. * */ namespace Xibo\Widget; use Emojione\Client; use Emojione\Ruleset; use Respect\Validation\Validator as v; use Stash\Invalidation; use Xibo\Exception\ConfigurationException; use Xibo\Exception\XiboException; use Xibo\Factory\ModuleFactory; /** * Class TwitterMetro * @package Xibo\Widget */ class TwitterMetro extends TwitterBase { private $parent; public $codeSchemaVersion = 1; private $resourceFolder; /** * TwitterMetro constructor. */ public function init() { // Initialise extra validation rules v::with('Xibo\\Validation\\Rules\\'); } /** * Install or Update this module * @param ModuleFactory $moduleFactory */ public function installOrUpdate($moduleFactory) { if ($this->module == null) { // Install $module = $moduleFactory->createEmpty(); $module->name = 'Twitter Metro'; $module->type = 'twittermetro'; $module->class = 'Xibo\Widget\TwitterMetro'; $module->description = 'Twitter Metro Search Module'; $module->enabled = 1; $module->previewEnabled = 1; $module->assignable = 1; $module->regionSpecific = 1; $module->renderAs = 'html'; $module->schemaVersion = $this->codeSchemaVersion; $module->defaultDuration = 60; $module->settings = []; $module->installName = 'twittermetro'; $this->setModule($module); $this->installModule(); } // Check we are all installed $this->installFiles(); } /** * Install Files */ public function installFiles() { $this->mediaFactory->createModuleSystemFile(PROJECT_ROOT . '/modules/vendor/jquery-1.11.1.min.js')->save(); $this->mediaFactory->createModuleSystemFile(PROJECT_ROOT . '/modules/xibo-metro-render.js')->save(); $this->mediaFactory->createModuleSystemFile(PROJECT_ROOT . '/modules/xibo-layout-scaler.js')->save(); $this->mediaFactory->createModuleSystemFile(PROJECT_ROOT . '/modules/xibo-image-render.js')->save(); $this->mediaFactory->createModuleSystemFile(PROJECT_ROOT . '/modules/emojione/emojione.sprites.png')->save(); $this->mediaFactory->createModuleSystemFile(PROJECT_ROOT . '/modules/emojione/emojione.sprites.css')->save(); $this->mediaFactory->createModuleSystemFile(PROJECT_ROOT . '/modules/vendor/bootstrap.min.css')->save(); } /** * Override the apikey/secret * @param string $setting * @param null $default * @return mixed|string */ public function getSetting($setting, $default = NULL) { if ($setting == 'apiKey' || $setting == 'apiSecret' || $setting == 'cachePeriod') { // Create a Twitter Module as the source of this modules settings // only go to the stock twitter module if ($this->parent === null) $this->parent = $this->moduleFactory->createByClass('Xibo\Widget\Twitter'); return $this->parent->getSetting($setting, $default); } return parent::getSetting($setting, $default); } /** * Javascript functions for the layout designer */ public function layoutDesignerJavaScript() { // We use the same javascript as the data set view designer return 'twittermetro-designer-javascript'; } /** * Get the template HTML, CSS, widgetOriginalWidth, widgetOriginalHeight giving its orientation (0:Landscape 1:Portrait) * @return array */ public function getTemplateData() { $orientation = ($this->getSanitizer()->getDouble('width', $this->region->width) > $this->getSanitizer()->getDouble('height', $this->region->height)) ? 0 : 1; $templateArray = array( array( 'template' => '
', 'styleSheet' => 'body { font-family: "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif; line-height: 1; margin: 0; } #content { width: 1920px !important; height: 1080px !important; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6); color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); } .row-1 { height: 360px; } .page { float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .cell-1 { width: 310px; } .cell-2 { width: 630px; } .cell-3 { width: 950px; } .cell-1, .cell-2, .cell-3 { float: left; height: inherit; margin: 5px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position-x: 50%; background-position-y: 50%; } .item-container { padding: 10px; color: #fff; height: 350px; } .userData { height: 50px; } .darken-container { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } .tweet-profilePic { width: 20%; float: left; } .tweet-profilePic img { width: 48px; } .tweet-userData { width: 80%; float: left; text-align: right; } .item-text { padding: 10px; color: #fff; } .emojione { width: 26px; height: 26px; } .cell-1 .item-text { line-height: 30px; font-size: 25px; height: 280px; } .cell-2 .item-text { line-height: 40px; font-size: 40px; height: 280px; } .cell-3 .item-text { line-height: 53px; font-size: 50px; height: 280px; } .user { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; padding-top: 20px; } .shadow { text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 3, 1); } .no-shadow { text-shadow: none !important; } small { font-size: 70%; }', 'originalWidth' => '1920', 'originalHeight' => '1080' ), array( 'template' => '
