. */ namespace Xibo\Xmds; use Carbon\Carbon; use Intervention\Image\ImageManagerStatic as Img; use Xibo\Entity\Bandwidth; use Xibo\Entity\Display; use Xibo\Helper\DateFormatHelper; use Xibo\Helper\Random; use Xibo\Support\Exception\GeneralException; use Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException; /** * Class Soap4 * @package Xibo\Xmds */ class Soap4 extends Soap { /** * Registers a new display * @param string $serverKey * @param string $hardwareKey * @param string $displayName * @param string $clientType * @param string $clientVersion * @param int $clientCode * @param string $operatingSystem * @param string $macAddress * @param null $xmrChannel * @param null $xmrPubKey * @return string * @throws GeneralException * @throws NotFoundException * @throws \SoapFault */ public function RegisterDisplay($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $displayName, $clientType, $clientVersion, $clientCode, $operatingSystem, $macAddress, $xmrChannel = null, $xmrPubKey = null) { $this->logProcessor->setRoute('RegisterDisplay'); $sanitized = $this->getSanitizer([ 'serverKey' => $serverKey, 'hardwareKey' => $hardwareKey, 'displayName' => $displayName, 'clientType' => $clientType, 'clientVersion' => $clientVersion, 'clientCode' => $clientCode, 'operatingSystem' => $operatingSystem, 'macAddress' => $macAddress, 'xmrChannel' => $xmrChannel, 'xmrPubKey' => $xmrPubKey ]); // Sanitize $serverKey = $sanitized->getString('serverKey'); $hardwareKey = $sanitized->getString('hardwareKey'); $displayName = $sanitized->getString('displayName'); $clientType = $sanitized->getString('clientType'); $clientVersion = $sanitized->getString('clientVersion'); $clientCode = $sanitized->getInt('clientCode'); $macAddress = $sanitized->getString('macAddress'); $clientAddress = $this->getIp(); // Check the serverKey matches if ($serverKey != $this->getConfig()->getSetting('SERVER_KEY')) throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address'); // Check the Length of the hardwareKey if (strlen($hardwareKey) > 40) throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'The Hardware Key you sent was too long. Only 40 characters are allowed (SHA1).'); // Return an XML formatted string $return = new \DOMDocument('1.0'); $displayElement = $return->createElement('display'); $return->appendChild($displayElement); // Check in the database for this hardwareKey try { $display = $this->displayFactory->getByLicence($hardwareKey); $this->display = $display; $this->logProcessor->setDisplay($display->displayId, ($display->isAuditing())); // Audit in $this->getLog()->debug('serverKey: ' . $serverKey . ', hardwareKey: ' . $hardwareKey . ', displayName: ' . $displayName . ', macAddress: ' . $macAddress); // Now $dateNow = Carbon::now(); // Append the time $displayElement->setAttribute('date', $dateNow->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat())); $displayElement->setAttribute('timezone', $this->getConfig()->getSetting('defaultTimezone')); // Determine if we are licensed or not if ($display->licensed == 0) { // It is not authorised $displayElement->setAttribute('status', 2); $displayElement->setAttribute('code', 'WAITING'); $displayElement->setAttribute('message', 'Display is awaiting licensing approval from an Administrator.'); } else { // It is licensed $displayElement->setAttribute('status', 0); $displayElement->setAttribute('code', 'READY'); $displayElement->setAttribute('message', 'Display is active and ready to start.'); // Display Settings $settings = $this->display->getSettings(['displayOverride' => true]); // Create the XML nodes foreach ($settings as $arrayItem) { // Upper case the setting name for windows $settingName = ($clientType == 'windows') ? ucfirst($arrayItem['name']) : $arrayItem['name']; $node = $return->createElement($settingName, (isset($arrayItem['value']) ? $arrayItem['value'] : $arrayItem['default'])); if (isset($arrayItem['type'])) { $node->setAttribute('type', $arrayItem['type']); } // Patch download and update windows to make sure they are unix time stamps // XMDS schema 4 sent down unix time // https://github.com/xibosignage/xibo/issues/1791 if (strtolower($arrayItem['name']) == 'downloadstartwindow' || strtolower($arrayItem['name']) == 'downloadendwindow' || strtolower($arrayItem['name']) == 'updatestartwindow' || strtolower($arrayItem['name']) == 'updateendwindow' ) { // Split by : $timeParts = explode(':', $arrayItem['value']); if ($timeParts[0] == '00' && $timeParts[1] == '00') { $arrayItem['value'] = 0; } else { $arrayItem['value'] = Carbon::now()->setTime(intval($timeParts[0]), intval($timeParts[1])); } } $node = $return->createElement($arrayItem['name'], (isset($arrayItem['value']) ? $arrayItem['value'] : $arrayItem['default'])); $node->setAttribute('type', $arrayItem['type']); $displayElement->appendChild($node); } // Player