. */ namespace Xibo\Storage; use MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId; use MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime; use MongoDB\Client; use Xibo\Exception\GeneralException; use Xibo\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Xibo\Exception\NotFoundException; use Xibo\Exception\XiboException; use Xibo\Factory\CampaignFactory; use Xibo\Factory\DisplayFactory; use Xibo\Factory\DisplayGroupFactory; use Xibo\Factory\LayoutFactory; use Xibo\Factory\MediaFactory; use Xibo\Factory\WidgetFactory; use Xibo\Service\DateServiceInterface; use Xibo\Service\LogServiceInterface; /** * Class MongoDbTimeSeriesStore * @package Xibo\Storage */ class MongoDbTimeSeriesStore implements TimeSeriesStoreInterface { /** @var LogServiceInterface */ private $log; /** @var DateServiceInterface */ private $dateService; /** @var array */ private $config; /** @var \MongoDB\Client */ private $client; private $table = 'stat'; private $periodTable = 'period'; // Keep all stats in this array after processing private $stats = []; private $mediaItems = []; private $widgets = []; private $layouts = []; private $displayGroups = []; private $layoutsNotFound = []; private $mediaItemsNotFound = []; /** @var MediaFactory */ protected $mediaFactory; /** @var WidgetFactory */ protected $widgetFactory; /** @var LayoutFactory */ protected $layoutFactory; /** @var DisplayFactory */ protected $displayFactory; /** @var DisplayGroupFactory */ protected $displayGroupFactory; /** @var CampaignFactory */ protected $campaignFactory; /** * @inheritdoc */ public function __construct($config = null) { $this->config = $config; } /** * @inheritdoc */ public function setDependencies($log, $date, $layoutFactory = null, $campaignFactory = null, $mediaFactory = null, $widgetFactory = null, $displayFactory = null, $displayGroupFactory = null) { $this->log = $log; $this->dateService = $date; $this->mediaFactory = $mediaFactory; $this->widgetFactory = $widgetFactory; $this->layoutFactory = $layoutFactory; $this->displayFactory = $displayFactory; $this->displayGroupFactory = $displayGroupFactory; $this->campaignFactory = $campaignFactory; try { $uri = isset($this->config['uri']) ? $this->config['uri'] : 'mongodb://' . $this->config['host'] . ':' . $this->config['port']; $this->client = new Client($uri, [ 'username' => $this->config['username'], 'password' => $this->config['password'] ], (array_key_exists('driverOptions', $this->config) ? $this->config['driverOptions'] : [])); } catch (\MongoDB\Exception\RuntimeException $e) { $this->log->critical($e->getMessage()); } return $this; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function addStat($statData) { // We need to transform string date to UTC date $statData['statDate'] = new UTCDateTime($statData['statDate']->format('U') * 1000); // In mongo collection we save fromDt/toDt as start/end // and tag as eventName // so we unset fromDt/toDt/tag from individual stats array $statData['start'] = new UTCDateTime($statData['fromDt']->format('U') * 1000); $statData['end'] = new UTCDateTime($statData['toDt']->format('U') * 1000); $statData['eventName'] = $statData['tag']; unset($statData['fromDt']); unset($statData['toDt']); unset($statData['tag']); // Make an empty array to collect layout/media/display tags into $tagFilter = []; // Media name $mediaName = null; if (!empty($statData['mediaId'])) { if (array_key_exists($statData['mediaId'], $this->mediaItems)) { $media = $this->mediaItems[$statData['mediaId']]; } else { try { // Media exists in not found cache if (in_array($statData['mediaId'], $this->mediaItemsNotFound)) { return; } $media = $this->mediaFactory->getById($statData['mediaId']); // Cache media $this->mediaItems[$statData['mediaId']] = $media; } catch (NotFoundException $error) { // Cache Media not found, ignore and log the stat if (!in_array($statData['mediaId'], $this->mediaItemsNotFound)) { $this->mediaItemsNotFound[] = $statData['mediaId']; $this->log->error('Media not found. Media Id: '. $statData['mediaId']); } return; } } $mediaName = $media->name; //dont remove used later $mediaTags = $media->tags; $statData['mediaName'] = $mediaName; if (isset($mediaTags)) { $arrayOfTags = explode(',', $mediaTags); for ($i=0; $i
