{% include "displayprofile-form-edit-common-fields.twig" %}
{% set title = "Email Address"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "The email address will be used to license this Player. This is the email address you provided when you purchased the licence."|trans %}
{{ forms.email("emailAddress", title, displayProfile.getSetting("emailAddress"), helpText) }}
{% set title = "Collect interval"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "How often should the Player check for new content."|trans %}
{% set options = [
{ id: 60, value: "1 minute"|trans },
{ id: 300, value: "5 minutes"|trans },
{ id: 600, value: "10 minutes"|trans },
{ id: 1800, value: "30 minutes"|trans },
{ id: 3600, value: "1 hour"|trans },
{ id: 5400, value: "1 hour 30 minutes"|trans },
{ id: 7200, value: "2 hours"|trans },
{ id: 9000, value: "2 hours 30 minutes"|trans },
{ id: 10800, value: "3 hours"|trans },
{ id: 12600, value: "3 hours 30 minutes"|trans },
{ id: 14400, value: "4 hours"|trans },
{ id: 18000, value: "5 hours"|trans },
{ id: 21600, value: "6 hours"|trans },
{ id: 25200, value: "7 hours"|trans },
{ id: 28800, value: "8 hours"|trans },
{ id: 32400, value: "9 hours"|trans },
{ id: 36000, value: "10 hours"|trans },
{ id: 39600, value: "11 hours"|trans },
{ id: 43200, value: "12 hours"|trans },
{ id: 86400, value: "24 hours"|trans }
] %}
{{ forms.dropdown("collectInterval", "single", title, displayProfile.getSetting("collectInterval"), options, "id", "value", helpText) }}
{% set title = "XMR Public Address"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "Please enter the public address for XMR."|trans %}
{{ forms.input("xmrNetworkAddress", title, displayProfile.getSetting("xmrNetworkAddress"), helpText) }}
{% set title = "Enable stats reporting?"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "Should the application send proof of play stats to the CMS."|trans %}
{{ forms.checkbox("statsEnabled", title, displayProfile.getSetting("statsEnabled"), helpText) }}
{% set title = "Aggregation level"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "Set the level of collection for Proof of Play Statistics to be applied to selected Layouts / Media and Widget items."|trans %}
{% set options = [
{ id: 'Individual', value: "Individual"|trans },
{ id: 'Hourly', value: "Hourly"|trans },
{ id: 'Daily', value: "Daily"|trans },
] %}
{{ forms.dropdown("aggregationLevel", "single", title, displayProfile.getSetting("aggregationLevel"), options, "id", "value", helpText, "aggregation-level") }}
{% set title = "Player Version"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "Please ensure that the Player version you select here is suitable for all devices that use this display profile. You can override the version on the display record, but you must do that before making a change here"|trans %}
{% if displayProfile.type == "lg" %}
{% set attributes = [
{ name: "data-width", value: "300px" },
{ name: "data-allow-clear", value: "true" },
{ name: "data-placeholder--id", value: null },
{ name: "data-placeholder--value", value: "" },
{ name: "data-search-url", value: urlFor("playersoftware.search") },
{ name: "data-search-term", value: "playerShowVersion" },
{ name: "data-id-property", value: "mediaId" },
{ name: "data-text-property", value: "playerShowVersion" },
{ name: "data-filter-options", value: '{"playerType":"lg"}' }
] %}
{% endif %}
{% if displayProfile.type == "sssp" %}
{% set attributes = [
{ name: "data-width", value: "300px" },
{ name: "data-allow-clear", value: "true" },
{ name: "data-placeholder--id", value: null },
{ name: "data-placeholder--value", value: "" },
{ name: "data-search-url", value: urlFor("playersoftware.search") },
{ name: "data-search-term", value: "playerShowVersion" },
{ name: "data-id-property", value: "mediaId" },
{ name: "data-text-property", value: "playerShowVersion" },
{ name: "data-filter-options", value: '{"playerType":"sssp"}' }
] %}
{% endif %}
{{ forms.dropdown("versionMediaId", "single", title, displayProfile.getSetting("versionMediaId"), [{mediaId:null, playerShowVersion:""}]|merge(versions), "mediaId", "playerShowVersion", helpText, "pagedSelect", "", "", "", attributes) }}
{% set title = "Orientation"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "Set the orientation of the device (portrait mode will only work if supported by the hardware) Application Restart Required."|trans %}
