. */ use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface; use Slim\Http\Response as Response; use Slim\Http\ServerRequest as Request; use Slim\Views\Twig; use Xibo\Storage\PdoStorageService; use Xibo\Support\Exception\InstallationError; $app->get('/login', function(Request $request, Response $response) use ($app) { // Just a helper to get correct login route url return $response->withStatus(404, 'This function should not be called from install/.'); })->setName('login'); $app->map(['GET', 'POST'],'/{step}', function(Request $request, Response $response, $step = 1) use ($app) { session_start(); $container = $app->getContainer(); $routeParser = $app->getRouteCollector()->getRouteParser(); $container->set('store', function(ContainerInterface $container) { return (new PdoStorageService($container->get('logService'))); }); $container->get('configService')->setDependencies($container->get('store'), $container->get('rootUri')); /** @var Twig $view */ $view = $container->get('view'); $twigEnvironment = $view->getEnvironment(); $twigEnvironment->addGlobal('session', $_SESSION); $twigEnvironment->enableAutoReload(); $container->get('logService')->info('Installer Step %s', $step); $install = new \Xibo\Helper\Install($container); $settingsExists = file_exists(PROJECT_ROOT . '/web/settings.php'); $template = ''; $data = []; switch ($step) { case 1: if ($settingsExists) { throw new InstallationError(__('The CMS has already been installed. Please contact your system administrator.')); } unset($_SESSION['error']); // Welcome to the installer (this should only show once) // Checks environment $template = 'install-step1'; $data = $install->step1(); break; case 2: if ($settingsExists) { throw new InstallationError(__('The CMS has already been installed. Please contact your system administrator.')); } unset($_SESSION['error']); // Collect details about the database $template = 'install-step2'; $data = $install->step2(); break; case 3: if ($settingsExists) { throw new InstallationError(__('The CMS has already been installed. Please contact your system administrator.')); } // Check and validate DB details if (defined('MAX_EXECUTION') && MAX_EXECUTION) { $app->getContainer()->get('logService')->info('Setting unlimited max execution time.'); set_time_limit(0); } unset($_SESSION['error']); try { $install->step3($request, $response); // Redirect to step 4 return $response->withRedirect($routeParser->urlFor('install', ['step' => 4])); } catch (InstallationError $e) { $container->get('logService')->error('Installation Exception on Step %d: %s', $step, $e->getMessage()); $_SESSION['error'] = $e->getMessage(); // Add our object properties to the flash vars, so we render the form with them set foreach (\Xibo\Helper\ObjectVars::getObjectVars($install) as $key => $value) { $_SESSION[$key] = $value; } // Reload step 2 $template = 'install-step2'; $data = $install->step2(); } break; case 4: // DB installed and we are ready to collect some more details // We should get the admin username and password $data = $install->step4(); $template = 'install-step4'; break; case 5: unset($_SESSION['error']); // Create a user account try { $install->step5($request, $response); return $response->withRedirect($routeParser->urlFor('install', ['step' => 6])); } catch (InstallationError $e) { $container->get('logService')->error('Installation Exception on Step %d: %s', $step, $e->getMessage()); $_SESSION['error'] = $e->getMessage(); // Reload step 4 $template = 'install-step4'; $data = $install->step4(); } break; case 6: $template = 'install-step6'; $data = $install->step6(); break; case 7: unset($_SESSION['error']); // Create a user account try { $install->step7($request, $response); // Redirect to login // This will always be one folder down $login = str_replace('/install', '', $routeParser->urlFor('login')); $container->get('logService')->info('Installation Complete. Redirecting to %s', $login); session_destroy(); return $response->withRedirect($login); } catch (InstallationError $e) { $container->get('logService')->error('Installation Exception on Step %d: %s', $step, $e->getMessage()); $_SESSION['error'] = $e->getMessage(); // Reload step 6 $template = 'install-step6'; $data = $install->step6(); } break; } // Render return $view->render($response, $template . '.twig', $data); })->setName('install');