widgets)) { $widget = $this->widgets[$statData['widgetId']]; } else { // We are already doing getWidgetForStat is XMDS, // checking widgetId not found does not require // We should always be able to get the widget try { $widget = $this->widgetFactory->getById($statData['widgetId']); // Cache widget $this->widgets[$statData['widgetId']] = $widget; } catch (\Exception $error) { // Widget not found, ignore and log the stat $this->log->error('Widget not found. Widget Id: '. $statData['widgetId']); return; } } if($widget != null) { $widget->load(); $widgetName = isset($mediaName) ? $mediaName : $widget->getOptionValue('name', $widget->type); // SET widgetName $statData['widgetName'] = $widgetName; } } // Layout data $layoutName = null; $layoutTags = null; // For a type "event" we have layoutid 0 so is campaignId // otherwise we should try and resolve the campaignId $campaignId = 0; if ($statData['type'] != 'event') { if (array_key_exists($statData['layoutId'], $this->layouts)) { $layout = $this->layouts[$statData['layoutId']]; } else { try { // Layout exists in not found cache if (in_array($statData['layoutId'], $this->layoutsNotFound)) { return; } // Get the layout campaignId - this can give us a campaignId of a layoutId which id was replaced when draft to published $layout = $this->layoutFactory->getByLayoutHistory($statData['layoutId']); $this->log->debug('Found layout : '. $statData['layoutId']); // Cache layout $this->layouts[$statData['layoutId']] = $layout; } catch (NotFoundException $error) { // All we can do here is log // we shouldn't ever get in this situation because the campaignId we used above will have // already been looked up in the layouthistory table. // Cache layouts not found if (!in_array($statData['layoutId'], $this->layoutsNotFound)) { $this->layoutsNotFound[] = $statData['layoutId']; $this->log->alert('Error processing statistic into MongoDB. Layout not found. Layout Id: ' . $statData['layoutId']); } return; } catch (XiboException $error) { // Cache layouts not found if (!in_array($statData['layoutId'], $this->layoutsNotFound)) { $this->layoutsNotFound[] = $statData['layoutId']; $this->log->error('Layout not found. Layout Id: '. $statData['layoutId']); } return; } } $campaignId = (int) $layout->campaignId; $layoutName = $layout->layout; $layoutTags = $layout->tags; } // Get layout Campaign ID $statData['campaignId'] = $campaignId; $statData['layoutName'] = $layoutName; // Layout tags if (isset($layoutTags)) { $arrayOfTags = explode(',', $layoutTags); for ($i=0; $i
displayId; unset($statData['display']); // Display name $statData['displayName'] = $display->display; $arrayOfTags = array_filter(explode(',', $display->tags)); $arrayOfTagValues = array_filter(explode(',', $display->tagValues)); for ($i=0; $i
displayGroupId, $this->displayGroups)) { $displayGroup = $this->displayGroups[$display->displayGroupId]; } else { try { $displayGroup = $this->displayGroupFactory->getById($display->displayGroupId); // Cache displaygroup $this->displayGroups[$display->displayGroupId] = $displayGroup; } catch (NotFoundException $notFoundException) { $this->log->error('Display group not found'); return; } } $arrayOfTags = array_filter(explode(',', $displayGroup->tags)); $arrayOfTagValues = array_filter(explode(',', $displayGroup->tagValues)); for ($i=0; $i
stats[] = $statData; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function addStatFinalize() { // Insert statistics if (count($this->stats) > 0) { $collection = $this->client->selectCollection($this->config['database'], $this->table); try { $collection->insertMany($this->stats); } catch (\MongoDB\Exception\RuntimeException $e) { $this->log->error($e->getMessage()); throw new \MongoDB\Exception\RuntimeException($e->getMessage()); } } // Create a period collection if it doesnot exist $collectionPeriod = $this->client->selectCollection($this->config['database'], $this->periodTable); try { $cursor = $collectionPeriod->findOne(['name' => 'period']); if (count($cursor) <= 0 ) { $this->log->error('Period collection does not exist in Mongo DB.'); // Period collection created $collectionPeriod->insertOne(['name' => 'period']); $this->log->debug('Period collection created.'); } } catch (\MongoDB\Exception\RuntimeException $e) { $this->log->error($e->getMessage()); } } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getEarliestDate() { $collection = $this->client->selectCollection($this->config['database'], $this->table); try { $earliestDate = $collection->aggregate([ [ '$group' => [ '_id' => [], 'minDate' => ['$min' => '$statDate'], ] ] ])->toArray(); if(count($earliestDate) > 0) { return [ 'minDate' => $earliestDate[0]['minDate']->toDateTime()->format('U') ]; } } catch (\MongoDB\Exception\RuntimeException $e) { $this->log->error($e->getMessage()); } return []; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getStats($filterBy = []) { // do we consider that the fromDt and toDt