* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Carbon\Laravel; use Carbon\Carbon; use Carbon\CarbonImmutable; use Carbon\CarbonInterval; use Carbon\CarbonPeriod; use Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher as DispatcherContract; use Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher; use Illuminate\Events\EventDispatcher; use Illuminate\Support\Carbon as IlluminateCarbon; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Date; use Throwable; class ServiceProvider extends \Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider { public function boot() { $this->updateLocale(); if (!$this->app->bound('events')) { return; } $service = $this; $events = $this->app['events']; if ($this->isEventDispatcher($events)) { $events->listen(class_exists('Illuminate\Foundation\Events\LocaleUpdated') ? 'Illuminate\Foundation\Events\LocaleUpdated' : 'locale.changed', function () use ($service) { $service->updateLocale(); }); } } public function updateLocale() { $app = $this->app && method_exists($this->app, 'getLocale') ? $this->app : app('translator'); $locale = $app->getLocale(); Carbon::setLocale($locale); CarbonImmutable::setLocale($locale); CarbonPeriod::setLocale($locale); CarbonInterval::setLocale($locale); if (class_exists(IlluminateCarbon::class)) { IlluminateCarbon::setLocale($locale); } if (class_exists(Date::class)) { try { $root = Date::getFacadeRoot(); $root->setLocale($locale); } catch (Throwable $e) { // Non Carbon class in use in Date facade } } } public function register() { // Needed for Laravel < 5.3 compatibility } protected function isEventDispatcher($instance) { return $instance instanceof EventDispatcher || $instance instanceof Dispatcher || $instance instanceof DispatcherContract; } }