', 'styleSheet' => 'body { font-family: "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif; line-height: 1; margin: 0; } #content { width: 1080px !important; height: 1920px !important; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.6); color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1); } .row-1 { height: 320px; } .page { float: left; margin: 0; padding: 0; } .cell-1 { width: 350px; } .cell-2 { width: 710px; } .cell-3 { width: 1070px; } .cell-1, .cell-2, .cell-3 { float: left; height: inherit; margin: 5px; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position-x: 50%; background-position-y: 50%; } .item-container { padding: 10px; color: #fff; height: 310px; } .userData { height: 50px; } .darken-container { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } .tweet-profilePic { width: 20%; float: left; } .tweet-profilePic img { width: 48px; } .tweet-userData { width: 80%; float: left; text-align: right; } .item-text { padding: 10px; color: #fff; } .emojione { width: 26px; height: 26px; } .cell-1 .item-text { line-height: 30px; font-size: 25px; height: 240px; } .cell-2 .item-text { line-height: 40px; font-size: 40px; height: 240px; } .cell-3 .item-text { line-height: 53px; font-size: 50px; height: 240px; } .user { font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; padding-top: 20px; } .shadow { text-shadow: 1px 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 3, 1); } .no-shadow { text-shadow: none !important; } small { font-size: 70%; }', 'originalWidth' => '1080', 'originalHeight' => '1920' ) ); return $templateArray[$orientation]; } /** * Form for updating the module settings */ public function settingsForm() { return 'twittermetro-form-settings'; } public function validate() { // If overrideColorTemplate is false we have to define a template Id if($this->getOption('overrideColorTemplate') == 0 && ( $this->getOption('colorTemplateId') == '' || $this->getOption('colorTemplateId') == null) ) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('Please choose a template')); if ($this->getUseDuration() == 1 && $this->getDuration() == 0) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('Please enter a duration')); if (!v::stringType()->notEmpty()->validate($this->getOption('searchTerm'))) throw new \InvalidArgumentException(__('Please enter a search term')); } /** * Edit Twitter Metro * * @SWG\Put( * path="/playlist/widget/{widgetId}?twitterMetro", * operationId="WidgetTwitterMetroEdit", * tags={"widget"}, * summary="Edit a Twitter Metro Widget", * description="Edit a Twitter Metro Widget. This call will replace existing Widget object, all not supplied parameters will be set to default.", * @SWG\Parameter( * name="widgetId", * in="path", * description="The WidgetId to Edit", * type="integer", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="name", * in="formData", * description="Optional Widget Name", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="duration", * in="formData", * description="Widget Duration", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="useDuration", * in="formData", * description="(0, 1) Select 1 only if you will provide duration parameter as well", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="enableStat", * in="formData", * description="The option (On, Off, Inherit) to enable the collection of Widget Proof of Play statistics", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="searchTerm", * in="formData", * description="Twitter search term, you can test your search term in twitter.com search box first", * type="string", * required=true * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="language", * in="formData", * description="Language in which tweets should be returned", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="effect", * in="formData", * description="Effect that will be used to transitions between items, available options: fade, fadeout, scrollVert, scollHorz, flipVert, flipHorz, shuffle, tileSlide, tileBlind ", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="speed", * in="formData", * description="The transition speed of the selected effect in milliseconds (1000 = normal)", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="backgroundColor", * in="formData", * description="A