. */ namespace Xibo\Storage; use Xibo\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Exception\XiboException; use Xibo\Factory\CampaignFactory; use Xibo\Factory\LayoutFactory; use Xibo\Service\DateServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\LogServiceInterface; /** * Class MySqlTimeSeriesStore * @package Xibo\Storage */ class MySqlTimeSeriesStore implements TimeSeriesStoreInterface { // Keep all stats in this array after processing private $stats = []; private $layoutCampaignIds = []; private $layoutIdsNotFound = []; /** @var StorageServiceInterface */ private $store; /** @var LogServiceInterface */ private $log; /** @var DateServiceInterface */ private $dateService; /** @var LayoutFactory */ protected $layoutFactory; /** @var CampaignFactory */ protected $campaignFactory; /** * @inheritdoc */ public function __construct($config = null) { } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function setDependencies($log, $date, $layoutFactory = null, $campaignFactory = null, $mediaFactory = null, $widgetFactory = null, $displayFactory = null) { $this->log = $log; $this->dateService = $date; $this->layoutFactory = $layoutFactory; $this->campaignFactory = $campaignFactory; return $this; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function addStat($statData) { // For a type "event" we have layoutid 0 so is campaignId // otherwise we should try and resolve the campaignId $campaignId = 0; if ($statData['type'] != 'event') { if (array_key_exists($statData['layoutId'], $this->layoutCampaignIds)) { $campaignId = $this->layoutCampaignIds[$statData['layoutId']]; } else { try { // Get the layout campaignId $campaignId = $this->layoutFactory->getCampaignIdFromLayoutHistory($statData['layoutId']); // Put layout campaignId to memory $this->layoutCampaignIds[$statData['layoutId']] = $campaignId; } catch (XiboException $error) { if (!in_array($statData['layoutId'], $this->layoutIdsNotFound)) { $this->layoutIdsNotFound[] = $statData['layoutId']; $this->log->error('Layout not found. Layout Id: '. $statData['layoutId']); } return; } } } // Set to Unix Timestamp $statData['statDate'] = $statData['statDate']->format('U'); $statData['fromDt'] = $statData['fromDt']->format('U'); $statData['toDt'] = $statData['toDt']->format('U'); $statData['campaignId'] = $campaignId; $statData['displayId'] = $statData['display']->displayId; $statData['engagements'] = json_encode($statData['engagements']); unset($statData['display']); $this->stats[] = $statData; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function addStatFinalize() { if (count($this->stats) > 0) { $sql = 'INSERT INTO `stat` (`type`, statDate, start, `end`, scheduleID, displayID, campaignID, layoutID, mediaID, Tag, `widgetId`, duration, `count`, `engagements`) VALUES '; $placeHolders = '(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)'; $sql = $sql . implode(', ', array_fill(1, count($this->stats), $placeHolders)); // Flatten the array $data = []; foreach ($this->stats as $stat) { // Be explicit about the order of the keys $ordered = [ 'type' => $stat['type'], 'statDate' => $stat['statDate'], 'fromDt' => $stat['fromDt'], 'toDt' => $stat['toDt'], 'scheduleId' => $stat['scheduleId'], 'displayId' => $stat['displayId'], 'campaignId' => $stat['campaignId'], 'layoutId' => $stat['layoutId'], 'mediaId' => $stat['mediaId'], 'tag' => $stat['tag'], 'widgetId' => $stat['widgetId'], 'duration' => $stat['duration'], 'count' => $stat['count'], 'engagements' => $stat['engagements'] ]; // Add each value to another array in order foreach ($ordered as $field) { $data[] = $field; } } $this->store->isolated($sql, $data); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getEarliestDate() { $earliestDate = $this->store->select('SELECT MIN(statDate) AS minDate FROM `stat`', []); return [ 'minDate' => $earliestDate[0]['minDate'] ]; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getStats($filterBy = []) { $fromDt = isset($filterBy['fromDt']) ? $filterBy['fromDt'] : null; $toDt = isset($filterBy['toDt']) ? $filterBy['toDt'] : null; $statDate = isset($filterBy['statDate']) ? $filterBy['statDate'] : null; // In the case of user switches from mongo to mysql - laststatId were saved as Mongo ObjectId string if (isset($filterBy['statId'])) { if (!is_numeric($filterBy['statId'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Invalid statId provided'), 'statId'); } else { $statId = $filterBy['statId']; } } else { $statId = null; } $type = isset($filterBy['type']) ? $filterBy['type'] : null; $displayIds = isset($filterBy['displayIds']) ? $filterBy['displayIds'] : []; $layoutIds = isset($filterBy['layoutIds']) ? $filterBy['layoutIds'] : []; $mediaIds = isset($filterBy['mediaIds']) ? $filterBy['mediaIds'] : []; $campaignId = isset($filterBy['campaignId']) ? $filterBy['campaignId'] : null; $eventTag = isset($filterBy['eventTag']) ? $filterBy['eventTag'] : null; // Tag embedding $embedDisplayTags = isset($filterBy['displayTags']) ? $filterBy['displayTags'] : false; $embedLayoutTags = isset($filterBy['layoutTags']) ? $filterBy['layoutTags'] : false; $embedMediaTags = isset($filterBy['mediaTags']) ? $filterBy['mediaTags'] : false; // Limit $start = isset($filterBy['start']) ? $filterBy['start'] : null; $length = isset($filterBy['length']) ? $filterBy['length'] : null; $params = []; $select = 'SELECT stat.statId, stat.statDate, stat.type, stat.displayId, stat.widgetId, stat.layoutId, stat.mediaId, stat.campaignId, stat.start as start, stat.end as end, stat.tag, stat.duration, stat.count, stat.engagements, display.Display as display, layout.Layout as layout, media.Name AS media '; if ($embedDisplayTags) { $select .= ', ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(tag, \'|\', IFNULL(value, \'null\'))) FROM tag INNER JOIN lktagdisplaygroup ON lktagdisplaygroup.tagId = tag.tagId WHERE lktagdisplaygroup.displayGroupId = displaygroup.displayGroupID GROUP BY lktagdisplaygroup.displayGroupId ) AS displayTags '; } if ($embedMediaTags) { $select .= ', ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(tag, \'|\', IFNULL(value, \'null\'))) FROM tag INNER JOIN lktagmedia ON lktagmedia.tagId = tag.tagId WHERE lktagmedia.mediaId = media.mediaId GROUP BY lktagmedia.mediaId ) AS mediaTags '; } if ($embedLayoutTags) { $select .= ', ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT CONCAT(tag, \'|\', IFNULL(value, \'null\'))) FROM tag INNER JOIN lktaglayout ON lktaglayout.tagId = tag.tagId WHERE lktaglayout.layoutId = layout.layoutId GROUP BY lktaglayout.layoutId ) AS layoutTags '; } $body = ' FROM stat LEFT OUTER JOIN display ON stat.DisplayID = display.DisplayID LEFT OUTER JOIN `lkdisplaydg` ON lkdisplaydg.displayid = display.displayId LEFT OUTER JOIN `displaygroup` ON displaygroup.displaygroupid = lkdisplaydg.displaygroupid AND `displaygroup`.isDisplaySpecific = 1 LEFT OUTER JOIN layout ON layout.LayoutID = stat.LayoutID LEFT OUTER JOIN media ON media.mediaID = stat.mediaID LEFT OUTER JOIN widget ON widget.widgetId = stat.widgetId WHERE 1 = 1 '; // fromDt/toDt Filter if (($fromDt != null) && ($toDt != null)) { $body .= ' AND stat.end > '. $fromDt->format('U') . ' AND stat.start <= '. $toDt->format('U'); } else if (($fromDt != null) && empty($toDt)) { $body .= ' AND stat.start >= '. $fromDt->format('U'); } // statDate Filter // get the next stats from the given date if ($statDate != null) { $body .= ' AND stat.statDate >= ' . $statDate->format('U'); } if ($statId != null) { $body .= ' AND stat.statId > '. $statId; } if (count($displayIds) > 0) { $body .= ' AND stat.displayID IN (' . implode(',', $displayIds) . ')'; } // Type filter if ($type == 'layout') { $body .= ' AND `stat`.type = \'layout\' '; } else if ($type == 'media') { $body .= ' AND `stat`.type = \'media\' AND IFNULL(`media`.mediaId, 0) <> 0 '; } else if ($type == 'widget') { $body .= ' AND `stat`.type = \'widget\' AND IFNULL(`widget`.widgetId, 0) <> 0 '; } else if ($type == 'event') { $body .= ' AND `stat`.type = \'event\' '; } // Event Tag Filter if ($eventTag) { $body .= ' AND `stat`.tag = :eventTag'; $params['eventTag'] = $eventTag; } // Layout Filter if (count($layoutIds) != 0) { $layoutSql = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($layoutIds as $layoutId) { $i++; $layoutSql .= ':layoutId_' . $i . ','; $params['layoutId_' . $i] = $layoutId; } $body .= ' AND `stat`.campaignId IN (SELECT campaignId FROM `layouthistory` WHERE layoutId IN (' . trim($layoutSql, ',') . ')) '; } // Media Filter if (count($mediaIds) != 0) { $mediaSql = ''; $i = 0; foreach ($mediaIds as $mediaId) { $i++; $mediaSql .= ':mediaId_' . $i . ','; $params['mediaId_' . $i] = $mediaId; } $body .= ' AND `media`.mediaId IN (' . trim($mediaSql, ',') . ')'; } // Campaign // -------- // Filter on Layouts linked to a Campaign if ($campaignId != null) { $body .