. */ namespace Xibo\XTR; use Xibo\Entity\Media; use Xibo\Entity\Playlist; use Xibo\Entity\Task; use Xibo\Exception\NotFoundException; use Xibo\Exception\XiboException; use Xibo\Factory\MediaFactory; use Xibo\Factory\ModuleFactory; use Xibo\Factory\PlaylistFactory; use Xibo\Factory\WidgetFactory; use Xibo\Service\DateServiceInterface; use Xibo\Storage\StorageServiceInterface; /** * Class DynamicPlaylistSyncTask * @package Xibo\XTR * * Keep dynamic Playlists in sync with changes to the Media table. */ class DynamicPlaylistSyncTask implements TaskInterface { use TaskTrait; /** @var StorageServiceInterface */ private $store; /** @var DateServiceInterface */ private $date; /** @var PlaylistFactory */ private $playlistFactory; /** @var MediaFactory */ private $mediaFactory; /** @var ModuleFactory */ private $moduleFactory; /** @var WidgetFactory */ private $widgetFactory; /** @inheritdoc */ public function setFactories($container) { $this->store = $container->get('store'); $this->date = $container->get('dateService'); $this->playlistFactory = $container->get('playlistFactory'); $this->mediaFactory = $container->get('mediaFactory'); $this->moduleFactory = $container->get('moduleFactory'); $this->widgetFactory = $container->get('widgetFactory'); return $this; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function run() { // If we're in the error state, then always run, otherwise check the dates we modified various triggers if ($this->getTask()->lastRunStatus !== Task::$STATUS_ERROR) { // Run a little query to get the last modified date from the media table $lastMediaUpdate = $this->store->select('SELECT MAX(modifiedDt) AS modifiedDt FROM `media` WHERE `type` <> \'module\' AND `type` <> \'genericfile\' AND `type` <> \'playersoftware\' AND `type` <> \'font\';', [])[0]['modifiedDt']; $lastPlaylistUpdate = $this->store->select('SELECT MAX(modifiedDt) AS modifiedDt FROM `playlist`;', [])[0]['modifiedDt']; if (empty($lastMediaUpdate) && empty($lastPlaylistUpdate)) { $this->appendRunMessage('No library media or Playlists to assess'); return; } $this->log->debug('Last media updated date is ' . $lastMediaUpdate); $this->log->debug('Last playlist updated date is ' . $lastPlaylistUpdate); $lastMediaUpdate = $this->date->parse($lastMediaUpdate); $lastPlaylistUpdate = $this->date->parse($lastPlaylistUpdate); $lastTaskRun = $this->date->parse($this->getTask()->lastRunDt, 'U'); if ($lastMediaUpdate->lessThanOrEqualTo($lastTaskRun) && $lastPlaylistUpdate->lessThanOrEqualTo($lastTaskRun)) { $this->appendRunMessage('No library media/playlist updates since we last ran'); return; } } $count = 0; // Get all Dynamic Playlists foreach ($this->playlistFactory->query(null, ['isDynamic' => 1]) as $playlist) { try { // We want to detect any differences in what should be assigned to this Playlist. $playlist->load(); $this->log->debug('Assessing Playlist: ' . $playlist->name); // Query for media which would be assigned to this Playlist and see if there are any differences $media = []; $mediaIds = []; foreach ($this->mediaFactory->query(null, [ 'name' => $playlist->filterMediaName, 'tags' => $playlist->filterMediaTags ]) as $item) { $media[$item->mediaId] = $item; $mediaIds[] = $item->mediaId; } // Work out if the set of widgets is different or not. // This is only the first loose check $different = (count($playlist->widgets) !== count($media)); $this->log->debug('There are ' . count($media) . ' that should be assigned and ' . count($playlist->widgets) . ' currently assigned. First check difference is ' . var_export($different, true)); if (!$different) { // Try a more complete check, using mediaIds $compareMediaIds = $mediaIds; // ordering should be the same, so the first time we get one out of order, we can stop foreach ($playlist->widgets as $widget) { try { $widgetMediaId = $widget->getPrimaryMediaId(); if ($widgetMediaId !