excludeProperty('priorDatasetColumnId'); $this->setCommonDependencies($store, $log); $this->dataSetColumnFactory = $dataSetColumnFactory; $this->dataTypeFactory = $dataTypeFactory; $this->dataSetColumnTypeFactory = $dataSetColumnTypeFactory; } /** * Clone */ public function __clone() { $this->priorDatasetColumnId = $this->dataSetColumnId; $this->dataSetColumnId = null; $this->dataSetId = null; } /** * List Content Array * @return array */ public function listContentArray() { return explode(',', $this->listContent); } /** * Validate * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function validate() { if ($this->dataSetId == 0 || $this->dataSetId == '') throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Missing dataSetId'), 'dataSetId'); if ($this->dataTypeId == 0 || $this->dataTypeId == '') throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Missing dataTypeId'), 'dataTypeId'); if ($this->dataSetColumnTypeId == 0 || $this->dataSetColumnTypeId == '') throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Missing dataSetColumnTypeId'), 'dataSetColumnTypeId'); if ($this->heading == '') throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please provide a column heading.'), 'heading'); if (!v::stringType()->alnum()->validate($this->heading) || strtolower($this->heading) == 'id') throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please provide an alternative column heading %s can not be used.', $this->heading), 'heading'); if ($this->dataSetColumnTypeId == 2 && $this->formula == '') { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Please enter a valid formula'), 'formula'); } // Make sure this column name is unique $columns = $this->dataSetColumnFactory->getByDataSetId($this->dataSetId); foreach ($columns as $column) { if ($column->heading == $this->heading && ($this->dataSetColumnId == null || $column->dataSetColumnId != $this->dataSetColumnId)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('A column already exists with this name, please choose another'), 'heading'); } // Check the actual values try { $this->dataTypeFactory->getById($this->dataTypeId); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Provided Data Type doesn\'t exist'), 'datatype'); } try { $dataSetColumnType = $this->dataSetColumnTypeFactory->getById($this->dataSetColumnTypeId); // If we are a remote column, validate we have a field if (strtolower($dataSetColumnType->dataSetColumnType) === 'remote' && ($this->remoteField === '' || $this->remoteField === null)) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Remote field is required when the column type is set to Remote'), 'remoteField'); } catch (NotFoundException $e) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Provided DataSet Column Type doesn\'t exist'), 'dataSetColumnTypeId'); } // Should we validate the list content? if ($this->dataSetColumnId != 0 && $this->listContent != '') { // Look up all DataSet data in this table to make sure that the existing data is covered by the list content $list = $this->listContentArray(); // Add an empty field $list[] = ''; // We can check this is valid by building up a NOT IN sql statement, if we get results.. we know its not good $select = ''; $dbh = $this->getStore()->getConnection(); for ($i=0; $i < count($list); $i++) { $list_val = $dbh->quote($list[$i]); $select .= $list_val . ','; } $select = rtrim($select, ','); // $select has been quoted in the for loop - always test the original value of the column (we won't have changed the actualised table yet) $SQL = 'SELECT id FROM `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '` WHERE `' . $this->getOriginalValue('heading') . '` NOT IN (' . $select . ')'; $sth = $dbh->prepare($SQL); $sth->execute(array( 'datasetcolumnid' => $this->dataSetColumnId )); if ($sth->fetch()) throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('New list content value is invalid as it does not include values for existing data'), 'listcontent'); } // if formula dataSetType is set and formula is not empty, try to execute the SQL to validate it - we're ignoring client side formulas here. if ($this->dataSetColumnTypeId == 2 && $this->formula != '' && substr($this->formula, 0, 1) !