* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ return array_replace_recursive(require __DIR__.'/en.php', [ 'meridiem' => ['Z.MU.', 'Z.MW.'], 'weekdays' => ['Ku w’indwi', 'Ku wa mbere', 'Ku wa kabiri', 'Ku wa gatatu', 'Ku wa kane', 'Ku wa gatanu', 'Ku wa gatandatu'], 'weekdays_short' => ['cu.', 'mbe.', 'kab.', 'gtu.', 'kan.', 'gnu.', 'gnd.'], 'weekdays_min' => ['cu.', 'mbe.', 'kab.', 'gtu.', 'kan.', 'gnu.', 'gnd.'], 'months' => ['Nzero', 'Ruhuhuma', 'Ntwarante', 'Ndamukiza', 'Rusama', 'Ruheshi', 'Mukakaro', 'Nyandagaro', 'Nyakanga', 'Gitugutu', 'Munyonyo', 'Kigarama'], 'months_short' => ['Mut.', 'Gas.', 'Wer.', 'Mat.', 'Gic.', 'Kam.', 'Nya.', 'Kan.', 'Nze.', 'Ukw.', 'Ugu.', 'Uku.'], 'first_day_of_week' => 1, 'formats' => [ 'LT' => 'HH:mm', 'LTS' => 'HH:mm:ss', 'L' => 'D/M/YYYY', 'LL' => 'D MMM YYYY', 'LLL' => 'D MMMM YYYY HH:mm', 'LLLL' => 'dddd D MMMM YYYY HH:mm', ], 'year' => 'imyaka :count', 'y' => 'imyaka :count', 'a_year' => 'imyaka :count', 'month' => 'amezi :count', 'm' => 'amezi :count', 'a_month' => 'amezi :count', 'week' => 'indwi :count', 'w' => 'indwi :count', 'a_week' => 'indwi :count', 'day' => 'imisi :count', 'd' => 'imisi :count', 'a_day' => 'imisi :count', 'hour' => 'amasaha :count', 'h' => 'amasaha :count', 'a_hour' => 'amasaha :count', 'minute' => 'iminuta :count', 'min' => 'iminuta :count', 'a_minute' => 'iminuta :count', 'second' => 'inguvu :count', // less reliable 's' => 'inguvu :count', // less reliable 'a_second' => 'inguvu :count', // less reliable ]);