HEX color to use as the background color of this widget", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="noTweetsMessage", * in="formData", * description="A message to display when there are no tweets returned by the search query", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="dateFormat", * in="formData", * description="The format to apply to all dates returned by he widget", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="resultType", * in="formData", * description="1 - Mixed, 2 -Recent 3 - Popular, Recent shows only recent tweets, Popular the most popular tweets and Mixed included both popular and recent", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="tweetDistance", * in="formData", * description="Distance in miles that the tweets should be returned from. Set 0 for no restrictions", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="tweetCount", * in="formData", * description="The number of tweets to return", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="removeUrls", * in="formData", * description="Flag (0, 1) Should the URLs be removed from the tweet text?", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="removeMentions", * in="formData", * description="Flag (0, 1) Should mentions (@someone) be removed from the tweet text?", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="removeHashtags", * in="formData", * description="Flag (0, 1) Should the hashtags (#something) be removed from the tweet text", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="updateInterval", * in="formData", * description="Update interval in minutes, should be kept as high as possible, if data change once per hour, this should be set to 60", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="colorTemplateId", * in="formData", * description="Use pre-configured templates, available options: default, full, gray, light, soft, vivid", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="overrideColorTemplate", * in="formData", * description="flag (0, 1) set to 0 and use colorTemplateId or set to 1 and provide colours to use in templateColours parameter", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="templateColours", * in="formData", * description="Provide a string of new HEX colour codes to use, separated by |, for example: #e0d2c8|#5e411d|#fccf12|#82ff00|#64bae8", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="resultContent", * in="formData", * description="Intended content Type, available Options: 0 - All Tweets 1 - Tweets with the text only content 2 - Tweets with the text and image content. Pass only with overrideColorTemplate set to 1", * type="string", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Parameter( * name="removeRetweets", * in="formData", * description="Flag (0, 1) Should retweets be filtered?", * type="integer", * required=false * ), * @SWG\Response( * response=201, * description="successful operation" * ) * ) * * @throws \Xibo\Exception\XiboException */ public function edit() { $this->setDuration($this->getSanitizer()->getInt('duration', $this->getDuration())); $this->setUseDuration($this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox('useDuration')); $this->setOption('name', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('name')); $this->setOption('enableStat', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('enableStat')); $this->setOption('searchTerm', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('searchTerm')); $this->setOption('language', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('language')); $this->setOption('effect', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('effect')); $this->setOption('speed', $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('speed')); $this->setOption('backgroundColor', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('backgroundColor')); $this->setOption('noTweetsMessage', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('noTweetsMessage')); $this->setOption('dateFormat', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('dateFormat')); $this->setOption('resultType', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('resultType')); $this->setOption('tweetDistance', $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('tweetDistance')); $this->setOption('tweetCount', $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('tweetCount', 