*/ class Compiler { /** * @var string */ private $containerClass; /** * @var string */ private $containerParentClass; /** * Definitions indexed by the entry name. The value can be null if the definition needs to be fetched. * * Keys are strings, values are `Definition` objects or null. * * @var \ArrayIterator */ private $entriesToCompile; /** * Progressive counter for definitions. * * Each key in $entriesToCompile is defined as 'SubEntry' + counter * and each definition has always the same key in the CompiledContainer * if PHP-DI configuration does not change. * * @var int */ private $subEntryCounter; /** * Progressive counter for CompiledContainer get methods. * * Each CompiledContainer method name is defined as 'get' + counter * and remains the same after each recompilation * if PHP-DI configuration does not change. * * @var int */ private $methodMappingCounter; /** * Map of entry names to method names. * * @var string[] */ private $entryToMethodMapping = []; /** * @var string[] */ private $methods = []; /** * @var bool */ private $autowiringEnabled; /** * @var ProxyFactory */ private $proxyFactory; public function __construct(ProxyFactory $proxyFactory) { $this->proxyFactory = $proxyFactory; } public function getProxyFactory() : ProxyFactory { return $this->proxyFactory; } /** * Compile the container. * * @return string The compiled container file name. */ public function compile( DefinitionSource $definitionSource, string $directory, string $className, string $parentClassName, bool $autowiringEnabled ) : string { $fileName = rtrim($directory, '/') . '/' . $className . '.php'; if (file_exists($fileName)) { // The container is already compiled return $fileName; } $this->autowiringEnabled = $autowiringEnabled; // Validate that a valid class name was provided $validClassName = preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/', $className); if (!$validClassName) { throw new InvalidArgumentException("The container cannot be compiled: `$className` is not a valid PHP class name"); } $this->entriesToCompile = new \ArrayIterator($definitionSource->getDefinitions()); // We use an ArrayIterator so that we can keep adding new items to the list while we compile entries foreach ($this->entriesToCompile as $entryName => $definition) { $silenceErrors = false; // This is an entry found by reference during autowiring if (!$definition) { $definition = $definitionSource->getDefinition($entryName); // We silence errors for those entries because type-hints may reference interfaces/abstract classes // which could later be defined, or even not used (we don't want to block the compilation for those) $silenceErrors = true; } if (!$definition) { // We do not throw a `NotFound` exception here because the dependency // could be defined at runtime continue; } // Check that the definition can be compiled $errorMessage = $this->isCompilable($definition); if ($errorMessage !== true) { continue; } try { $this->compileDefinition($entryName, $definition); } catch (InvalidDefinition $e) { if ($silenceErrors) { // forget the entry unset($this->entryToMethodMapping[$entryName]); } else { throw $e; } } } $this->containerClass = $className; $this->containerParentClass = $parentClassName; ob_start(); require __DIR__ . '/Template.php'; $fileContent = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $fileContent = "createCompilationDirectory(dirname($fileName)); file_put_contents($fileName, $fileContent); return $fileName; } /** * @throws DependencyException * @throws InvalidDefinition * @return string The method name */ private function compileDefinition(string $entryName, Definition $definition) : string { // Generate a unique method name $methodName = 'get' . (++$this->methodMappingCounter); $this->entryToMethodMapping[$entryName] = $methodName; switch (true) { case $definition instanceof ValueDefinition: $value = $definition->getValue(); $code = 'return ' . $this->compileValue($value) . ';'; break; case $definition instanceof Reference: $targetEntryName = $definition->getTargetEntryName(); $code = 'return $this->delegateContainer->get(' . $this->compileValue($targetEntryName) . ');'; // If this method is not yet compiled we store it for compilation if (!isset($this->entriesToCompile[$targetEntryName])) { $this->entriesToCompile[$targetEntryName] = null; } break; case $definition instanceof StringDefinition: $entryName = $this->compileValue($definition->getName()); $expression = $this->compileValue($definition->getExpression()); $code = 'return \DI\Definition\StringDefinition::resolveExpression(' . $entryName . ', ' . $expression . ', $this->delegateContainer);'; break; case $definition instanceof EnvironmentVariableDefinition: $variableName = $this->compileValue($definition->getVariableName()); $isOptional = $this->compileValue($definition->isOptional()); $defaultValue = $this->compileValue($definition->getDefaultValue()); $code = <<