upgrades $version = ''; try { $upgradeMediaId = $this->display->getSetting('versionMediaId', null, ['displayOverride' => true]); if ($clientType != 'windows' && $upgradeMediaId != null) { $version = $this->playerVersionFactory->getByMediaId($upgradeMediaId); if ($clientType == 'android') { $version = json_encode([ 'id' => $upgradeMediaId, 'file' => $version->storedAs, 'code' => $version->code ]); } elseif ($clientType == 'lg') { $version = json_encode([ 'id' => $upgradeMediaId, 'file' => $version->storedAs, 'code' => $version->code ]); } elseif ($clientType == 'sssp') { // Create a nonce and store it in the cache for this display. $nonce = Random::generateString(); $cache = $this->getPool()->getItem('/playerVersion/' . $nonce); $cache->set($this->display->displayId); $cache->expiresAfter(86400); $this->getPool()->saveDeferred($cache); $version = json_encode([ 'id' => $upgradeMediaId, 'file' => $version->storedAs, 'code' => $version->code, 'url' => str_replace('/xmds.php', '', Wsdl::getRoot()) . '/playersoftware/' . $nonce ]); } } } catch (NotFoundException $notFoundException) { $this->getLog()->error('Non-existing version set on displayId ' . $this->display->displayId); } $displayElement->setAttribute('version_instructions', $version); // Add some special settings $nodeName = ($clientType == 'windows') ? 'DisplayName' : 'displayName'; $node = $return->createElement($nodeName); $node->appendChild($return->createTextNode($display->display)); $node->setAttribute('type', 'string'); $displayElement->appendChild($node); $nodeName = ($clientType == 'windows') ? 'ScreenShotRequested' : 'screenShotRequested'; $node = $return->createElement($nodeName, $display->screenShotRequested); $node->setAttribute('type', 'checkbox'); $displayElement->appendChild($node); $nodeName = ($clientType == 'windows') ? 'DisplayTimeZone' : 'displayTimeZone'; $node = $return->createElement($nodeName, (!empty($display->timeZone)) ? $display->timeZone : ''); $node->setAttribute('type', 'string'); $displayElement->appendChild($node); if (!empty($display->timeZone)) { // Calculate local time $dateNow->timezone($display->timeZone); // Append Local Time $displayElement->setAttribute('localDate', $dateNow->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat())); } } } catch (NotFoundException $e) { // Add a new display try { $display = $this->displayFactory->createEmpty(); $this->display = $display; $display->display = $displayName; $display->auditingUntil = 0; $display->defaultLayoutId = $this->getConfig()->getSetting('DEFAULT_LAYOUT'); $display->license = $hardwareKey; $display->licensed = $this->getConfig()->getSetting('DISPLAY_AUTO_AUTH', 0); $display->incSchedule = 0; $display->clientAddress = $this->getIp(); if (!$display->isDisplaySlotAvailable()) { $display->licensed = 0; } } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', $e->getMessage()); } $displayElement->setAttribute('status', 1); $displayElement->setAttribute('code', 'ADDED'); if ($display->licensed == 0) $displayElement->setAttribute('message', 'Display added and is awaiting licensing approval from an Administrator.'); else $displayElement->setAttribute('message', 'Display is active and ready to start.'); } // Send Notification if required $this->alertDisplayUp(); $display->lastAccessed = Carbon::now()->format('U'); $display->loggedIn = 1; $display->clientAddress = $clientAddress; $display->macAddress = $macAddress; $display->clientType = $clientType; $display->clientVersion = $clientVersion; $display->clientCode = $clientCode; //$display->operatingSystem = $operatingSystem; $display->save(['validate' => false, 'audit' => false]); // Log Bandwidth $returnXml = $return->saveXML(); $this->logBandwidth($display->displayId, Bandwidth::$REGISTER, strlen($returnXml)); // Audit our return $this->getLog()->debug($returnXml); return $returnXml; } /** * Returns a string containing the required files xml for the requesting display * @param string $serverKey The Server Key * @param string $hardwareKey Display Hardware Key * @return string $requiredXml Xml Formatted String * @throws \SoapFault * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ function RequiredFiles($serverKey, $hardwareKey) { $httpDownloads = ($this->getConfig()->getSetting('SENDFILE_MODE') != 'Off'); return $this->doRequiredFiles($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $httpDownloads); } /** * Get File * @param string $serverKey The ServerKey for this CMS * @param string $hardwareKey The HardwareKey for this Display * @param int $fileId The ID * @param string $fileType The File Type * @param int $chunkOffset The Offset of the Chunk