var text_callback = function(dialog, extraData) { var extra = extraData; if (extraData === undefined || extraData === null) { extra = $('.bootbox').data().extra; } // Choose a complementary color var color = $c.complement($("#layout").data().backgroundColor); // Apply some CSS to set a scale for these editors var $layout = $("#layout"); var scale = $layout.attr('designer_scale'); var regionWidth = $("#region_" + $layout.data().currentRegionId).attr("width"); var regionHeight = $("#region_" + $layout.data().currentRegionId).attr("height"); var applyContentsToIframe = function(field) { //console.log('Applying iframe adjustments to ' + field); $("#cke_" + field + " iframe").contents().find("head").append("" + ""); }; var applyTemplateContentIfNecessary = function(data, extra) { // Check to see if the override template check box is unchecked if (!$("#overrideTemplate").is(":checked")) { // Get the currently selected templateId var templateId = $("#templateId").val(); // Parse each field $.each(extra, function(index, value) { if (value.id == templateId) { data = value.template.replace(/#Color#/g, color); $("#ta_css").val(value.css); // Go through each property $.each(value, function (key, value) { if (key != "template" && key != "css") { // Try to match a field $("#" + key).val(value); } }); } }); } return data; }; var convertLibraryReferences = function(data) { // We need to convert any library references [123] to their full URL counterparts // we leave well alone non-library references. var regex = /\[[0-9]+]/gi; data = data.replace(regex, function (match) { var inner = match.replace("]", "").replace("[", ""); return CKEDITOR_DEFAULT_CONFIG.imageDownloadUrl.replace(":id", inner); }); return data; }; // Conjure up a text editor CKEDITOR.replace("ta_text", CKEDITOR_DEFAULT_CONFIG); // Bind to instance ready so that we can adjust some things about the editor. CKEDITOR.instances["ta_text"].on('instanceReady', function() { // Apply scaling to this editor instance applyContentsToIframe("ta_text"); // Reapply the background style after switching to source view and back to the normal editing view CKEDITOR.instances["ta_text"].on('contentDom', function () { applyContentsToIframe("ta_text") }); // Get the template data var data = CKEDITOR.instances["ta_text"].getData(); // Default config for fonts if (data == "" && !$("#overrideTemplate").is(":checked")) { data = "
" + translations.enterText + "
"; } // Handle initial template set up data = applyTemplateContentIfNecessary(data, extra); data = convertLibraryReferences(data); CKEDITOR.instances["ta_text"].setData(data); }); // Register an onchange listener to manipulate the template content if the selector is changed. $("#templateId").on('change', function() { CKEDITOR.instances["ta_text"].setData(applyTemplateContentIfNecessary(CKEDITOR.instances["ta_text"].getData(), extra)); }); // Create a no data message editor if one is present if ($("#noDataMessage").length > 0) { CKEDITOR.replace("noDataMessage", CKEDITOR_DEFAULT_CONFIG); CKEDITOR.instances["noDataMessage"].on('instanceReady', function () { // Apply scaling to this editor instance applyContentsToIframe("noDataMessage"); // Reapply the background style after switching to source view and back to the normal editing view CKEDITOR.instances["noDataMessage"].on('contentDom', function () { applyContentsToIframe("noDataMessage") }); // Get the template data var data = CKEDITOR.instances["noDataMessage"].getData(); if (data === "") { data = "
" + translations.noDataMessage + "
"; } // Handle initial template set up data = convertLibraryReferences(data); CKEDITOR.instances["noDataMessage"].setData(data); }); } // Make sure when we close the dialog we also destroy the editor dialog.on("hide.bs.modal", function(e) { if(e.namespace === 'bs.modal') { try { if (CKEDITOR.instances["ta_text"] !== undefined) { CKEDITOR.instances["ta_text"].destroy(); } if (CKEDITOR.instances["noDataMessage"] !== undefined) { CKEDITOR.instances["noDataMessage"].destroy(); } } catch (e) { console.log("Unable to remove CKEditor instance. " + e); } // Remove colour picker $("#backgroundColor").colorpicker('destroy'); } }); // Do we have any items to click on that we might want to insert? (these will be our items and not CKEditor ones) $('.ckeditor_snippits', dialog).dblclick(function(){ // Linked to? var linkedTo = $(this).attr("linkedto"); var text; if (CKEDITOR.instances[linkedTo] != undefined) { if ($(this).attr("datasetcolumnid") != undefined) text = "[" + $(this).html() + "|" + $(this).attr("datasetcolumnid") + "]"; else text = "[" + $(this).html() + "]"; CKEDITOR.instances[linkedTo].insertText(text); } return false; }); // Do we have a media selector? var $selectPicker = $(".ckeditor_library_select"); if ($selectPicker.length > 0) { $selectPicker.select2({ ajax: { url: $selectPicker.data().searchUrl, dataType: "json", data: function(params) { var queryText = params.term; var queryTags = ''; // Tags if(params.term != undefined) { var tags = params.term.match(/\[([^}]+)\]/); if(tags != null) { // Add tags to search queryTags = tags[1]; // Replace tags in the query text queryText = params.term.replace(tags[0], ''); } // Remove whitespaces and split by comma queryText = queryText.replace(' ', ''); queryTags = queryTags.replace(' ', ''); } var query = { media: queryText, tags: queryTags, type: "image", retired: 0, assignable: 1, start: 0, length: 10 }; // Set the start parameter based on the page number if (params.page != null) { query.start = (params.page - 1) * 10; } // Find out what is inside the search box for this list, and save it (so we can replay it when the list // is opened again) if (params.term !== undefined) { localStorage.liveSearchPlaceholder = params.term; } return query; }, processResults: function(data, params) { var results = []; $.each(data.data, function(index, element) { results.push({ "id": element.mediaId, "text": element.name, 'imageUrl': $selectPicker.data().imageUrl.replace(':id', element.mediaId), 'disabled': false }); }); var page = params.page || 1; page = (page > 1) ? page - 1 : page; return { results: results, pagination: { more: (page * 10 < data.recordsTotal) } } }, delay: 250 }, dropdownParent: $(dialog) }).on('select2:select', function (e) { var linkedTo = $(this).data().linkedTo; var value = e.params.data.imageUrl; console.log('Value is ' + value + ", linked control is " + linkedTo); if (value !== undefined && value !== "" && linkedTo != null) { if (CKEDITOR.instances[linkedTo] != undefined) { CKEDITOR.instances[linkedTo].insertHtml("
"); } } }); } // Turn the background colour into a picker $("#backgroundColor").colorpicker(); return false; }; /** * Switches an item between 2 connected lists. */ function switchLists(e) { // determine which list they are in // http://www.remotesynthesis.com/post.cfm/working-with-related-sortable-lists-in-jquery-ui var otherList = $($(e.currentTarget).parent().sortable("option","connectWith")).not($(e.currentTarget).parent()); otherList.append(e.currentTarget); } function GroupSecurityCallBack(dialog) { $("#groupsIn, #groupsOut").sortable({ connectWith: '.connectedSortable', dropOnEmpty: true }).disableSelection(); $(".li-sortable", dialog).dblclick(switchLists); } function GroupSecuritySubmit() { // Serialise the form and then submit it via Ajax. var href = $("#groupsIn").attr('href') + "&ajax=true"; // Get the two lists serializedData = $("#groupsIn").sortable('serialize'); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: href, cache: false, dataType: "json", data: serializedData, success: XiboSubmitResponse }); return; } function DisplayGroupManageMembersCallBack(dialog) { $("#displaysIn, #displaysOut").sortable({ connectWith: '.connectedSortable', dropOnEmpty: true }).disableSelection(); $(".li-sortable", dialog).dblclick(switchLists); } function DisplayGroupMembersSubmit() { // Serialise the form and then submit it via Ajax. var href = $("#displaysIn").attr('href') + "&ajax=true"; // Get the two lists serializedData = $("#displaysIn").sortable('serialize'); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: href, cache: false, dataType: "json", data: serializedData, success: XiboSubmitResponse }); return; } /** * Library Assignment Form Callback */ var FileAssociationsCallback = function() { // Attach a click handler to all of the little pointers in the grid. $("#FileAssociationsTable .library_assign_list_select").click(function(){ // Get the row that this is in. var row = $(this).parent().parent(); // Construct a new list item for the lower list and append it. var newItem = $("
", { text: row.attr("litext"), id: row.attr("rowid"), "class": "li-sortable", dblclick: function(){ $(this).remove(); } }); newItem.appendTo("#FileAssociationsSortable"); // Add a span to that new item $("
", { "class": "glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign", click: function(){ $(this).parent().remove(); $(".modal-body .XiboGrid").each(function(){ var gridId = $(this).attr("id"); // Render XiboGridRender(gridId); }); } }) .appendTo(newItem); // Remove the row row.remove(); }); // Attach a click handler to all of the little points in the trough $("#FileAssociationsSortable li .glyphicon-minus-sign").click(function() { // Remove this and refresh the table $(this).parent().remove(); }); $("#FileAssociationsSortable").sortable().disableSelection(); }; var FileAssociationsSubmit = function(displayGroupId) { // Serialize the data from the form and call submit var mediaList = $("#FileAssociationsSortable").sortable('serialize'); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "index.php?p=displaygroup&q=SetFileAssociations&displaygroupid="+displayGroupId+"&ajax=true", cache: false, dataType: "json", data: mediaList, success: XiboSubmitResponse }); }; var settingsUpdated = function(response) { if (!response.success) { SystemMessage((response.message == "") ? translation.failure : response.message, true); } }; var attachmentFormSubmit = function(dialog) { var form = $(dialog); // Pull any text editor instances we have for (var editor in CKEDITOR.instances) { // Parse the data for library preview references, and replace those with their original values // /\/library\/download\/(.