will always be provided? $fromDt = isset($filterBy['fromDt']) ? $filterBy['fromDt'] : null; $toDt = isset($filterBy['toDt']) ? $filterBy['toDt'] : null; $statDate = isset($filterBy['statDate']) ? $filterBy['statDate'] : null; // In the case of user switches from mysql to mongo - laststatId were saved as integer if (isset($filterBy['statId'])) { if (is_numeric($filterBy['statId'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Invalid statId provided'), 'statId'); } else { $statId = $filterBy['statId']; } } else { $statId = null; } $type = isset($filterBy['type']) ? $filterBy['type'] : null; $displayIds = isset($filterBy['displayIds']) ? $filterBy['displayIds'] : []; $layoutIds = isset($filterBy['layoutIds']) ? $filterBy['layoutIds'] : []; $mediaIds = isset($filterBy['mediaIds']) ? $filterBy['mediaIds'] : []; $campaignId = isset($filterBy['campaignId']) ? $filterBy['campaignId'] : null; $eventTag = isset($filterBy['eventTag']) ? $filterBy['eventTag'] : null; // Limit $start = isset($filterBy['start']) ? $filterBy['start'] : null; $length = isset($filterBy['length']) ? $filterBy['length'] : null; // Match query $match = []; // fromDt/toDt Filter if (($fromDt != null) && ($toDt != null)) { $fromDt = new UTCDateTime($fromDt->format('U')*1000); $match['$match']['end'] = [ '$gt' => $fromDt]; $toDt = new UTCDateTime($toDt->format('U')*1000); $match['$match']['start'] = [ '$lte' => $toDt]; } else if (($fromDt != null) && ($toDt == null)) { $fromDt = new UTCDateTime($fromDt->format('U')*1000); $match['$match']['start'] = [ '$gte' => $fromDt]; } // statDate Filter // get the next stats from the given date if ($statDate != null) { $statDate = new UTCDateTime($statDate->format('U')*1000); $match['$match']['statDate'] = [ '$gte' => $statDate]; } if (!empty($statId)) { $match['$match']['_id'] = [ '$gt' => new ObjectId($statId)]; } // Displays Filter if (count($displayIds) != 0) { $match['$match']['displayId'] = [ '$in' => $displayIds ]; } // Campaign Filter // --------------- // Use the Layout Factory to get all Layouts linked to the provided CampaignId if ($campaignId != null) { $campaignIds = []; try { $layouts = $this->layoutFactory->getByCampaignId($campaignId, false); if (count($layouts) > 0) { foreach ($layouts as $layout) { $campaignIds[] = $layout->campaignId; } // Add to our match $match['$match']['campaignId'] = ['$in' => $campaignIds]; } } catch (NotFoundException $ignored) {} } // Type Filter if ($type != null) { $match['$match']['type'] = $type; } // Event Tag Filter if ($eventTag != null) { $match['$match']['eventName'] = $eventTag; } // Layout Filter if (count($layoutIds) != 0) { // Get campaignIds for selected layoutIds $campaignIds = []; foreach ($layoutIds as $layoutId) { try { $campaignIds[] = $this->layoutFactory->getCampaignIdFromLayoutHistory($layoutId); } catch (XiboException $ignored) { // TODO: this is quite inefficient and could be reworked to return an empty TimeSeriesResults $campaignIds[] = -1; } } $match['$match']['campaignId'] = [ '$in' => $campaignIds ]; } // Media Filter if (count($mediaIds) != 0) { $match['$match']['mediaId'] = [ '$in' => $mediaIds ]; } $collection = $this->client->selectCollection($this->config['database'], $this->table); $group = [ '$group' => [ '_id'=> null, 'count' => ['$sum' => 1], ] ]; if (count($match) > 0) { $totalQuery = [ $match, $group, ]; } else { $totalQuery = [ $group, ]; } // Get total try { $totalCursor = $collection->aggregate($totalQuery, ['allowDiskUse' => true]); $totalCount = $totalCursor->toArray(); $total = (count($totalCount) > 0) ? $totalCount[0]['count'] : 0; } catch (\MongoDB\Exception\RuntimeException $e) { $this->log->error('Error: Total Count. '. $e->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException(__('Sorry we encountered an error getting Proof of Play data, please consult your administrator')); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->log->error('Error: Total Count. '. $e->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException(__('Sorry we encountered an error getting Proof of Play data, please consult your administrator')); } try { $project = [ '$project' => [ 'id'=> '$_id', 'type'=> 1, 'start'=> 1, 'end'=> 1, 'layout'=> '$layoutName', 'display'=> '$displayName', 'media'=> '$mediaName', 'tag'=> '$eventName', 'duration'=> '$duration', 'count'=> '$count', 'displayId'=> 1, 'layoutId'=> 1, 'widgetId'=> 1, 'mediaId'=> 1, 'campaignId'=> 1, 'statDate'=> 1, 'engagements'=> 1, 'tagFilter' => 1 ] ]; if (count($match) > 0) { $query = [ $match, $project, ]; } else { $query = [ $project, ]; } // Sort by id (statId) - we must sort before we do pagination as mongo stat has descending order indexing on start/end $query[]['$sort'] = ['id'=> 1]; if ($start !