== '$') { try { $formula = str_replace('[DisplayId]', 0, $this->formula); $this->getStore()->select('SELECT * FROM (SELECT `id`, ' . $formula . ' AS `' . $this->heading . '` FROM `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '`) dataset WHERE 1 = 1 ', []); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->getLog()->debug('Formula validation failed with following message ' . $e->getMessage()); throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Provided formula is invalid'), 'formula'); } } } /** * Save * @param array[Optional] $options * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ public function save($options = []) { $options = array_merge(['validate' => true, 'rebuilding' => false], $options); if ($options['validate'] && !$options['rebuilding']) $this->validate(); if ($this->dataSetColumnId == 0) $this->add(); else $this->edit($options); } /** * Delete */ public function delete() { $this->getStore()->update('DELETE FROM `datasetcolumn` WHERE DataSetColumnID = :dataSetColumnId', ['dataSetColumnId' => $this->dataSetColumnId]); // Delete column if (($this->dataSetColumnTypeId == 1) || ($this->dataSetColumnTypeId == 3)) { $this->getStore()->update('ALTER TABLE `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '` DROP `' . $this->heading . '`', []); } } /** * Add */ private function add() { $this->dataSetColumnId = $this->getStore()->insert(' INSERT INTO `datasetcolumn` (DataSetID, Heading, DataTypeID, ListContent, ColumnOrder, DataSetColumnTypeID, Formula, RemoteField, `showFilter`, `showSort`) VALUES (:dataSetId, :heading, :dataTypeId, :listContent, :columnOrder, :dataSetColumnTypeId, :formula, :remoteField, :showFilter, :showSort) ', [ 'dataSetId' => $this->dataSetId, 'heading' => $this->heading, 'dataTypeId' => $this->dataTypeId, 'listContent' => $this->listContent, 'columnOrder' => $this->columnOrder, 'dataSetColumnTypeId' => $this->dataSetColumnTypeId, 'formula' => $this->formula, 'remoteField' => $this->remoteField, 'showFilter' => $this->showFilter, 'showSort' => $this->showSort ]); // Add Column to Underlying Table if (($this->dataSetColumnTypeId == 1) || ($this->dataSetColumnTypeId == 3)) { // Use a separate connection for DDL (it operates outside transactions) $this->getStore()->isolated('ALTER TABLE `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '` ADD `' . $this->heading . '` ' . $this->sqlDataType() . ' NULL', []); } } /** * Edit * @param array $options * @throws InvalidArgumentException */ private function edit($options) { $params = [ 'dataSetId' => $this->dataSetId, 'heading' => $this->heading, 'dataTypeId' => $this->dataTypeId, 'listContent' => $this->listContent, 'columnOrder' => $this->columnOrder, 'dataSetColumnTypeId' => $this->dataSetColumnTypeId, 'formula' => $this->formula, 'dataSetColumnId' => $this->dataSetColumnId, 'remoteField' => $this->remoteField, 'showFilter' => $this->showFilter, 'showSort' => $this->showSort ]; $sql = ' UPDATE `datasetcolumn` SET dataSetId = :dataSetId, Heading = :heading, ListContent = :listContent, ColumnOrder = :columnOrder, DataTypeID = :dataTypeId, DataSetColumnTypeID = :dataSetColumnTypeId, Formula = :formula, RemoteField = :remoteField, `showFilter` = :showFilter, `showSort` = :showSort WHERE dataSetColumnId = :dataSetColumnId '; $this->getStore()->update($sql, $params); try { if ($options['rebuilding'] && ($this->dataSetColumnTypeId == 1 || $this->dataSetColumnTypeId == 3)) { $this->getStore()->isolated('ALTER TABLE `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '` ADD `' . $this->heading . '` ' . $this->sqlDataType() . ' NULL', []); } else if (($this->dataSetColumnTypeId == 1 || $this->dataSetColumnTypeId == 3) && ($this->hasPropertyChanged('heading') || $this->hasPropertyChanged('dataTypeId'))) { $sql = 'ALTER TABLE `dataset_' . $this->dataSetId . '` CHANGE `' . $this->getOriginalValue('heading') . '` `' . $this->heading . '` ' . $this->sqlDataType() . ' NULL DEFAULT NULL'; $this->getStore()->isolated($sql, []); } } catch (\PDOException $PDOException) { $this->getLog()->error('Unable to change DataSetColumn because ' . $PDOException->getMessage()); throw new InvalidArgumentException(__('Existing data is incompatible with your new configuration'), 'dataSetData'); } } /** * Get the SQL Data Type for this Column Definition * @return string */ private function sqlDataType() { $dataType = null; switch ($this->dataTypeId) { case 2: $dataType = 'FLOAT'; break; case 3: $dataType = 'DATETIME'; break; case 5: $dataType = 'INT'; break; case 1: $dataType = 'TEXT'; break; case 4: default: $dataType = 'VARCHAR(1000)'; } return $dataType; } }