[0-9]+)\?preview=1/; var regex = new RegExp(CKEDITOR_DEFAULT_CONFIG.imageDownloadUrl.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&").replace(":id", "([0-9]+)"), "g"); var data = CKEDITOR.instances[editor].getData().replace(regex, function (match, group1) { var replacement = "[" + group1 + "]"; //console.log("match = " + match + ". replacement = " + replacement); return replacement; }); // Set the appropriate text editor field with this data. $("#" + editor).val(data); } // Submit via ajax - change the attachment color on success $.ajax({ type: form.attr("method"), url: form.attr("action"), cache: false, dataType: "json", data: $(form).serialize(), success: function(xhr, textStatus, error) { XiboSubmitResponse(xhr, form); if (xhr.success) { console.log('success'); } }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { SystemMessage(xhr.responseText, false); } }); } var attachmentFormSetup = function(dialog) { // Conjure up a text editor CKEDITOR.replace("body", CKEDITOR_DEFAULT_CONFIG); // Make sure when we close the dialog we also destroy the editor dialog.on("hide.bs.modal", function(event) { if (event.target.className == "bootbox modal in" && CKEDITOR.instances["body"] != undefined) { CKEDITOR.instances["body"].destroy(); } }); var attachmentImageList = $('#attachmentImageId'); var attachmentChanged = false; // Bind to the attachment add button click $("#attachmentAddButton").on("click", function(e) { $(this).addClass("disabled"); notificationAddFormAttachmentButtonClicked(e, dialog); }); // Search for any forms that will need submitting // NOTE: The validation plugin does not like binding to multiple forms at once. dialog.find("#notificationForm").validate({ submitHandler: attachmentFormSubmit, errorElement: "span", highlight: function(element) { $(element).closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-success').addClass('has-error'); }, success: function(element) { $(element).closest('.form-group').removeClass('has-error').addClass('has-success'); }, invalidHandler: function(event, validator) { // Remove the spinner $(this).closest(".modal-dialog").find(".saving").remove(); // https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo/issues/1589 $(this).closest(".modal-dialog").find(".save-button").removeClass("disabled"); } }); }; /** * Add notification attachment add image button * @param e the event * @param dialog the dialog */ function notificationAddFormAttachmentButtonClicked(e, dialog) { e.preventDefault(); // Hide the original button dialog.find('.attachment-add-button').hide(); dialog.find('#notificationAddFormAttachmentUpload').show(); // Append a background upload button to the dialog footer. var template = Handlebars.compile($("#attachment-upload-template").html()); var footer = dialog.find("#notificationAddFormAttachmentUpload"); footer.append(template()); var form = footer.find("form"); var url = form.prop("action"); var refreshSessionInterval; // Initialize the jQuery File Upload widget: form.fileupload({ url: url, uploadTemplateId: 'template-upload-simple', disableImageResize: true, previewMaxWidth: 100, previewMaxHeight: 100, previewCrop: true }); // Upload server status check for browsers with CORS support: if ($.support.cors) { $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'HEAD' }).fail(function () { $('
') .text('Upload server currently unavailable - ' + new Date()) .appendTo(form); }); } // Enable iframe cross-domain access via redirect option: form.fileupload( 'option', 'redirect', window.location.href.replace( /\/[^\/]*$/, '/cors/result.html?%s' ) ); form.bind('fileuploadsubmit', function (e, data) { // Disable the buttons on the form footer.find("button").addClass("disabled"); }).bind('fileuploadstart', function (e, data) { // Show progress data form.find('.fileupload-progress .progress-extended').show(); form.find('.fileupload-progress .progress-end').hide(); if (form.fileupload("active") <= 0) refreshSessionInterval = setInterval("XiboPing('" + pingUrl + "?refreshSession=true')", 1000 * 60 * 3); return true; }).bind('fileuploaddone', function (e, data) { // Enable the buttons on the form footer.find("button").removeClass("disabled"); if (refreshSessionInterval != null && form.fileupload("active") <= 0) clearInterval(refreshSessionInterval); console.log(data.result); if (data.result.files[0].error != null && data.result.files[0].error != "") { return; } // Take the image URL from the response, and use it to replace the background image fields dialog.find(".attachment-fields").slideUp(); console.log(' hidefileinput-button'); dialog.find(".fileinput-button").hide(); dialog.find(".fileinput-close-button").removeClass('hidden'); // Get the attachment filename var filename = data.result.files[0].name; dialog.find("input[name='attachedFilename']").remove(); // Create a hidden field with the filename $("#notificationForm").append($("