{% set options = [
{ id: 0, value: "Landscape"|trans },
{ id: 1, value: "Portrait"|trans },
{ id: 8, value: "Reverse Landscape"|trans },
{ id: 9, value: "Reverse Portrait"|trans }
] %}
{{ forms.dropdown("orientation", "single", title, displayProfile.getSetting("orientation"), options, "id", "value", helpText) }}
{% set title = "Download Window Start Time"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "The start of the time window to connect to the CMS and download updates."|trans %}
{{ forms.time("downloadStartWindow", title, displayProfile.getSetting("downloadStartWindow"), helpText) }}
{% set title = "Download Window End Time"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "The end of the time window to connect to the CMS and download updates."|trans %}
{{ forms.time("downloadEndWindow", title, displayProfile.getSetting("downloadEndWindow"), helpText) }}
{% set title = "Force HTTPS?"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "Should Displays be forced to use HTTPS connection to the CMS?"|trans %}
{{ forms.checkbox("forceHttps", title, displayProfile.getSetting("forceHttps"), helpText) }}
{% set title = "Operating Hours"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "Select a day part that should act as operating hours for this display - email alerts will not be sent outside of operating hours"|trans %}
{% set attributes = [
{ name: "data-width", value: "300px" },
{ name: "data-allow-clear", value: "true" },
{ name: "data-placeholder--id", value: null },
{ name: "data-placeholder--value", value: "" },
{ name: "data-search-url", value: urlFor("daypart.search") },
{ name: "data-search-term", value: "name" },
{ name: "data-id-property", value: "dayPartId" },
{ name: "data-text-property", value: "name" },
{ name: "data-filter-options", value: '{"isAlways":"0", "isCustom":"0"}' }
] %}
{{ forms.dropdown("dayPartId", "single", title, displayProfile.getSetting("dayPartId"), [{dayPartId:null, name:""}]|merge(dayParts), "dayPartId", "name", helpText, "pagedSelect", "", "", "", attributes) }}
{% set title = "Log Level"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "The logging level that should be recorded by the Player."|trans %}
{% set options = [
{ id: 'audit', value: "Audit"|trans },
{ id: 'error', value: "Error"|trans },
{ id: 'off', value: "Off"|trans }
] %}
{{ forms.dropdown("logLevel", "single", title, displayProfile.getSetting("logLevel"), options, "id", "value", helpText) }}
{% set title = "Action Bar Mode"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "How should the action bar behave?"|trans %}
{% set options = [
{ id: 0, value: "Hide"|trans },
{ id: 1, value: "Timed"|trans }
] %}
{{ forms.dropdown("actionBarMode", "single", title, displayProfile.getSetting("actionBarMode"), options, "id", "value", helpText) }}
{% set title = "Action Bar Display Duration"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "How long should the Action Bar be shown for, in seconds?"|trans %}
{{ forms.number("actionBarDisplayDuration", title, displayProfile.getSetting("actionBarDisplayDuration"), helpText) }}
{% if theme.getSetting('DISPLAY_PROFILE_CURRENT_LAYOUT_STATUS_ENABLED', 0) == 1 %}
{% set title = "Notify current layout"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "When enabled the Player will send the current layout to the CMS each time it changes. Warning: This is bandwidth intensive and should be disabled unless on a LAN."|trans %}
{{ forms.checkbox("sendCurrentLayoutAsStatusUpdate", title, displayProfile.getSetting("sendCurrentLayoutAsStatusUpdate"), helpText) }}
{% endif %}
{% set title = "Screen Shot Size"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "The size of the screenshot to return when requested."|trans %}
{% set options = [
{ id: 1, value: "Thumbnail"|trans },
{ id: 2, value: "HD"|trans },
{ id: 3, value: "FHD"|trans }
] %}
{{ forms.dropdown("screenShotSize", "single", title, displayProfile.getSetting("screenShotSize"), options, "id", "value", helpText) }}
{% set title = "Send progress while downloading"|trans %}
{% set helpText = "How often, in minutes, should the Display send its download progress while it is downloading new content?"|trans %}
