*/ abstract class AbstractNodeVisitor implements NodeVisitorInterface { final public function enterNode(\Twig_NodeInterface $node, Environment $env) { if (!$node instanceof Node) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('%s only supports \Twig\Node\Node instances.', __CLASS__)); } return $this->doEnterNode($node, $env); } final public function leaveNode(\Twig_NodeInterface $node, Environment $env) { if (!$node instanceof Node) { throw new \LogicException(sprintf('%s only supports \Twig\Node\Node instances.', __CLASS__)); } return $this->doLeaveNode($node, $env); } /** * Called before child nodes are visited. * * @return Node The modified node */ abstract protected function doEnterNode(Node $node, Environment $env); /** * Called after child nodes are visited. * * @return Node|false|null The modified node or null if the node must be removed */ abstract protected function doLeaveNode(Node $node, Environment $env); } class_alias('Twig\NodeVisitor\AbstractNodeVisitor', 'Twig_BaseNodeVisitor');