")); // Hide the stuff we've added // form.slideUp(); }).bind('fileuploadprogressall', function(e, data) { // Hide progress data and show processing if(data.total > 0 && data.loaded == data.total) { form.find('.fileupload-progress .progress-extended').hide(); form.find('.fileupload-progress .progress-end').show(); } }); // Click the browse button dialog.find('.fileinput-button input').click(); // Click the close button dialog.find('.fileinput-close-button').click(function() { // dialog.find(".fileinput-button").show(); // dialog.find(".fileinput-close-button").hide(); dialog.find("input[name='attachedFilename']").remove(); dialog.find('.attachment-add-button').show(); dialog.find('#attachmentAddButton').removeClass('disabled'); dialog.find('#notificationAddFormAttachmentUpload').hide(); footer.html(''); }); } var backGroundFormSetup = function(dialog) { $('#backgroundColor').colorpicker({format: "hex"}); // Tidy up colorpickers on modal close if(dialog.hasClass('modal')) { dialog.on("hide.bs.modal", function(e) { if(e.namespace === 'bs.modal') { // Remove colour pickers dialog.find("#backgroundColor").colorpicker('destroy'); } }); } var backgroundImageList = $('#backgroundImageId'); var notFoundIcon = $('#bg_not_found_icon'); var backgroundImage = $('#bg_image_image'); var initialBackgroundImageId = backgroundImageList.val(); var backgroundChanged = false; function backgroundImageChange() { // Want to attach an onchange event to the drop down for the bg-image var id = backgroundImageList.val(); var src; // If the image is not defined if ([0, ''].indexOf(id) !== -1) { // Show not found icon and hide image notFoundIcon.show(); backgroundImage.hide(); } else { // Hide not found icon and show image notFoundIcon.hide(); backgroundImage.show(); // Replace image source src = backgroundImage.data().url.replace(":id", id); backgroundImage.attr("src", src); } if (id != initialBackgroundImageId) backgroundChanged = true; } backgroundImageList.change(backgroundImageChange); backgroundImageChange(); // Bind to the background add button click $("#backgroundAddButton").on("click", function(e) { $(this).addClass("disabled"); layoutEditBackgroundButtonClicked(e, dialog); }); // Bind to the layout form submit $("#layoutEditForm").submit(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var form = $(this); // Submit via ajax - change the background color on success $.ajax({ type: form.attr("method"), url: form.attr("action"), cache: false, dataType: "json", data: $(form).serialize(), success: function(xhr, textStatus, error) { XiboSubmitResponse(xhr, form); if (xhr.success) { var layout = $("div#layout"); if (layout.length > 0) { var color = form.find("#backgroundColor").val(); layout.data().backgroundColor = color; layout.css("background-color", color); if (backgroundChanged) window.location.reload(); } else { // We assume we're on the layout page - call render // If we're not, table is a Chrome/Safari/FireBug global function if (backgroundChanged && typeof(table) !== 'undefined' && table.hasOwnProperty('ajax')) table.ajax.reload(null, false); } } }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { SystemMessage(xhr.responseText, false); } }); }) }; /** * Layout edit background add image button * @param e the event * @param dialog the dialog */ function layoutEditBackgroundButtonClicked(e, dialog) { e.preventDefault(); // Hide the original button dialog.find('.background-image-add-button').hide(); dialog.find('#layoutEditFormBackgroundUpload').show(); // Append a background upload button to the dialog footer. var template = Handlebars.compile($("#layout-background-image-upload-template").html()); var footer = dialog.find("#layoutEditFormBackgroundUpload"); footer.append(template()); var form = footer.find("form"); var url = form.prop("action"); var refreshSessionInterval; // Initialize the jQuery File Upload widget: form.fileupload({ url: url, disableImageResize: true, previewMaxWidth: 100, previewMaxHeight: 100, previewCrop: true }); // Upload server status check for browsers with CORS support: if ($.support.cors) { $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'HEAD' }).fail(function () { $('