== $compareMediaIds[0] || $widget->duration !== $media[$widgetMediaId]->duration) { $different = true; break; } } catch (NotFoundException $notFoundException) { $this->log->error('Playlist ' . $playlist->getId() . ' has a Widget without any associated media. widgetId = ' . $widget->getId()); // We ought to recalculate $different = true; break; } array_shift($compareMediaIds); } } $this->log->debug('Second check difference is ' . var_export($different, true)); if ($different) { // We will update this Playlist $assignmentMade = false; $count++; // Remove the ones no-longer present, add the ones we're missing // we don't delete and re-add the lot to avoid regenerating the widgetIds (makes stats harder to // interpret) foreach ($playlist->widgets as $widget) { try { $widgetMediaId = $widget->getPrimaryMediaId(); if (!in_array($widgetMediaId, $mediaIds)) { $playlist->deleteWidget($widget); } else { // It's present in the array // Check to see if the duration is different if ($widget->duration !== $media[$widgetMediaId]->duration) { // The media duration has changed, so update the widget $widget->useDuration = 1; $widget->duration = $media[$widgetMediaId]->duration; $widget->calculatedDuration = $widget->duration; $widget->save([ 'saveWidgetOptions' => false, 'saveWidgetAudio' => false, 'saveWidgetMedia' => false, 'notify' => false, 'notifyPlaylists' => false, 'notifyDisplays' => false, 'audit' => true, 'alwaysUpdate' => true ]); } // Pop it off the list of ones to assign. $mediaIds = array_diff($mediaIds, [$widgetMediaId]); // We do want to save the Playlist here. $assignmentMade = true; } } catch (NotFoundException $exception) { // Delete it $playlist->deleteWidget($widget); } } // Do we have any mediaId's left which should be assigned and aren't? // Add the ones we have left foreach ($media as $item) { if (in_array($item->mediaId, $mediaIds)) { $assignmentMade = true; $this->createAndAssign($playlist, $item, $count); } } if ($assignmentMade) { // We've made an assignment change, so audit this change // don't audit any downstream save operations $playlist->save([ 'auditPlaylist' => true, 'audit' => false ]); } } else { $this->log->debug('No differences detected'); } } catch (XiboException $exception) { $this->log->debug($exception->getTraceAsString()); $this->log->error('Problem with PlaylistId: ' . $playlist->getId() . ', e = ' . $exception->getMessage()); $this->appendRunMessage('Error with Playlist: ' . $playlist->name); } } $this->appendRunMessage('Updated ' . $count . ' Playlists'); } /** * @param Playlist $playlist * @param Media $media * @param int $displayOrder * @throws NotFoundException */ private function createAndAssign($playlist, $media, $displayOrder) { $this->log->debug('Media Item needs to be assigned ' . $media->name . ' in sequence ' . $displayOrder); // Create a module $module = $this->moduleFactory->create($media->mediaType); if ($module->getModule()->assignable == 1) { // Determine the duration $mediaDuration = ($media->duration == 0) ? $module->determineDuration() : $media->duration; // Create a widget $widget = $this->widgetFactory->create( $playlist->getOwnerId(), $playlist->playlistId, $media->mediaType, $mediaDuration ); $widget->assignMedia($media->mediaId); $widget->displayOrder = $displayOrder; // Assign the widget to the module $module->setWidget($widget); // Set default options (this sets options on the widget) $module->setDefaultWidgetOptions(); // Set the duration to be equal to the Library duration of this media $module->widget->useDuration = 1; $module->widget->duration = $mediaDuration; $module->widget->calculatedDuration = $mediaDuration; // Assign the widget to the playlist $playlist->assignWidget($widget); } } }