Requested * @param string $chunkSize The Size of the Chunk Requested * @return mixed * @throws \SoapFault * @throws GeneralException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\InvalidArgumentException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ function GetFile($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $fileId, $fileType, $chunkOffset, $chunkSize) { $this->logProcessor->setRoute('GetFile'); $sanitizer = $this->getSanitizer([ 'serverKey' => $serverKey, 'hardwareKey' => $hardwareKey, 'fileId' => $fileId, 'fileType' => $fileType, 'chunkOffset' => $chunkOffset, 'chunkSize' => $chunkSize ]); // Sanitize $serverKey = $sanitizer->getString('serverKey'); $hardwareKey = $sanitizer->getString('hardwareKey'); $fileId = $sanitizer->getInt('fileId'); $fileType = $sanitizer->getString('fileType'); $chunkOffset = $sanitizer->getDouble('chunkOffset'); $chunkSize = $sanitizer->getDouble('chunkSize'); $libraryLocation = $this->getConfig()->getSetting("LIBRARY_LOCATION"); // Check the serverKey matches if ($serverKey != $this->getConfig()->getSetting('SERVER_KEY')) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address'); } // Authenticate this request... if (!$this->authDisplay($hardwareKey)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "This Display is not authorised."); } // Now that we authenticated the Display, make sure we are sticking to our bandwidth limit if (!$this->checkBandwidth($this->display->displayId)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "Bandwidth Limit exceeded"); } if ($this->display->isAuditing()) { $this->getLog()->debug('hardwareKey: ' . $hardwareKey . ', fileId: ' . $fileId . ', fileType: ' . $fileType . ', chunkOffset: ' . $chunkOffset . ', chunkSize: ' . $chunkSize); } try { if ($fileType == "layout") { // Validate the nonce $requiredFile = $this->requiredFileFactory->getByDisplayAndLayout($this->display->displayId, $fileId); // Load the layout $layout = $this->layoutFactory->concurrentRequestLock($this->layoutFactory->getById($fileId)); try { $path = $layout->xlfToDisk(); } finally { $this->layoutFactory->concurrentRequestRelease($layout); } $file = file_get_contents($path); $chunkSize = filesize($path); $requiredFile->bytesRequested = $requiredFile->bytesRequested + $chunkSize; $requiredFile->save(); } else if ($fileType == "media") { // Validate the nonce $requiredFile = $this->requiredFileFactory->getByDisplayAndMedia($this->display->displayId, $fileId); $media = $this->mediaFactory->getById($fileId); $this->getLog()->debug(json_encode($media)); if (!file_exists($libraryLocation . $media->storedAs)) throw new NotFoundException(__('Media exists but file missing from library. ') . $libraryLocation); // Return the Chunk size specified if (!$f = fopen($libraryLocation . $media->storedAs, 'r')) throw new NotFoundException(__('Unable to get file pointer')); fseek($f, $chunkOffset); $file = fread($f, $chunkSize); // Store file size for bandwidth log $chunkSize = strlen($file); if ($chunkSize === 0) throw new NotFoundException(__('Empty file')); $requiredFile->bytesRequested = $requiredFile->bytesRequested + $chunkSize; $requiredFile->save(); } else { throw new NotFoundException(__('Unknown FileType Requested.')); } } catch (NotFoundException $e) { $this->getLog()->error('Not found FileId: ' . $fileId . '. FileType: ' . $fileType . '. ' . $e->getMessage()); throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', 'Requested an invalid file.'); } // Log Bandwidth $this->logBandwidth($this->display->displayId, Bandwidth::$GETFILE, $chunkSize); return $file; } /** * Returns the schedule for the hardware key specified * @param string $serverKey * @param string $hardwareKey * @return string * @throws \SoapFault * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ function Schedule($serverKey, $hardwareKey) { return $this->doSchedule($serverKey, $hardwareKey); } /** * Black List * @param string $serverKey * @param string $hardwareKey * @param string $mediaId * @param string $type * @param string $reason * @return bool * @throws \SoapFault * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ function BlackList($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $mediaId, $type, $reason) { return $this->doBlackList($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $mediaId, $type, $reason); } /** * Submit client logging * @param string $serverKey * @param string $hardwareKey * @param string $logXml * @return bool * @throws \SoapFault * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ function SubmitLog($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $logXml) { return $this->doSubmitLog($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $logXml); } /** * Submit display statistics