') .text('Upload server currently unavailable - ' + new Date()) .appendTo(form); }); } // Enable iframe cross-domain access via redirect option: form.fileupload( 'option', 'redirect', window.location.href.replace( /\/[^\/]*$/, '/cors/result.html?%s' ) ); form.bind('fileuploadsubmit', function (e, data) { // Disable the buttons on the form footer.find("button").addClass("disabled"); }).bind('fileuploadstart', function (e, data) { // Show progress data form.find('.fileupload-progress .progress-extended').show(); form.find('.fileupload-progress .progress-end').hide(); if (form.fileupload("active") <= 0) refreshSessionInterval = setInterval("XiboPing('" + pingUrl + "?refreshSession=true')", 1000 * 60 * 3); return true; }).bind('fileuploaddone', function (e, data) { // Enable the buttons on the form footer.find("button").removeClass("disabled"); if (refreshSessionInterval != null && form.fileupload("active") <= 0) clearInterval(refreshSessionInterval); if (data.result.files[0].error != null && data.result.files[0].error != "") { return; } // Take the image URL from the response, and use it to replace the background image fields dialog.find(".background-image-fields").slideUp(); // Get the mediaId var mediaId = data.result.files[0].mediaId; // Create a hidden field with the mediaId $("#layoutEditForm").append($("
")); var bgImagePreview = dialog.find("#bg_image_image"); bgImagePreview.prop("src", bgImagePreview.data().url.replace(":id", mediaId)); // Hide the stuff we've added form.slideUp(); }).bind('fileuploadprogressall', function(e, data) { // Hide progress data and show processing if(data.total > 0 && data.loaded == data.total) { form.find('.fileupload-progress .progress-extended').hide(); form.find('.fileupload-progress .progress-end').show(); } }); // Click the browse button dialog.find('.fileinput-button input').click(); // Click the close button dialog.find('.fileinput-close-button').click(function() { dialog.find('.background-image-add-button').show(); dialog.find('#backgroundAddButton').removeClass('disabled'); dialog.find('#layoutEditFormBackgroundUpload').hide(); footer.html(''); }); } function permissionsFormOpen(dialog) { var grid = $("#permissionsTable").closest(".XiboGrid"); // initialise the permissions array if (grid.data().permissions.length <= 0) grid.data().permissions = {}; var table = $("#permissionsTable").DataTable({ "language": dataTablesLanguage, serverSide: true, stateSave: true, "filter": false, searchDelay: 3000, "order": [[ 0, "asc"]], ajax: { url: grid.data().url, "data": function(d) { $.extend(d, grid.find(".permissionsTableFilter form").serializeObject()); } }, "columns": [ { "data": "group", "render": function (data, type, row, meta) { if (type != "display") return data; if (row.isUser == 1) return data; else return '
' + data + '
'; } }, { "data": "view", "render": function (data, type, row, meta) { if (type != "display") return data; var checked; if (row.groupId in grid.data().permissions) { var cache = grid.data().permissions[row.groupId]; checked = (cache.view !== undefined && cache.view === 1) ? 1 : 0; } else { checked = data; } // Cached changes to this field? return "
"; } }, { "data": "edit", "render": function (data, type, row, meta) { if (type != "display") return data; var checked; if (row.groupId in grid.data().permissions) { var cache = grid.data().permissions[row.groupId]; checked = (cache.edit !== undefined && cache.edit === 1) ? 1 : 0; } else { checked = data; } return "
"; } }, { "data": "delete", "render": function (data, type, row, meta) { if (type != "display") return data; var checked; if (row.groupId in grid.data().permissions) { var cache = grid.data().permissions[row.groupId]; checked = (cache.delete !== undefined && cache.delete === 1) ? 1 : 0; } else { checked = data; } return "
"; } } ] }); table.on('draw', function (e, settings) { dataTableDraw(e, settings); // Bind to the checkboxes change event var target = $("#" + e.target.id); target.find("input[type=checkbox]").change(function() { // Update our global permissions data with this var groupId = $(this).data().groupId; var permission = $(this).data().permission; var value = $(this).is(":checked"); //console.log("Setting permissions on groupId: " + groupId + ". Permission " + permission + ". Value: " + value); if (grid.data().permissions[groupId] === undefined) { grid.data().permissions[groupId] = {}; } grid.data().permissions[groupId][permission] = (value) ? 