{% set title %}{% trans "User Name" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "The Login Name of the user." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.input("userName", title, user.userName, helpText, "", "required maxlength='50'") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Email" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "The Email Address for this user." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.email("email", title, user.email, helpText) }}
{% if currentUser.userTypeId == 1 %}
{# This is an admin user and can therefore change the users password and two factor setting#}
{% set title %}{% trans "New Password" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "The new Password for this user." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.password("newPassword", title, "", helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Retype New Password" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Repeat the new Password for this user." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.password("retypeNewPassword", title, "", helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Reset Two Factor Authentication" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Once ticked the two factor authentication will be set to ‘Off’ for this User Profile with any stored secret codes cleared. The User can now set up two factor authentication from the User Profile as before." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.checkbox("disableTwoFactor", title, 0, helpText) }}
{% endif %}
{% set title %}{% trans "Homepage" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Homepage for this user. This is the page they will be taken to when they login." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.dropdown("homePageId", "single", title, user.homePageId, options.homepage, "pageId", "title", helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "User Type" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "What is this users type?" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.dropdown("userTypeId", "single", title, user.userTypeId, options.userTypes, "userTypeId", "userType", helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Library Quota" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "The quota that should be applied. Enter 0 for no quota." %}{% endset %}
{% set title %}{% trans "Retired?" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Is this user retired?" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.checkbox("retired", title, user.retired, helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "First Name" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "The User's First Name." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.input("firstName", title, user.firstName, helpText, "", "maxlength='254'") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Last Name" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "The User's Last Name." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.input("lastName", title, user.lastName, helpText, "", "maxlength='254'") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Phone Number" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "The User's Phone Number." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.input("phone", title, user.phone, helpText, "", "maxlength='254'") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Reference 1" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "A reference field for custom user data" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.input("ref1", title, user.ref1, helpText, "", "maxlength='254'") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Reference 2" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "A reference field for custom user data" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.input("ref2", title, user.ref2, helpText, "", "maxlength='254'") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Reference 3" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "A reference field for custom user data" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.input("ref3", title, user.ref3, helpText, "", "maxlength='254'") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Reference 4" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "A reference field for custom user data" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.input("ref4", title, user.ref4, helpText, "", "maxlength='254'") }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Reference 5" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "A reference field for custom user data" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.input("ref5", title, user.ref5, helpText, "", "maxlength='254'") }}
{% if currentUser.userTypeId == 1 %}
{% set title %}{% trans "Receive System Notifications?" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Should this User receive system notifications?" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.checkbox("isSystemNotification", title, user.isSystemNotification, helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Receive Display Notifications?" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Should this User receive Display notifications for Displays they have permission to see?" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.checkbox("isDisplayNotification", title, user.isDisplayNotification, helpText) }}
{% endif %}
{% set title %}{% trans "Hide navigation?" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Should the navigation side bar be hidden for this User?" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.checkbox("hideNavigation", title, user.getOptionValue("hideNavigation", "0"), helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Hide User Guide?" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Should this User see the new user guide when they log in? This will be set to hidden if the User has dismissed the guide themselves." %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.checkbox("newUserWizard", title, user.newUserWizard, helpText) }}
{% set title %}{% trans "Force Password Change" %}{% endset %}
{% set helpText %}{% trans "Should this User be forced to change password next time they log in?" %}{% endset %}
{{ forms.checkbox("isPasswordChangeRequired", title, user.isPasswordChangeRequired, helpText) }}