* {% for user in users %} *
{{ user.username|e }}
* {% endfor %} * * * @final */ class ForTokenParser extends AbstractTokenParser { public function parse(Token $token) { $lineno = $token->getLine(); $stream = $this->parser->getStream(); $targets = $this->parser->getExpressionParser()->parseAssignmentExpression(); $stream->expect(Token::OPERATOR_TYPE, 'in'); $seq = $this->parser->getExpressionParser()->parseExpression(); $ifexpr = null; if ($stream->nextIf(Token::NAME_TYPE, 'if')) { $ifexpr = $this->parser->getExpressionParser()->parseExpression(); } $stream->expect(Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE); $body = $this->parser->subparse([$this, 'decideForFork']); if ('else' == $stream->next()->getValue()) { $stream->expect(Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE); $else = $this->parser->subparse([$this, 'decideForEnd'], true); } else { $else = null; } $stream->expect(Token::BLOCK_END_TYPE); if (\count($targets) > 1) { $keyTarget = $targets->getNode(0); $keyTarget = new AssignNameExpression($keyTarget->getAttribute('name'), $keyTarget->getTemplateLine()); $valueTarget = $targets->getNode(1); $valueTarget = new AssignNameExpression($valueTarget->getAttribute('name'), $valueTarget->getTemplateLine()); } else { $keyTarget = new AssignNameExpression('_key', $lineno); $valueTarget = $targets->getNode(0); $valueTarget = new AssignNameExpression($valueTarget->getAttribute('name'), $valueTarget->getTemplateLine()); } if ($ifexpr) { $this->checkLoopUsageCondition($stream, $ifexpr); $this->checkLoopUsageBody($stream, $body); } return new ForNode($keyTarget, $valueTarget, $seq, $ifexpr, $body, $else, $lineno, $this->getTag()); } public function decideForFork(Token $token) { return $token->test(['else', 'endfor']); } public function decideForEnd(Token $token) { return $token->test('endfor'); } // the loop variable cannot be used in the condition protected function checkLoopUsageCondition(TokenStream $stream, \Twig_NodeInterface $node) { if ($node instanceof GetAttrExpression && $node->getNode('node') instanceof NameExpression && 'loop' == $node->getNode('node')->getAttribute('name')) { throw new SyntaxError('The "loop" variable cannot be used in a looping condition.', $node->getTemplateLine(), $stream->getSourceContext()); } foreach ($node as $n) { if (!$n) { continue; } $this->checkLoopUsageCondition($stream, $n); } } // check usage of non-defined loop-items // it does not catch all problems (for instance when a for is included into another or when the variable is used in an include) protected function checkLoopUsageBody(TokenStream $stream, \Twig_NodeInterface $node) { if ($node instanceof GetAttrExpression && $node->getNode('node') instanceof NameExpression && 'loop' == $node->getNode('node')->getAttribute('name')) { $attribute = $node->getNode('attribute'); if ($attribute instanceof ConstantExpression && \in_array($attribute->getAttribute('value'), ['length', 'revindex0', 'revindex', 'last'])) { throw new SyntaxError(sprintf('The "loop.%s" variable is not defined when looping with a condition.', $attribute->getAttribute('value')), $node->getTemplateLine(), $stream->getSourceContext()); } } // should check for parent.loop.XXX usage if ($node instanceof ForNode) { return; } foreach ($node as $n) { if (!$n) { continue; } $this->checkLoopUsageBody($stream, $n); } } public function getTag() { return 'for'; } } class_alias('Twig\TokenParser\ForTokenParser', 'Twig_TokenParser_For');