60)); $this->setOption('removeUrls', $this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox('removeUrls')); $this->setOption('removeMentions', $this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox('removeMentions')); $this->setOption('removeHashtags', $this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox('removeHashtags')); $this->setOption('overrideColorTemplate', $this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox('overrideColorTemplate')); $this->setOption('updateInterval', $this->getSanitizer()->getInt('updateInterval', 60)); $this->setOption('colorTemplateId', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('colorTemplateId')); $this->setOption('resultContent', $this->getSanitizer()->getString('resultContent')); $this->setOption('removeRetweets', $this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox('removeRetweets')); if ($this->getOption('overrideColorTemplate') == 1) { // Convert the colors array to string to be able to save it $stringColor = $this->getSanitizer()->getStringArray('color')[0]; for ($i=1; $i < count($this->getSanitizer()->getStringArray('color')); $i++) { if(!empty($this->getSanitizer()->getStringArray('color')[$i])) $stringColor .= "|" . $this->getSanitizer()->getStringArray('color')[$i]; } $this->setOption('templateColours', $stringColor); } // Save the widget $this->validate(); $this->saveWidget(); } /** * @param int $displayId * @param bool $isPreview * @return array|false * @throws XiboException */ protected function getTwitterFeed($displayId = 0, $isPreview = true) { if (!extension_loaded('curl')) throw new ConfigurationException(__('cURL extension is required for Twitter')); // Do we need to add a geoCode? $geoCode = ''; $distance = $this->getOption('tweetDistance'); if ($distance != 0) { // Use the display ID or the default. if ($displayId != 0) { // Look up the lat/long $display = $this->displayFactory->getById($displayId); $defaultLat = $display->latitude; $defaultLong = $display->longitude; } else { $defaultLat = $this->getConfig()->getSetting('DEFAULT_LAT'); $defaultLong = $this->getConfig()->getSetting('DEFAULT_LONG'); } // Built the geoCode string. $geoCode = implode(',', array($defaultLat, $defaultLong, $distance)) . 'mi'; } // Search content filtered by type of tweets $searchTerm = $this->getOption('searchTerm'); $resultContent = $this->getOption('resultContent'); switch ($resultContent) { case 0: //Default $searchTerm .= ''; break; case 1: // Remove media $searchTerm .= ' -filter:media'; break; case 2: // Only tweets with native images $searchTerm .= ' filter:twimg'; break; default: $searchTerm .= ''; break; } // Search term retweets filter $searchTerm .= ($this->getOption('removeRetweets')) ? ' -filter:retweets' : ''; // Connect to twitter and get the twitter feed. /** @var \Stash\Item $cache */ $cache = $this->getPool()->getItem($this->makeCacheKey(md5($searchTerm . $this->getOption('language') . $this->getOption('resultType') . $this->getOption('tweetCount', 60) . $geoCode))); $cache->setInvalidationMethod(Invalidation::SLEEP, 5000, 15); $data = $cache->get(); if ($cache->isMiss()) { $this->getLog()->debug('Querying API for ' . $searchTerm); // Lock this cache item (for 30 seconds) $cache->lock(); // We need to search for it if (!$token = $this->getToken()) return false; // We have the token, make a tweet if (!$data = $this->searchApi($token, $searchTerm, $this->getOption('language'), $this->getOption('resultType'), $geoCode, $this->getOption('tweetCount', 60))) return false; // Cache it $cache->set($data); $cache->expiresAfter($this->getSetting('cachePeriod', 3600)); $this->getPool()->saveDeferred($cache); } // Get the template data $templateData = $this->getTemplateData(); $template = $this->parseLibraryReferences($isPreview, $templateData['template']); // Parse the text template $matches = ''; preg_match_all('/\[.*?\]/', $template, $matches); // Build an array to return $return = array(); // Expiry time for any media that is downloaded $expires = $this->getDate()->parse()->addHours($this->getSetting('cachePeriodImages', 24))->format('U'); // Remove URL setting $removeUrls = $this->getOption('removeUrls', 1) == 1; $removeMentions = $this->getOption('removeMentions', 1) == 1; $removeHashTags = $this->getOption('removeHashTags', 1) == 1; // If we have nothing to show, display a no tweets message. if (count($data->statuses) <= 0) { // Create ourselves an empty tweet so that the rest of the code can continue as normal $user = new \stdClass(); $user->name = ''; $user->screen_name = ''; $user->profile_image_url = ''; $user->location = ''; $tweet = new \stdClass(); $tweet->full_text = $this->getOption('noTweetsMessage', __('There