{{ forms.number("mediaInventoryTimer", title, displayProfile.getSetting("mediaInventoryTimer"), helpText) }}
{% set settingsDesc1 %}
{% trans "Use the form fields to create On/Off timings for the monitor for specific days of the week as required." %}
{% endset %}
{% set settingsDesc2 %}
{% trans "Please note:" %}
{% endset %}
{% set settingsDesc3 %}
{% trans "When the monitor is 'Off' it will not be able to receive content updates. With the next timed 'On' the monitor will connect to the CMS and get content/schedule updates." %}
{% endset %}
{{ settingsDesc1 }}{{ settingsDesc2 }}{{ settingsDesc3 }}
{# Days translations #}
{% set monday %}{% trans "Monday" %}{% endset %}
{% set tuesday %}{% trans "Tuesday" %}{% endset %}
{% set wednesday %}{% trans "Wednesday" %}{% endset %}
{% set thursday %}{% trans "Thursday" %}{% endset %}
{% set friday %}{% trans "Friday" %}{% endset %}
{% set saturday %}{% trans "Saturday" %}{% endset %}
{% set sunday %}{% trans "Sunday" %}{% endset %}
{% set options = [
{ id: "monday", name: monday },
{ id: "tuesday", name: tuesday },
{ id: "wednesday", name: wednesday },
{ id: "thursday", name: thursday },
{ id: "friday", name: friday },
{ id: "saturday", name: saturday },
{ id: "sunday", name: sunday }
] %}
{% set settingsDesc %}
{% trans "Control picture settings using the fields below. Use the sliders to set the required range for each setting." %}
{% endset %}
{# Properties names translations #}
{% set backlight %}{% trans "Backlight" %}{% endset %}
{% set contrast %}{% trans "Contrast" %}{% endset %}
{% set brightness %}{% trans "Brightness" %}{% endset %}
{% set sharpness %}{% trans "Sharpness" %}{% endset %}
{% set hSharpness %}{% trans "Horizontal Sharpness" %}{% endset %}
{% set vSharpness %}{% trans "Vertical Sharpness" %}{% endset %}
{% set color %}{% trans "Color" %}{% endset %}
{% set tint %}{% trans "Tint" %}{% endset %}
{% set colorTemperature %}{% trans "Color Temperature" %}{% endset %}
{% set dynamicContrast %}{% trans "Dynamic Contrast" %}{% endset %}
{% set superResolution %}{% trans "Super Resolution" %}{% endset %}
{% set colorGamut %}{% trans "Color Gamut" %}{% endset %}
{% set dynamicColor %}{% trans "Dynamic Color" %}{% endset %}
{% set noiseReduction %}{% trans "Noise Reduction" %}{% endset %}
{% set mpegNoiseReduction %}{% trans "MPEG Noise Reduction" %}{% endset %}
{% set blackLevel %}{% trans "Black Level" %}{% endset %}
{% set gamma %}{% trans "Gamma" %}{% endset %}
{# Labels translations #}
{% set red %}{% trans "Red" %}{% endset %}
{% set green %}{% trans "Green" %}{% endset %}
{% set warm %}{% trans "Warm" %}{% endset %}
{% set cool %}{% trans "Cool" %}{% endset %}
{% set options = {
backlight: { name: backlight, type: "number", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 100, step: 1, ticks: [0, 100], ticks_labels: [0, 100] }},
contrast: { name: contrast, type: "number", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 100, step: 1, ticks: [0, 100], ticks_labels: [0, 100] }},
brightness: { name: brightness, type: "number", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 100, step: 1, ticks: [0, 100], ticks_labels: [0, 100] }},
sharpness: { name: sharpness, type: "number", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 50, step: 1, ticks: [0, 50], ticks_labels: [0, 50] }},
hSharpness: { name: hSharpness, type: "number", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 50, step: 1, ticks: [0, 50], ticks_labels: [0, 50] }},
vSharpness: { name: vSharpness, type: "number", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 50, step: 1, ticks: [0, 50], ticks_labels: [0, 50] }},
color: { name: color, type: "number", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 100, step: 1, ticks: [0, 100], ticks_labels: [0, 100] }},
tint: { name: tint, type: "number", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 100, step: 1, ticks: [0, 100], ticks_labels: [red, green] }},
colorTemperature: { name: colorTemperature, type: "number", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 100, step: 1, ticks: [0, 100], ticks_labels: [warm, cool] }},
dynamicContrast: { name: dynamicContrast, type: "string", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 3, step: 1, ticks: [0, 1, 2, 3], ticks_labels: ["off", "low", "medium", "high"], tooltip: "hide" }},