1 : 0; }); }); table.on('processing.dt', dataTableProcessing); // Bind our filter grid.find(".permissionsTableFilter form input, .permissionsTableFilter form select").change(function() { table.ajax.reload(); }); } function permissionsFormSubmit(id) { var form = $("#" + id); var $formContainer = form.closest(".permissions-form"); var permissions = { "groupIds": $(form).data().permissions, "ownerId": $formContainer.find("select[name=ownerId]").val(), "cascade": $formContainer.find("#cascade").is(":checked") }; var data = $.param(permissions); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: form.data().url, cache: false, dataType: "json", data: data, success: function(xhr, textStatus, error) { XiboSubmitResponse(xhr, form); }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { SystemMessage(xhr.responseText, false); } }); } function membersFormOpen(dialog) { // Get our table var table = $(dialog).find(".membersTable"); if (table.data().members == undefined) table.data().members = {}; // Bind to the checkboxes change event table.find("input[type=checkbox]").change(function() { // Update our global members data with this var memberId = $(this).data().memberId; var value = $(this).is(":checked"); //console.log("Setting memberId: " + memberId + ". Value: " + value); table.data().members[memberId] = (value) ? 1 : 0; }); } function membersFormSubmit(id) { var form = $("#" + id); var members = form.find(".membersTable").data().members; // There may not have been any changes if (members == undefined) { // No changes XiboDialogClose(); return; } // Build an array of id's to assign and an array to unassign var assign = []; var unassign = []; $.each(members, function(name, value) { if (value == 1) assign.push(name); else unassign.push(name); }); var error = false; var data = {}; data[form.data().param] = assign; data[form.data().paramUnassign] = unassign; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: form.data().url, cache: false, dataType: "json", data: $.param(data), success: function(xhr, textStatus, error) { XiboSubmitResponse(xhr, form); }, error: function(xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) { SystemMessage(xhr.responseText, false); } }); } // Callback for the media form function mediaDisplayGroupFormCallBack() { var container = $("#FileAssociationsAssign"); if (container.data().media == undefined) container.data().media = {}; var mediaTable = $("#mediaAssignments").DataTable({ "language": dataTablesLanguage, serverSide: true, stateSave: true, searchDelay: 3000, "order": [[ 0, "asc"]], "filter": false, ajax: { "url": $("#mediaAssignments").data().url, "data": function(d) { $.extend(d, $("#mediaAssignments").closest(".XiboGrid").find(".FilterDiv form").serializeObject()); } }, "columns": [ { "data": "name" }, { "data": "mediaType" }, { "sortable": false, "data": function(data, type, row, meta) { if (type != "display") return ""; // Create a click-able span return "
"; } } ] }); mediaTable.on('draw', function (e, settings) { dataTableDraw(e, settings); // Clicky on the +spans $(".assignItem", "#mediaAssignments").click(function() { // Get the row that this is in. var data = mediaTable.row($(this).closest("tr")).data(); // Append to our media list container.data().media[data.mediaId] = 1; // Construct a new list item for the lower list and append it. var newItem = $("
", { "text": data.name, "data-media-id": data.mediaId, "class": "btn btn-sm btn-default" }); newItem.appendTo("#FileAssociationsSortable"); // Add a span to that new item $("
", { "class": "glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign", click: function(){ container.data().media[$(this).parent().data().mediaId] = 0; $(this).parent().remove(); } }).appendTo(newItem); }); }); mediaTable.on('processing.dt', dataTableProcessing); // Make our little list sortable $("#FileAssociationsSortable").sortable(); // Bind to the existing items in the list $("#FileAssociationsSortable").find('li span').click(function () { container.data().media[$(this).parent().data().mediaId] = 0; $(this).parent().remove(); }); // Bind to the filter $("#mediaAssignments").closest(".XiboGrid").find(".FilterDiv input, .FilterDiv select").change(function() { mediaTable.ajax.reload(); }); } function mediaAssignSubmit() { // Collect our media var container = $("#FileAssociationsAssign"); // Build an array of id's to assign and an array to unassign var assign = []; var unassign = []; $.each(container.data().media, function(name, value) { if (value == 1) assign.push(name); else unassign.push(name); }); assignMediaToCampaign(container.data().url, assign, unassign); } var assignMediaToCampaign = function(url, media, unassignMedia) { toastr.info("Assign Media", media); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: url, cache: false, dataType: "json", data: {mediaId: media, unassignMediaId: unassignMedia}, success: XiboSubmitResponse }); }; // Callback for the media form function layoutFormCallBack() { var container = $("#FileAssociationsAssign"); if (container.data().layout == undefined) container.data().layout = {}; var layoutTable = $("#layoutAssignments").DataTable({ "language": dataTablesLanguage, serverSide: true, stateSave: true, searchDelay: 3000, "order": [[ 0, "asc"]], "filter": false, ajax: { "url": $("#layoutAssignments").data().url, "data": function(d) { $.extend(d, $("#layoutAssignments").closest(".XiboGrid").find(".FilterDiv form").serializeObject()); } }, "columns": [ { "data": "layout" }, { "sortable": false, "data": function(data, type, row, meta) { if (type != "display") return ""; // Create a click-able span return "
