinePreview .hoverPreview"); // Apply a background to the hover preview area $hoverPreview.css("background", $('#layout').css('background-color')); // Scale if necessary if ($hoverPreview.data() !== undefined && $hoverPreview.data().scale) { // Adjust the scale again, to drop down to 180 (hover preview width) var regionWidth = $("#region_" + $('#timelineControl').attr('regionid')).attr("width"); var scale = 180 / regionWidth; $("#timelinePreview .hoverPreview").css({ width: regionWidth, transform: "scale(" + scale + ")", "transform-origin": "0 0 " }); } }, function() { return false; }); $(".timelineSortableListOfMedia").sortable(); // Hook up the library Upload Buttons $(".libraryUploadForm").click(libraryUploadClick); }; var XiboTimelineSaveOrder = function(timelineDiv) { var url = $("#" + timelineDiv).data().orderUrl; var i = 0; var widgets = {}; $('#' + timelineDiv + ' li.timelineMediaListItem').each(function() { i++; widgets[$(this).attr("widgetid")] = i; }); console.log(widgets); // Call the server to do the reorder $.ajax({ type:"post", url: url, cache:false, dataType:"json", data:{ "widgets": widgets }, success: [ XiboSubmitResponse, afterDesignerSave ] }); }; function afterDesignerSave() { // Region Preview Refresh $('.regionPreview').each(function(idx, el) { refreshPreview($(el).attr("regionid")); }); // Layout Status layoutStatus(layout.data('statusUrl')); } var LibraryAssignSubmit = function() { // Collect our media var media = []; $("#LibraryAssignSortable > li").each(function() { media.push($(this).data().mediaId); }); assignMediaToPlaylist($("#LibraryAssign").data().url, media); }; var assignMediaToPlaylist = function(url, media) { toastr.info(media, "Assign Media to Playlist"); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: url, cache: false, dataType: "json", data: {media: media, useDuration: $("#useDuration").is(":checked")}, success: XiboSubmitResponse }); }; function layoutStatus(url) { // Call with AJAX $.ajax({ type: "get", url: url, cache: false, dataType: "json", success: function(response){ var status = $("#layout-status"); // Was the Call successful if (response.success) { // Expect the response to have a message (response.html) // a status (1 to 4) // a duration var element = $("
").addClass("fa"); if (response.extra.status == 1) { status.removeClass("alert-warning alert-info alert-danger").addClass("alert-success"); element.removeClass("fa-question fa-cogs fa-times").addClass("fa-check"); } else if (response.extra.status == 2) { status.removeClass("alert-success alert-info alert-danger").addClass("alert-warning"); element.removeClass("fa-check fa-cogs fa-times").addClass("fa-question"); } else if (response.extra.status == 3) { status.removeClass("alert-success alert-warning alert-danger").addClass("alert-info"); element.removeClass("fa-question fa-check fa-times").addClass("fa-cogs"); } else { status.removeClass("alert-success alert-info alert-warning").addClass("alert-danger"); element.removeClass("fa-question fa-cogs fa-check").addClass("fa-times"); } if (response.extra.status == 1) { $("#action-tab").find("i").removeClass('fa-bell fa-check fa-times').addClass('fa-check'); } else if (response.extra.status == 2) { $("#action-tab").find("i").removeClass('fa-check fa-times').addClass('fa-bell'); } else if (response.extra.status == 3) { $("#action-tab").find("i").removeClass('fa-check fa-times').addClass('fa-bell'); } else { $("#action-tab").find("i").removeClass('fa-bell fa-check fa-times').addClass('fa-times'); } if (response.extra.status == 1) { $("#schedule-btn").find("i").removeClass('fa-times').addClass('fa-clock-o'); } else if (response.extra.status == 2) { $("#schedule-btn").find("i").removeClass('fa-times').addClass('fa-clock-o'); } else if (response.extra.status == 3) { $("#schedule-btn").find("i").removeClass('fa-times').addClass('fa-clock-o'); } else { $("#schedule-btn").find("i").removeClass('fa-clock-o').addClass('fa-times'); } var html = response.html; if (response.extra.statusMessage != undefined) { $.each(response.extra.statusMessage, function (index, value) { html += '
' + value; }); } status.html(" " + html).prepend(element); // Duration $("#layout-duration").html(moment().startOf("day").seconds(response.extra.duration).format("HH:mm:ss")); } else { // Login Form needed? if (response.login) { LoginBox(response.message); return false; } } return false; } }); } // Callback for the media form function mediaFormCallBack(dialog) { $(dialog).closest(".modal").addClass("modal-big"); // prevent filter form submit $("#libraryAssignFilterOptions").find("form").on("submit", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); return false; }); var mediaTable = $("#mediaAssignments").DataTable({ "language": dataTablesLanguage, serverSide: true, stateSave: true, searchDelay: 3000, "order": [[1, "asc"]], "filter": false, ajax: { url: librarySearchUrl, "data": function (d) { $.extend(d, $("#libraryAssignFilterOptions").find("form").serializeObject()); } }, "columns": [ {"data": "mediaId"}, {"data": "name"}, {"data": "mediaType"}, { "name": "mediaId", "data": null, "render": function (data, type, row, meta) { if (type === "display") { // Return only the image part of the data if (data.thumbnailUrl === '') return ''; else return '