superResolution: { name: superResolution, type: "string", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 3, step: 1, ticks: [0, 1, 2, 3], ticks_labels: ["off", "low", "medium", "high"], tooltip: "hide" }},
colorGamut: { name: colorGamut, type: "string", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 1, step: 1, ticks: [0, 1], ticks_labels: ["normal", "extended"], tooltip: "hide" }},
dynamicColor: { name: dynamicColor, type: "string", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 3, step: 1, ticks: [0, 1, 2, 3], ticks_labels: ["off", "low", "medium", "high"], tooltip: "hide" }},
noiseReduction: { name: noiseReduction, type: "string", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 4, step: 1, ticks: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], ticks_labels: ["auto", "off", "low", "medium", "high"], tooltip: "hide" }},
mpegNoiseReduction: { name: mpegNoiseReduction, type: "string", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 4, step: 1, ticks: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], ticks_labels: ["auto", "off", "low", "medium", "high"], tooltip: "hide" }},
blackLevel: { name: blackLevel, type: "string", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 1, step: 1, ticks: [0, 1], ticks_labels: ["low", "high"], tooltip: "hide" }},
gamma: { name: gamma, type: "string", inputType: "slider", sliderOptions: { min: 0, max: 3, step: 1, ticks: [0, 1, 2, 3], ticks_labels: ["low", "medium", "high", "high2"], tooltip: "hide" }}
} %}
{# usblock and osdlock #}
{% set usblockTitle %}{% trans "usblock" %}{% endset %}
{% set usblockHelp %}{% trans "Set access to any device that uses the monitors USB port. Set to ‘False’ the monitor will not accept input or read from USB ports." %}{% endset %}
{% set osdlockTitle %}{% trans "osdlock" %}{% endset %}
{% set osdlockHelp %}{% trans "Set access to the monitor settings via the remote control. Set To ‘False’ the remote control will not change the volume, brightness etc of the monitor." %}{% endset %}
{% set falseText %}{% trans "False" %}{% endset %}
{% set trueText %}{% trans "True" %}{% endset %}
{% set options = [
{ val: 'empty', text: '' },
{ val: 'false', text: falseText },
{ val: 'true', text: trueText }
] %}
{% if lockOptions.usblock is defined and lockOptions.usblock is not null and displayProfile.type == "lg" %}
{% if lockOptions.usblock == true %}
{% set usblockValue = 'true' %}
{% else %}
{% set usblockValue = 'false' %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set usblockValue = 'empty' %}
{% endif %}
{% if lockOptions.osdlock is defined and lockOptions.osdlock is not null %}
{% if lockOptions.osdlock == true %}
{% set osdlockValue = 'true' %}
{% else %}
{% set osdlockValue = 'false' %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% set osdlockValue = 'empty' %}
{% endif %}
{% if displayProfile.type == "lg" %}
{{ forms.dropdown("usblock", "single", usblockTitle, usblockValue, options, "val", "text", usblockHelp) }}
{% endif %}
{{ forms.dropdown("osdlock", "single", osdlockTitle, osdlockValue, options, "val", "text", osdlockHelp) }}
{# keylock (local and remote) #}
{% set localKeylockTitle %}{% trans "Keylock (local)" %}{% endset %}
{% set localKeylockHelp %}{% trans "Set the allowed key input for the monitor." %}{% endset %}
{% set remoteKeylockTitle %}{% trans "Keylock (remote)" %}{% endset %}
{% set remoteKeylockHelp %}{% trans "Set the allowed key input for the monitor." %}{% endset %}
{% set allowallText %}{% trans "Allow All" %}{% endset %}
{% set blockallText %}{% trans "Block All" %}{% endset %}
{% set poweronlyText %}{% trans "Power Only" %}{% endset %}
{% set options = [
{ val: "", text: "" },
{ val: "allowall", text: allowallText },
{ val: "blockall", text: blockallText }
] %}
{% if displayProfile.type == "lg" %}
{% set options = options|merge([{ val: "poweronly", text: poweronlyText }], options) %}
{% endif %}
{{ forms.dropdown("keylockLocal", "single", localKeylockTitle, lockOptions.keylock.local, options, "val", "text", localKeylockHelp) }}
{{ forms.dropdown("keylockRemote", "single", remoteKeylockTitle, lockOptions.keylock.remote, options, "val", "text", remoteKeylockHelp) }}
{% if commands|length > 0 %}
{% include "displayprofile-form-edit-command-fields.twig" %}
{% endif %}