getVariableName()}' has not been defined"); } return $defaultValue; PHP; break; case $definition instanceof ArrayDefinition: try { $code = 'return ' . $this->compileValue($definition->getValues()) . ';'; } catch (\Exception $e) { throw new DependencyException(sprintf( 'Error while compiling %s. %s', $definition->getName(), $e->getMessage() ), 0, $e); } break; case $definition instanceof ObjectDefinition: $compiler = new ObjectCreationCompiler($this); $code = $compiler->compile($definition); $code .= "\n return \$object;"; break; case $definition instanceof DecoratorDefinition: $decoratedDefinition = $definition->getDecoratedDefinition(); if (! $decoratedDefinition instanceof Definition) { if (! $definition->getName()) { throw new InvalidDefinition('Decorators cannot be nested in another definition'); } throw new InvalidDefinition(sprintf( 'Entry "%s" decorates nothing: no previous definition with the same name was found', $definition->getName() )); } $code = sprintf( 'return call_user_func(%s, %s, $this->delegateContainer);', $this->compileValue($definition->getCallable()), $this->compileValue($decoratedDefinition) ); break; case $definition instanceof FactoryDefinition: $value = $definition->getCallable(); // Custom error message to help debugging $isInvokableClass = is_string($value) && class_exists($value) && method_exists($value, '__invoke'); if ($isInvokableClass && !$this->autowiringEnabled) { throw new InvalidDefinition(sprintf( 'Entry "%s" cannot be compiled. Invokable classes cannot be automatically resolved if autowiring is disabled on the container, you need to enable autowiring or define the entry manually.', $entryName )); } $definitionParameters = ''; if (!empty($definition->getParameters())) { $definitionParameters = ', ' . $this->compileValue($definition->getParameters()); } $code = sprintf( 'return $this->resolveFactory(%s, %s%s);', $this->compileValue($value), var_export($entryName, true), $definitionParameters ); break; default: // This case should not happen (so it cannot be tested) throw new \Exception('Cannot compile definition of type ' . get_class($definition)); } $this->methods[$methodName] = $code; return $methodName; } public function compileValue($value) : string { // Check that the value can be compiled $errorMessage = $this->isCompilable($value); if ($errorMessage !== true) { throw new InvalidDefinition($errorMessage); } if ($value instanceof Definition) { // Give it an arbitrary unique name $subEntryName = 'subEntry' . (++$this->subEntryCounter); // Compile the sub-definition in another method $methodName = $this->compileDefinition($subEntryName, $value); // The value is now a method call to that method (which returns the value) return "\$this->$methodName()"; } if (is_array($value)) { $value = array_map(function ($value, $key) { $compiledValue = $this->compileValue($value); $key = var_export($key, true); return " $key => $compiledValue,\n"; }, $value, array_keys($value)); $value = implode('', $value); return "[\n$value ]"; } if ($value instanceof \Closure) { return $this->compileClosure($value); } return var_export($value, true); } private function createCompilationDirectory(string $directory) { if (!is_dir($directory) && !@mkdir($directory, 0777, true)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Compilation directory does not exist and cannot be created: %s.', $directory)); } if (!is_writable($directory)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Compilation directory is not writable: %s.', $directory)); } } /** * @return string|true If true is returned that means that the value is compilable. */ private function isCompilable($value) { if ($value instanceof ValueDefinition) { return $this->isCompilable($value->getValue()); } if ($value instanceof DecoratorDefinition) { if (empty($value->getName())) { return 'Decorators cannot be nested in another definition'; } } // All other definitions are compilable if ($value instanceof Definition) { return true; } if ($value instanceof \Closure) { return true; } if (is_object($value)) { return 'An object was found but objects cannot be compiled'; } if (is_resource($value)) { return 'A resource was found but resources cannot be compiled'; } return true; } private function compileClosure(\Closure $closure) : string { $closureAnalyzer = new AstAnalyzer; try { $closureData = $closureAnalyzer->analyze($closure); } catch (ClosureAnalysisException $e) { if (stripos($e->getMessage(), 'Two closures were declared on the same line') !== false) { throw new InvalidDefinition('Cannot compile closures when two closures are defined on the same line', 0, $e); } throw $e; } /** @var Closure $ast */ $ast = $closureData['ast']; // Force all closures to be static (add the `static` keyword), i.e. they can't use // $this, which makes sense since their code is copied into another class. $ast->static = true; // Check if the closure imports variables with `use` if (! empty($ast->uses)) { throw new InvalidDefinition('Cannot compile closures which import variables using the `use` keyword'); } $code = (new \PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard)->prettyPrint([$ast]); // Trim spaces and the last `;` $code = trim($code, "\t\n\r;"); return $code; } }