"; } } ] }); layoutTable.on('draw', function (e, settings) { dataTableDraw(e, settings); // Clicky on the +spans $(".assignItem", "#layoutAssignments").click(function() { // Get the row that this is in. var data = layoutTable.row($(this).closest("tr")).data(); // Append to our layout list container.data().layout[data.layoutId] = 1; // Construct a new list item for the lower list and append it. var newItem = $("
", { "text": data.layout, "data-layout-id": data.layoutId, "class": "btn btn-sm btn-default" }); newItem.appendTo("#FileAssociationsSortable"); // Add a span to that new item $("
", { "class": "glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign", click: function(){ container.data().layout[$(this).parent().data().layoutId] = 0; $(this).parent().remove(); } }).appendTo(newItem); }); }); layoutTable.on('processing.dt', dataTableProcessing); // Make our little list sortable $("#FileAssociationsSortable").sortable(); // Bind to the existing items in the list $("#FileAssociationsSortable").find('li span').click(function () { container.data().layout[$(this).parent().data().layoutId] = 0; $(this).parent().remove(); }); // Bind to the filter $("#layoutAssignments").closest(".XiboGrid").find(".FilterDiv input, .FilterDiv select").change(function() { layoutTable.ajax.reload(); }); } function layoutAssignSubmit() { // Collect our layout var container = $("#FileAssociationsAssign"); // Build an array of id's to assign and an array to unassign var assign = []; var unassign = []; $.each(container.data().layout, function(name, value) { if (value == 1) assign.push(name); else unassign.push(name); }); assignLayoutToCampaign(container.data().url, assign, unassign); } var assignLayoutToCampaign = function(url, layout, unassignLayout) { toastr.info("Assign Layout", layout); $.ajax({ type: "post", url: url, cache: false, dataType: "json", data: {layoutId: layout, unassignLayoutId: unassignLayout}, success: XiboSubmitResponse }); }; function regionEditFormSubmit() { XiboFormSubmit($("#regionEditForm"), null, function(xhr, form) { if (xhr.success) window.location.reload(); }); } function userProfileEditFormOpen() { $("#qRCode").addClass("hidden"); $("#recoveryButtons").addClass("hidden"); $("#recoveryCodes").addClass("hidden"); $("#twoFactorTypeId").on("change", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); if ($("#twoFactorTypeId").val() == 2 && $('#userEditProfileForm').data().currentuser != 2) { $.ajax({ url: $('#userEditProfileForm').data().setup, type: "GET", beforeSend: function () { $("#qr").addClass('fa fa-spinner fa-spin loading-icon') }, success: function (response) { let qRCode = response.data.qRUrl; $("#qrImage").attr("src", qRCode); }, complete: function () { $("#qr").removeClass('fa fa-spinner fa-spin loading-icon') } }); $("#qRCode").removeClass("hidden"); } else { $("#qRCode").addClass("hidden"); } if ($("#twoFactorTypeId").val() == 0) { $("#recoveryButtons").addClass("hidden"); $("#recoveryCodes").addClass("hidden"); } if ($('#userEditProfileForm').data().currentuser != 0 && $("#twoFactorTypeId").val() != 0) { $("#recoveryButtons").removeClass("hidden"); } }); if ($('#userEditProfileForm').data().currentuser != 0) { $("#recoveryButtons").removeClass("hidden"); } let generatedCodes = ''; $('#generateCodesBtn').on("click", function (e) { $("#codesList").html(""); $("#recoveryCodes").removeClass('hidden'); $(".recBtn").attr("disabled", true).addClass("disabled"); generatedCodes = ''; $.ajax({ url: $('#userEditProfileForm').data().generate, async: false, type: "GET", beforeSend: function () { $("#codesList").removeClass('well').addClass('fa fa-spinner fa-spin loading-icon'); }, success: function (response) { generatedCodes = JSON.parse(response.data.codes); $("#recoveryCodes").addClass('hidden'); $(".recBtn").attr("disabled", false).removeClass("disabled"); $('#showCodesBtn').click(); }, complete: function () { $("#codesList").removeClass('fa fa-spinner fa-spin loading-icon'); } }); }); $('#showCodesBtn').on("click", function (e) { $(".recBtn").attr("disabled", true).addClass("disabled"); $("#codesList").html(""); $("#recoveryCodes").toggleClass('hidden'); let codesList = []; $.ajax({ url: $('#userEditProfileForm').data().show, type: "GET", data: { generatedCodes: generatedCodes, }, success: function (response) { if (generatedCodes != '') { codesList = generatedCodes; } else { codesList = response.data.codes; } $('#twoFactorRecoveryCodes').val(JSON.stringify(codesList)); $.each(codesList, function (index, value) { $("#codesList").append(value + "