= ' AND stat.campaignId IN ( SELECT lkcampaignlayout.campaignId FROM `lkcampaignlayout` INNER JOIN `campaign` ON `lkcampaignlayout`.campaignId = `campaign`.campaignId AND `campaign`.isLayoutSpecific = 1 INNER JOIN `lkcampaignlayout` lkcl ON lkcl.layoutid = lkcampaignlayout.layoutId WHERE lkcl.campaignId = :campaignId ) '; $params['campaignId'] = $campaignId; } // Sorting $body .= ' ORDER BY stat.statId '; $limit = ''; if ($start !== null && $length !== null) { $limit = ' LIMIT ' . $start . ', ' . $length; } // Total count $resTotal = []; if ($start !== null && $length !== null) { $resTotal = $this->store->select(' SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM ( ' . $select . $body . ') total ', $params); } // Run our query using a connection object (to save memory) $connection = $this->store->getConnection(); $connection->setAttribute(\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, false); // Execute sql statement $sql = $select . $body. $limit; $statement = $connection->prepare($sql); // Execute $statement->execute($params); $this->log->sql($sql, $params); $result = new TimeSeriesMySQLResults($statement); // Total $result->totalCount = isset($resTotal[0]['total']) ? $resTotal[0]['total'] : 0; return $result; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getExportStatsCount($filterBy = []) { $fromDt = isset($filterBy['fromDt']) ? $filterBy['fromDt'] : null; $toDt = isset($filterBy['toDt']) ? $filterBy['toDt'] : null; $displayIds = isset($filterBy['displayIds']) ? $filterBy['displayIds'] : []; $params = []; $sql = ' SELECT COUNT(*) AS total FROM `stat` WHERE 1 = 1 '; // fromDt/toDt Filter if (($fromDt != null) && ($toDt != null)) { $sql .= ' AND stat.end > '. $fromDt->format('U') . ' AND stat.start <= '. $toDt->format('U'); } if (count($displayIds) > 0) { $sql .= ' AND stat.displayID IN (' . implode(',', $displayIds) . ')'; } // Total count $resTotal = $this->store->select($sql, $params); // Total $totalCount = isset($resTotal[0]['total']) ? $resTotal[0]['total'] : 0; return $totalCount; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function deleteStats($maxage, $fromDt = null, $options = []) { // Set some default options $options = array_merge([ 'maxAttempts' => 10, 'statsDeleteSleep' => 3, 'limit' => 10000, ], $options); // Convert to a simple type so that we can pass by reference to bindParam. $maxage = $maxage->format('U'); try { $i = 0; $rows = 1; if ($fromDt !== null) { // Convert to a simple type so that we can pass by reference to bindParam. $fromDt = $fromDt->format('U'); // Prepare a delete statement which we will use multiple times $delete = $this->store->getConnection() ->prepare('DELETE FROM `stat` WHERE stat.statDate >= :fromDt AND stat.statDate < :toDt ORDER BY statId LIMIT :limit'); $delete->bindParam(':fromDt', $fromDt, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $delete->bindParam(':toDt', $maxage, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $delete->bindParam(':limit', $options['limit'], \PDO::PARAM_INT); } else { $delete = $this->store->getConnection() ->prepare('DELETE FROM `stat` WHERE stat.statDate < :maxage LIMIT :limit'); $delete->bindParam(':maxage', $maxage, \PDO::PARAM_STR); $delete->bindParam(':limit', $options['limit'], \PDO::PARAM_INT); } $count = 0; while ($rows > 0) { $i++; // Run the delete $delete->execute(); // Find out how many rows we've deleted $rows = $delete->rowCount(); $count += $rows; // We shouldn't be in a transaction, but commit anyway just in case $this->store->commitIfNecessary(); // Give SQL time to recover if ($rows > 0) { $this->log->debug('Stats delete effected ' . $rows . ' rows, sleeping.'); sleep($options['statsDeleteSleep']); } // Break if we've exceeded the maximum attempts, assuming that has been provided if ($options['maxAttempts'] > -1 && $i >= $options['maxAttempts']) { break; } } $this->log->debug('Deleted Stats back to ' . $maxage . ' in ' . $i . ' attempts'); return $count; } catch (\PDOException $e) { $this->log->error($e->getMessage()); throw new \RuntimeException('Stats cannot be deleted.'); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function executeQuery($options = []) { $this->log->debug('Execute MySQL query.'); $query = $options['query']; $params = $options['params']; $dbh = $this->store->getConnection(); $sth = $dbh->prepare($query); $sth->execute($params); // Get the results $results = $sth->fetchAll(); return $results; } /** * @param StorageServiceInterface $store * @return $this */ public function setStore($store) { $this->store = $store; return $this; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getEngine() { return 'mysql'; } }