{% block title %}{% endblock %}{{ theme.getThemeConfig("theme_title") }}
{# Import CSS bundle from dist #} {# Import user made CSS from theme #}
{% block headContent %}{% endblock %} {% block content %}{% endblock %} {# Import JS bundle from dist #} {# Import JS system tools #} {# Import libraries copied to dist #} {# Import XIBO js files #} {# Dates #} {% if settings.CALENDAR_TYPE == "Jalali" %} {% else %} {% endif %} {# Handle the inclusion of i18n #} {% set calendarTranslation %}dist/vendor/calendar/js/language/{{ translate.jsShortLocale }}.js{% endset %} {% if theme.fileExists(calendarTranslation) %} {% endif %} {% block javaScriptTemplates %}{% endblock %} {% block javaScript %}{% endblock %} {% include "theme-javascript.twig" ignore missing %} {% include "user-welcome.twig" %}