. */ namespace Xibo\Widget; use Respect\Validation\Validator as v; use Xibo\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; /** * Class WebPage * @package Xibo\Widget */ class WebPage extends ModuleWidget { /** @inheritdoc */ public function layoutDesignerJavaScript() { return 'webpage-designer-javascript'; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function installFiles() { $this->mediaFactory->createModuleSystemFile(PROJECT_ROOT . '/modules/vendor/jquery-1.11.1.min.js')->save(); $this->mediaFactory->createModuleSystemFile(PROJECT_ROOT . '/modules/xibo-layout-scaler.js')->save(); $this->mediaFactory->createModuleSystemFile(PROJECT_ROOT . '/modules/xibo-webpage-render.js')->save(); } /** * Edit a Webpage Widget * * @SWG\Put( * path="/playlist/widget/{widgetId}?webpage", * operationId="WidgetWebpageEdit", * tags={"widget"}, * summary="Edit a Web page Widget", * description="Edit a Web page Widget. This call will replace existing Widget object, all not supplied parameters will be set to default.", * @SWG\Parameter( * name="widgetId", * in="path", * description="The WidgetId to Edit", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="name", * in="formData", * description="Optional Widget Name", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="duration", * in="formData", * description="The Web page Duration", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="useDuration", * in="formData", * description="(0, 1) Select 1 only if you will provide duration parameter as well", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="enableStat", * in="formData", * description="The option (On, Off, Inherit) to enable the collection of Widget Proof of Play statistics", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="transparency", * in="formData", * description=" flag (0,1) should the HTML be shown with a transparent background?", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="uri", * in="formData", * description=" string containing the location (URL) of the web page", * type="string", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="scaling", * in="formData", * description="For Manual position the percentage to scale the Web page (0-100)", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="offsetLeft", * in="formData", * description="For Manual position, the starting point from the left in pixels", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="offsetTop", * in="formData", * description="For Manual position, the starting point from the Top in pixels", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="pageWidth", * in="formData", * description="For Manual Position and Best Fit, The width of the page - if empty it will use region width", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="pageHeight", * in="formData", * description="For Manual Position and Best Fit, The height of the page - if empty it will use region height", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="modeId", * in="formData", * description="The mode option for Web page, 1- Open Natively, 2- Manual Position, 3- Best Ft", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=204, * description="successful operation", * @SWG\Schema(ref="#/definitions/Widget") * ) * ) * * @throws \Xibo\Exception\XiboException */ public function edit() { $this->setOption('xmds', true); $this->setUseDuration($this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox('useDuration')); $this->setDuration($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('duration', $this->getDuration())); $this->setOption('name', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('name')); $this->setOption('enableStat', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('enableStat')); $this->setOption('transparency', $this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox('transparency')); $this->setOption('uri', urlencode($this->getSanitizer()->getString('uri'))); $this->setOption('scaling', $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('scaling')); $this->setOption('offsetLeft', $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('offsetLeft')); $this->setOption('offsetTop', $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('offsetTop')); $this->setOption('pageWidth', $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('pageWidth')); $this->setOption('pageHeight', $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('pageHeight')); $this->setOption('modeid', $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('modeId')); // Save the widget $this->isValid(); $this->saveWidget(); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function preview($width, $height, $scaleOverride = 0) { // If we are opening the web page natively on the device, then we cannot offer a preview if ($this->getOption('modeid') == 1) return $this->previewIcon(); return parent::preview($width, $height, $scaleOverride); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getResource($displayId = 0) { // Load in the template $data = []; // Replace the View Port Width? $isPreview = ($this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox('preview') == 1); // Replace the View Port Width? $data['viewPortWidth'] = ($isPreview) ? $this->region->width : '[[ViewPortWidth]]'; // Work out the url $url = urldecode($this->getOption('uri')); $url = (preg_match('/^' . preg_quote('http') . "/", $url)) ? $url : 'http://' . $url; // Set the iFrame dimensions $iFrameWidth = $this->getOption('pageWidth'); $iFrameHeight = $this->getOption('pageHeight'); $options = array( 'modeId' => $this->getOption('modeid'), 'originalWidth' => intval($this->region->width), 'originalHeight' => intval($this->region->height), 'iframeWidth' => intval(($iFrameWidth == '' || $iFrameWidth == 0) ? $this->region->width : $iFrameWidth), 'iframeHeight' => intval(($iFrameHeight == '' || $iFrameHeight == 0) ? $this->region->height : $iFrameHeight), 'offsetTop' => intval($this->getOption('offsetTop', 0)), 'offsetLeft' => intval($this->getOption('offsetLeft', 0)), 'scale' => ($this->getOption('scaling', 100) / 100) ); // Head Content $headContent = ''; $data['head'] = $headContent; // Body content // Replace the Body Content with our generated text $data['body'] = '
'; // After body content $javaScriptContent = ''; $javaScriptContent .= ''; $javaScriptContent .= ''; $javaScriptContent .= ''; // Replace the After body Content $data['javaScript'] = $javaScriptContent; return $this->renderTemplate($data); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function isValid() { if (!v::url()->notEmpty()->validate(urldecode($this->getOption('uri')))) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please enter a link'), 'uri'); if ($this->getUseDuration() == 1 && $this->getDuration() == 0) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('You must enter a duration.'), 'duration'); if ($this->getOption('modeid') == null) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('You must select a mode.'), 'modeid'); return self::$STATUS_PLAYER; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getCacheDuration() { // We have a long cache interval because we don't depend on any external data. return 86400 * 365; } }