{% set productName = theme.getThemeConfig('theme_title') %}
{% trans %}Welcome to the {{productName}} CMS{% endtrans %}
{% trans %}The {{productName}} system comprises a central content management system (the CMS you are currently logged into) and Player software to download content from the CMS and play on screens.{% endtrans %}
{% trans "How does it all work?" %}
{% trans "The Player application needs to run on a device attached to each screen that is to be used and will connect over the network to the CMS to download any new content at regular defined intervals." %}
{% trans "Downloaded content from the CMS is cached to the Player so if there is a problem connecting to the CMS, it can continue to show the stored content until the connection between the CMS and Player is re-established." %}
{% trans "Once downloaded, the Player checks the schedule it has been sent and will show the appropriate content based on the local date and time." %}
{# CMS players #}
{% include "welcome-page_players.twig" %}
{% trans "We’d like to take you on a tour of the CMS using a series of short tutorials to get you up and running in no time. If you already know your way around, please skip." %}
{% trans "Authorise Displays..." %}
{% trans "Once you have chosen your Player and installed the software, this tour will take you through the steps needed to connect and authorise Displays with your CMS." %}
{% trans "Create Content..." %}
{% trans "Do you want to see how easy it is to create a basic Layout using the Layout designer? This tutorial will take you through the basics, step by step so you can start creating your own content with ease." %}
{% trans "Get Scheduling..." %}
{% trans "Get your content seen at the right time in the right place using flexible scheduling capabilities. This tutorial will take you through each stage needed to create scheduled events with confidence." %}
{{ "Explore more of the features and functionality that [[PRODUCTNAME]] has to offer by clicking on the Manual link from the CMS main menu."|trans|replace({'[[PRODUCTNAME]]': theme.getThemeConfig('theme_title') }) }}
{# CMS support #}
{% include "welcome-page_support.twig" %}
{% endblock %}
{% block javaScript %}
{% endblock %}