// NAVIGATOR Module // Load templates const TopbarTemplate = require('../templates/topbar.hbs'); const TopbarLayoutJumpList = require('../templates/toolbar-layout-jump-list.hbs'); /** * Bottom topbar contructor * @param {object} container - the container to render the navigator to * @param {object[]} [customDropdownOptions] - customized dropdown buttons * @param {object} [customActions] - customized actions * @param {boolean=} [showOptions] - show options menu */ let Topbar = function(parent, container, customDropdownOptions = null, customActions = {}, jumpList = {}, showOptions = false) { this.parent = parent; this.DOMObject = container; // Layout jumplist this.jumpList = jumpList; // Custom dropdown buttons this.customDropdownOptions = customDropdownOptions; // Custom actions this.customActions = customActions; // Options menu this.showOptions = showOptions; // Flag to mark if the topbar has been rendered at least one time this.firstRun = true; }; /** * Render topbar */ Topbar.prototype.render = function() { // Load preferences when the topbar is rendered for the first time if(this.firstRun) { // Mark topbar as loaded this.firstRun = false; } let self = this; const app = this.parent; // Get main object const mainObject = app.getElementByTypeAndId(app.mainObjectType, app.mainObjectId); // Get topbar trans let newTopbarTrans = $.extend(toolbarTrans, topbarTrans); // Compile layout template with data const html = TopbarTemplate({ customDropdownOptions: this.customDropdownOptions, displayTooltips: app.common.displayTooltips, trans: newTopbarTrans, mainObject: mainObject, showOptions: self.showOptions }); // Append layout html to the main div this.DOMObject.html(html); const setButtonActionAndState = function(button) { let buttonInactive = false; // Bind action to button self.DOMObject.find('#' + button.id).click( button.action ); // If there is a inactiveCheck, use that function to switch button state if(button.inactiveCheck != undefined) { const inactiveClass = (button.inactiveCheckClass != undefined) ? button.inactiveCheckClass : 'disabled'; const toggleValue = button.inactiveCheck(); self.DOMObject.find('#' + button.id).toggleClass(inactiveClass, toggleValue); buttonInactive = toggleValue; } return buttonInactive; }; // Handle custom dropwdown buttons if(this.customDropdownOptions != null) { let activeDropdown = false; for(let index = 0;index < this.customDropdownOptions.length;index++) { let buttonInactive = setButtonActionAndState(this.customDropdownOptions[index]); if(!buttonInactive) { activeDropdown = true; } } self.DOMObject.find('.dropdown.navbar-submenu:not(.navbar-submenu-options)').toggle(activeDropdown); } // Set layout jumpList if exists if(!$.isEmptyObject(this.jumpList) && $('#layoutJumpList').length == 0) { this.setupJumpList($("#layoutJumpListContainer")); } // Options menu if(self.showOptions) { self.DOMObject.find('.navbar-submenu-options-container').off().click(function(e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); // Toggle tooltips self.DOMObject.find('#displayTooltips').off().click(function() { app.common.displayTooltips = $('#displayTooltips').prop('checked'); if(app.common.displayTooltips) { toastr.success(editorsTrans.tooltipsEnabled); } else { toastr.error(editorsTrans.tooltipsDisabled); } app.toolbar.savePrefs(); app.common.reloadTooltips(app.editorContainer); }); // Reset tour if(typeof app.resetTour === 'function') { self.DOMObject.find('#resetTour').removeClass('hidden').off().click(function() { app.resetTour(); }); } } // Update layout status this.updateLayoutStatus(); }; /** * Setup layout jumplist * @param {object} jumpListContainer */ Topbar.prototype.setupJumpList = function(jumpListContainer) { const html = TopbarLayoutJumpList(this.jumpList); const self = this; // Append layout html to the main div jumpListContainer.html(html); jumpListContainer.show(); const jumpList = jumpListContainer.find('#layoutJumpList'); jumpList.select2({ ajax: { url: jumpList.data().url, dataType: "json", data: function(params) { var query = { layout: params.term, start: 0, length: 10 }; // Tags if(query.layout != undefined) { var tags = query.layout.match(/\[([^}]+)\]/); if(tags != null) { // Add tags to search query.tags = tags[1]; // Replace tags in the query text query.layout = query.layout.replace(tags[0], ''); } } // Set the start parameter based on the page number if(params.page != null) { query.start = (params.page - 1) * 10; } // Find out what is inside the search box for this list, and save it (so we can replay it when the list // is opened again) if(params.term !== undefined) { localStorage.liveSearchPlaceholder = params.term; } return query; }, processResults: function(data, params) { var results = []; $.each(data.data, function(index, element) { results.push({ "id": element.layoutId, "text": element.layout }); }); var page = params.page || 1; page = (page > 1) ? page - 1 : page; return { results: results, pagination: { more: (page * 10 < data.recordsTotal) } }; }, delay: 250 } }); jumpList.on("select2:select", function(e) { // OPTIMIZE: Maybe use the layout load without reloading page //self.jumpList.callback(e.params.data.id); // Go to the Layout we've selected. window.location = jumpList.data().designerUrl.replace(":id", e.params.data.id); }).on("select2:opening", function(e) { // Set the search box according to the saved value (if we have one) if(localStorage.liveSearchPlaceholder != null && localStorage.liveSearchPlaceholder !== "") { var $search = jumpList.data("select2").dropdown.$search; $search.val(localStorage.liveSearchPlaceholder); setTimeout(function() { $search.trigger("input"); }, 100); } }); }; /** * Update layout status in the info fields */ Topbar.prototype.updateLayoutStatus = function() { const statusContainer = this.DOMObject.find('#layout-info-status'); const app = this.parent; // Use status loader icon statusContainer.find('i').removeClass().addClass('fa fa-spinner fa-spin'); statusContainer.removeClass().addClass('label label-default'); // Prevent the update if there's no layout status yet if(lD.layout.status == undefined) { return; } let title = ''; let content = ''; const labelCodes = { '1': 'success', '2': 'warning', '3': 'info', '': 'danger' }; const iconCodes = { '1': 'check', '2': 'exclamation', '3': 'cogs', '': 'times' }; // Create title and description if(lD.layout.status.messages.length > 0) { title = lD.layout.status.description; for(let index = 0;index < lD.layout.status.messages.length;index++) { content += '
' + lD.layout.status.messages[index] + '
'; } } else { title = ''; content = '
' + lD.layout.status.description + '
'; } // Update label let labelType = (labelCodes[lD.layout.status.code] != undefined) ? labelCodes[lD.layout.status.code] : labelCodes['']; statusContainer.removeClass().addClass('label label-' + labelType) .attr('data-status-code', lD.layout.status.code); // Create or update popover if(statusContainer.data('bs.popover') == undefined) { // Create popover statusContainer.popover( { delay: tooltipDelay, title: title, content: content } ); } else { // Update popover statusContainer.data('bs.popover').options.title = title; statusContainer.data('bs.popover').options.content = content; } // Click status to scroll timeline to first broken widget statusContainer.toggleClass('clickable', (iconCodes[lD.layout.status.code] == undefined)).on('click', function(){ if(iconCodes[lD.layout.status.code] == undefined) { app.timeline.scrollToBrokenWidget(); } }); // Change Icon let iconType = (iconCodes[lD.layout.status.code] != undefined) ? iconCodes[lD.layout.status.code] : iconCodes['']; statusContainer.find('i').removeClass().addClass('fa fa-' + iconType); }; module.exports = Topbar;