"); }); $("#codesList").addClass('well'); $(".recBtn").attr("disabled", false).removeClass("disabled"); } }); }); } function tagsWithValues(formId) { $('#tagValue, label[for="tagValue"], #tagValueRequired').addClass("hidden"); $('#tagValueContainer').hide(); let tag; let tagWithOption = ''; let tagN = ''; let tagV = ''; let tagOptions = []; let tagIsRequired = 0; let formSelector = '#' + formId + ' input#tags'; $(formSelector).on('beforeItemAdd', function(event) { $('#tagValue').html(''); $('#tagValueInput').val(''); tag = event.item; tagOptions = []; tagIsRequired = 0; tagN = tag.split('|')[0]; tagV = tag.split('|')[1]; if ($(formSelector).val().indexOf(tagN) === -1 && tagV === undefined) { $.ajax({ url: $('#'+formId).data().gettag, type: "GET", data: { name: tagN, }, beforeSend: function () { $("#loadingValues").addClass('fa fa-spinner fa-spin loading-icon') }, success: function (response) { if (response.success) { if (response.data.tag != null) { tagOptions = JSON.parse(response.data.tag.options); tagIsRequired = response.data.tag.isRequired; if (tagOptions != null && tagOptions != []) { $('#tagValue, label[for="tagValue"]').removeClass("hidden"); $('#tagValue') .append($("
") .attr("value", '') .text('')); $.each(tagOptions, function (key, value) { $('#tagValue') .append($("
") .attr("value", value) .text(value)); }); $('#tagValue').focus(); } else { // existing Tag without specified options (values) $('#tagValueContainer').show(); // if the isRequired flag is set to 0 change the helpText to be more user friendly. if (tagIsRequired === 0) { $('#tagValueInput').parent().find('span.help-block').text(translations.tagInputValueHelpText) } else { $('#tagValueInput').parent().find('span.help-block').text(translations.tagInputValueRequiredHelpText) } $('#tagValueInput').focus(); } } else { // new Tag $('#tagValueContainer').show(); $('#tagValueInput').focus(); // isRequired flag is set to 0 (new Tag) change the helpText to be more user friendly. $('#tagValueInput').parent().find('span.help-block').text(translations.tagInputValueHelpText) } } }, complete: function () { $("#loadingValues").removeClass('fa fa-spinner fa-spin loading-icon') }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.error(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); } }); } }); $(formSelector).on('itemAdded', function(event) { if (tagOptions != null && tagOptions !== []) { $('#tagValue').focus(); } }); $(formSelector).on('itemRemoved', function(event) { if(tagN === event.item) { $('#tagValueRequired, label[for="tagValue"]').addClass('hidden'); $('.save-button').prop('disabled', false); $('#tagValue').html('').addClass("hidden"); $('#tagValueInput').val(''); $('#tagValueContainer').hide(); tagN = ''; } else if ($(".save-button").is(":disabled")) { // do nothing with jQuery } else { $('#tagValue').html('').addClass("hidden"); $('#tagValueInput').val(''); $('#tagValueContainer').hide(); $('label[for="tagValue"]').addClass("hidden"); } }); $("#tagValue").on("change", function (e) { e.preventDefault(); tagWithOption = tagN + '|' + $(this).val(); if (tagIsRequired === 0 || (tagIsRequired === 1 && $(this).val() !== '')) { $(formSelector).tagsinput('add', tagWithOption); $(formSelector).tagsinput('remove', tagN); $('#tagValue').html('').addClass("hidden"); $('#tagValueRequired, label[for="tagValue"]').addClass('hidden'); $('.save-button').prop('disabled', false); } else { $('#tagValueRequired').removeClass('hidden'); $('#tagValue').focus(); } }); $('#tagValue').blur(function() { if($(this).val() === '' && tagIsRequired === 1 ) { $('#tagValueRequired').removeClass('hidden'); $('#tagValue').focus(); $('.save-button').prop('disabled', true); } else { $('#tagValue').html('').addClass("hidden"); $('label[for="tagValue"]').addClass("hidden"); } }); $('#tagValueInput').on('keypress focusout', function(event) { if ( (event.keyCode === 13 || event.type === 'focusout') && tagN != '') { event.preventDefault(); let tagInputValue = $(this).val(); tagWithOption = (tagInputValue !== '') ? tagN + '|' + tagInputValue : tagN; if (tagIsRequired === 0 || (tagIsRequired === 1 && tagInputValue !== '')) { $(formSelector).tagsinput('add', tagWithOption); // remove only if we have value (otherwise it would be left empty) if (tagInputValue !== '') { $(formSelector).tagsinput('remove', tagN); } $('#tagValueInput').val(''); $('#tagValueContainer').hide(); $('#tagValueRequired').addClass('hidden'); $('.save-button').prop('disabled', false); } else { $('#tagValueContainer').show(); $('#tagValueRequired').removeClass('hidden'); $('#tagValueInput').focus(); } } }) }