== null && $length !== null) { $query[]['$skip'] = $start; $query[]['$limit'] = $length; } $cursor = $collection->aggregate($query, ['allowDiskUse' => true]); $result = new TimeSeriesMongoDbResults($cursor); // Total $result->totalCount = $total; } catch (\MongoDB\Exception\RuntimeException $e) { $this->log->error('Error: Get total. '. $e->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException(__('Sorry we encountered an error getting Proof of Play data, please consult your administrator')); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->log->error('Error: Get total. '. $e->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException(__('Sorry we encountered an error getting Proof of Play data, please consult your administrator')); } return $result; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getExportStatsCount($filterBy = []) { // do we consider that the fromDt and toDt will always be provided? $fromDt = isset($filterBy['fromDt']) ? $filterBy['fromDt'] : null; $toDt = isset($filterBy['toDt']) ? $filterBy['toDt'] : null; $displayIds = isset($filterBy['displayIds']) ? $filterBy['displayIds'] : []; // Match query $match = []; // fromDt/toDt Filter if (($fromDt != null) && ($toDt != null)) { $fromDt = new UTCDateTime($fromDt->format('U')*1000); $match['$match']['end'] = [ '$gt' => $fromDt]; $toDt = new UTCDateTime($toDt->format('U')*1000); $match['$match']['start'] = [ '$lte' => $toDt]; } // Displays Filter if (count($displayIds) != 0) { $match['$match']['displayId'] = [ '$in' => $displayIds ]; } $collection = $this->client->selectCollection($this->config['database'], $this->table); // Get total try { $totalQuery = [ $match, [ '$group' => [ '_id'=> null, 'count' => ['$sum' => 1], ] ], ]; $totalCursor = $collection->aggregate($totalQuery, ['allowDiskUse' => true]); $totalCount = $totalCursor->toArray(); $total = (count($totalCount) > 0) ? $totalCount[0]['count'] : 0; } catch (\MongoDB\Exception\RuntimeException $e) { $this->log->error($e->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException(__('Sorry we encountered an error getting total number of Proof of Play data, please consult your administrator')); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->log->error($e->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException(__('Sorry we encountered an error getting total number of Proof of Play data, please consult your administrator')); } return $total; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function deleteStats($maxage, $fromDt = null, $options = []) { // Set default options $options = array_merge([ 'maxAttempts' => 10, 'statsDeleteSleep' => 3, 'limit' => 1000, ], $options); // we dont use $options['limit'] anymore. // we delete all the records at once based on filter criteria (no-limit approach) $toDt = new UTCDateTime($maxage->format('U')*1000); $collection = $this->client->selectCollection($this->config['database'], $this->table); $rows = 1; $count = 0; if ($fromDt != null) { $start = new UTCDateTime($fromDt->format('U')*1000); $filter = [ 'start' => ['$lte' => $toDt], 'end' => ['$gt' => $start] ]; } else { $filter = [ 'start' => ['$lte' => $toDt] ]; } try { $deleteResult = $collection->deleteMany( $filter ); $rows = $deleteResult->getDeletedCount(); } catch (\MongoDB\Exception\RuntimeException $e) { $this->log->error($e->getMessage()); } $count += $rows; // Give MongoDB time to recover if ($rows > 0) { $this->log->debug('Stats delete effected ' . $rows . ' rows, sleeping.'); sleep($options['statsDeleteSleep']); } return $count; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function getEngine() { return 'mongodb'; } /** @inheritdoc */ public function executeQuery($options = []) { $this->log->debug('Execute MongoDB query.'); $options = array_merge([ 'allowDiskUse' => true ], $options); // Aggregate command options $aggregateConfig['allowDiskUse'] = $options['allowDiskUse']; if (!empty($options['maxTimeMS'])) { $aggregateConfig['maxTimeMS']= $options['maxTimeMS']; } $collection = $this->client->selectCollection($this->config['database'], $options['collection']); try { $cursor = $collection->aggregate($options['query'], $aggregateConfig); // log query $this->log->debug($cursor); $results = $cursor->toArray(); } catch (\MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException $e) { $this->log->error($e->getMessage()); throw new GeneralException($e->getMessage()); } return $results; } }