'; return data; } else { return row.mediaId; } } }, { "sortable": false, "data": function (data, type, row, meta) { if (type !== "display") return ""; // Create a click-able span return "
"; } } ] }); mediaTable.on('draw', function (e, settings) { dataTableDraw(e, settings); // Clicky on the +spans $(".assignItem", "#mediaAssignments").click(function () { // Get the row that this is in. var data = mediaTable.row($(this).closest("tr")).data(); // Construct a new list item for the lower list and append it. var newItem = $("
", { "text": " " + data.name, "data-media-id": data.mediaId, "class": "li-sortable", "dblclick": function () { $(this).remove(); } }); newItem.appendTo("#LibraryAssignSortable"); // Add a span to that new item $("
", { "class": "glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign", click: function () { $(this).parent().remove(); } }).prependTo(newItem); }); }); mediaTable.on('processing.dt', dataTableProcessing); // Make our little list sortable $("#LibraryAssignSortable").sortable(); // Bind the filter form $("#libraryAssignFilterOptions").find("input, select").change(function () { mediaTable.ajax.reload(); }); } /** * Open Upload Form */ function openUploadForm(templateOptions, buttons) { // Close the current dialog XiboDialogClose(); var template = Handlebars.compile($("#template-file-upload").html()); // Handle bars and open a dialog bootbox.dialog({ message: template(templateOptions), title: playlistTrans.uploadMessage, buttons: buttons, animate: false, updateInAllChecked: uploadFormUpdateAllDefault, deleteOldRevisionsChecked: uploadFormDeleteOldDefault }); openUploadFormModelShown($(".modal-body").find("form")); } /** * Modal shown */ function openUploadFormModelShown(form) { // Configure the upload form var url = libraryAddUrl; // Initialize the jQuery File Upload widget: form.fileupload({ url: url, disableImageResize: true }); // Upload server status check for browsers with CORS support: if ($.support.cors) { $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'HEAD' }).fail(function () { $('
') .text('Upload server currently unavailable - ' + new Date()) .appendTo(form); }); } // Enable iframe cross-domain access via redirect option: form.fileupload( 'option', 'redirect', window.location.href.replace( /\/[^\/]*$/, '/cors/result.html?%s' ) ); form.bind('fileuploadsubmit', function (e, data) { var inputs = data.context.find(':input'); if (inputs.filter('[required][value=""]').first().focus().length) { return false; } data.formData = inputs.serializeArray().concat(form.serializeArray()); inputs.filter("input").prop("disabled", true); }); } // Click Handler for Library Upload Buttons (image, video, powerpoint, flash) function libraryUploadClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); var validExt = $(this).data().validExt.replace(/,/g, "|"); var playlistId = $(this).data().playlistId; openUploadForm({ trans: playlistTrans, upload: { maxSize: $(this).data().maxSize, maxSizeMessage: $(this).data().maxSizeMessage, validExt: validExt }, playlistId: playlistId }, { library: { label: playlistTrans.viewLibrary, callback: function () { XiboFormRender(libraryPlaylistAssignUrl.replace(":id", playlistId)); } }, main: { label: translations.done, className: "btn-primary", callback: function () { XiboFormRender(timelineForm.url, timelineForm.value); } } }); } /** * Media Edit form */ function mediaEditFormOpen(dialog) { if (dialog.find("form").data().mediaEditable != 1) return; // Create a new button var footer = dialog.find(".modal-footer"); var mediaId = dialog.find("form").data().mediaId; var widgetId = dialog.find("form").data().widgetId; var validExtensions = dialog.find("form").data().validExtensions; // Append var replaceButton = $('
').html(playlistAddFilesTrans.uploadMessage); replaceButton.click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); // Open the upload dialog with our options. openUploadForm({ oldMediaId: mediaId, widgetId: widgetId, updateInAllChecked: uploadFormUpdateAllDefault, trans: playlistAddFilesTrans, upload: { maxSize: $(this).data().maxSize, maxSizeMessage: $(this).data().maxSizeMessage, validExt: validExtensions } }, { main: { label: translations.done, className: "btn-primary", callback: function () { XiboFormRender(timelineForm.url, timelineForm.value); } } }); }); footer.find(".btn-primary").before(replaceButton); }