to the server * @param string $serverKey * @param string $hardwareKey * @param string $statXml * @return bool * @throws \SoapFault * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ function SubmitStats($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $statXml) { return $this->doSubmitStats($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $statXml); } /** * Store the media inventory for a client * @param string $serverKey * @param string $hardwareKey * @param string $inventory * @return bool * @throws \SoapFault * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function MediaInventory($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $inventory) { return $this->doMediaInventory($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $inventory); } /** * Gets additional resources for assigned media * @param string $serverKey * @param string $hardwareKey * @param int $layoutId * @param string $regionId * @param string $mediaId * @return mixed * @throws \SoapFault * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ function GetResource($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $layoutId, $regionId, $mediaId) { return $this->doGetResource($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $layoutId, $regionId, $mediaId); } /** * Notify Status * @param string $serverKey * @param string $hardwareKey * @param string $status * @return bool * @throws \SoapFault * @throws GeneralException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function NotifyStatus($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $status) { $this->logProcessor->setRoute('NotifyStatus'); $sanitizer = $this->getSanitizer([ 'serverKey' => $serverKey, 'hardwareKey' => $hardwareKey ]); // Sanitize $serverKey = $sanitizer->getString('serverKey'); $hardwareKey = $sanitizer->getString('hardwareKey'); // Check the serverKey matches if ($serverKey != $this->getConfig()->getSetting('SERVER_KEY')) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address'); } // Auth this request... if (!$this->authDisplay($hardwareKey)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', 'This Display is not authorised.'); } // Now that we authenticated the Display, make sure we are sticking to our bandwidth limit if (!$this->checkBandwidth($this->display->displayId)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "Bandwidth Limit exceeded"); } // Important to keep this logging in place (status screen notification gets logged) if ($this->display->isAuditing()) { $this->getLog()->debug($status); } $this->logBandwidth($this->display->displayId, Bandwidth::$NOTIFYSTATUS, strlen($status)); $status = json_decode($status, true); $sanitizedStatus = $this->getSanitizer($status); $this->display->storageAvailableSpace = $sanitizedStatus->getInt('availableSpace', ['default' => $this->display->storageAvailableSpace]); $this->display->storageTotalSpace = $sanitizedStatus->getInt('totalSpace', ['default' => $this->display->storageTotalSpace]); $this->display->lastCommandSuccess = $sanitizedStatus->getCheckbox('lastCommandSuccess'); $this->display->deviceName = $sanitizedStatus->getString('deviceName', ['default' => $this->display->deviceName]); $commercialLicenceString = $sanitizedStatus->getString('licenceResult',['default' => null]); // Commercial Licence Check, 0 - Not licensed, 1 - licensed, 2 - trial licence, 3 - not applicable if (!empty($commercialLicenceString)) { if ($commercialLicenceString === 'Licensed fully') { $commercialLicence = 1; } elseif ($commercialLicenceString === 'Trial') { $commercialLicence = 2; } else { $commercialLicence = 0; } $this->display->commercialLicence = $commercialLicence; } // commercial licence not applicable for Windows and Linux players. if (in_array($this->display->clientType, ['windows', 'linux'])) { $this->display->commercialLicence = 3; } if ($this->getConfig()->getSetting('DISPLAY_LOCK_NAME_TO_DEVICENAME') == 1 && $this->display->hasPropertyChanged('deviceName')) { $this->display->display = $this->display->deviceName; } // Timezone $timeZone = $sanitizedStatus->getString('timeZone'); if (!empty($timeZone)) { // Validate the provided data and log/ignore if not well formatted if (array_key_exists($timeZone, DateFormatHelper::timezoneList())) { $this->display->timeZone = $timeZone; } else { $this->getLog()->info('Ignoring Incorrect timezone string: ' . $timeZone); } } // Current Layout // don't fail: xibosignage/xibo#2517 try { $currentLayoutId = $sanitizedStatus->getInt('currentLayoutId'); if ($currentLayoutId !== null) { $this->display->setCurrentLayoutId($this->getPool(), $currentLayoutId); } } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->getLog()->debug('Ignoring currentLayout due to a validation error.'); } // Status Dialog $statusDialog = $sanitizedStatus->getString('statusDialog', ['default' => null]); if ($statusDialog !