are no tweets to display')); $tweet->created_at = ''; $tweet->user = $user; // Append to our statuses $data->statuses[] = $tweet; } // Make an emojione client $emoji = new Client(new Ruleset()); $emoji->imageType = 'png'; $emoji->sprites = true; $emoji->imagePathPNG = $this->getResourceUrl('emojione/emojione.sprites.png'); // Get the date format to apply $dateFormat = $this->getOption('dateFormat', $this->getConfig()->getSetting('DATE_FORMAT')); // This should return the formatted items. foreach ($data->statuses as $tweet) { // Substitute for all matches in the template $rowString = $template; foreach ($matches[0] as $sub) { // Always clear the stored template replacement $replace = ''; $tagOptions = array(); // Get the options from the tag and create an array $subClean = str_replace('[', '', str_replace(']', '', $sub)); if (stripos($subClean, '|') > -1) { $tagOptions = explode('|', $subClean); // Save the main tag $subClean = $tagOptions[0]; // Remove the tag from the first position array_shift($tagOptions); } // Maybe make this more generic? switch ($subClean) { case 'Tweet': // Get the tweet text to operate on $tweetText = $tweet->full_text; // Replace URLs with their display_url before removal if (isset($tweet->entities->urls)) { foreach ($tweet->entities->urls as $url) { $tweetText = str_replace($url->url, $url->display_url, $tweetText); } } // Clean up the tweet text // thanks to https://github.com/solarbug (https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo/issues/703) // Remove Mentions if ($removeMentions) $tweetText = preg_replace('/(\s+|^)@\S+/', '', $tweetText); // Remove HashTags if ($removeHashTags) $tweetText = preg_replace('/(\s+|^)#\S+/', '', $tweetText); if ($removeUrls) // Regex taken from http://daringfireball.net/2010/07/improved_regex_for_matching_urls $tweetText = preg_replace('~(?i)\b((?:[a-z][\w-]+:(?:/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:\'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))~', '', $tweetText); // remove urls $replace = $emoji->toImage($tweetText); break; case 'User': $replace = $emoji->toImage($tweet->user->name); break; case 'ScreenName': $replace = ($tweet->user->screen_name != '') ? ('@' . $tweet->user->screen_name) : ''; break; case 'Date': if($tweet->created_at != '') $replace = $this->getDate()->getLocalDate(strtotime($tweet->created_at), $dateFormat); break; case 'Location': $replace = $tweet->user->location; break; case 'ProfileImage': // Grab the profile image if ($tweet->user->profile_image_url != '') { // Original Default Image $imageSizeType = ""; if( count($tagOptions) > 0 ) { // Image options ( normal, bigger, mini ) $imageSizeType = '_' . $tagOptions[0]; } // Twitter image size $tweet->user->profile_image_url = str_replace('_normal', $imageSizeType, $tweet->user->profile_image_url); // Grab the profile image $file = $this->mediaFactory->queueDownload('twitter_' . $tweet->user->id, $tweet->user->profile_image_url, $expires); $replace = ($isPreview) ? '
' : '
'; } break; case 'Color': // See if there is a profile image if (!$this->tweetHasPhoto($tweet)) { // Get the colors array if ($this->getOption('overrideColorTemplate') == 0) { $colorTemplate = $this->getTemplateById($this->getOption('colorTemplateId')); if ($colorTemplate === null) $colorTemplate = $this->getTemplateById('default'); $colorArray = $colorTemplate['colors']; } else { $colorArray = explode("|", $this->getOption('templateColours')); } // Find a random color $randomNum = rand(0,count($colorArray)-1); $randomColor = $colorArray[$randomNum]; $replace = 'background-color:' . $randomColor; } break; case 'ShadowType': // See if there is a profile image $replace = ($this->tweetHasPhoto($tweet)) ? 'shadow darken-container' : ''; break; case 'Photo': // See if there are any photos associated with this tweet. if ($this->tweetHasPhoto($tweet)) { // See if it's an image from a tweet or RT, and only take the first one $mediaObject = (isset($tweet->entities->media)) ? $tweet->entities->media[0] : $tweet->retweeted_status->entities->media[0]; $photoUrl = $mediaObject->media_url; if ($photoUrl != '') { $file = $this->mediaFactory->queueDownload('twitter_photo_' . $tweet->user->id . '_' . $mediaObject->id_str, $photoUrl, $expires); $replace = "background-image: url(" . (($isPreview) ? $this->getApp()->urlFor('library.download', ['id' => $file->mediaId, 'type' => 'image']) : $file->storedAs) . ")"; } } break; case 'TwitterLogoWhite': //Get the Twitter logo image file path $replace = $this->getResourceUrl('twitter/twitter_white.png'); break; case 'TwitterLogoBlue': //Get the Twitter logo image file path $replace = $this->getResourceUrl('twitter/twitter_blue.png'); break; default: $replace = '[' . $subClean . ']'; } $rowString = str_replace($sub, $replace, $rowString); } // Substitute the replacement we have found (it might be '') $return[] = $rowString; } // Process queued downloads $this->mediaFactory->processDownloads(function($media) { // Success $this->getLog()->debug('Successfully downloaded ' . $media->mediaId); // Tag this layout with this file $this->assignMedia($media->mediaId); }); // Return the data array return $return; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getResource($displayId = 0) { // Make sure we are set up correctly if ($this->getSetting('apiKey') == '' || $this->getSetting('apiSecret') == '') { $this->getLog()->error('Twitter Module not configured. Missing API Keys'); return ''; } $data = []; $isPreview = ($this->getSanitizer()->getCheckbox('preview') == 1); // Replace the View Port Width? $data['viewPortWidth'] = ($isPreview) ? $this->region->width : '[[ViewPortWidth]]'; // Information from the Module $duration = $this->getCalculatedDurationForGetResource(); // Generate a JSON string of substituted items. $items = $this->getTwitterFeed($displayId, $isPreview); // Get the template data $templateData = $this->getTemplateData(); // Return empty string if there are no items to show. if (count($items) == 0) { return ''; } $options = array( 'type' => $this->getModuleType(), 'fx' => $this->getOption('effect', 'noAnim'), 'speed' => $this->getOption('speed', 500), 'duration' => $duration, 'numItems' => count($items), 'originalWidth' => $this->region->width, 'originalHeight' => $this->region->height, 'widgetDesignWidth' => $templateData['originalWidth'], 'widgetDesignHeight'=> $templateData['originalHeight'], 'resultContent'=> $this->getSanitizer()->string($this->getOption('resultContent')) ); // Replace the control meta with our data from twitter $data['controlMeta'] = '' . PHP_EOL . ''; // Replace the head content $headContent = ''; // Add our fonts.css file $headContent .= '
'; $backgroundColor = $this->getOption('backgroundColor'); if ($backgroundColor != '') { $headContent .= ''; } else { $headContent .= ''; } // Add the CSS if it isn't empty $css = $templateData['styleSheet']; if ($css != '') { $headContent .= ''; } $headContent .= ''; // Replace the Head Content with our generated javascript $data['head'] = $headContent; // Add some scripts to the JavaScript Content $javaScriptContent = ''; // Get the colors array if ($this->getOption('overrideColorTemplate') == 0) { $template = $this->getTemplateById($this->getOption('colorTemplateId')); if ($template === null) $template = $this->getTemplateById('default'); $colorArray = $template['colors']; } else { $colorArray = explode("|", $this->getOption('templateColours')); } // Need the cycle plugin? if ($this->getOption('effect') != 'none') $javaScriptContent .= ''; $javaScriptContent .= ''; $javaScriptContent .= ''; $javaScriptContent .= ''; $javaScriptContent .= ''; // Replace the Head Content with our generated javascript $data['javaScript'] = $javaScriptContent; return $this->renderTemplate($data); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function isValid() { return self::$STATUS_VALID; } /** * @param $tweet * @return bool */ private function tweetHasPhoto($tweet) { return ((isset($tweet->entities->media) && count($tweet->entities->media) > 0) || (isset($tweet->retweeted_status->entities->media) && count($tweet->retweeted_status->entities->media) > 0)); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getCacheDuration() { $cachePeriod = $this->getSetting('cachePeriod', 3600); $updateInterval = $this->getOption('updateInterval', 60) * 60; return max($updateInterval, $cachePeriod); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getCacheKey($displayId) { if ($displayId === 0 || $this->getOption('tweetDistance', 0) > 0) { // We use the display to fence in the tweets to our location return $this->getWidgetId() . '_' . $displayId; } else { // Non-display specific return $this->getWidgetId() . (($displayId === 0) ? '_0' : ''); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function isCacheDisplaySpecific() { return ($this->getOption('tweetDistance', 0) > 0); } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getLockKey() { // What is the minimum likely lock we can get to prevent concurrent access - probably search term return $this->getOption('searchTerm'); } }