== null) { // special handling for Android Players (Other Players send status as json already) if ($this->display->clientType == 'android') { $statusDialog = json_encode($statusDialog); } // Log in as an alert $this->getLog()->alert($statusDialog); // Cache on the display as transient data try { $this->display->setStatusWindow($this->getPool(), json_decode($statusDialog, true)); } catch (\Exception $exception) { $this->getLog()->error('Unable to cache display status. e = ' . $exception->getMessage()); } } // Resolution $width = $sanitizedStatus->getInt('width'); $height = $sanitizedStatus->getInt('height'); if ($width != null && $height != null) { // Determine the orientation $this->display->orientation = ($width >= $height) ? 'landscape' : 'portrait'; $this->display->resolution = $width . 'x' . $height; } // Lat/Long $latitude = $sanitizedStatus->getDouble('latitude', ['default' => null]); $longitude = $sanitizedStatus->getDouble('longitude', ['default' => null]); if ($latitude != null && $longitude != null) { $this->display->latitude = $latitude; $this->display->longitude = $longitude; } // Touch the display record try { if (count($this->display->getChangedProperties()) > 0) $this->display->save(Display::$saveOptionsMinimum); } catch (GeneralException $xiboException) { $this->getLog()->error($xiboException->getMessage()); throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', 'Unable to save status update'); } return true; } /** * Submit ScreenShot * @param string $serverKey * @param string $hardwareKey * @param string $screenShot * @return bool * @throws \SoapFault * @throws GeneralException * @throws \Xibo\Support\Exception\NotFoundException */ public function SubmitScreenShot($serverKey, $hardwareKey, $screenShot) { $this->logProcessor->setRoute('SubmitScreenShot'); $sanitizer = $this->getSanitizer([ 'serverKey' => $serverKey, 'hardwareKey' => $hardwareKey, ]); // Sanitize $serverKey = $sanitizer->getString('serverKey'); $hardwareKey = $sanitizer->getString('hardwareKey'); $screenShotFmt = "jpg"; $screenShotMime = "image/jpeg"; $screenShotImg = false; $converted = false; $needConversion = false; // Check the serverKey matches if ($serverKey != $this->getConfig()->getSetting('SERVER_KEY')) { throw new \SoapFault('Sender', 'The Server key you entered does not match with the server key at this address'); } // Auth this request... if (!$this->authDisplay($hardwareKey)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', 'This Display is not authorised.'); } // Now that we authenticated the Display, make sure we are sticking to our bandwidth limit if (!$this->checkBandwidth($this->display->displayId)) { throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', "Bandwidth Limit exceeded"); } if ($this->display->isAuditing()) { $this->getLog()->debug('Received Screen shot'); } // Open this displays screen shot file and save this. $location = $this->getConfig()->getSetting('LIBRARY_LOCATION') . 'screenshots/' . $this->display->displayId . '_screenshot.' . $screenShotFmt; foreach(array('imagick', 'gd') as $imgDriver) { Img::configure(array('driver' => $imgDriver)); try { $screenShotImg = Img::make($screenShot); } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->display->isAuditing()) $this->getLog()->debug($imgDriver . " - " . $e->getMessage()); } if($screenShotImg !== false) { if ($this->display->isAuditing()) $this->getLog()->debug("Use " . $imgDriver); break; } } if ($screenShotImg !== false) { $imgMime = $screenShotImg->mime(); if($imgMime != $screenShotMime) { $needConversion = true; try { if ($this->display->isAuditing()) $this->getLog()->debug("converting: '" . $imgMime . "' to '" . $screenShotMime . "'"); $screenShot = (string) $screenShotImg->encode($screenShotFmt); $converted = true; } catch (\Exception $e) { if ($this->display->isAuditing()) $this->getLog()->debug($e->getMessage()); } } } // return early with false, keep screenShotRequested intact, let the Player retry. if ($needConversion && !$converted) { $this->logBandwidth($this->display->displayId, Bandwidth::$SCREENSHOT, filesize($location)); throw new \SoapFault('Receiver', __('Incorrect Screen shot Format')); } $fp = fopen($location, 'wb'); fwrite($fp, $screenShot); fclose($fp); // Touch the display record $this->display->screenShotRequested = 0; $this->display->save(Display::$saveOptionsMinimum); // Cache the current screen shot time $this->display->setCurrentScreenShotTime($this->getPool(), Carbon::now()->format(DateFormatHelper::getSystemFormat())); $this->logBandwidth($this->display->displayId, Bandwidth::$SCREENSHOT, filesize($location)); return true; } }